
Sunday, August 12, 2012

I just couldn't help myself!

I was getting out my CW scraps to make the most recent Temecula Summer Star and I was struck once again by how many 1" strips I had in this basket. I was puzzling over what I would ever do with them all when I remembered a little quilt that had been for sale on the Temecula blog earlier this year when they were cleaning out some samples. I loved it, but couldn't buy it and just saved the photo for future reference. This was the future. This is what I made.
The blocks finish at 3".

This is the photo from Temecula's blog that inspired it. I added an inner border. Haven't decided yet what color to use for binding.
I got carried away making the tiny "rail" blocks and so there is another little quilt in the works with a slightly different layout. After assembling the top above, and cutting the leftovers for the second quilt that I will show in the near future, I had lots of 1" squares. So they all went into this. It is only 8" square--and those little pieces finish at 1/2".

I did eventually get around to the Temecula Summer Star I first set out to make. Here are all six so far.
And finally, Flurry is all to put together! It is a very festive little thing. LuAnn's giveaway was so generous, and I made my wall hanging just a little smaller, so I have enough fabric that someone could make another one this same size. If there are any takers just say so in your comment and I will draw from those names in a few days and send you the leftover charm squares, red/white/green Kona solids and the border fabric, compliments of LuAnn. It really whips up fast and it is so cute!
I still need to get the latest Barrister's Sow-Along blocks made, and finish quilting the donation quilt. I am over half finished with it. I'm getting used to the whole process of working that queen size quilt through the machine. I'm really enjoying the quilting.

Thanks to those who have inquired as to how to donate to the fundraiser my daughter is doing. Click here to go to the "Ben's Story" page on DD#2's  blog. Scroll down just a bit and the link should be on the right side. Every little bit helps to find a cure for this debilitating seizure disorder!

Now that the Olympics will be over the house will be so much quieter. It has been fun to have that to "watch" while sewing. Seems there is always a little letdown when it is all over. I'll have to find something fun to sew. : )
Until next time
Janet O.


  1. Loving the fabrics!! You have been busy!

  2. I love your flurry quilt! I would love to make one too!

  3. What a darling rail fence it! And your temecula stars too!

  4. Such sweet little quilts in those dear Civil War fabrics! Please consider using a nice turkey red for your binding on the rails.

  5. Love you Flurry quilt and love to make one. Your little CW quilts look great. I have to started making the Temecula Summer Stars.

  6. Your strips quilt had been a Jo Club pattern...I have that quilt too! You've got great show and share! Glad I had a chance to pop in!

  7. My goodness! You have been busy again. I love how you just crank those little quilts out so fast. I always love your fabrics, they are beautiful.

    Have a wonderful and Blessed day.

  8. Wonderful quiltlets and quilt, friend! You have been SO productive! I may have to copy that first one . . . .

  9. I was going to cut out the Temecula stars yesterday and never got around to it. I had trouble focusing on the applique project I had started and did not finish that until late evening.

    You are making good use of little pieces of fabric. The queen of left overs.

  10. Oh my, Janet your little quilts are darling. Very rewarding when you can use up left over fabrics from other projects and accomplish little treasures like these. Thanks for sharing!

    :) Carolyn

  11. Talk about being busy!!! Those little quilts from scraps are perfect!!! I agree with Carolyn - they are little treasures!!! Love your stars!! And I agree - I'm going to miss the Olympics!!


  12. Great post with so many ideas. I would love the charms plus fot the gifts quilt. I have it referenced on my computer already.

  13. Great post with so many ideas. I would love the charms plus fot the gifts quilt. I have it referenced on my computer already.

  14. I love love love all these little pieces! Sweet! Minis so much fun!

  15. I just LOVE the way you make the most wonderful little quilts with your scraps Janet!!! You're amazing girl! :*)

  16. Love the CW fabrics! Will you hang your Minis on the wall by Gidget? Have fun making your Sow-along Blocks. The Temecula Stars and Flurry look nice. Very Tempting...

  17. I love what you did with the 1" extra strips. A rail fence block is fabulous! I also love the stars!! And I do have a quilt for Aimee's auction, already quilted and ready to go. I will email you.

  18. Wow, you're getting a lot done. Me, not so much. However, I would love to be entered in the give-away. I've always loved that quilt pattern.

  19. I love what you did with your 1" leftovers. I have a big baggie full of leftovers from my Courthouse Steps quilt, and I might just use your idea to use them up. Otherwise, they'll just sit forever in the sewing room, talking to me...saying "use me or lose me". It's much better to have a little tablerunner or little quilt to decorate with, than a baggie of guilt laying around! Thanks for the chance to win your leftovers to make the Christmas gift quilt. That looks like a lot of fun. Thank you

  20. The title of your post made me smile. Been there, done that too. Looks like you had fun and that's what it's all about.

  21. Janet I love that you use 1" suares! Too small for me & my big clumsy hands. I would love a chance to win your "leftovers". Thanks.

  22. Gmail is giving me fits so I can't reply to your comments. I appreciate them though and want to thank you for them. Your little quilts are adorable. There is just something intriguing about things in miniature and that's what little quilts are all about. The Temecula stars look lovely together.

  23. janet, love your little quilts and your christmas too! you have been busy, my dear...i have many things in progress so perhaps soon i'll have some photos to show....

  24. You already know that those are my kind of fabrics. Love, love love your mini quilts.

  25. Great using small strips! Your christmas quilt is fun too...feel like I should get started for the holidays!

  26. Those little minis grab hold of you so often and you do it so well! The little rail fence is adorable. Flurry looks lovely indeed!

  27. Wow Janet - you've been busy and I'm envious! I'm in CA for a few day and have only been able to do a little hand sewing in the car during the long drive. I love your little projects with the CW fabrics - little is so FUN!

  28. You continue to blow me away with the lovely and fun projects you complete. Wow!! The strips quilt is gorgeous!!

    I'll miss the's been such fun to stitch to! *sigh* At least we only have to wait 2 years for the winter Olympics!! And go Team USA!!! :)

  29. How did you end up with 1" strips? My smallest stash is 1 1/2" strips. Just curious. I can see why you saved this little quilt photo for inspiration and your version is just as pretty. Love the 8" quilt, too, and the stars are beautiful. Great variety of backgrounds. I enjoyed the Olympics, but I'll be glad for a quieter house.

  30. Love your little Temecula projects. Narrow strips give me pressing grief. I didn't catch much of the Olympics. I wish Summer Olympics happened in the winter lol. You will be blown away to know that last week I actually finished a quilt to enter in my county fair.

  31. You didn't mention (or I missed it) if you finished the 1" strips? Your Temecula stars look great!

  32. You know I love your little quilts Mom! These are just adorable!

  33. I love your Christmas Present wall hanging. I had to go back and find a photo of mine. I did my presents 5 X 5 with no border. I really like yours much better! I love the little rail fence quilt. You've got some great scraps!

  34. Janet, how about binding in the double pink color? For me it stands out the most and usually works well with brown. Tiny pieces indeed! Football is about to start...Sandi

  35. Your little quilts are awesome. I love the fact they were with leftovers. The Christmas gift quilt has been on my to-do list since I first saw the pattern. I am sure you will have fun using yours this Christmas.


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