
Friday, May 11, 2012

HMQS sightings

A little eye candy to start things off right! This was one of my favorite quilts at the show--very traditional. And there weren't as many of these as I would have liked to see.

I just returned last night from two days at the Home Machine Quilting Show in Salt Lake City. As amazing as all the quilts are (and we'll get to those later), what is really fun is seeing all the people. First there are the "big names" that teach the classes. They are the authors, designers and quilters extraordinaire. And they are real people, too!
My first class was with Karen McTavish. I had been taught McTavishing once in a FMQ class last year, but that was about all I knew about her. I was amazed at how traditional her approach is to machine quilting, and as somewhat of a traditionalist myself, I must admit that I loved it.

I must have been star-struck here. I look like a deer in the headlights. I guess that doesn't mean much to you if you've never lived around deer.
This class was about deciding how to quilt a top and I learned many good things that hopefully will help me get beyond the "thinking about it" stage and on to the "doing" part.

My next class was from Sally Terry. It was about fillers and meanders in "wiggle room." Again, there were many good ideas in this class, but I think I lean more toward Karen's style (though I love Sally's feather method). Sally was awarded the HMQS show Teacher of the Year award for 2012 at Thursday's awards assembly.

My last class was yesterday morning from...well, I'll let her tell you...

Her system of using stencils that just give you the register lines within which you create your design is very intriguing, and freeing! She is a delightful teacher and was very thoughtful of the cameraman assigned to her class. That impressed me.

Then there are the people that you have met through blogs and finally get to meet in person. Sandra, of Textile Time Travel  blog, had a booth for quilt appraising. I was able to drop in and visit. Look at that incredible vintage quilt behind us. What a study in fabrics.

Robin, of Solstice Studio blog recognized me from the recent post where I met up with Carla. As I walked by and heard my name I looked around for a familiar face and didn't see one. I knew Robin was coming to the show, but for some reason I had it in my mind that she wouldn't be there until Saturday, when I would be home. But as soon as I saw her I realized who it must me. She is such a fun gal. We had a good time visiting, along with her friends. Thanks, Ladies!

Finally, a most heartfelt thanks to DH for getting me there and back and to his cousins and my good friends, Cindy and Teresa, for hosting me while I was there.
I'll leave you with another lovely quilt and I'll try to squeeze in a post tonight showing some of the amazing quilts. Many of them have been in other shows that have been going on around the country, but I think there are some you haven't seen. There are some real showstoppers, but these traditional quilts are what warm my heart. : )
There were a few tagless quilts in the show, and unfortunately this happened to be one of them, so I don't know who did it. I love the extra something that this type of sashing can add to an already lovely quilt.

Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. How fun!!
    Fabulous you had a great time and lucky us you are sharing the joy. The smile on your face says it all.
    Thank you.

  2. The first quilt is my favorite. The dark background makes the blocks pop. And I like that so many different fabrics were used.

  3. How wonderful to meet up with so many wonderful friends!!! It would have been so much fun to share it with you!!! The classes look wonderful! Maybe it would help me venture into machine quilting - still hanging on to the hand quilting! I love the quilts you posted! I love the last quilt sashing - so lovely! Great colors too!!! Looking forward to more pics!


  4. What an amazing time you had - lucky you to be able to attend the classes. Love that last quilt you posted.

  5. How fun Mom! It looks like you had a wonderful time. That first quilt is my fav!

  6. It was so nice to finally meet you. You are just as charming as your emails. I'm sure not very photogenic. I look as tired as I felt. You on the other hand, look pretty and fresh and ready for another class. When I got home I had to hurry and get a meal together to take to a family. The meal wasn't my best that's for sure.

  7. lovely quilts janet, looks like you had a super time...isn't it fun to go on quilty ventures?

  8. Thanks for sharing about your experience. Every little tip makes our projects better and more fun. I love the pine burr quilt. It's really dramatic.

  9. I am so jealous of your trip - what a wonderful experience! Can't wait to see and hear more. Lovely quilt there at the top of the post.

  10. Oh wow ... you had a most marvelous time, didn't you!! I'm so glad you did such a great job of getting photos of yourself -- I'm so bad about not doing that!! :)

  11. Janet, sounds like it was a fabulous few days and you will be ready to whip out the tops now on your quilting machine, like a pro. Thanks for sharing the quilts. I love the applique one the best, I think.

  12. It looks like you had a good time! I love that Pine burr quilt. There never are enough traditional quilts for my liking either - guess we better make some more ourselves :0)

  13. Wow! How much fun. I just bought Karen mcTavishes latest book. Sure would be nice to go to one of her classes.Do you think she would 'pop' over to New Zealand?

  14. Such lovely quilts, and it sounds like you had a great time and learned a lot. Now I can't wait to see what you do next!

  15. How exciting to have classes with those teachers. It sounds like you were set to soak up inspiration galore.
    That first quilt is a winner in my mind. Lately I've been reading through instructions for just that block in a couple books. I might have to try a block or two, just to see how it goes. My occasional lack of precision could be a problem. Thanks for sharing.

  16. I miss seeing traditional quilts in the large shows too. I have been amazed at how far machine quilting has come the past few years. Remember when all you ever saw was straight line or meandering...

  17. What a fabulous time you had! And how great to be able to take so many classes with such amazing teachers/quilters! Awesome! And yeah, I'm loving that sashing on that last quilt! It adds so much! Love it!

  18. Janet - I too, have noticed that there are usually more artsy quilts at the HMQS show - and like you, I prefer more traditional quilts. I'm glad that you found a few nice ones to share with us. You're going to be a quilting wiz with your new machine very, very soon!

  19. Looks like an amazing show! So pleased you had a good time and it sounds like you did some pretty cool classes. I hope this will free you up to feel more confident quilting :)

  20. I knew you would find a couple of quilts that would touch my heart, and both of these did! Sounds like you had a wonderful time. How fun for you to meet a couple of blog friends. It's great to see more pics of you!

  21. Amazing that you got to see so many beautiful quilts and take classes from such wonderful teachers! I am so green with envy! What great fun!

  22. Wow, wow, and wow! Thanks for beautiful show :) Glad you got to meet up with friends, fellow bloggers, and learn some great stuff from the masters!

  23. Thanks so much for stopping by and visiting me and capturing the moment too. I agree with Robin, you look cute and I look overwhelmed with the show stuff. Glad you had so much fun.
    Take care.

  24. I finally got back to the computer. I enjoyed seeing HMQS through your eyes. I did recognize some of the quilts you shared. Thanks for telling your experiences in the classes. It is going to take me quite a few posts to catch up.

  25. Your favorite quilt choice... my sister quilted it. So glad you liked it also.


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