
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Hanging up, catching up and keeping up--barely!

HANGING UP--"Flies in the Mustard" is in its new home. I know my name isn't quite as refined as the "Pink Lemonade" by which Lori's QAL was known, but I figured with the shoo-fly blocks in the mustardy color I used, it was appropriate.
A friend bound this for me (thanks, Brenda) and it has been finished for a while. We just couldn't connect up to let it change hands. I love this little quilt. Aren't Lori's doll quilt patterns wonderful? Speaking of which, I have tried without success to locate a copy of Primitive Quilts and Projects with her pattern in it. Can anyone tell me how to find one?

CATCHING UP-- Randy will be posting the next batch of blocks for the Barrister's Sow-Along on Wednesday. I've had the plaid ones finished from the last postings for a few days and I just got the Christmas blocks made for the ones I decided to duplicate (I chose not to make Birds in the Air in the holiday fabrics). Many of these fabrics are from the recent packages from blog friends who have sent their leftover holiday fabrics. So appreciated!
Here they are all together. So I am ready for the next group now, Randy. Bring 'em on!!
KEEPING UP--I'd better post my April Free Motion Quilt project from SewCalGal's challenge before it turns into a pumpkin. I have 28 minutes to get this posted and linked before the link closes. What does it say about me that for the Feb., March and April challenges I have been the very last person to link up before it closes? Why am I always working on this at the very last minute?
Don Linn taught us how to make our own stencils using tulle, an embroidery hoop, Sharpie marker, and a fabric marker. Really quite effective. I chose not to use the design he provided, but I did use his technique. Here is the stencil I made from a design I found online.
Then I traced it onto my fabric with a washable marker.
 This is what I got.
 And this was the final product. I learned a valuable lesson from this. I am not good at staying on the line. I slowed waaaay down and still struggled to keep a fluid motion. I had a bobbin thread issue at one point and just left it there. I had already made a practice effort and I knew I wasn't improving much. It is an excellent method for transferring designs, I just need a whole bunch more practice sticking to the line as I go. It is much easier to me to freehand a flowy design. But I'm glad to have learned this. I'm sure it will come in very handy as my skills at following the lines (hopefully) improve. 
One last thing--a couple of posts back someone asked about my new machine. I would love to reply, but you are a "no-reply" blogger. If it was you, please email me (email available on my profile page) from an email address to which I can reply, so that I can answer you.
That's all for now.
Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. ah ha! with a few minutes to spare. The blocks look great as usual and I am happy to see you using your new Toy! I wanna come quilt/play with you...

  2. your blocks look wonderful
    oh I need to catch up!!!! maybe this week
    your mustard quilt, ok Lori's quiltalong quilt Pink Lemonade is adorable!!!
    looks great

  3. Your little quilt is darling! And I think your FMQ block came out really well. I have some trouble staying on the lines also, that's one reason why I like FMQ without having a line to follow. However, April was a good tutorial for when you want a specific design to quilt. I'm sure I will use it sometime for that. As for the magazine, I haven't been able to get one yet either. First, the JoAnn's near me didn't have the new one out yet and then we left on a trip. The JoAnn's near my DIL was out of business! We went to Hancocks and they didn't have it. I'll keep looking. Hope you can find it.

  4. Look at Daisy Cottage Quilting for the magazine.
    I like your name for the little quilt. It certainly gets your attention.

  5. the blocks look great....your fmq turned out great too. I have trouble staying on the line too...practice!

  6. You are too kind! The quilt looks lovely!! You should be able to find that magazine online. If not, you need to subscribe;)

  7. Perfect name!!! And a perfect place for it to hang! I'm waiting for Randy's next blocks - been working on projects I can't show, so at least now I'll have something to post!! Love your Christmas fabrics!! This quilt will be gorgeous!! FMQ - awesome!!!! I still haven't taken the plunge - still like to hand quilt!! Though it be slower!!

    Blessings dear friend!

  8. Your Flies in the Mustard is just great, and what a perfect spot for it!
    Gotta say too, that technique for transferring the design with the tulle is just brilliant! Thanks for posting about that!
    I've been wondering all about your new machine too and how you like it so far...

  9. Love the Pink Lemonade (regardless of names...flies in the mustard is unappetizing to me, though!!)....and your sow-a-long blocks look amazing! GOSH!! What a great project...HEHEHE

  10. A copy of Primitive Quilts Summer issue with Lori's pattern Cheddar Cheese and Crackers is on it's way!

  11. Your little quilt looks great! I have a few more stitches in a small one I'm working on before I can quilt wanted to have it up on the wall this summer! Your Christmas blocks look fun too!

  12. That transfer technique looks nifty Mom! Honestly, who comes up with these things?

  13. Love the new header. That rainbow is quite dazzling. The Christmas blocks look great all together. I think your attempt at following the lines with your quilting machine turned out very well. I wish I could do it that good.

  14. Your quilt title is just hilarious and the quilt is very pretty. I am really like small quilts and need to save yours for inspiration. Great design for your FMQ lesson. I haven't even had time to do a single one but I like the concept of using tulle.

  15. Flies in the Mustard looks great there on display! I haven't found a copy of Primitive Quilts either. Very nice of Carla to send you one.
    You are very ambitious with your sewalongs. I had a few deadlines in the past couple months and I'm finally feel free of them. Just in time for busy, busy May - a graduation, family visit, etc.
    That's great that you are challenging yourself with the free motion project. It looks REALLY GOOD!

  16. LOL! love the name for your sweet little quilt! and your quilting turned out lovely on your practice pieces. I have used the tulle method for many years and love it.

  17. Loving seeing all those blocks together! That is going to be a beauty!!!
    The little quilt from Lori's pattern is just too adorable for words!!

  18. Wow, I think you are SUPER WOMAN!!, maybe not but certainly being more productive than me!
    I have really liked that 'Pink Lemonade' design of Lori's and yours is finished and hung, how WONDERFUL!

    I may just have to try that tracing with the tulle idea!!

  19. Wow! Your FMQ project looks terrific!! "Hang in" there! :)

  20. Janet, you did better than I, I never got mine fmq'ing challenge done last month. My plate is running over. All your blocks are looking good together.

  21. I love it all. Your barrister's blocks are just great. The Flies in the Mustard is really cute. I will have to check out Lori's small quilts.

  22. janet, love those christmas festive and quaint; can't wait to see the whole quilt!

  23. Way to go! I am just now getting around to trying this...I have procrastinated it long enough!


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