
Thursday, February 9, 2012

Orca Bay (and a few other things)

I decided to get in on Bonnie's last Orca Bay link-up, though my "Bay" is currently not much more than a puddle.
This is less than half of the blocks I will make, but it still won't be as big as the original. You may recall that "Sunset Over the Men's Department" is made from thrift store shirts and there just isn't enough coral plaid and purple stripes to do the full size quilt. It can be tricky to get all of the stripes (and strings for most of you) pointing in the right direction. I've read in blog after blog of quilters realizing that one piece or another was sewn in wrong. I've had to do a little unpicking myself. But I do love the bold graphic design in this pattern. Bonnie hit another home run!
I got my Raspberry Lemonade version of Lori's doll QAL quilted and bound. I used Leah Day's paisley heart design that LuAnn at Loose Threads blog linked me to. It was my first attempt with variegated thread and I'm not sure it was the best choice. When the lighter thread color would come through I couldn't always see my quilting and I would sometimes think the thread had broken. 
The stitching is anything but perfect, but it will have to do. You can't really see it in the photo and that is probably a good thing. 
Now it sits on my hutch beneath my soup tureen. 
I got block number two of "Ramblin' Rose Meets Jamestown" finished. I am definitely messing with the value placement on these blocks. Since I don't have the fabrics specified, I am using a bunch of fabrics from my stash and I don't always have the same number of lights and darks for a block as the pattern indicates.
The one on the right, that looks crooked, is the newest addition.
And finally, my Rocky Mountain Christmas (aka Bonnie's Smoky Mountain Stars) Is coming along. Last time I mentioned that mentally I had divided it into twelve sections. Now I only have 4 sections to finish, but I'm toying with a border idea in my head that may take some time to complete, if I decide to add it. Good thing I have plenty of time before next Christmas. I definitely want it done by then!
It is late and I am typing some pretty silly things as my eyelids droop. I hope I have caught and corrected them all. If not, have a good laugh on me. I'd better call it quits. Tomorrow morning my new HQ Sweet Sixteen is being delivered and I want to be awake enough to understand the training. : )
Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. WHOO HOO!!! You just slipped that one in there... HQ sixteen coming!??? exciting! You're FMQ is looking better and better. You have been busy making other blocks yourself.

  2. Wow... you've been productive! Great finishes and lots of progress.... everything looks GREAT!

  3. wow, good for you, you are getting a long arm! you are going to have so much fun...
    love your orca baby, mine is in a pile :-(
    what happened to the last picture with the stars? it's broken up... looks great though

  4. Your Orca Bay is looking great! And you know I love that Rocky Mountain Christmas! Congrats on the HQ Sweet'll have a blast!

  5. I have a feeling we'll be hearing from you less now that your new "friend" is arriving! CONGRATS!!! Your W'sIP are so pretty, you'll have lots of projects on which to practice your new-found skills.

  6. HQ16?????!!!!! How exciting!

    Word Verification: minisupp -- not your usual great big supp

  7. No wonder you've been quiet lately - productivity has set in! Congrats on your new "toy" - I'm sure you will put it to good use!

  8. I love the colors and those plaid fabrics you used in your Orca Bay quilt. It makes it very playful.

  9. Love getting an update on your projects and hearing the news about your new toy! So exciting! Have fun with it and keep us posted.

  10. Look how much you have accomplished!! Amazing!! And pretty:)

  11. What a wonderful post with very exciting news thrown in for good measure. Looking forward to seeing your finishes - of course, what you are finishing right now is pretty spectacular. Judy C

  12. Loving your version of Ramblin Rose. Iam so happy for you that you are getting a HQ Sweet Sixteen. I'm sure you will have fun learning free motion quilting. You are one busy quilter.

  13. Oh Janet, the striping on your blocks makes it looks like rays emanating from your stars -- the effect is wonderful!! And your table topper is very sweet! Such fun things pictured on your blog for today! :)

  14. Wow! You've been really busy. Love your use of stripes. The red Valentines diplay is very sweet.
    Enjoy your machine quilting! I hope you have a stack of projects to get quilted!

  15. and a pretty puddle it is too! coming along great; love your other quilt projects as well. we'll keep on keeping on and get these orca bays done!

  16. I love all your projects....and you've certainly been busy on them! Pink Lemonade looks lovely under your tureen, too!

  17. Your OB is just fine that size - and I LOVE the striped fabric, as well as your clever name!

    The Stars? I guess I AM seeing what I'm seeing. Ooops! Live and learn! Joint the rest of humanity - 8-))) but it's going to be a good one when completed!

  18. Wow - I totally slid across the sentence about "your Sweet 16 HQ" whoooo hooooooo! Congratulations - you'll be busy for a while!! Happy Day!!

  19. Janet - I love the soft pastel like colors versus the bold black & white in your "puddle." Very clever to use the striped fabrics. Your raspberry lemonade looks great with the vignette you've set up - the candle holders are very pretty. (I have a green one in that style but mine just holds pens)

  20. Yeah Mom! Everything is looking good. Although I think you should have done a closer shot on your paisley hearts because they are beautiful! Good lucky with your training today. I'm excited for you.

  21. Janet, you always have such great projects. The pink lemonade is gorgeous, and I love the quilting. You have the perfect place to display it. Your Orca Bay is just gorgeous, too!

  22. Okay, okay, if you weren't such a great friend I would be totally intimidated!! Such lovely projects and so many stars!!!Way to go! Enjoy your new toy!!

  23. lovely projects.... your pink lemonade looks gorgeous on your hutch. I do love how your version of Orca bay is turning out...and also love the colour choices for the other projects.Lots of yumminess. Have fun with the sweet 16!!

  24. The colors in your Orca Bay quilt are so unique and colorful. I love the way it is turning out.

  25. Love your Sunset Over the Men's Department! It looks great. I'm off to a mini-sewing retreat this weekend to work on my Orca Bay in red, white, black and turquoise and I hope to get the whole center pieced together. I have all the pieces ready, if I can just keep from agonizing over placement too much.

  26. This just Shines! I'm so glad you caved...LOL! I'm also proud of you for doing it your own way! Right on!


  27. Love the Orca Bay in shirting fabrics... that's really fun! Best wishes on your Farmer's Wife quilt too... I've loved doing those little blocks.

  28. oh congrats on getting a HQ16 wow!!!!
    love all your projects, you have been busy!

  29. Your Orca Bay looks gorgeous with those fabrics!

  30. Love your Orca Bay, the use of one piece of fabric rather than strings is fabulous. Colours are great. Enjoyed looking at your finished raspberry lemonade too.

  31. Janet, You have been BUSY!!! I love how your Orca Bay mystery turned out, with that stripe fabric in the corners!!! And, of course, Lori's quiltalong is fabulous!

  32. Your Sunset over the mens department is beautful!! I LOVE the colors you have used!!!


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