
Sunday, February 12, 2012

My New Toy!

Thursday morning there was a delivery at my house. It came on a day where I had next to no time to play with it. Isn't that how things go? But even in the few minutes I did stitch on it, I could tell I loved it!
This is my first real quilt to go under the needle. 

My two favorite features, okay, maybe three--1) the ring of LED lights that shine down over the needle area. I don't have to shine an Ott-Lite there, like I normally do when I sew; 2) the ability to preset my favorite speeds on the touch screen. Trying to FMQ on my regular machine was maddening. It either zoomed faster than I could control the quilt, or it was so slow I could barely move the quilt or the stitches would be toenail catchers! Finding the "sweet spot" on the presser foot was next to impossible and once I found it I hated to stop stitching or it would be lost forever! 3) LARGER bobbins! Yippee!! I love lots of other things about it, but those top the list. Now I have to come up with a name for her. Any suggestions?
I am so grateful that DH was not only supportive of me getting it, he pretty well talked me into it. I was really dragging my feet. It is pricey and it was giving me knots in my stomach thinking about it. But even so, I realize that when I am no longer quilting by check, this little girl will pay for herself before too long!
Today I finally got my Itty Bitty Primitive Pinwheels bound and in place. It is 10" square. What a fun little piece. I really like the look!

Finally--Randy, I'm ready for the second set of Farmer's Wife blocks! Here are the first three.
The first one (on the left)  isn't my favorite. I think my light fabric choice didn't work. But I'm hoping as more get added to the wall, it won't be so noticeable. If it still bothers me after a few more rounds I will have to remake it. : ) I just washed another batch of thrift store shirts today and I am excited about some color combinations that I can see for future blocks. I'm calling this one, "The Farmer's Missing Shirts". In case you aren't aware, this is a "Sow-Along" (that is not a misspelling), using The Farmer's Wife book. This fun event is being sponsored by Randy of Barrister's Block blog. She posts 3 blocks twice a month. It just started this month, so it isn't too late to join in.
That's it for now! Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. Janet - you lucky, lucky lady!. I really want a Sweet 16 !!! Cannot wait to see what you do with it.......

  2. That is so neat!!! A friend of mine got one and she saie I could use it, so I will be taking my Gone to Texas quilt over this week. I'm kind of nervous, but can't wait either.

  3. What a beauty you have there... congratulations and happy quilting!

    I like that you're doing FW in thrift store shirts... very cool! Me likey....

  4. She is a beauty!!! I do wish we were neighbors!! Oh yeah - you might have to kick me out to go home!! lol The little pinwheel is perfect!!! Love the FW blocks. I've made my first three, but haven't posted them yet - guess I best get on the ball!! Name for the new toy ... let's see ... nothing coming, but I'm sure I'll think of something - you see I name everything!! Right now it is baby goats - Earline, Ezelle, Edith, Ethel, Fabian, Bertha, Beulah, Thelma, Piper, Pippy, Francine...etc.etc.etc Drives Mike a little batty sometimes, but whenever we need to know what goat is missing...well you know who knows!!

    Have fun with that "sweet little doll" of a machine!!


  5. Sweet 16...makes me think of the 1950...which makes me think of Laverne and Shirley....then again sweet 16 makes me think of Molly Ringwold too!

  6. You are going to have so much fun with your sweet 16. I am not good with names but "Rosie" came to me.
    I love the FW blocks made with thrift shirts. I plan to try and join in later as I started a long time ago and have twenty done.
    Can't wait to see what you do with the new machine, congratulations.

  7. Congrats. I have the stand up HQ-16 and love it. Her name is Maxine after my grandmother. Enjoy many hours of fun and creativity.

  8. Oh, it's wonderful. It doesn't appear to take up a whole lot of space -- I like that. And that husband is a keeper.

  9. What a wonderful world of opportunity is about to open up to you - you are going to enjoy this baby! Congratulations on your purchase. Looking forward to seeing the transformation from quilting by check to quilting by choice :)

    Hmmm, when you finally get around to quilting your farmer's lost shirts, perhaps you could find a way of quilting their adventures into it to complete the story?

  10. Oh Janet..what a great new gadget you have there. I LOVE the thought of larger bobbins. I like your blocks, too. And, I think I'm going to have to make another Lil' Twister after seeing yours.

  11. Glad you got your new machine, and are loving it. I'm sure you will have lots of great quilting to show us soon!

  12. Congratulations! How fun will that be! My first thought for a name was Belle, like in Beauty and the Beast.

  13. congrats on your new "little one"....many happy hours spent together and doing business. ps i love that little pinwheel quilt!

  14. You must be so stinkin' excited!! Woo-Hoo!!I'm happy for you!
    Love your shirt blocks- I agree that the rail fence light may be a bit too light, sometimes that adds a little unexpected surprise to a quilt.

  15. Fabulous new toy you have!
    Love all the palids in your blocks.
    I hope you have lots of time coming up to sit and play on your new machine. Looking forward to seeing all the finishes you'll have now.

  16. Congrats, Janet! That machine looks like a dream! And YAY, for supportive hubbies; yours is a keeper! lol

  17. What a great new toy!!!

  18. Well congratulations, Janet -- what a lovely new machine! Have fun sewing away!!! :)

  19. You have to know how thrilled I am for you. Getting the Sweet 16 is a big commitment, but I'm confident it's one you'll never regret. I like your comment about "quilting by check." I'm not an expert machine quilter, but I'm satisfied with what I do. Quilting my own has left a lot more checks in my checkbook.
    I never did come up with a name for mine. We've spent too much time away from each other, but it's time to uncover her and get her going again.
    Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!

  20. Can Your Hubby call mine and convince him I NEED a Bigger Machine for my Table??? LOL I'm so happy for you and green with envy at the same time.
    Enjoy! The sit down version is much smaller than I thought. Glad you got started on your FW blocks, I like them in all fabrics.

  21. I don't know anything about the machine you got but have heard of it. I hope you can make it "sing".

  22. Too fun Mom! I like the Farmer's Wife blocks. What do you plan on doing with the finished product?

  23. You have been awarded the Versatile Blogger from Me - Check it out!

  24. How about "Samantha" or "Molly" for your Sweet 16 quilting machine. What came to mind was the 1984 Sixteen Candles movie that stared Molly Ringwaled. She played Samantha "Sam" Baker in the cute comedy. Nice project you have under the needle. Your Primitive Gatherings quilt is very nice. Hmmm, there are lots of blocks in the Farmer's Wife design...will it be easy for you to have enough shirts for the project? Cute shouldn't have any problem naming your Sweet 16. Sandi

  25. I'm so glad your DH talked you into this machine. I've heard lots of good things about it and I think you will become even more productive!
    I just LOVE that little pinwheel quilt!
    I think this is the only farmer's wife quilt I've seen in plaids - great idea! Look forward to seeing your progress.

  26. Congratulations Janet! I'm so very excited for you! You will do amazing things with your new HQ. It's going to be fun to follow your progress. Your Itty Bitty Pinwheels found the perfect home. Have a wonderful Valentine's Day!

  27. I simply cannot wait to see more and more quilted goodness from you. You will LOVE your machine; indeed, you already do! Enjoy~

  28. How lucky. I've wanted one but haven't scraped enough pennies together. Hugs

  29. Janet - you are sew lucky to have a midarm!!! I wish you many happy hours testing her out.

  30. Your new toy. Looks like it's going to be lots of fun to play with.
    Absolutely love your mini quilt - great job!

  31. Janet, How wonderful for you to have your new sweetie! Please tell your husband that quilters have the very best hubbies and he is a keeper.


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