
Saturday, May 26, 2012

Flimsies, Sow-Along blocks and a winner!

I hope you don't mind seeing your birthday/housewarming gift first here, Chris, but I love how it is turning out and wanted to share it. Now I just need to get it quilted.
This tablerunner is based on the "All in a Row" pattern from Kim Diehl's "Simple Comforts" book.
I was flipping through books for ideas and on one page of this book it shows a close-up shot of 8 blocks from this quilt. I thought it looked like a tablerunner, and I liked it. The centers of the blocks are made with Kansas Trouble fabrics and the background fabrics are mostly from the Little Gatherings line. I believe the sashings and cornerstones are Jo Morton. The blocks finish at 7". I made some extra ones so I might make a wall hanging with the leftovers.

While I pieced the tablerunner I used my little version of "Tumbling Glory" as leader/enders and it went together faster than I expected.
Just so you can get a size perspective I put the business card for "The Gathering Place" (which I had pinned to my design wall when I got home from Idaho) next to it. I had added one vertical row beyond what the original had, but when I looked up the dimensions of a real flag I realized it didn't need that extra row. I'm trying to decide how I want to finish the edges--binding, or front and back folded in. I don't know if I want one fabric all around the outside of it.

My Barrister's Blocks are all caught up. Randy has warned me that she is posting a bonus block tomorrow and I didn't want to get farther behind.
I cut the fabrics wrong for the basket quilt and didn't realize it until I was sewing it together, so I just left it. I may go back and fix it later--we'll see. I haven't made any of this grouping in Christmas fabrics yet, but there are three of them I want to do. Hopefully that will happen before too long.

After seeing Bonnie post recently about a design wall that someone brought to one of her classes I decided that something like that would be useful for smaller projects that are too large for my 32"x40" design board. I can leave the big projects (or a bunch of little ones) on my design wall. The framing department of your local craft store should have 40"x60" foamcore board. A crib-sized cotton batting (50% off at JoAnn) will stretch to cover it--I just used duct tape to secure it to the back. Here it is with the Sow-Along blocks I have made so far. It will hold 54 blocks this size.
I cropped the photo to just show the blocks--the board is larger than this.

And now the moment you may have all forgotten--the winner of my one year Blogiversary is....
Kristie of Cowgirl Quilter blog. Kristie was the winner of one of my giveaways last year, so lightening can strike twice with the random number generator. She's been through some rough times lately, so I hope this will bring some cheer. Congrats, Kristie. I still have your address, so I will get this in the mail to you Monday.

Okay, that is it for now. I hope those of you in the U.S. have a good and safe Memorial Day weekend.
Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. You made a new block! lol, if you leave it that is. Congrats to Kristie and lightning striking twice.
    the blocks look good together, have fun making your other sets!

  2. I love your flag made with the tumbler blocks. It is gorgeous

  3. Congrats to Kristie! And congrats to you for getting your Barrister's Blocks caught up! I am behind :(

  4. All caught up?? Excellent, Janet. You're now ready for more blocks!! HEHEHE, They do look great!
    I love the table runner, although it looks like it's going to need a very large table!

  5. Love your Sow-Along blocks... they are looking good!

    The table runner is very cool... Chris is a very lucky person to be getting this beauty!


  6. The plaid blocks are looking great!! The tumbler block is so cute!! The table runner will be a treasured item for Chris. And congratulations to Kristie!!! Can never get enough coffee!!

  7. Great table runner Mom.
    I love the most recent Barrister blocks! There are some really neat patterns in there. They all look so fun on your new design board. What a nifty quilt it will be when it's all finished.

  8. I love the table runner, Janet! It'll look great in my dining room. Thanks!

  9. ok I just love this little tumbler quilt
    I am going to have to whip one up too!!!!!
    aodrable, great fabrics you used, lucky you to have them all in your stash!
    your blocks look wonderful
    Have a wonderful weekend

  10. WoooHooo!!! Thanks so much! I could sure use this pick me up after the month that I have had! :) I seem to never win anything....the last time that I won anything was with you last year. LOL! BTW...I am still cutting scraps for that Eye Fooler quilt as I work on other projects. I love it!

    Love that tablerunner, those fabrics are wonderful. My stash has dwindled away so I can't wait for hubby to get back to work so that I can restock it! :)

    Your design wall looks very nice with all of those blocks on it. Wonderful!

    Have a great day!

  11. Your plaids are sooooo friendly! They are my favorite - very pretty!

  12. I always love everything you share!
    I need to make a design wall too. Great idea!

  13. The plaids are looking great! I am so far behind on my Farmers Wife....and you know I love your table runner :)

  14. Lots going on in your sewing room! I imagine Chris is very happy with her gift. I didn't realize Tumbling Glory was so small. Thanks for the reference. I usually forget to do that. Good idea to have a design wall just for smaller projects. Just love those plaids!
    Congrats to Kristie!

  15. Hi Janet - The runner is spectacular - looks totally like a Kim Diehl design - you chose the fabrics good! Seeing your 'flag' quilt reminds me that I have a RWB pinwheel quilt partially finished SOMEwhere in my studio - I'll have to see if I can find it and get it done for the 4th.

  16. Just had a lovely wander through your blog. Love the Kim Diehl quilt.

  17. I know Kristie..and yes, she deserve a gift!
    I'm caught up too on my FW between harvest and kids. I need to do today's star blocks.

    I printed out a picture of your tumbler/flag. It's on my to-do list before July 4th!

  18. Darn...I didn't win your awesome give away...I hope Kristie enjoys it!

    I love your little flag - maybe I'll make another one with my 1" EPP tumblers. BTW - I finshed mine with the turn in the edges technique. It allowed me to maintain the tumbler edges w/out having to bind so many corners. I did have a little trouble getting it flat but that was operator error since it was my first time using that technique.

  19. Your Tumbling Glory is gorgeous!! And I love your plaids, too. Always, always! :)

  20. Tumbling Glory, so, so, so cute! It's another "drop everything and make one" type project, I think! Thanks for showing that, Janet! I bet it goes together super fast, too.

    Your plaids BBs are just looking so great also!

  21. Hi Janet, What a wonderful gift for Chris. Why not put red binding on your minature flag except change it around the blue. I've done this a few times and it works well. All those in and outs might make it challenging for a "pillow case" turn. I wondered about the advertising until you mentioned using it for perspective. I like your Barrister's Blocks all done up in plaids. Are they all homespun fabrics? Hard to find plaids in anything different. I'm going to look into foamcore board sizes. It sounds perfect to cover an entire wall versus the blue painters tape I've been using! Sandi

  22. You've been a very busy your Barrister's Blocks...they look awesome together!

  23. Yummy tablerunner! Love those colors and the Churn Dash blocks with 9 patches.

    Sweet little tumbler flag, and all that mad for plaid work you've been doing--girl, you ARE busy!


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