
Thursday, October 20, 2011


Do you remember this--my youngest son's memory quilt from his time as a missionary in Brazil? I've blogged about it plenty, here, and here. You may recall that at the last sighting I was asking opinions on border choices, and I received many helpful suggestions, all of which I tried out on the design wall. But as I sat across the room from the design wall and pondered the look of the different borders, one thing became very apparent to me. The cobblestone blocks were overpowering the quilt. I wasn't about to scrap them altogether, but somehow I had to tame down the look. I struggled with this for some time--this has been on my design wall for months, which seemed like forever. Finally I knew I had to pull out my trusty seam ripper and deconstruct those cobblestone blocks--all 17 of them. What you see above is the almost finished product. In an attempt to make a quilt that wasn't a square, I had not put the cobblestones across the top of the quilt, but I wasn't crazy about that look. Once I took apart the stones, I was able to string a single row of stones across the top. Now the quilt is just barely not a square, but I think the addition of  blocks on top helps the look immensely. I also decided that all of the straight inner borders needed to be double colors and narrow. The three strips of color along the outer edge of the quilt have not been sewn on yet, so they look a little wider than they will actually be. Everything else is stitched together. I am much happier with this result, and I hope to finish sewing on those borders tomorrow.
You be the judge. Look at what I was showing you last time around with this project.
See how much bigger the cobblestone blocks are--and none of them go across
the top of the quilt. And the borders are wider and not so plentiful. I like
the new version so much better.
Tonight I got my weekly block for John'aLee's Fallen Soldier Project made. Most of my red/white/blue fabrics are remnants and scraps, with an occasional FQ. I love the challenge of pulling out all of the possible red/white/blue combinations and trying to choose the right pieces to make a star that is a little different than the last one. But that is just my idea of fun--take something easy and see how you can complicate it. Kind of warped, huh? BTW, the above link is John'aLee's original request for help with making blocks. If you can help out, remember that she has extended the deadline to the end of November. 

I'll leave you with this scene from the back door. Remember those mountains in a recent post that were blanketed with snow? Well, here they are again. It has been above normal temps, the snow is gone and the leaves are changing on the mountainsides. I love this time of year. We took a drive up through the canyon this evening and the colors in the mountains were gorgeous--but I forgot my camera. : (
Until next time, from the little mountain valley where fall has arrived,
Janet O.


  1. Yes,yes,yes, it looks wonderful. The step of having your project where you can see it and ponder over it is so important when you are stuck. What a good feeling!
    That's the view from your back door! Beautiful!

  2. Janet, Looks great!! I agree, balancing out the stepping stones gave great balance to the quilt!! What a treasure. Lovely view!! We have been cooler, but suppose to be warmer the next few days. We actually had a fire in stove the past two mornings. Have a great day!


  3. OH, just fabulous Janet!! Love this quilt so much!

  4. Your new border design for your son's quilt works well. I think the cobblestone border is so unique. Everything has such meaning with this quilt.

    The fabric you put in the center of the star block and the flag print is just perfect for it's intended use.

  5. Gorgeous! And you KNOW how I love Cobblestones. :)

    P.S. Your mountain view is also beautiful.

  6. WOW!!! I am speechless, that is just gorgeous. Great job.

  7. Okay, this is way too "funny"! Cruising around checking blogs, found one I hadn't seen before. Clicked there. Lovely, left a comment and who is also a follower!!! Of course my good friend, Rouge Quilter had left a comment. We are way much a like!!!! Have a great day!!

  8. Yep...definitely like the quilt better - I think the blue in the border really pulls it together. Love your star block - cute little fussy-cut flags. And what a gorgeous view you have - how do you get anything done?

  9. Janet, I love the memory quilt -- it's wonderful!! :)

  10. I like how you changed the cobblestones. It looks fantastic!!

  11. I really love your quilt and the decisions were perfect for the quilt. A jewell to be sure. Judy C

  12. It looks amazing! You made the perfect final decision on that quilt. I'm sure it will be very precious to him.

    Love how you fussy cut your flags on your latest block. It looks great.

  13. Yippe! You finally got it! I flipped back and forth to the way you first had it and this is sooooo much better! It really does flow now. I also like the yellowish tiny inner border you added as well.
    I was laughing when you said it had been on your design wall for what seemed forever, I can relate. I always seem to get it right eventually, but I do whine about the fact that just ONE time I would like to get it RIGHT AWAY!!! HA!

  14. The PERFECT solution to your quilt... love the way it looks now!

    Also love the fabrics for your star block... I, too, enjoy changing the fabrics around and making the blocks look so different.

    If I had those beautiful mtns out my back door, I think I'd be spending a lot of time just sitting and admiring them.


  15. I agree that the cobblestones on 4 sides and the double borders make for a better quilt. Either version is beautiful but I think the current edition is "complete." Does that make any sense? Gorgeous mountain views!

  16. Beautiful quilt. I'm sure it will be dearly loved!
    Thanks for the mountain view.

  17. Some quilts need to ruminate on the wall longer than others. Looks like this one is ready to come off very soon! Your son will be so happy to have it. Winter is coming to your beautiful Mountain Valley. Thanks for the reminder to make stars for John'aLee.

  18. Okay, did it again. Went to Home Spun and who is the only other one that has commented!!! WE do think alike!!


  19. Looks like it was worth the wait to get it how you like it. I had to go back and forth and ponder one over the other, Good job with persevering, it was well worth it.
    Great view!

  20. As I'm going thru my own border challenges right now, I can really relate. Applause on the extra thankless work it took deconstructing to get to where it is now - which is fantastic. Can't wait to see what goes up on the wall when this one comes down.

  21. thank you so much for YOUR comment on my blog, Joan. What lovely words. I made a mad dash back to yours to find that incredible memory quilt - how dymanic!!! Don't we girls have fun? 8-)) I've noticed my followers has increased recently, thanks to kind bloggers elsewhere who say nice and encouraging things. I'll get you back on my READEr list. 8-))

  22. I like this version better, especially the blue and gold borders. Also like the cobblestones across the top. I absolutely love your mountain view.

  23. I love what you did with your Son's memory quilt.


I love to have your comments and feedback.