
Sunday, February 19, 2012

Made to order!

At least that is how this quilt top looks to me on the back of my living room sofa! What a perfect fit!
Recently Lori D. of Humble Quilts blog listed some quilts, tops and patterns for sale for a friend of hers. I was the first to comment and was thrilled to get this log cabin star quilt top very well-made by Jill Reid from New Jersey. Thanks Jill and Lori. The border fabric on the top matches the sofa so well you can hardly tell it is there (I know the sofa looks solid brown, but there are actually flecks of red and green in the upholstery fabric). When I have become more confident with my new toy I will be quilting this up to use in my living room.

Speaking of quilting and my new toy, here is the first finished product--remember that I am relatively new to FMQ and very new to this machine, so I have a long way to go. The tension wasn't the greatest due to the thread I used, and I should have made more curvy, flowy lines around the large butterflies, but I am not unhappy with it. I think there is potential here.
I had blogged about this top here. You can't really see them in the photos, but the outer border has a tone-on-tone butterfly print, so I carried the theme into the quilting. I did stencil the large butterflies but was just winging it on the little border butterflies. (Get it? Winging it--butterflies.) Sorry, it is late and I'm getting punchy. : )

I'm so proud of myself for getting my Farmer's Missing Shirts (aka Farmer's Wife) blocks made the same week Randy posted them. She has been making two of many of the blocks. I decided this time I would follow suit, but I am making my second blocks out of Christmas print scraps. The top row, shown below,  is the first set of blocks Randy posted. The second row is this week's posting. I'm really loving the plaid shirt look. Can't wait to add more to the wall.

These are my Christmas blocks. I have Christmas scraps in brights and "dark & dirty". I think I am going to stick to the latter for these blocks, but the photo makes them look darker than they really are. I have altered one of the blocks to fit the scraps I had. I had to wing it a little on that one, too. It is the angel block. (I know, pretty bad, huh? Winging it--angel block.)
I've been using some Orca Bay pieces as leader enders, so I am making slow progress there. Rocky Mountain Christmas continues to get sporadic attention and I have started sewing together strips for my second Primitive Gatherings Picnic Quilt. You can see the first one here.
One last thing--I don't know how much time is left on this, but my friend, Doniene, from "Now It's Just Quilts" blog listed a fabric giveaway on Wednesday. She said it would run less than a week, but she hadn't posted a winner yet as of this writing. She just wants you to leave a comment about one of your favorite quilting tools to be entered. If you hop on over there you might still be in time to enter. She is planning on posting a small fabric giveaway the 15th of each month.
I was trying to have this posted before midnight. It never works out that way, but I tried. That'll do it for tonight. Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. Janet, I love the couch quilt. I have a few on mine too.

    I'm glad that you are having fun with your new toy. I'm still jealous. I may just have to get a plane ticket so I can play too. LOL

  2. I like your /butterflies on the 1st quilt you did on your new toy.. great looking FW blocks. lucky you to get one of the Quilts from Lori's posting. Glad I was still awake to read this... time for sleep now- Church time comes too soon.

  3. Always enjoy reading about what's happening in your sewing room. Those butterflies look pretty fabulous to me. Is the background on the 9-patch yellow or peach. Whatever it is it is a pretty shade. Congrats on getting that striking top for your living room and keeping up with your other projects.

  4. Always super busy!!! Love the FMQ!! Your are doing very well. The new girl have a name yet? The plaid blocks are looking great!!! It is fun to sew the Christmas blocks!!! And I love your fabric choice!! Have a great week!!

  5. The quilting looks excellent! And what a great deal on the couch quilt. Very pretty!

  6. Love your new quilt...awesome! Your FW blocks are looking good. I need to make Box and I will be caught up! All of your projects look great, have fun working on them and enjoy the process!

  7. Ah! Your sofa back is not styling! I so adore those plaid shirt blocks -- they look terrific!! :)

  8. Wow... the sofa quilt top couldn't be more perfect for your sofa if you had made it yourself!

    Great progress on all your projects... looking forward to your FMQing adventures... you're doing great so far!

  9. I like your sofa! I think the quilt might have something to do with that. LOL!

    I like the name for your quilt blocks. Reminds me of the ad where Fons and Porter are working on a quilt. There is a man sleeping in a chair. Has on a plaid shirt with sections of the shirt cut out. And MaryAnn and Liz have incorporated them into their quilt.

  10. Oh you've had a busy week making beautiful blocks!! I sent Jill the link to your blog so she can see how nicely it goes with your couch.

  11. What a nice memory to hang over your couch! It does look like it was made just for that spot. Beautiful blocks, too.

  12. I had to look closely at the photos to see where the border ended and the sofa began. Your purchase was perfect for your decor. I'm sure you'll have fun quilting it, and what you've do so far looks great. The butterflies are flying gracefully. :)
    Your posts are filled with so many things you're working on. You're leaving many of us in the dust!
    Thanks for reminding me about the logic of making Christmas fabric blocks, whether for a sampler quilt like this or testing patterns for other quilts. I think I'm going to back up and do that. I'm only 8 or 9 blocks into the FW book.

  13. You are making some great progress on your projects. I enjoyed seeing the same blocks made in two different fabric collections!

  14. Great job on the quilting! Looks perfect to me! Love the quilt on your couch too!

  15. I'm happy your first HQ project was a success! Jill Reid will be delighted to know her Log Cabin Star top has found it's way to a loving home. Thanks for sharing the giveaway with us - I'm the fabric! Are you sure you want more competition? lol. I like both sets of Farmer's Wife blocks, each quilt will be so unique.

  16. Gorgeous Mom! I was really impressed with your cute butterflies last night. It was fun to see a demonstration too!

  17. Janet you seem to have made a great start with the new toy! And your farmers wife blocks are fabulous! I love the shirtings and what a great idea to make a a second set in a different color way. So clever!!

  18. You have been so busy. What a lucky win. It is a nice top and works perfectly with your room.

  19. While I enjoy your quilt, I REALLY like your sofa!!!

  20. You are too funny with your "winging it" comments. The little quilt looks like it was made for your house.

  21. I love the quilt on your couch. It looks great. Glad you are enjoying your new machine!

  22. So what did you decide to name your new machine? I like reading your posts when you up late :) Sandi

  23. Fabulous to have a piece by Jill Reid. Looks beautiful in your home. So nice you are enjoying your new machine.
    I love your use of plaids - they look fabulous!

  24. Congratulations....I am passing on the Liebster Blog award to you.


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