
Thursday, August 9, 2012

Generous Bloggers

It has been my good fortune to become acquainted with so many good people among this unique breed  known as quilt bloggers. Several examples follow.
I have shared a little bit in the past about my youngest grandson, Ben, who was diagnosed last year with Dravet Syndrome.
What a sweet face, even when it is smeared with ice cream.
It is a rare, severe seizure disorder that doesn't respond well to current treatment options. After receiving the diagnosis my daughter jumped into high gear and quickly put together a fund raiser to help collect money for research. I donated a quilt to the first fund raiser, held last August, but lamented on my blog that I didn't have another quilt ready to donate for the second fund raiser in September. That is when Randy, of Barrister's Block blog (and Sow-Along fame) generously offered to send a quilt for the second event. I was blown away, but as I have come to know Randy better I see that this is just her nature. You can see her donated quilt here. She was such a blessing, and continues to be a dear friend. (This reminds me, now I need to get the latest Barrister's Sow-Along blocks made.)
For this year my daughter was thinking she would not be doing the same kind of fund raiser, so I was not concerned that I didn't have a quilt prepared for the August event. But her other option didn't work out and it was back to the original plan. I was trying to figure out a quick quilt that I could sew up and get quilted in time and just mentioned that fact in an email to my good blogging friend, Doniene. The next thing I knew she was emailing that she felt impressed to donate a top for me to quilt and that would relieve some of the stress of the deadline. She very graciously (that's how she does everything) sent a top she had recently put together from blocks she had won in her guild. Here it is as I had it spread on my living room floor for marking and basting. Words can't express my thanks, Doniene.
I've mentioned several times that this will be the first bed-size quilt Gidget and I have tackled together. I've been pretty apprehensive about it. So I chose to use stencils. After finding the ones I needed I marked the quilt and pinned each block as it was marked. Next I warmed up on a practice sandwich. I stitched over the design 3 or 4 times. 

Then I put the design on the center of the table topper I pieced and never quilted last March, and stitched over it.
You can almost see the stitching. : )
Finally, I could avoid it no longer. Gidget had to get serious about this. I put the needle to the cloth. I must say that trying to situate a queen-size quilt is a whole different story from quilting minis and table runners. My shoulders and arms were tired and achy after just the first couple of blocks. I forced my way through 6 blocks before resting. There are 25 whole blocks and I just finished the fifth one. I salute those of you who quilt this size quilts on a DSM with 7 to 9 " harp space. How do you do it?

While on the subject of generous bloggers, Teresa has loaned me her Marti Michell templates to ease the process of cutting out my Ramblin' Rose Meets Jamestown (aka Random Roses in Jamestown). I already had 7 blocks finished and now I have cut three of the remaining 5. If I could stay home for a whole day sometime I would be finished cutting the other two. This is what I have so far, with the most recently cut blocks residing on the design boards at the bottom. Thanks, Teresa, it has been so much nicer to cut the blocks with the stencils.

Another kind gesture came from Sandi. I offered her some KT strips and in return she sent two bags full of lovely batik scraps. The bag in the photo contains HSTs. I've got the strips all sorted. Aren't they gorgeous? Batiks are so not my usual color/design comfort zone, but I can't get enough of them! Thanks for the wonderful bag of goodies, Sandi! Ideas are brewing, but time is too limited right now. I will share when I start putting things together.

Until then, keep stitching!
Janet O.


  1. You have some beautiful creations happening here & good blogging friends too. I see you have a HQ Sweetsixteen quilter, how do you find this machine?

  2. Friends are a blessing, and blogging friends are certainly no exception! Your quilt is gorgeous, the quilting is wonderful; what a sweet face on your precious Ben! Wishing you much financial success on the upcoming fundraiser. Hugs to you~

  3. Blogland friends are so awesome! Here's to a huge success for the fund raiser!

  4. I love that quilting pattern! I'm sure it will turn out lovely.

  5. Janet, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the quilt pattern!! What a perfect choice!! Gidget (and you) are doing a super job!!!

    Ben is such a sweetie! Just want to jump right into the picture and give him a big kiss - ice cream and all!!


  6. Aren't blogging/quilting friends the best! Your quilting looks really great - I'm sure you will have it finished in no time. And Ben is such a doll - thanks for sharing him with us!

  7. Words can't express my thanks either Doniene!
    I'm amazed you got so much of the quilt done in one sitting Mom! Amazing!
    Everything is looking wonderful :)

  8. Your little Ben is just too cute! As you know, I know first hand how generous Bloggers/friends can be.

    Love all that you are doing!

    Have a wonderful and Blessed day

  9. Awesome Blogging friends for sure! I know what you mean about pushing that big of a quilt through a small space. I've done it but I wasn't as old as I ma now and out of shape. Good luck on the finishing! Cute Grandson, give him hugs!

  10. ooh that ben is adorable! so glad quilty friends can collaborate on such a worthy cause!

  11. Your quilting looks great to me and I am sure who ever wins will love it too! It's amazing to me who we meet online and how much we share! Best of luck on the fundraiser.

  12. Aren't quilting bloggers the most generous bunch of women!?!

  13. Janet, I love the picture of Ben. Such a sweetie! I hope the new diet is working! I was happy to donate a quilt and would be ready to send you another one any time you say the word! It's what we do!!!

  14. Doniene is such a sweetheart! What a beautiful quilt! Are you raffling if off? If so, can I buy a ticket or in some way make a donation. Your grandson is precious!

  15. What a special post - warms the heart.
    Please post donation information for the research fund.
    Thank you for sharing - and so nice to see the sharing from others.

  16. Yes indeed ditto what Dawn said. Love to know more information on the research fund for Ben. I'm sure you'll come up with something real special when time permits with the batiks. Great quilting design for this year's fundraiser. Sandi

  17. Good luck with the quilting! It's a lot of push and pull, and sore arms and shoulders, but it's a good workout!

  18. Bloggers can be so generous and you certainly have been the recipient of some of their gifts. Sort of a "pay it forward".

  19. Aren't quilters just the most generous people in the world?!? And Randy and Doniene are two of the best ever!!! I will be praying for lots of success on the fund raiser - with that quilt it won't be hard to do! You are doing a gorgeous job on the quilting! I can see that you and Gidget are going to be great friends :*) Love your Jamestown blocks!!! That is such a beautiful quilt and I love the colors you are using. It is well worth all the effort put into it :*) And batik scraps - YUM!!!!!

  20. Cute, cute pic of sweet little Ben. You do have some very generous blog friends. What a beautiful donation from Doniene, you will do a wonderful job quilting it.


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