
Friday, October 28, 2011

Patriotic Stars and Christmas Stars

I've sewn up six of the seven blocks I cut last week for John'aLee and her Fallen Soldier Project. They are working out nicely and I am having fun playing with my R/W/B fabrics. Only one more to go and then these will be in the mail. Still time to help out if you can. Remember, she has extended the deadline to the end of November.
I have already posted photos of 2 of these
blocks in recent posts, but 4 of them are new.
I have all of the pieces cut for my Christmas Smokey Mountain Stars quilt, based on Bonnie Hunter's pattern here.
And tonight I started sewing on corners. I'm making the quilt just a little larger than the pattern, so I hope I calculated amounts of squares correctly and I won't have to go back and cut more.
I think this one will go quickly, as does the secret Christmas gift quilt currently on my design wall. Some of you have asked about it and I have emailed pictures of it to a few of you. Thanks for all of the feedback and positive responses. It should be off the wall and to the longarm quilter by next week. Then this Christmas quilt will take its place. Then I want to make the Christmas wall hanging from the drawing I won on LuAnn's blog. We'll see if either of these actually gets quilted in time for the holiday season.

Have any of you seen this?
My blog friend, Mary C. from Washington, sent this notice to me. If you enjoy the Elm Creek books (just read my first one this summer), you might want to check out the schedule on the flip side of this ad and see if Jennifer is coming to a bookstore near you.

Until next time, from the little mountain valley where the sagebrush grows,
Janet O.


  1. Hey Night owl! Those are some mighty fine star blocks. Shouldn't you be working on the secret Christmas project?

  2. the blocks look great, love the start of your new quilt
    what is it about plaids, I just love them! always make a comfy quilt! can't wait to see more!

  3. Lots going on! Must be the cooler weather. Those blocks are beautiful. And love the plaids.

  4. You know I LOVE stars!!! Looking forward to the Christmas star quilt! Love using recycled fabrics!! Have a great day!


  5. I love the fabric for your Smokey Mountain stars blocks. Can't wait to see it finished! I just read my very first Jennifer Chiavarini book this summer and I am so happy our little public library carries them all. Your star blocks for the Fallen Soldier project are also gorgeous. Blessings!

  6. Janet, your stars look great, and I love the fabrics your using for the Christmas quilt! I loved the Elm Creek books -- but this is the first I'd seen of The Wedding Quilt! Enjoy your Friday! :)

  7. I just love your star blocks! And can't wait to see those plaids come together. I am still assuming that the secret quilt is mine, as I haven't seen pictures!

  8. I'm looking forward to seeing your Christmas quilt come together. Every time I see another of Bonnie's patterns, I think "oh, I wanna make that one too!" I need a few more hours in the day!! :)

  9. Very striking star blocks!
    I'm trying to work more plais into my projects ;-)

  10. DARN! And I'm just doing hand work!!

    I'm gonna have me a red/white/blue star quilt one of these days and I hope it will be as cute as yours!!!

    You are making me want to start something new and I've been telling myself NO NO NO!!!I have 18 unfinished quilts right now and that is what I have been focusing on!

    Great plaids too!!! Nothing like a red plaid!!

  11. niiiice blocks, all of them...and can't wait to see your plaid project...and thanks for the tip on jennifer's new book!

  12. I really like your patriotic stars Janet. I can't wait to see your Christmas ones too.

  13. Wonderful selection of RWB stars - I think the bottom right is my favorite...where did you find the pattern?

    I'm on the Elm Creek Quilts email list so I was also very excited to see the ad for the new book. My local library system has the book but not the audio book yet...I'm waiting on pins and needles. Unfortunately, her book tour is 2 or 3 states from me. Too bad she wasn't going to be in Houston...

    Looks like a great start on your red/green quilt. Happy sewing.

  14. I enjoy seeing your star blocks. I like star blocks in general but especially in patriotic fabrics.

  15. Gorgeous blocks, she will be so happy to get them.

  16. Your stares look great! Love your plaids too!

    :) Carolyn

  17. Janet, John'aLee will be so happy with your star blocks! You are truly a Saint... always brightening someone's day with your talents!


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