
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Just a few quick things.

This should be short, and won't that be refreshing?
I got September's BOM for my "Random Roses in Jamestown" sewn up.
One of my "labor of love" minis from Cheri's blog is now bound.
We were thrilled when my daughter's neighbor won the quilt Randy donated to her fundraiser.
This is LaReen and she is a sweetheart!
And this was the "haul" I referred to on my last visit to the thrift store for "a couple" of men's shirts for my Barrister's Sow-Along blocks. Several great neutrals, along with some wonderful colorful plaids. On the bottom of the right-hand pile you see two identical shirts. I actually have a third of that same shirt and I am considering using them as sashing and border fabric for the Sow-Along.
I wanted to show you what we are dealing with in Northern Utah. We don't really have fires burning in our part of the state, but they are raging in the Northwestern states above us. The jet stream is currently bringing all of that smoke right to us. Remember these lovely mountain views I sometimes share from my deck?

This is what we see now--same mountain. I wish I could hold my breath for a few days!!
Finally, I did draw Saturday for the "Fall"-ing Stars mini from the names of those who donated to my daughter's fundraiser for I was just too tired to post it after two days of fundraising. Carla (no blog) was the winner. I was happy to know that this brightened her day, as she has just been recovering from eye surgery. I met Carla earlier this year at a LQS. She lives just a couple of hours away.
I'm too tired to do links on this post (I'm tired a lot lately), so I am going to wimp out on you.
I will be away from the sewing machine and computer for a few days. I'm not ignoring any of you--and I will be back. Consider yourself warned! : )
Until then,
Janet O.


  1. love your labor of love mini quilt very cute
    great fabric choices....hope you get your energy level back....

  2. Wow! I love your RRinJ block! Gorgeous!!!!!

    I'm glad things went so well for your fund raiser... and hope you take some time to rest and recoup! Tomorrow is another day....

  3. I love that new BOM block. It is very striking. You know seeing all of your shirts makes me really want to dig in. I have a small box of shirts that I bought a few years ago and took them all apart. I never started working with them but I started thinking about them the other day. What got me started thinking about them was that I was in town and stopped at the thrift store and they had changed all of their prices due to new owners. Their men's shirts are now ONLY .50!!! I had to really think twice about loading up that day, but she said they would stay that price and they had a ton of them. So I'm thinking that I need to start working with them in my quilting. At that price it will be hard NOT to get overloaded with them. Take care and rest...

    Have a wonderful and Blessed day

  4. The points on your Random Roses block are done so well. Good job. How did it go with all the points coming together in the center of the block?

  5. gorgeous block, janet and i love those shirts! we have thrifts around here but the shirts are not really cheap...the good ones are often 4-5 bucks each, so plaids are cheaper at mardens....i have solicited some shirts at work but no donations yet...LOL

  6. Love the block, and that mini is too cute! Take a break, rest and rejuvenate! We'll be here!

  7. First off - you'll be missed. Good luck! That first/BOM is stunning! Do you know the name of the block? I really need to get block base to go with my would be much easier...

  8. Goodness, Janet, you take care of yourself. Congrats to Carla no blog and LaReen. Nice pile of shirts, too. I hope the smoke clears so you can breathe.

  9. Love your Random Roses block - love those sharp points. I see Randy posted new blocks this morning, which means I am falling farther behind! Hope the smoke is gone, and your beautiful mountain returns soon!

  10. How awesome to have someone you know win the quilt! I'm sure she'll treasure it.

    We've had no wind and smoke is sitting close to our homes too. I think they even cancelled schools near the fire because of smoke!!

  11. I love the random rose block Mom! It really makes you want to look at it :)

  12. No apologies needed for being away from the computer and blog for a few days. You're as busy and get as many things done as any other blogger I visit.
    I wish you didn't tempt me to head to the local Goodwill or Salvation Army stores, but your pile of plaids is screaming at me to head off and shop with joy.

  13. Hope all is well and that your break is a happy one! I love the September block ... does it have a name? It's really eye-interesting! I want to ask you about block patterns for the men's shirts. My pastor's wife's father passed away recently, and I want to do a comfort quilt for her from his old shirts. I'm not sure what he's got, but she's bringing them to church tonight. Gosh -- that smoke is really traveling, isn't it? How sad. Hugs -- you'll be missed! :)

  14. I love love your mini quilt and all your pretty colors your chose. Come on over and join me at and lets keep up with each other.

  15. I have to say you scored quite a haul on the thrift shirts...on a different note, the skies have been littered lately with the fallout of the fires...I miss our clear skies...

  16. I love your RRinJ the colour combinations..
    Congrats to Carla and nice that someone you know won the fundraiser quilt..
    Oh Dear...I love plaids, they make great men's quilts...I'm really tempted to visit all the Good Sammy shops around here.
    Take care..
    Julia ♥

  17. As always, wonderful projects! Thinking of you - get plenty of rest!


  18. Your sewing projects are wonderful, I love that little labor of love mini! So sorry you are enduring smoke and smog there. It sounds like it is effecting your health. You are in my prayers for wellness!

  19. Your BOM block is lovely and looks rather complicated! Your daughter is so lucky to win the quilt!! And the shirts look great - I have a big stack of them and have started making donation quilts with them. I hope to get a couple finished by the end of the year.

  20. Glad the fund raising went well - and how cool that some of the quilts went to such special people. Love your new thrift store finds and can imagine the new life you will give them.
    Enjoy your time away!

  21. Janet, I'm so glad that Aimee's neighbor won the quilt! She looks so happy with it. And it sounds like she totally deserves it!!

  22. Congrats to Carla! Lucky gal!
    You're really doing a good job keeping up with the random roses project. And those don't look like easy blocks to do.
    Love your finished mini. Fabulous fabrics!
    Sorry you're having to deal with smoke in your area. It looks pretty thick.
    Hope you get your energy back. Seems to be a common thread.

  23. Beautiful BOM block and mini quilt! And lovely smile on the winner of the drawing quilt--so nice the quilt was appreciated and will be loved :)

    Hope the fires are quashed very soon. It has been horrifically dry here this year and they are saying we won't get much rain again this winter--we only got about 10 inches last year and the fire danger is really high.

  24. Hope all is well with you Janet. The view from your back porch is pretty spectular. Hopefully the smoke and ash will soon be gone. Sandi

  25. great work...lovely view of the mountains too. Thanks for commenting on my FMQ ...the air soluable markers are wonderful. but only mark a bit at a time.

  26. Just that view is amazing. The way your photos change with each photo-sooooo envious!


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