
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Post #100 Giveaway (and some show-and-tell)

As promised, there will be a giveaway involved. (There are so many in blogland right now, surely you should be able to win something!)
But first, show-and-tell. I finally got my "Random Roses" block #7 to come together. It was a relief because I like the pattern and I didn't want to have to sub something else.

In my last post I was whining about using the paper templates to make these blocks. Well, my sweet friend, Teresa, from Quilt and a Prayer blog, is loaning me her acrylic templates to finish cutting my blocks. What a generous gesture, and one I greatly appreciate. I know this will save me a great deal of frustration with the last 5 blocks. Did I mention that she lives in TN and I'm in UT?

Another dear blogging friend has also been more than generous, but I will save that for another time, if I have her okay to share it with you.

Lately I have really been a sucker for mini quilt QALs--Temecula's 12 Days of Christmas, Lori's Pink Lemonade, Temecula's Blessings Baskets (begins with the March 1st post), and Cheri's Puss in the Corner. So why not join in on the Temecula Summer Stars (starts with the July 6th post)? I told myself "no" when I first saw it. But when I was putting away the scraps from my version of Cheri's Puss in the Corner, I realized that the leftover triangles would be the perfect size for the stars if I just cut them in half. After all, how hard can it be to make one 4" star each Friday through August? These are the stars so far--only two. It would be so easy to catch up if you haven't started yet (misery loves company).
Each week's star will have a different little center, so I have all of the "star" parts cut for the eight blocks (I'm guessing there are eight because that is how many Fridays there are through July and August) using my CW scrap basket, and I will just have to cut the center each week and sew it up. I've even thought of using the flying geese units of the stars as leader/enders through the week and then I'll really be ready.
I am trying to get geared up to actually do my first full-size quilt on Gidget. I know, I am such a wimp. Most of you would have churned out a dozen quilts by now. I have done several minis and table runners and a couple of baby quilts, but have yet to venture further. So I sit down and play for a few minutes whenever I get a chance and I really do enjoy it, I just lack the courage to face a "real" quilt. This was from my brief play session last night after most of my side of the world was in bed.  Just doodling. I even did another piece with feathers, but I won't amuse you with that one.
Okay, let's get down to business. This 100th post giveaway is a collection of items that reflect me, I think, and I wanted to share them with you loyal and very patient followers. In the upper left corner you see a gift bag of my handcrafted soap. This bag contains 1 bar each of three scents: mint blend, cinnamon/orange, and peppermint/pine. in the center top position is a charm pack of Sandy Gervais' new Christmas line, "Merry Medley". I think it would make a great Christmas mini or runner. I don't buy a lot of whimsical fabrics, but when I find myself attracted to one, almost without fail I discover it is designed by Sandy. I just like her style. 
On the right is a little patriotic pin cushion I made using a tutorial you can find here. I love all things patriotic. And finally, the little 7" square sampler that I made and hand quilted using the scraps leftover from the mini I made from the cuttings of Kathie Holland's cheddar, red, and green 9-patch set on point (you can see it in her April 28, 2012 post). That is always such a mouthful to explain, but once this little quilt goes to its new home I won't have to explain it anymore. I do have fun creating something out of trimmings from other projects. I was visiting my Mom today and she showed me the little jar where she is tossing the bonus triangles from her current project--saving them for me. She thinks I'm crazy, but she's willing to oblige me.

Well, there you have it. If you are interested in entering please leave a comment on this post. You can enter no matter where you live. I will select the winner on Monday the 23rd, 9 p.m. MDT. 

Thanks to all of you that put up with my long, rambling posts, and tolerate my sometimes late-night induced silliness. I have learned so much from you during my 1+ year of blogging and have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know some really nice people. You have touched me in many ways. This is my little token of thanks.

Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. Janet congratulations on your 100th post. I just wish I could doodle on my machine like you have, it's great and you are being too hard on yourself :-) thanks for the wonderful giveaway.

  2. congrats on 100 posts and how I would love to add that little quilt to my wall of quilts!
    thanks for the opportunity to win and heres to another 100 posts!

  3. Your quilting looks wonderful. Go for that big quilt!

  4. Congratulations on your 100th post - I always enjoy your
    'ramblings'. Your prize package looks just delightful. I love your logic in starting the stars quiltalong - really you should be up-to-date all along! Love also what you have been up to on Gidget:-)

  5. I must say that I am soooooo glad that you started blogging, otherwise I would missed out on knowing such a wonderful friend.

    I am amazed by your machine quilting!! You have really picked that up quickly. Oh and you little stars are darling too.

    Have a wonderful and Blessed day

  6. Congratulations, friend, on this milestone! I would love to win your giveaway -- I am nearly out of your wonderful soap!

  7. Congratulations on 100 posts! I need to do more doodling, I find it hard to mix different patterns together, if I start with feathers I end up doing all feathers. I need to mix things up a bit, yours looks lovely. Thanks for the giveaway. Linda x

  8. Yeah for 100! You are so dang smart to get all your star points done knowing it is all stars....why don't I think like that? It was a-ah moment as Oprah would have said. LOL
    Your quilting is fantastic! I like that doodle...get to your larger projects because girl, you are ready! Remember only you would be the worse critic and the quilt gets washed, dried and crinkled! Have fun and thanks for the chance. I'd love something made from your hands.

  9. Congratulations on your 100th post! I have enjoyed sharing your quilting journey this past year. You and Gidget make a great team. Your practice piece is gorgeous.

  10. Your quilting looks great!!! Thanks for the giveaway. I would LOVE to win the lovely prizes.

  11. Congrats on 100 posts! I have enjoyed reading your blog and seeing your quilts.

  12. Congrats and thanks for the chance to win this lovely giveaway. Hope to be lucky XXX

  13. 100 Posts!!! Such an inspiration you are!! And of course I would LOVE to win!! (but really just getting to see your things is a win/win situation!!)
    I still have one bar of soap from your gift to me last year - I keep it in one of the drawers I keep fabric in - smells so good and reminds me of you!! Makes me smile every time I open the drawer!! Your stars look wonderful - love the "scrap" look!!!
    Gotta go!!! Have a blessed day!!

  14. Quilting on gidget looks awesome!! You'll do great on a big quilt!!

  15. Your machine quilting doodle looks good to me. But I do understand the fear of putting the machine to work on a big quilt. I used to know a lady who purchased a new quilt at an auction, took it home and took out all the machine quilting, and hand quilted it. Machine quilting is a bear to take out if you don't like the results.
    The soaps have such wonderful sounding scents. Something I would like to win!

  16. congrats on the 100th post and lovely giveaway, count me in!!

  17. Congrats on 100 posts.
    Love all the Temecula projects.
    Your machine quilting is beautiful - you can be very proud.

  18. I love your rambling posts, and late night silliness!! I've been tempted by the Temecula stars too, but I haven't caved yet! lol
    Please sign me up for your giveaway!

  19. Congrats on 100 posts! Your quilting is lovely! I look forward to many more posts.

  20. The Random Roses blocks are looking good and getting to use the plastic templates will make them easier to cut out.
    Your machine doodling looks really good. I think that you are almost ready to make the leap to a big quilt. Keep practicing and one day soon you will be quilting those big quilts and wondering what held you back.
    Congratulations on 100 posts! Please put my name in the drawing, I would love to win some of your soaps and beautiful handmade pieces.

  21. Happy 100! What a smart idea on the Temecula QAL! It won't take any time at all for you to make those blocks each week. And, your quilting looks really, really great! I think you should go for it - you are ready! Thanks for the chance to win - I love that all of the items are "you"!

  22. Teresa is a darling ... she's so close to me (less than two hours) and I'd love the opportunity to meet up with her!!! Those templates will sure make finishing up those blocks a breeze!! Congrats on 100!! You're a superstar!!! :)

  23. 100! Congrats! I love that you use your 'trimmings' to make quilts--Waste not, want not--right?

  24. Congrat on your 100 post. It's such a feeling of accomplishment isn't know you've stuck with it. You are one amazing quilter...of course as I experienced first hand. Your work amazes me....and all that you get done!!

  25. Congratulations on your 100th blogpost.
    Thanks for pointing us to the Temicula QAL, I'm going to dive right into the stars QAL! I love stars.
    And you are giving away some wonderful prizes, I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

  26. If only my doodles looked as wonderful as yours! You have twisted my arm to join in on the stars. I'm still working on the baskets from their last QAL. I'd love to win your give away, especially for the soap.

  27. Congratulations on your milestone post! Your machine quilting is lovely so all you need now is to Believe that you can do it on a larger piece. Sometimes that is the biggest hurdle.

  28. Oh, Congrats on your 100th post. That is fabulous! I, too, wasn't going to join in on Temecula's star sew-a-long. So many things already started, you know. BUT after seeing yours and really Misery Does Love Company, I will probably join in now!

  29. YEA for 100 postings! Love your soaps and that mini is just so fun. You are kind to share it with your winner. I have trouble giving away my minis. Are the Templates from Marti Michell? I love using mine for the FW quilt. I'm happy to read your Blog whenever you have time to share your silliness. Yes, it was after even I, went to sleep. Gidget is doing great!

  30. WOW Janet. 100 Posts? That's fabulous!! Congratulations!! I think those Stars you are doing are adorable! And the giveaway? If the little mini wallhanging is available, I'd love to win it. Thanks.

  31. Congratulations on 100 posts!!! (I just passed that milestone too!) I have loved every one of your posts my friend!!! Rambling or not, they are full of fun and life and creativity - what's not to love? Looking forward to many more posts to enjoy too :*)

    Your giveaway is absolutely wonderful - I'm crossing all my fingers and toes, even my eyes!

  32. Congrats on 100. Your quilting is looking good, my biggest learning curve was staying consistant. I'd make big flowers at the beginning and they got smaller and smaller as I got further down the quilt.

  33. Mom, your quilting is perfection!
    I think you should go for that big quilt now.
    Would love to win the giveaway but would also feel guilty if I did :)

  34. Hi Congrats on your 100th post! I'd love to win, that little sampler is just is the pincushion!

  35. OMG you are already ahead of me on the Temecula stars - I just can't seem to pick fabric...

    Congrats on your 100th post! It's a great achievement and I love following all your projects, even at the breakneck speed you maintain behind the scenes.

  36. And here's cheering you on to your NEXT 100 posts! I always look forward to seeing what you're working on - can't believe how prolific you are! Please enter me in your drawing - you've assembled a great collection of goodies to give away!

  37. Hooray on the 100th post! But I also see all the lovely comments for others that you sprinkle all over blogland. I especially love your roses block! So pretty, just like your quilting piece.

  38. Congratulations, Janet on your
    100th post!

    Always enjoy your inspirational posts and know other do too! Thank you and cheers to another 100 posts!

    Hugs, Carolyn

  39. Love, love, love it all.... your blocks, quilting, all of it. Your give-away is extremely generous and very thoughtful. Pick me! Pick me! :) Have a wonderful evening.

  40. Congratulations and thanks for the generous giveaway!

  41. Happy 100! I would love to join your misery, but really can't so I shall enjoy seeing your stars online instead :)

  42. happy 100th and thanks for the giveaway

  43. You machine quilting looks terrific. No more practicing, just do it.

  44. I can see why you had trouble with that block - looks very difficult. Glad Teresa is lending you the templates - very generous of her. So is your giveaway! I think you are more than ready for a full sized quilt. Awesome!

  45. Congratulations on your 100th post! I think your quilting is absolutely gorgeous! I need time to doodle like that. Such even stitching and spacing, it just is amazing. Please bring it in some time to show me in real life...I'd love to see it!

  46. Congrats! on your 100th blog post. Your giveaway is precious! And my birthday is Monday the there you go!! ;-))

  47. Congrats on your 100th blog post. I always enjoy reading what's going on in the little mountain valley (where the sagebrush grows). You look like your ready for a big quilt -- your "doodle" is fantastic. Thanks for the chance to win some goodies.

  48. Love your doodle quilting. It will look great on a big quilt, or any quilt for that matter!

  49. 100 posts! Seems like only yesterday I stumbled across your "secret" in blog land! I love every post...everything you do is so well done and inspiring. You've got me cutting out tiny quilt blocks now! Congrats, mom....hope there are hundreds more!

  50. Congrats on 100 posts! Your quilt look amazing!

  51. Congratulations Janet, You know I wouldn't miss entering your drawing.. Would love to to win!!

  52. 100 worthwhile and enjoyable posts! Looking forward to 100 more! And congrats to almost reaching a 200 member blog following, something else to celebrate! The "Random Roses" block does look difficult. I like it! The little Temecula projects are all so sweet. I really enjoy the antique accents with their photographes. You are very organized in the Summer Stars project. You have put a lot of work into your giveaway...It looks wonderful!

  53. Congratulations on your milestone and for your wonderful blog, Janet. I really love all your small projects and use them as a great source of inspiration. I'm ready to quilt a small scrappy now from your link to Cheri's. Thanks for that and the kind giveaway.

  54. Way to go with 100 posts! You always have lots of fun stuff to look at. I would love to hang your little quilt in my dining room. I matches my new paint perfectly!

  55. Congratulations and here's to the next 100 posts!
    What a lovely giveaway - count me in please!

  56. Congratulations on your 100th post. And thanks for the great giveaway.

  57. Well, look at you girl....all busy, still churning out fabulous quilty goodness! Your post is FULL, you are one busy gal. It's nice to have bloggy friends come to the rescue isn't it!!!

    Congrats on your 100th post...YIPPEE!

  58. Congratulations on the 100th post! This blog is such an inspiration to me, thank you for all you do and for all that you share with us :)

  59. You've become a prolific, interesting, inspiring blogger in this short period of time. Already 100 posts! How quickly you reached that point.
    Thanks for the chance at this giveaway, and congratulations on your achievement of 100.
    BTW, Sandy Gervais lives not too far from me, here in north central Iowa. Her style is recognizable and such fun to use.

  60. I always enjoy your stories and quilting projects. It's fun to hear what goes on in other people's lives and be inspired by so many great quilts. Congratulations on your 100th post!

  61. Congratulations on 100 posts! Can't wait to read the next 100 either. :-)

  62. Congratulations on 100 posts. What a generous give away. I enjoy visiting your blog even though I often don't take the time to leave a comment. Thanks for being one of my most faithful supporters!


I love to have your comments and feedback.