
Sunday, July 29, 2012

Sewing along with Temecula Quilt Co.

The Blessings Baskets Sew-Along by Temecula Quilt Co. a few months ago (starting with their March 1, 2012 post) really captured my fancy--evidenced by the fact that I ended up starting 4 sets of baskets. If you wonder if there was method behind that madness you can read about it here (but I can save you the trouble and tell you it was just pure madness--no method involved). I have posted flimsies #1 and #2 as I have finished them, #2 having just been in my last post.
So here is flimsy #3.

You never do this, do you? Certainly not, I'm sure. If you don't know what I am talking about, look closely at the baskets. : )
After repairing that boo-boo and finishing flimsy #3, I went on to #4. The borders are not sewn on yet. It took most of my available sewing time just auditioning fabrics for the borders from my meager 30s stash (there must be a better term than that for the little shoebox size container that holds the entire collection). I think I will name this one "Color Blind Test". I just can't look at it without thinking of those things in the old encyclopedias.
So now, all four of them together. Ta-da!
And speaking of Temecula Sew-Alongs, these baskets are the very same size as the little Summer Stars for their current sew-along. There will be 8 stars total, I believe, but you could use five of them in the same setting as these baskets. They are interchangeable. Isn't that fun? I'm already getting ideas. Someone stop me, please.
Here are the little stars they have posted so far. 

I know this is a short post for me, but I will need to be back soon to post my project for July's FMQ Challenge. But first I need to do it. : )
Until then, 
Janet O.


  1. Hey, I'm the first to comment! It's because we're the only ones crazy enough to be up and on our computers right now probably :) changed your mind on the border for the 30's baskets. I really like it, but then, you know I'm partial to purple ;)

  2. I'm the second one to comment! Great projects and wonderful inspiration. Always enjoy your posts and projects!!

    :) Carolyn

  3. Hey... I remember those color-blindness thingies in the encyclopedia too! They were cool...

    Love all your baskets quilts... ya done good! And why should you stop if you're having fun?


  4. Love your stars and baskets! What fun! You get so much done!

  5. What an nice variety!!! A basket for every occasion!!! Quilting madness is a GOOD thing you know!! LOL The stars are looking good!!!

    Have a blessed day!!

  6. great group of quilts. Its fun to see them all together!

  7. I love all of your baskets! But what I really want to know is, are you only making ONE set of the stars? What is going on? Are you becoming a slacker?! Just kidding - don't know how you get it all done.

  8. They are fabulous Janet...why would we want to stop you?!?!/ We love watching your creativity blossom into more quilts...and more quilts...and more quilts....

  9. Hey Janet your mini quilts are really nice. As you know I like making these too. Your #4 30s mini looks very different than the three before. I think that test still exists today. The Temecula Quilt Shop is a very nice one. I had a red/white quilt displayed during their grand opening. Sandi

  10. YEA for Flimsy quilts. More fun for you and Gidget! It's hard to get great contrast with the pastel-y 30's prints. I like the Lavendar too. I wasn't up as late as you this week. Have a good one!

  11. Oh how fun - four versions of the same cute quilt! You know my favorite of course - the black background with all the colorful batiks! :*) I would never dream of stopping you - you're on such a great creative roll! Can't wait to see your FMQ Challenge piece. It has been fun to see how you've improved month by month :*)

  12. The 'BooHoo' made me giggle as I have never done that!......Yeah right!!
    Love the different versions.

  13. Janet, I LOVE the baskets!! Nice job!!

  14. Snap! (see my latest post!!)
    I love all your versions of the baskets - good on you getting them done! And a good start to your Stars, too, and keeping up - great!

  15. Love the stars, I keep imaging that I'm making them....

  16. I love your baskets! I do crazy stuff like that all of the time. Once I made a queen size basket quilt, had it completely quilted and the binding done on it when I realized that I had put one of the pieced handles on backwards!! I carefully picked out the quilting, removed and replaced the handle the correct way and requilted that area! There were lots of tears put in that quilt! :)

    Have a wonderful and Blessed day

  17. i love your little basket quilts, mom! flimsy #3 is definitely my favorite, but the blue and brown civil war prints and, surprisingly (to me), the 30s prints. those colors are so not my usual style but i like it. :)

    i have decided to hand quilt my tiny tumblers flag. i have no idea what i'm doing but i'm enjoying making it up as i go along. i hope i'm not supposed to use special thread...because i'm not. but with something that won't be put on a bed and used a lot it probably wouldn't matter anyway, right?

    i'm eagerly awaiting the arrival of my house on the corner table runner! thank you!

  18. The work you are putting into these minis makes them wonderful works of art! Your madness has resulted in great beauty!

  19. ....OH my STARS and BASKETS!!! HA!

    wow, 4 cute little flimsy's! I LOVE them all!!!!

    Auditioning fabrics for the border or bindings is not one of my favorite parts, especially when it goes on and ON and ON and nothing pleases you!!

  20. What fun blocks and so many possible settings! Nice job!

  21. All four are gorgeous but I think the batik is my fav. The 30's quilt is definitly a color blindness test and my brother would fail miserably.


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