
Friday, June 1, 2012

Here we go again!

Before I get to the part that explains the title, I want to show you something fun. Do you recall when Kathie posted about her cheddar/red/green quilt with the blocks set on point? She was just trimming off the points on the edges of the quilt and was through with them. When she offered to send them my way, I was thrilled for the chance to play with them.
They were in my mailbox when we returned home from my Aunt's funeral. It was nice to have something fun to finish an emotional day. I told myself I could only add muslin to create whatever I could with them. I love a "make do" challenge.
This is the little quilt I created with the cuttings. It is still in the design stage.
The green triangles will be sewn to muslin triangles (right now the design wall is providing the neutral color) after I get them cut to a uniform size. I have all of the other pieces sewn into strips, but the strips are not sewn to each other yet. When I get those sawtooth strips made I will get it all sewn up.
This is how it all began.
I have enough trimmings left for a mug rug or two. How did I do, Kathie?
Now for the "here we go again". I am posting my SewCalGal FMQ challenge for the month just minutes before the deadline. It remains to be seen if I am the very last one to post this month, but I have been for the past three months in a row. I'm not too proud of what that says about me.
This month's expert was Leah Day, whose blog I read regularly. Our challenge was to do a couple of 8" squares using two similar, yet different, foundational designs--Double Stippling, and Railroad Tracks.
When I began learning FMQ the flowing, rounded designs were the most difficult for me and straight line designs (like stars) were much easier. I found the reverse true on this challenge.
Double Stippling was much easier to me this time than the angled Railroad Tracks.
I have strategically placed the double stippled sample to overlap the worst corner of the railroad tracks sample. : )
I have been working on the machine quilting of Chris' tablerunner. I have been doing all of the "stitch in the ditch" a la Karen McTavish whenever I've had a minute the last couple of days. Tonight I did the first block with a stenciled design. I practiced it 4 times before actually stitching on the runner. I think I have found the very slow speed setting that allows me to stay within a reasonable distance of the stenciled line.
It may take me forever to quilt 7 more of these blocks and then do the border, but at least I will be happy with it when I am finished. You can see the blue lines where I planned on adding more quilting to the block, but now that I have outlined the churn dash and quilted the center, I don't know if I want to add that outer design.

Last year at this time I was a new blogger. In one of my early posts I shared photos of the snowmen we built on family graves on Memorial Day. This year the snow behaved itself. It stayed in the tops of the mountains and we were able to enjoy a beautiful holiday visiting family graves without freezing.

Well, I'd better get this linked up to SewCalGal's post. The minutes left until midnight on the west coast are ticking away! : )
Until next time, 
Janet O.


  1. Gracias por tu comentario. He estado mirando tu blog y me hago seguidora tuya. Nos vemos en la siguiente práctica de SewCalGal.

  2. My condolences to you at the loss of your loved one; I'm sending hugs and prayers.
    What wonderful quilting you are doing! That railroad tracks design looks almost Aztec to me.

  3. You did a great job with your double stippling... I tried doing this one but it was awful... I see a LOT more practice is necessary!!!

  4. Oh and I thought I was going to be the last one :) Your double stippling looks great! Very sorry to hear about your Aunt. Love the colors of your "make do" quilt, it looks great.

  5. Sorry about your loss. Love, love, love your mini and topper as well.

  6. Amazing: piecing and quilting - all of it!!! Love seeing your projects - so inspirational!!!

    I thought of your family and their annual Memorial trek! Blessings to you. I'm touched by your devotion to your family - so many families don't have that these days.

    I really am working on quilty projects - two I can't post about, one is Randy's, and I've got another that I'm working on putting together a post!

    Blessings to you dear friend!! Have a great weekend!

  7. Janet, you are so creative! I love how you have used her cutoffs!

    You do such a wonderful job quilting.

  8. Oh I just love to sew up bits and pieces left from a project! It speaks to my thrifty soul as well as my creative one. Like you, I love the challenge of seeing what I can do with it :*) I haven't done much piecing with leftovers lately, and your wonderful little quilt reminds me that I need to do that - soon!!!

    You FMQ is coming along very nicely! I think you did a great job on the practice squares for the challenge, and I absolutely love what you've done with the stencil design in the table runner! Great job!!! I don't think I'd add any further stitching either... I think it really emphasizes the design of the block the way it is.

  9. You are just going at it over here!! As usual, I.LIKE. everything, especially how well you are coming on that machine quilting. I need to practice more myself!

  10. Your challenge with Kathie's pieces is great! I really love the stripey look.....and this one is really fun! Well done! And I think your fmq is awesome! I had to laugh at your 'strategically placed' samples! Ha! You're too funny!

  11. Sorry to hear about your aunt. Yes, it's nice to come home to something creative that can distract you from things. I'd say you have done a great job with the Make Do project, I love the green in this.

  12. Would it be ok it I snag your idea? There are similar cuttings from my Braid top that I've saved - just couldn't part with them!

  13. I love your inspiration for the red, green, and cheddar blocks. It is a pleasure to view.

  14. I love what you did with the quilt scraps. I rarely think of vertical insted of rectangular designs and the colors really grab me. Oh and your FMQ looks much much better than you are giving yourself credit for. I use stencil marks as a guidline and often vear off (smoothly of course). I can't stipple worth beans...

  15. Everything looks beautiful Mom. I especially like how your "cheddar challenge" is turning out!

  16. Your gift of Kathie's scraps is looking like something on the design wall. The green is pulling the other colors together. Another practice top for you to FM on your toy. I like how your table topper is turning out too, just 7 blocks and borders to go. I'm glad there wasn't snow on my pilgrimage this year also.

  17. gorgeous little quilt janet, going to be adorable when done!

  18. Hey Janet - I'm LOVING the double stipling - will have to try and remember that for a future project! Sorry to hear about your aunt! DD#2 & her hubby went to Island Park (near Yellowstone) last weekend and got 3+" of snow! LOL

  19. Looks to me that you did good playing with those left over parts and only adding muslin. Creative!

  20. I guess Kathie hasn't seen your design yet. I think it's absolutely fabulous! Lots of character and interest.
    Your quilting on the churndash is beautiful. I wouldn't worry about always being the last person to post. At least you are doing it and it looks great!

  21. I agree that the double stipling was easier than the railroad tracks. Looks good though!

  22. Turning scraps and throw-aways into something usable and maybe even adorable is an admirable goal. Looks like your plans will create a cutie.

    Your quilting looks great! You're not afraid to jump in and try something new. That's half the battle. One of these days I won't be rushing towards a deadline, and I'll take time to practice.

    I'm sorry for your loss. Cherish the memories.

  23. just so fun! you did a great job using the scraps!
    I may have to send you my left overs every quilt I make!!!!

  24. I think you are did a great job on the FMQ. My first time checking your blog...will look around and check some more.

  25. My sympathies on the loss of your aunt. Your scrappy play looks wonderful as always. I like the double stipple too, the railroad tracks was a much trickier design to interlock, I found. Glad the snow behaved this year and stayed high where it belongs :)

  26. Love what you are doing with the scraps. They are addicting!

  27. Love your quilting on the churn dash block - and the colours!


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