
Monday, May 7, 2012

Random Happenings

Primitive Gatherings Picnic Quilt #2 now has a name and a home. "Picnic in Kansas" is named for the pattern name and the Kansas Troubles fabrics which make up the dark fabrics used. I hadn't told the full story of this project, because I didn't want a self-proclaimed blog lurker to figure out it was for her. DD#2, Aimee, and I had planned this as a gift for a friend of hers. We made it together, and this is our second joint effort at creating a quilt for a friend of hers. Aimee's youngest is the little guy I have mentioned who has Dravet Syndrome (scroll down the page a little to see my precious grandson, Ben Bryan), a severe seizure disorder. The women who have received the quilts we have joined forces to make have been so generous with their time and energy to help Aimee juggle the needs of her family with the special needs of little Ben. This quilt went to Katrina, shown below (on the left) with my daughter. Thanks for everything, Katrina. You are amazing.
After making the little star table runner for Aimee's birthday I realized how much I missed working with my CW fabrics. So I pulled this out for inspiration (sorry about the glare)...
grabbed my CW scrap basket, and created these 6" blocks...
I told myself I had to work strictly from what was in the basket (okay, I had to grab a few neutrals from my CW drawer) and I needed to make things scrappy. Jill Reid wrote a brochure about how to make your quilts have that vintage look and I tried to apply her principles as best I could within the confines of my scrap basket.

I finally had the opportunity Friday to meet up with a blog follower who lives about 3 hours away. Carla is a very kind, generous person. She is the one responsible for my receiving a copy of the recent Primitive Quilts and Projects that I couldn't find anywhere. I wish you had a blog, Carla, so others could get to know you. We met up at a LQS that is part of the "On the Trail" Shop Hop through parts of Utah, Idaho and Wyoming. So fun to finally meet this good friend. Hope we can do it again sometime.
 That is Carla on the right.
You know that I went overboard on a basket craze recently. As I was sorting through the leftover bits of my basket-making frenzy I realized that I had enough scrappy pieces left to create another 2" finished basket. I couldn't resist. This is what materialized (pun intended). It is about 3" square. Would you hang it on a Christmas tree or just on a wall somewhere?

Wednesday I head to the HMQS for those classes with Pam Clarke, Sally Terry and Karen McTavish that I mentioned recently. I am so excited. I have never done anything like this before. I'm expecting the vendor mall and quilt show to put me on system overload, but I can't wait! I hope I remember my camera so I can share some of my favorite things when I get back.
Until then,
Janet O.


  1. Wow what a beauty of a quilt & kind of you to make it for someone special.
    CW fabrics are lovely, I have a wee collection going on, but as yet I haven't made anything with them. I am quilting a sampler quilt for a customer that is made using CW fabrics.....very yummy!
    Lucky you getting to meet Karen McTavish & have a class with her.

  2. Janet!!! How fun to meet up with Carla!! I too wish Carla had a blog - she and I have become acquainted via email and she is such a dear! Definitely the next time I come "home" to Wyoming - we will plan a meet up! For some reason it is really fun to see a picture and have a face for my dear blogging friends - such lovely ladies!

    One of your greatest gifts is your generosity! You inspire me!

    Precious little basket! Hang for all to see!!

    Have a great day!

  3. P.S. I have that book and love it!!! Love the CW blocks!!


  4. Such happy faces! Love your CW blocks! I'd probably save that pretty, bitty basket for the Christmas tree. Have fun at HMQS!

  5. Special are sweet. But must comment on those cow blocks! Beauties! I like that book....maybe I ought to pull it out and play a little...time permitting of course.

  6. The Kansas Troubles quilt is lovely! Was it a primitive muslin used for the background? I so admire your work,especially on those darling Civil War blocks!

  7. Janet, I cannot find the Jill Reid brochure on scrappy quilts. I went to the link and found many free patterns by Jill. Another other place I should look?

  8. Janet, what a lovely smile you have! Your 6" blocks are terrific! and I adore your tiny little hanging -- it's so sweet! :)

  9. Oh Janet, I just love your whole post. The picnic quilt is really striking - I'm going to have to see if I have that pattern. And so glad you and Carla met up - I'm sure you had a wonderful visit. LOVE your CW blocks - great blocks and fabric choices. And I think you should make about 50 more of those little baskets and make them into a wall hanging!

  10. That teensy basket is something else! When I'm making random CW blocks, the big challenge for me is remembering to use something other than shirtings for background! I always like those kinds of blocks best, but I still find myself reaching for the shirtings . . . . . . Oy.

  11. I just absolutely LOVE your Picnic in Kansas quilt! Scrappies are my favorites and yours is so warm and sparkly with the different fabrics. Your daughter is a lovely girl, and your grandson such a sweetie! I will add you all to my prayers as you fight Dravet. Everyone in your family seems to have beautiful smiles!!! I was glad to put a face to your name :*)
    Your blocks are just gorgeous! I'm always drawn to smaller blocks. The variety of fabrics you used here really work well in values to show off the designs - you did such a great job on them!!!
    As for that adorable little basket block - show it off!!! It would be a shame for it to only come out at Christmas =^..^=

  12. What a wonderful gift for a dear friend of your daughters! I also like your CW blocks (I have the same book!) but couldn't find the brochure. I would leave the basket "ornament" out all the time...but that's 'cuz I really like basket blocks. I think they would make nice sachets for drawers too.

  13. You are so generous, giving your quilts away. The little blocks are great. . . nothing can beat CW fabric.

  14. Katrina looks very happy with her new quilt! What a great gift to give her...and it's fantastic that she helps Aimee out with your darling Ben. LOVE the 6" blocks, of course! VBG

  15. Beautiful quilt! and I really like the way your scrappy blocks turned out...they are wonderful!!!

  16. The Civil War blocks you show are good ones. You pick fabrics well.
    And I like the big gift quilt. A very thoughtful and useful gift.

  17. What a wonderful gift! Love your CW blocks but you know that tiny basket block just makes my heart sing...I love it!

  18. Wow! What a fun and busy woman you've been. I love the quilt and such a nice gesture on both of your parts. A quilt is so much more then fabrci sewn together. Little Ben is adorable, what an awful disease!! He sure looks happy though!!

    All your blocks are wonderful!!Have fun at your classes!!

    PS, I love seeing a photo of you:)

  19. Receiving a quilt is such a warm way of saying thank you to someone who has meant so much to you.

    Wishing your Little Ben a bright and happy future too.

    Have been making colorful baby quilts recently and what a difference compared to the reproductions I normally work with!

    Love your blocks.

  20. VERY cute quilt!

    What is the flower quilt on the book cover? It's cute.

  21. How fun that you got to meet up with Carla Mom.
    I love your little basket hanging!
    Thanks for all you did with the "picnic" quilt! Katrina loves it!

  22. Thinking of you in SLC...hope you are having a wonderful time! Little Ben has some very special people in his life. Great pic of Aimee and Katrina...two very pretty, happy faces and a beautiful quilt! Thanks for finding the time to meet up with me at the LQS. I told you I felt like I was meeting a celebrity~and you are to me!!! The CW blocks are gorgeous! Can't wait for your HMQS report.

  23. Janet I love everything you've done. Beautiful quilt and blocks, too. Have fun at your classes; look forward to a report when you return.

  24. Beautiful gift for a loving friend.
    Fun CW blocks.
    Enjoy your classes!!

  25. Great quilt photos!!!
    You an I could be twins with our hair styles. But I do not have bangs...just waist length gray hair. It seems the Ladies in my guild with thinning hair are really having a hard time with how fast my hair grows...after a short (for me) haircut it now is below my waist and still growing. I am just lucky I guess!!!


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