
Sunday, September 30, 2012

A Grand Day Out!

 I don't know how many Wallace and Gromit fans there are out there, but you know who you are and you will recognize my title. I just needed a day out--or even part of a day. This past Thursday I was going stir crazy. I had been home from the hospital for a week and hadn't been farther than a walk around the farm. I still can't do much for any length of time, but there is a mountain canyon 10 minutes from our home and the fall colors are at their peak. DH had taken the afternoon off, so I suggested we just buzz up the canyon a few miles and see the color. Then I realized we wouldn't be far from a very fun quilt shop on the other end of that canyon, but I didn't know if I could tolerate 30 minutes there and 30 minutes back. DH's idea was that we could stop in the canyon and I could walk around a little to break up the trip. It was a great opportunity to get some photos of the color, too.

The quilt shop did not disappoint. Along with some great CW fabrics from the clearance corner and a few Jo Morton FQs, I snatched up this pattern when I saw it.
I have enjoyed seeing the Schnibbles everyone makes, though I have never made one. The thing that caught my eye about this one was that last May I purchased a couple of pin cushions in The Gathering Place, a great quilt shop in Rupert, Idaho. I gave one away and kept one and I have wished I could find a pattern to make more. This is the one I kept and I thought with the help of this pattern I could make something like it.
So the pattern came home with me--after we had stopped for fresh peach milkshakes at the local burger joint. Yumm!! The adventure wore me out, but it was worth it. : )

The mail had arrived by the time we got home and I found a surprise from my friend, Mary C., in Washington. She had sent me shirt parts and photos of a quilt she had posted recently that boggled my mind. Thanks so much, Mary. Always fun to get surprises!

Today was the day for doing something with these treasures. First I put a couple of the shirt parts to work in the most recent Barrister's SAL block. Thanks for an easy one this time, Randy. Turned out well.

Then I went to work with the Tuffets pattern. These "tuffets" looked very much like the purchased pin cushions I bought in Rupert, except for the fact that the "tuffets" are more like little pillows and I liked the dimension of the one I bought. I put my brain in a higher gear that it has been in for a while and thought I could figure out how to make them have the dimension I wanted. So I played around and made my first one with the leftovers from my Halloween mini quilts (I knew I would end up making something with them). I followed the pattern pretty closely for my first attempt and it was much larger than I had expected. After that I started winging it and made them a little smaller.
There was some trial and error involved, but I think I have the bugs worked out now. I filled them with walnut shells, but you can use poly filling, too. I think this is my new obsession--I can see so many possibilities, and wouldn't they make great gifts?
Here they are with the one that inspired me. I think it feels right at home there. : )
So Thursday was a grand day out, and today was a grand day in--sewing!
Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. Your little tuffets/pincushions are adorable! I also love your little fall quilts on your previous post. Yes, I'm participating in the QAL with Lori, but I'll have to wait until I get home to get started on it.

  2. Beautiful fall colors. I so miss that.
    I have that Tuffets pattern and have had it for a good while. Have I made anything using it? No! I keep forgetting about the pattern.

  3. They are splendid, Janet. And the peach milkshake sounds marvelous! Drooling, Near Philadelphia

  4. I'm so glad that that you had a Grand Day Out! The colors are magnificent...gosh I miss that! Love your pincushions! ENJOY!

  5. You sure do a lot for someone who just had surgery! Glad you had a day out and worked at quilt shop into it. Those pincushions are adorable. I need to get busy!

  6. I really, really love your tuffets and the dimension of them. I want to know how you did that! Also...I recognize most of the fabrics (of course...since we have matching stashes!) but on the patriotic one - the blue star print - do you know what line that is from? I have a very small piece of that in red and a TINY (think 1" square) in pink, and want some more and now I want the blue too!

  7. I hadn't thought about Wallace and Gromit since my girls were little. They were fun to watch.
    Thanks for the pictures of the canyon, they are beautiful. I love the fall colors.
    The tuffets look addicting, but they are very cute.Glad that you are feeling better too.

  8. I'm going to have to watch our Wallace and Gromit dvds. I haven't watched them in a few years.....but I'm smiling just thinking about it! lol These little pincushions are so adorable. I really love the Halloween one, too!

  9. Sounds like the outing was exactly what you needed to fill your well! Stunning fall colour and a fun quilt store visit...who could ask for anything more?!? Love your new pin cushions!

  10. Those pincushions are the cutest thing! I saw that pattern at my LQS, I think I need to pick it up next time I am there.

  11. A grand day out indeed! Beautiful fall color and a trip to a quilt shop where you found such a neat pattern... not to mention something that you had been looking for too!

    What fun!

  12. Great little pincushions! Glad you got to get out of the house for a bit...get well soon!

  13. Beautiful photos! So pretty!!
    Love the pincushions!!

  14. Pretty fall colors - Love the Tuffets. Great gifts, and I can see a basketful on the table would be pretty too. I think you are just the queen of plaids ;-)
    Thank you for sharing.

  15. Glad the Shirt parts got there. They look better than when I stuffed them into the postal envelope. You are so welcome. I love your Carrie Nation Block. I made one for my SBS, too. It was a worthwhile trip for you to get to go to the Quilt Shop and see the Fall Colors in the Canyon!

  16. Big Wallace and Gromit fan here, Janet! (Cracking toast, Gromit!)

    Lovely photos, glad you enjoyed a nice escape from home for a while--a very important part of recovery :)

    A new mini addiction, I see. These are too cute! I've never made a Schnibble either :)

  17. Delightful little pin tucks - I like the boxy shape of them! Glad you enjoyed your drive - I don't think the colors are going to last too much longer, but they sure are nice right now!

  18. Thanks for visiting my blog today...I was happy to see that someone was still watching...I have been so slow in writing. I love your pin cushions....that looks like fun...and that's what I'm into now!! 8-) Beautiful pictures of the colors!!

  19. Glad you had the chance to enjoy fall as well as having a quilting fix. Your tuffets are adorable. I especially like how the Halloween one turned out. Glad you're feeling better.

  20. Sounds like you enjoyed your day! Love those Fall colors. You crack me up girly! You can't stop at one, can you? LOL! I love those.

    Have a wonderful and Blessed day

  21. Such pretty landscape photos ... the colors are gorgeous! You scooped a great pattern!! :)

  22. Super cute!! And absolutely gorgeous fall outing!! Thanks for sharing!!


  23. Gorgeous pics Mom! Looks like I need to get up the canyon quick!
    If you end up giving those cuties as gifts I get dibs on the pink/purple one :)

  24. glad to hear you are on the mend and i love your little pincushions and the plaids, wow!

  25. They are darling pincushions, I like the pumpkin one best!

  26. Adorable pincushions! I've made quite a few of Schnibbles pincushions in the last couple years. Love them! I'm so behind in reading my favorite blogs...trying to catch up on all I missed!

  27. I had to Google Wallace and Gromit, they look like a couple of fun characters. I'm glad you had a grand day out! This has to be Sardine Canyon-did I guess right? BEAUTIFUL! A friend made me the little oblong tuffet and filled it with walnut shells. I like how you pillowed yours. Cute little collection!

  28. Oh I'm so glad you were able to get out and enjoy the glory of the season!!! I believe healing is always helped by fresh air and a little outing :*) Your pin cushions are just too, too cute! They are perfect for you in your "mini" mode right now too! They look as though you figured out how to make them like your sample pretty well :*)

  29. Darling darling little pin cushions...aren't the mountains beautiful with all their color? Hope you have a swift recovery from your hospital stay...

  30. Hey Janet, The pincushions are so cute. Busy hands!! Good to hear you are on the mend, wishing a speedy recovery, getting out always seems to brighten the day. take care!

  31. I love those Tuffets Janet, and your little quilts are adorable. What a gorgeous view you have. It seems to me that our fall color is coming earlier this year. Glad your recuperation is going well. Take good care of yourself.

  32. tooo adorable the tuffetts, I am not one for making pincushions but you have me rethinking that! Carrie just did a tutorial on how to stuff them! LOVE the pictures of the fall colors just so my color palette thanks for sharing your pictures of your day out
    great block, have to go see marys quilt made from shirts...

  33. Would love to know where you found walnut shells? No one around here has them so I was gonna check the pet store next time I am in the city. Glad you had a fun day out of the house :)


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