
Sunday, May 20, 2012

Celebrations With a Giveaway

Did you ever see the little "Tumbling Glory" Quilt by Melonie that Calico Girls had in a kit last year? Sarah had it on her blog then and I wanted to make it to decorate when celebrating the Fourth of July. Couldn't find a pattern for it, so I just marked the page on the Calico Girls blog and hoped to find it available sometime. Recently I've been wanting to make something using Primitive Gatherings Tiny Tumbler template and it finally occurred to me that I could make a smaller version of "Tumbling Glory".

I just dug through my patriotic fabric scraps and found plenty of variety to give it depth and movement. The original is listed as being 21"x32". The little template shown to the right will make something closer to half that size. Even though I haven't sewn any of it together yet, I'm liking what I see. I'm not even sure if I will have time to do it before we celebrate Independence Day, but it is closer to being made now than it was when it was just an image in my mind.

Last Wednesday was the one year anniversary of my first blog post. At times I can't believe I have been doing this for a year already. At other times I feel like I have known some of you forever, so it must have been more than a year ago I jumped into the quilt blog world. So, though it isn't a big event in the grand scheme of things, I've decided to have a little celebration giveaway.

I've been gathering a few items to be "the prize". I've chosen carefully--there is no fabric involved to add to your burden of guilt over the size of your stash. There are no patterns that you might feel pressured to make, even though you have a gazillion UFOs and WIPs. No books that you wouldn't be able to squeeze into your quilt bookshelf anyway. Everything is something I have wanted, so I hope you will, too.

First of all, I have been wanting some cool "quilty" notecards. I've looked high and low and finally found what I wanted in Rebecca Barker's Quiltscapes cards. So I bought an extra set. Integrating traditional blocks with beautiful paintings, these cards are clever and beautifully done. The pack of cards includes 10 different designs, shown here.
Ms. Barker has dozens of designs available, based on her paintings, and when placing an order you can select which designs you want in your pack of cards--all different, all the same, or any other combination. See how the name of the quilt pattern is illustrated in the rest of the painting?

The stiletto has a hand-turned hickory handle. I picked it up at the HMQS when I bought one for myself. An indispensable tool when making little blocks, to help in precision piecing. 

The flying geese block is actually a pincushion I bought this week. DH and I have been in Moscow, Idaho helping my oldest daughter and  her husband pack for their move to New Hampshire (5 miles from Keepsake Quilting). On the way home we stopped in Rupert, Idaho. It is a small town that proudly claims the largest quilt shop in Idaho--The Gathering Place.  Someone in the area makes these pincushions in quilt block designs and they sell them in the shop. I bought two. (BTW, I recommend the shop--it is even worth going out of your way to see.)

And the basket--well, what can I say? I just had to make another tiny basket in Christmas colors for a tree ornament. It measures 3" square--including the border.

Also, if I'm in a good mood the day I send this out, I will probably throw in a couple of bars of my handcrafted herbal soap. : )

That's it! A guilt-free, stress-free giveaway! I began blogging because I wanted to feel a part of a larger quilting community. I don't belong to a guild and have always felt like I was on the fringes of the quilt world. I have been so welcomed and included by all who have commented on my blog, or responded to my comments on their blog. So this is for you, my blogging quilt community. To enter, just leave a comment. You don't need to be an official follower, but I would prefer you not publicize the giveaway. It is meant for those who are regular readers, whether or not you are "signed up" and even if you don't ever comment. If you are here reading this fairly regularly (even if you only began recently), comment below for a chance to win, and thanks for sticking with me. If you are a no-reply blogger, make sure your email address is included in your comment. 
I will choose a winner at noon MDT, Saturday, May 26th.

Hopefully next time I will have made some progress on a project that I can share. Maybe I will have a long overdue birthday gift made, or  be ready to post my FMQ challenge finish for the month (before midnight on the deadline day). Who knows, I may have even caught up on the Sow-Along!  : )

Until next time,
Janet O.

p.s. I was the happy recipient of Kathie's trimmings from her cheddar, green and red nine-patch quilt. I have had them under the needle and something is coming together. It is currently on the design wall. Stay tuned for the result. I'm interested to see what comes of them.


  1. I'm so glad you are still Blogging after the 1st year. You have quite a following already. Sign me up and I hope you are in a great mood - The soap is so GOOD! They sell some at our Farmer's Market, but it isn't the same as yours. Guess I should just get the instructions and make some of my own.

  2. You are a busy lady. I love the note cards too.

  3. Happy Blogiversary! Love your flag...and you know how I love that little basket! What cute note cards...I've never seen those. And your soap...YUM! What FUN!

  4. Happy Blogaversary - I've enjoyed reading your posts. Love the thought you have put behind the giveaway :-)I can see all sorts of designs made with the tiny tumbler template - a great idea.

  5. Congratulations on reaching one year of blogging! It is a milestone. This is a wonderful giveaway! I won't tell anyone - hee hee!

  6. Congrats on your first year!!! I know *exactly* what you mean about community. I am *active* in our guild and still feel like I get more encouragement/friendship/hugs/etc. from my quilting/bloggy friends. It's an awesome group of folks that I'm so blessed to be a part of!! Hugs! :)

  7. Janet, I LOVE that flag from the tumbler shape--might need one of those myself! Congrats on a year of blogging. Following you helped inspire me to start my own blog--thanks!

  8. Happy blogiversary! I have enjoyed your quilt journey this past year; after discovering you via Near Philly. Now your bookmarked, and I look forward to your posts. Keep it coming!

  9. Happy Blogaversary! I love the Tumbling Glory idea and have added it to my list. Thanks for sharing! Thanks for the great giveaway, too!

  10. Pick me, pick me!!!! Joking aside, I love the little flag tumbler. This has been on my to-do list since I have been hooked on tumblers. I have made a queen sized quilt out of 30s and 6" tumbler, another queen of Moda Grace and 6" tumbler, baby boy quilt of 4" tumbler. I was googling some images to see different bindings and saw a pictures of a tumbler flag and fell in love with it. I love your blog, and equally love the encouragement you give me with my quilting. Blessings! Rhonda

  11. what a great flag quilt, the tumbler Go! die is on my wish list.
    I'm a follower here already :-)
    and some nice quilty cards would be great!

  12. It's been an absolute pleasure having made your aquaintance in blogland, Janet. You never cease to amaze and inspire here on your wonderful blog. Congratulations on a very successful year.

  13. Congratulations on one year of blogging! I enjoy your blog and love this post. I recently received a Go! and feel inspired to make the flag quilt. Thanks soooo much!

  14. One year, yay! Love the tumbler flag. Thanks for sharing.

  15. Congrats on your first year. I follow you via Google Reader. Not sure if this is open to International or not. Linda

  16. janet it has been a pleasure to be one of your blogees; always enjoy seeing what you make and post. and rebecca barker? i've been a fan of her work for ages...sooo beautiful!

  17. I am so glad that you started blogging, if not I would not have had this friendship with you. You have comforted me so many times when I needed it and shared so much quilting with me. Thank you for that. It doesn't seem like it has been a year!!!

  18. Congrats on your anniversary! Woohoo! And I'm like you, I don't belong to a guild, so all my quilty camaraderie comes from bloggers. And I love being part of this community!

    And I love that tumblers flag quilt! It's so darned cute! Love it!

  19. Nice way to use those Primitive Gatherings tumblers! Congrats on your 1st anniversary...

    (ps. I have a sister who lives about 30 miles from Keepsake...beautiful area.)

  20. Okay so who do I pay in order to make sure I win??? LOL!!! What a perfect giveaway... you are so thoughtful Janet!

    I love your Tumbling Glory quilt. It is going to be so cute! I'm pulling for you to get it done for the celebrations on the 4th!

    Hmmm... cheddar, green and red - YUM!!!

  21. I follow you through Google blog reader! Please enter me in the drawing!


  22. What can I say, Janet other than I would do back handsprings if I were the lucky winner of all those goodies...and at my age, that wouldn't be easy!

    Thanks for the opportunity. Isn't blogging the greatest?

  23. I made a similar flag almost a year ago. I used the small tumbler die from the AccuQuilt Go! cutter. It made the cutting so very easy.

  24. Congratulations on blogging for one year! And what a way to celebrate, something for us to win! Thank you for the opportunity to have a chance to win. I'm really liking your patriotic quilt. I have that tumbler template and just might have to whip one up for myself. Thank you for the idea. Michele

  25. While I am fiercely and proudly Canadian, I must admit that I am sometimes jealous of the many possibilities that your country's flag presents, both in colour and design. That little tumbling block flag is so darn cute!

    And here's wishing you well as you look forward to your second year of blogging. I love coming to see what you are up to...

  26. What a lovely give-away you have planned! I would be tickled pink to win.

  27. Congratulations on your 1st year blogging! Ya done good! I feel as if I've know you forever...

    Love the tumbling flag... what a great idea! The cards are fab... will have to go visit the site...

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  28. I haven't seen the flag made with the tumbler shapes before. Works well.

  29. Congratulations!
    I'm a happy follower and I would love to join in !

  30. I love reading your blog! Happy Anniversary for one year of blogging and I hope you continue with many more!

  31. You've been an active, entertaining, loyal blogger, and I'm so happy you joined the blogging community a year ago. The time goes by quickly, doesn't it?
    That's an impressive little flag, and how cute that it's made from tumblers.
    Hearty congratulations on your anniversary, and thanks for the generous giveaway.

  32. Janet....Happy Anniversary! I've been reading you for almost a year and never realized until this post that this is your FIRST year. What a surprise. I enjoy your posts, and love your header photos (been meaning to tell you how glorious those double rainbows are). I, too, need to get caught up with Randy's Sow-a-long....I'm 7 blocks behind....eek! Congrats again, and I look forward to "visiting" with you each time you post.

  33. I love how we have all met through blogging! I actually was able to meet some fellow blgogers, face-to-face this week in Kansas City at market - so fun! Thanks for the chance to win.

  34. Happy 1 year Blogaversary Janet!! Love the flag quilt, a fresh idea!!

  35. I for one have been enjoying you through blogging. Looking forward to another few years!

  36. Your tumbler quilt is going to be really neat. Congrats on blogging a year. I do not have a blog, but am very appreciative of all of you who do. I get so much inspiration and entertainment from reading them. Here's to your next year!

  37. My, you are already thinking of Independence Day!?! You're way ahead of me! A very fun tumbler pattern - gives the impression of a waving flag. You are so generous! Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  38. Happy blogging anniversary. I really like your flag using the tumbler shape and I've enjoyed reading your blog. It's a wonderful way to share with friends that can be any where in the world.

  39. This is going to be a great little quilt...I may have to copy it! And congrats on you blog anniversay! I agree, the main reason I blog is to be a part of a quilting community. Everyday I am inspired by all the wonderful quilters in blogland.

  40. Janet,
    That little pin cushion is adorable!!! And I love the note cards. I'd be happy with the pin cushion, knowing you made it, if you happen to draw my name or can't find someone else to take it off your hands. And I agree about the blogging. I'm almost at the one year mark and the world is a different place for us now!

  41. So fun Mom! I love the flag...I'll have to add it to my list of patriotic projects to do :)

  42. The tiny tumbler template is very tempting but I just picked up some EPP 1" tumblers (still need the 3" for a cool project idea) so I feel strong enough to resist ordering one...for now...

    You're offering a wonderful and well-thought-out gift for your blogging anniversary. I've sew enjoyed becoming friends between our blogs and always look forward to your comments on my blog :)

    Happy Blogiversary!!!

  43. Hey Janet - I was able to stop at The Gathering Place only once, but it is a wonderful store! Kinda sad that DD is moving so far away - hope it's not forever - although it will be fun for you to visit that nearby quilt store when you go to see her. Congrats on your blogiversary!

  44. Janet I love your Tumbling Glory layout! What a handsome quilt that is making!

  45. Love your tumbler project. Very fun. You are so busy!
    Fun to see your enthusiasm. Take care!

  46. Love the cards - going to order some for myself!!! I've been wanting some neat quilt note cards - but just haven't taken the time to look - thanks dear friend for doing the work for me!

    You are an inspiration to many!!


  47. Janet, I'm happy that one year ago you chose to share your beautiful quilts and projects online...and that I found your blog. I enjoy every post! I love that we are from the same neck of the woods and that I can say "Yes, I've been to the largest quilt shop in Idaho." Congrats on your first anniversary!

  48. I can't wait to see how your flag quilt turns out. I love your idea of the tumblers and the movement it gives.
    Conratulations on a year of blogging!

  49. What a great "flag" quilt, I love it. 1 year, how the time flies. I have found blogging helps me to connect with like minded quilters and it's a great way to move to the edges or even the outside of your box. Keep quilting and blogging, I enjoy your posts!

  50. Congratulations on your blog anniversary! Looking forward to seeing more on your flag---love the idea using tumblers!I't going to be a great little quilt!

    I agree with you regarding blogging. I'm inspired everyday by all the lovely idea's from the wonderful quilters I have met through blogland. Thank you for your inspiration!

    XX, Carolyn

  51. Happy Blogaversary! I feel the same way about this wonderful quilting community. I love the Tumbling Glory quilt, great colors!

  52. What a fun giveaway...guilt free and all fun! Those cards are gorgeous!

  53. Happy Anniversary!
    Funny how it feels like we always had blogs to read and at the same time we have to realize it's all pretty new.
    The tumbler flag is adorable, nicely done :0).

    I'll see you over at the Sow along :0)
    Happy Sewing and thanks for the chance to win.

  54. Happy Blog Anniversary! I admire those of you who have enough to say and share to keep a blog going. Wow, those a cool cards--might just have to order some (if I don't win these).

  55. Love the tumbler flag. Great idea. Quilters never stop amazing me. I can't wait to see the finished project. Happy anniversary.

  56. I love your tumbler flag. What a great idea. Congratulations on a year of blogging. I love coming over to visit and see what you are up to.....and I hope to see you blogging for many more years to come!

  57. Congratulations on blogging for a year. I always enjoy your nice comments and love looking at your blog, too.
    Keep up the good work.

  58. Dang, how did I miss this! Well, I hope the lucky winner will love all the items as much as I would have. Congratulations for your one year anniversary, and thanks for being a regular reader and commenter on mine--I always enjoy what you have to say!

  59. I haven't been blogging much lately but I wanted you to know how fantastic your plaid blocks look.

  60. What a great little quilt! kim at peachquilting dot com

  61. Did you know Creative Grids make a large tumbler ruler/templete? Your flag is so beautiful! I have wanted to make my father in law a flag quilt and this is perfect! Thank you for the inspiration!

  62. I really like (love) your patriotic flag, I don't have a tumbler ruler, but if I had this pattern, I sure would attemp to make it. I have heard about your soaps, and hear nothing but the best about them. I know that you will miss your DD, it is so hard to be so far apart. Sure wish my DD was closer. Thank you for your lovely blogs.


I love to have your comments and feedback.