
Sunday, October 23, 2011

What now?

Well, the Tree of Life quilt in my last post had been on my design wall for so long that after taking it down and finishing the borders, the room seemed strange without it. What goes on the wall now? I wish I could show you, but it is a gift for someone who reads this, so I won't be showing it until after Christmas (and she knows who she is). I will say that it is a quick pattern and I am loving the result. I will probably make another one in the future.
I spent much of last night cutting out more blocks for John'aLee. I was going to make one a week, but like Freda, once I had the fabrics out to make one, I figured I would cut them all. Once they are cut it is hard to not just get them sewn up. Tonight I made another one.

I really like to try and make each star unique. Gets the creative juices flowing. I have five more blocks cut and hope to have them all in the mail by the end of the month.
In the meantime I am also working on a Christmas quilt for the family room. After digging up the entire strawberry bed this afternoon and separating plants and replanting, my back was really talking to me. So this evening I sat on a heating pad, deconstructing shirts, while watching the world series game. Apologies to my friends in Texas, but I have a SIL from St. Louis, so we have been cheering on the Cardinals, and what a night they had!
These are the shirts I took apart while the
 Cardinals kept crossing home plate!
Anyway, back to the shirts. I am planning on making Bonnie Hunter's Smokey Mountain Stars, but I want to only use red and green plaid shirts, along with the tan background color. My dilemma is this, should I make the centers of the stars one color and the points another? Should I make some all red stars and some all green stars? Or should I let the red and green fall randomly? This is Bonnie's quilt below (which I love), but if I am just using two colors besides the background, I can't decide if I should control the placement of the color more, or just let the chips fall where they may. Do you have an opinion (you know you do)? Please share--I love brainstorming--even via blogs!
From Bonnie Hunter's free patterns. The link above
will take you right to this pattern.
This is uncharacteristically short for me, but the heating pad calls.
Until next time, from the little mountain valley where the sagebrush grows,
Janet O.


  1. The Smoky Mountain Stars look like my Slanted Stars. The scrappy look sounds good to me. I like how she used different prints in the centers of hers. I knew if I stayed up long enough you would comment on my Blog. I'm returning the favor. Sorry to hear about needing the heating pad. I use Ice when my Back hurts.

  2. aaahhh heating pad, friend to the weekend your plaids, can't wait to see what you decide!

  3. Take good care of your back, ouch... how well I know this pain. I am from the "chips fall where they may" school on your star quilt. I love the deconstructed shirts you have amassed, they will look terrific made up in this pattern. I always knew this one as "Stretched Stars". Bonnie is such an inspiration to so many!

  4. I kind of like the idea of stars being all one color, but with different fabric for the points. Any way you do it will look good, though. I love Bonnie's scrappy quilt too.

  5. I'm with Ruth, stay within one color family in each matter what it will be a gorgeous quilt. Love your plaids!

  6. I love Bonnie Hunter's patterns. I look forward to seeing your version of this pattern.

  7. I like Ruth's idea, but think if it were me, I'd go scrappy all the way.

  8. Are you finally working on MY quilt!?!?!? lol... Love all of your plaids - and the pattern you are planning to use them in - I've always liked that pattern. I think I would mix it up and make the red & green fall where they may. Can't wait to see what you do with it!

  9. Love your newest block for John'aLee! Very nice indeed!

    I don't know what to tell you about your red/green stars... I guess I'm a scrappy kinda girl here... but this is YOUR quilt.


  10. How ever you do it, it will be great!! looking forward to the progress. Doing John'aLee's stars are addictive. I cut out three and have a couple more planned. It has worked well as I am catching up on the Civil War Remembrance blocks and every time I have a star, I cut a red, white and blue one!


  11. The block you recently made for John'aLee is wonderful...great use of fabrics and so well done!

    I tend to be on the scrappy side myself - you get such wonderful movement across the quilt.

    I hear you about the heating pad...after clearing out a very overgrown area by the driveway yesterday - complete with pruners, hedgetrimmers and rake & then hauling everything up to our south field by 4 wheeler, this 67 year old back was ready for the whirlpool...take care!

  12. I tend to be the kind of person that says, "Let the chips fall where they may!" and then goes back behind the fallen chips and moves 'em around until they're where I wanted them to fall. LOL! I hope the heating pad helped bunches! :)

  13. Is there any reason why you can't have all types of stars? - contrasting squares and points, one colour stars, randomly scrappy... oh, wait... I guess that's a vote for totally randomly scrappy. Let the fabrics fall where they may.

  14. I vote for scrappy. Your colours are going to look lovely. Hope your back feels better.

  15. I vote for random placement. I love plaids - especially your red ones! Look forward to seeing what you are working on.

  16. I'm in the "let the chips fall" camp. But then I'm a true scrappy quilt lover and find co-ordinated layouts just a bit boring. Since yours will be only 2 colors and a neutral, I think mixing up the stars will add pizazz.

  17. I love your new Fallen Soldier blocks! I vote scrappy on your Smokey Mountain Stars quilt. I Googled this quilt in "Images" to help me decide. Curious, what criteria do you use in choosing shirts? Fabric content? I love learning from you! I hope you are healing from overdoing it in the strawberry patch.

  18. Congratulations on finishing the Tree of Life. It is really lovely and you found a great solution. I'm sure he will love it. HOpe your back is feeling better soon.

  19. My vote is for random scrappy. I love the quilt. What will you use for a border. Take good care of your back. I also think ice would reduce the inflammation even though when it is cold outside the heating pad seems to provide so much more comfort.

  20. As much as I'm a scrappy girl - I think a more controlled layout might look best with only the three colors. Either you alternate with some red and some green stars or the points are all red and the centers green. Can't wait to see the final decision.

  21. I have done Bonnie's Smokey Mountain Stars quilt using the same plaid for the star centers. If you'd like to see a picture of it you can email me at aorlflood at comcast dot net and I'll gladly email it to you!

  22. I've made that quilt!! I cannot remember how much I varied the fabrics. It was a fun one and relatively easy to make.


I love to have your comments and feedback.