
Thursday, July 26, 2012

Tying up loose ends.

My apologies to those who have been wondering about the winner of the giveaway. Congratulations go out to Ruth, of Country Log Cabin blog. I notified her by email Tuesday that she was the winner, but I haven't had time to sit down and write it in a post. Sorry for my tardiness. It will go out in the mail to you today, Ruth.

I'm trying to tie up some loose ends that are cluttering my sewing room because I don't want them out of sight or they will never get finished. When Temecula did their Blessings Baskets QAL (starts with March 1, 2012 post) I went overboard and started four different sets, but never got the fifth basket made for most of them. Only one of those sets had made it to the flimsy stage before today. Now another one has joined the ranks.
I haven't sewn that outer border on yet, and I plan to bind it in blue. I've got the last baskets cut for the other two sets and may work on them at my Mom's when my sisters and I gather there today for our monthly "quilt club".
And speaking of Temecula, I made the 3rd summer star and am ready for #4 to be posted tomorrow.
Did you see Doniene's versions of these stars? She is doing two sets in R/W/B. I love them!

Since Randy has given us the month of July off on the Barrister's Sow-Along, I took time to make a couple of the last blocks in Christmas fabrics. I had fun with some fussy-cuts on these two.
I got my "House On the Corner" runner quilted and bound. I decided on straight line quilting for this and used my Pfaff with the built in walking foot. I like it from the back, but I don't think enough of the quilting shows on the front. This is ready to send off to DD#1 in NH.
See the quilting lines? All ready to be bound.
All finished.
Last year I won some fun Christmas fabric from LuAnn at Loose Threads blog. She had made a smaller version of the "Flurry" pattern and had a giveaway for the fabrics needed to make it. You can see her version, along with a tutorial to make it, here. I want to have mine ready for this Christmas so I cut everything out and set it by my machine to sew in between projects. I have tweaked the pattern just a little from LuAnn's version. I like to make things unique in some way.
I'm also heading back to the bay, Orca Bay, that is. Mine had stalled because I needed another cream colored (not white) cotton shirt to finish cutting my background and I was having a hard time finding one. It was finally found and now everything is cut to finish sewing up "Sunset Over the Men's Department". I have been using some of it as leader/enders the past couple of days. I still have a long way to go, but now that it is all cut, it will get finished eventually.
Finally, I have been practicing wreaths in preparation for my attempt at my first full-size quilt on Gidget. It will be used for a fundraiser DD #2 is doing to raise money for Dravet Syndrome research. (You can read about my precious little grandson who has this severe seizure syndrome here. As I write this he is in Primary Children's Medical Center in Salt Lake City starting a very strict diet that sometimes helps reduce or control some types of seizures for people with Dravet Syndrome.)
I have a few wreath stencils and I had fun trying out some of them.
It's coming. It really does get more and more natural feeling with
practice. In the beginning I never believed it ever would.
Okay, enough is enough, and this was enough a few paragraphs ago. : )
Janet O.


  1. Lovely baskets. Your Xmas Barrister blocks are fun.Really like your table runner, nice fabrics.
    Have fun with Orca Bay, mine is still in the 'head ache box'
    Fabulous quilting, wreaths are always winners.

  2. So many beautiful projects going on. I love how you used plaids in your Ocra Bay quilt. I didn't even start that one, I figured that since I had two other Bonnie Hunter UFO's that I should finish those first. Well I should, but I can't help but be anxious for her mystery to come out at the end of this year. :)

    Have a wonderful and Blessed day

  3. Congratulations to Ruth!! She is such a dear, and will treasure your gifts!!! Talk about me being busy!! You are just stitching right along!!! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE all your projects!! The fussy cut Christmas blocks - ooooolala!!! I recognize the companion tree fabric!! Sure cute in the cream background!! I just had mine out the other day, piecing some FG! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that fabric!!

    Oh, Janet, the wreaths are gorgeous!!! your fund raiser quilt will be gorgeous!! Looking forward to seeing it!!

    Love your long posts!!

    Blessings, Sweet Friend!!

  4. Well, came to this post and sat here saying WOW, WOW, WOW! What a busy quilter and so inspirational! LOVE all of it...just love your style! Thanks for sharing links too! Enjoy the day!!!!

  5. Thank you so much, Janet! I can't wait to get my package in the mail. Such fun! BTW, I love the little basket quilt. I didn't participate in that QAL - can't do them all, can you - well, yes YOU can. You are really getting a lot done!! I love the table runner too. That one I might need to do. I have a lot of repro 4-patches all ready waiting in a baggie to go into something. The title of your Orca Bay is funny! And your wreaths look fabulous. I read the post about your adorable grandson. He is a darling and brave little boy.

  6. "Sunset over the Men's Department".... *bwhahahaha* Love it!

    Prayers going up for your precious grandson! Hope the new diet will help immensely!

  7. I love all of your projects, but my favorite is your Temecula baskets. Great color combo and the blue binding is going to be just perfect! Your quilting is looking so great! Hope the change of diet helps your Grandson - such a little cutie.

  8. Congratulations to the very lucky, Ruth. Love the quilting on your "House on the Corner" quilt - especially the border. I don't know how you find the time to make so many wonderful blocks.

  9. Pretty finishes ... love the House on the Corner runner! Very pretty! Keeping your sweet little grandson lifted in prayer! :)

  10. Wow Janet! As usual you are busy, busy, busy! And such a nice variety of things to work on, so you don't get bored with any one color or design =^..^= You put all the rest of us to shame :*)

    Your little baskets are just simply adorable. You're making FOUR of these? LOL!!! The stars just sparkle - I saw Doniene's and they are just too cute as well. It's fun to see them in the different color ways. I think my favorite block of all you've shared here is the Christmas trees! So cute the way you fussy cut the trees to go sideways and twirl like that - love it!!! And your Orca Bay is going to be so cool! LOVE the name LOL!!! And as for your wreaths .... well, girlfriend, you are getting pretty dag-gone good at that stuff! Great job!!!

    Praying for your little grandson that the treatments will be successful for him!

  11. Wow! As usual, your blog is flu of inspiration and makes me wish I didn't have to go to work today.

  12. You have the funnest projects going!! Love your fussy cut Christmas blocks!!

  13. All of your projects are really coming along! And I love your fmq on the wreaths! The look great!

  14. So many lovely projects in the works! I have found when making multiple projects from the same pattern, that the gifted ones get finished but the one for myself seldom does.

  15. I get a kick out of you and your 20 projects at a time Mom :) Who knows though, there's always a chance I will end up the same way.
    My favorites in this post were the Blessings Basket, the second fussy cut Christmas block (it makes such a fun design) and the house on the corner. Ang will love it!

  16. And you say I have too many projects...I need to start on Christmas, LOL I like all your wreaths too. What do you use to stencil them on the fabric? Fussy Cuttung is so FUN! glad you're catching up time is showing progress. STITCH or BLOG...HMMMM choices we have to make.

  17. lots of great project going here!
    your machine quilting looks great.

  18. It feels good finishing up projects, huh?!!! I hope when you get all of your basket quilts done you will do a post with all of them together.

  19. You have been busy!! I have to laugh that you did multiple sets of the baskets for Temecula! I'm shocked! ;-)
    Glad you're catching up on the Sow-a-Long. Won't be long now before the new ones are posted!
    I hope Ben tolerates the new diet well and that it's worth all the effort. Love to Aimee!

  20. Thinking of your little grandson. Hope the diet is successfully.

  21. Looks like you are making a lot of progress. So many pretty projects. Quite a variety of fabrics - all pretty - which helps keep things interest. Your wreaths are fabulous. You're ready, girl! Hope the new diet helps your sweet grandson.

  22. So many wonderful finishes! I love your baskets and your stars. The House in the Corner runner is adorable. Keep up the great work.

  23. My goodness, you have been busy. I love all your projects, especially the cute baskets. Nice job.

  24. I love the Barrister's blocks in Christmas fabric. The way you fussy cut the little Christmas trees just makes the block. The 1st basket quilt turned out so pretty. You've been busy (again). It's hard to keep up. . .

  25. oh, janet, love, love, love the baskets, and your runner too! beautiful work. christmas-y blocks coming along great. you have out done me this week for sure. and i like your christmas-y blocks too. nice work

  26. Ok, I'm exhausted! You wore me out with all your fabulous projects! You have been such a good little busy quilter!

    Your practice Gidget quilting looks pret-ty good!!!

  27. This is for sure my favorite "Blessing Baskets". I love the colors and fabrics. You always have fun things to show. Ben's story just makes me cry. He is so sweet and lucky to have such a wonderful family. I know you and Gidget will do a beautiful job on the fundraiser quilt. Can't wait to see it!

  28. Love those Barrister's blocks!! I have to say, your Orca Bay has just the wonderful colors, I really loved seeing it!! Lots of wonderful projects in the works...


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