
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

A Flurry, and Free Motion Quilting Challenge

In her recent post, Kristie, of Quilting Cowgirl blog, asked if we were working on any holiday projects to keep for ourselves. Well, this just happens to be on my design wall. I think I am going to keep it, but you never can tell for sure. : )
Last year LuAnn, of Loose Threads blog, made her own  smaller version of the free Moda Flurry pattern, using a charm pack and a little yardage. You can see her quilt here. She then held a very generous giveaway for two charm packs and some yardage to make your own. I was lucky enough to win and was determined to get it made for this Christmas. LuAnn had tweaked the original pattern and I tweaked her version. The "packages" are all sewn, but everything else is unassembled--just clinging to the design wall. It really is a quick pattern to make up.

Once again I am squeaking under the wire with my FMQ post for the SewCalGal FMQ Challenge. The month of July we were taught by Angela Walters. She gave us a very detailed tutorial of a design she calls "Tiles". I practiced this one several times. I really like the look of her design, but I was appalled by how wiggly my "straight lines" turned out. This was my third practice piece and you'd think by now I could have sewn a straight line.
 I decided to try again and this time I lightly drew some lines to follow. It didn't really improve matters.
I was tired of doing the same design over and over, so I branched out. I didn't warm up on any of these other designs and that wasn't a good idea. I unpicked one of them and redid it.

So this is pretty random, but I was thinking about the little flag tumbler quilt and wishing I had time to make another full-size tumbler quilt. I made this one a few years ago. It was just made from random scraps--some my own, some from my Mom. I've just always liked a humble little tumbler made of scraps.
It sat for quite a while before getting quilted and gifted. Now I'd like to do one in CW prints. Alas, it will have to get in line. Too many other things that need to be finished before I start something else.

The main thing right now is to get the quilt for my daughter's fundraiser marked and basted. Then Gidget and I need to get serious about doing a big quilt. Why is it that the first full size quilt I do on Gidget is one that is going to be on display? Just lucky, I guess. : )

Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. I have seen a few of these Christmas present quilts around. I quilted one last year for a customer. They always look cheerful.
    Your quilting is great!
    Oh I like your quilt idea of the tumbler quilt made with Civil war fabrics, that would look nice.

  2. Your Christmas Presents quilt is adorable! I love, love, love the humble tumbler too, it's very nice. Your tile quilting looks very good to me, seriously; we're our own worst critics. You and Gidget are on a roll.

  3. I love your Christmas presents! They are the cutest and that border fabric is adorable. You are doing a wonderful job on your machine quilting too.

    Have a wonderful and Blessed day

  4. I might have to mae that presents quilt. Beautiful.

  5. The Christmas gift top is soooooo very cute!!! You need to keep it for yourself!!!

    Love tumbler quilts - haven't made one - and it would be waaaaayyyyy down on the list!! Love yours!!

    Your FMQ is looking soooooo gooooood!! Don't be so hard on yourself!! You and Gidget will do a fine job on a big quilt!! Looking forward to the reveal!!


  6. Your Christmas present quilt is wonderful, Janet!

  7. You really have me wanting to make a tumbler quilt! I still have your flag in my mind, and then you had to go and show this one! Your quilting is great - you are way too hard on yourself!

  8. What a festive quilt for the holidays!! You should keep it:)

  9. So many delights on your post today. I want to make that present cute!
    And you did a great job on your tiles!! I think it is really challenging to sew a straight line on a domestic machine using a free motion foot.

  10. The Christmas quilt is looking great Mom! well as your quilting :) You're way too hard on yourself!

  11. Sweet holiday quilt.
    Your FMQ is pretty! Unpicked?!?!
    Good luck on the first big quilt, I'm sure it will be lovely.

  12. Awww..I love that flurry pattern. Seeing yours reminds me that it's on my "to-do" list to make one of these days!! Great job!

  13. love, love, love your christmas quilt! and the tiles are beautiful, looks perfect from here!

  14. What a beautiful Christmas Quilt. Certainly going to be fun this coming holiday season. And, your other quilt and free-motion quilting is beautiful too.


  15. The Christmas quilt is so festive. Looks like it will be done for Christmas.
    Remember, you are human! Maybe go for a pleasing line rather than perfectly straight. Your efforts look fantastic to me.
    Love the tumbler quilt. I'd love to start one of my own, but like you said - get in line!

  16. Your tile quilting is beautiful!

  17. When you start the CW Tumbler quilt let me know. I'll send you some CW squares. Your FM quilting looks great to me!

  18. I like the second FMQ sample more. I don't really see that either has problems with the straight lines I just like the concept that each "tile" has a different filler pattern. I am sure that Gidgit (I almost typed gadget) will do you proud on her first full sized quilt, knowing it's importance.

  19. Your Christmas Present quilt is just beautiful. I'm so glad that you are enjoying the fabrics from my giveaway. I have a pile of tumblers that I am cutting from scraps, too. Love your tumbler quilt.

  20. Wonderful and festive Christmas quilt, Janet! Perfect for the holidays.

    :) Carolyn

  21. That Christmas present patchwork design is so very clever! Civil War tumblers will be very fine also.


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