
Sunday, October 16, 2011

Winners and other stuff!

First off, I want to let you know who won the Lynn Roddy Brown books. Congrats to Nancy, a no reply blogger, who won Simple Strategies for Scrap Quilts. Nancy, I need you to email your snail mail address to me so I can mail the book to you. Congrats also to Yvette, who won the Block Swap book. Thanks to all who participated! I hope the winners enjoy those books as much as I do!
I finally have another flimsy completed.I cut this out months ago using one of Lori Smith's Fit to Frame patterns.
The inner, pieced border gave me fits. I made it according to the pattern, I thought,  and it didn't fit--it was way too long on every side. Luckily I had only sewn 1 1/2 sides together when I realized the problem. I have no clue what went wrong. I checked my measurements with the pattern and I had cut things right. Anyway, I ended up making 1 1/2" HSTs to create the border instead of the method the pattern used. I have coveted the sample of this they have in a LQS every time I go in, so I decided I needed to just make one. I don't think I will frame it. I want to hand quilt it and bind it and put it on a wall somewhere, but I am trying to decide if I want to add another brown border to the outer edge. This is my first real mini quilt and I have to say that all of you out there blogging about how a mini quilt gives you a quick finish should come give me lessons. This did not go together quickly for me. But I will be making more. I love the result!

Another fun thing in the "little" department (or maybe I should say "tiny") is the foundation paper pieced jewelry made by Julie at Me and My Stitches. Some of you may recall that I won her giveaway a while back, and I chose a flag pin. Well, I finally got around to ordering more. I intended to order some traditional blocks, but when I saw the pumpkin and stained glass heart I was through looking.

Aren't they fun? Julie says she is going to be putting more on her website (which you can access by clicking the header photo on her blog) soon. You can get pins, pendants, earrings, and scissor fobs. I like a seasonal pin on my jacket or coat lapel, so these are all pins.

These are the blocks I have sent already.
They don't need to be this involved.
I always complicate things
One more thing, if you are not already aware. John'aLee has moved the deadline for 8" or 12" (finished measurement) patriotic star blocks to go into 5 quilts she is making for her daughter (whose fiancee was killed in Afghanistan just before they were to be married), the soldier's mother, two brothers and best friend, who was with him when he was killed. If you were hesitant to help because of the deadline, she has extended it to the end of November to try and collect all of the blocks she needs. You can go to her blog, The Scrappy Appleyard, for more info. I've already sent my blocks, but I am going to try and join Freda at The Adventures of the Empress of the Universe in  making one more each week until the last week of November, so we can each send her a few more.

I had more to share but it is late, so I'll save it for another post.

Until next time, from the little mountain valley where the sagebrush grows,
Janet O.


  1. Love the little quilt.
    It's very colourful

  2. Your colors in that little quilt are absolutely gorgeous! I love it!! I rarely extend opinions in my comments cuz I'm just a novice quilter, but I wouldn't put another border but use the same brown as the inner border for the binding. Just MHO. Those pins are adorable---I may have to pop over there and order a few as gifts (okay, and maybe a couple for me too LOL).

  3. Your mini is so appealing to me. I have some of Lori's patterns but do not know if I have this particular one. The mini quilts are only fast if you aren't making one with lots of litle pieces. Compared to a big quilt with lots of little pieces, it would be a lot faster....if you want to look at it that way.

  4. Love the pumpkins in the header!!! I need to update my blog page, too. Just been busy trying to get my house blog going again. Love the flimsy - I think we think alike!!! I'm going to try and get some blocks to John'aLee. I don't seem to have much red - drat have to make a trip to the fabric shop!!! lol Be talking to soon!


  5. I'm putting a note in the guild newsletter to get some blocks for the Scrappy Appleyard. Love your mini-quilt (and your new blog page header!)

  6. Hi Janet - so glad you like your new pins! I love your little Lori Smith quilt - her patterns are all so neat, but they usually aren't quick! Yours looks great. I agree with Angie - I think I would use that brown for binding and skip another border. I'm sure it will be wonderful either way! Love all of the fabrics in it. Thanks for sharing!

  7. Joining the crew saying that you should let the Binding Frame the Mini quilt. You were up even later than Me! Your Stars all look nice. I'll have to see if I can make some to send along for the John'alee project too.

  8. What a lovely quilt and what a complicated border... gorgeous but frightening! *lol*

    I got my granddaughters going thru the red and blue scrap bins this morning... hope to have a block for John'aLee done this afternoon.

  9. Congratulations to the winners! They'll enjoy the books.

    I love Lori Smith's patterns and have bought a bunch of the applique ones to make to hang in one of my stairwells. But I really like this one too -- I've been looking for great ideas for minis.

  10. First of all, I am so excited to win that book. I can't wait to get my hands on it. Thank you.

    I adore you Lori Smith mini. WHat pattern set did you use? I really need to start collecting them.

    Those pins are a great gift idea.

  11. Your Lori Smith quilt looks like a lot of work, and well worth the effort. It's lovely. The little quilts I make are much simpler, and also less satisfying when they're done. A beauty like this one is definitely worth the time.

    I had the pleasure of meeting Lori Smith at the AQS show in Des Moines early this month. (I didn't know she was from up north--Minnesota.) I have a photo for proof, but the gal holding the camera was apparently nervous. Shaky, blurry photo.

  12. Well....and went and done it or not. Totally missed this and am so darned bummed but happy for your winner.

  13. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for posting again about my Fallen Soldier project. I sooo appreciate you spreading the word! My heart...

  14. Congratulations to your winners!
    Absolutely fabulous, the wee quilt is lovely.

  15. Congrats to the winners! I love your little's a beauty. I have been trying to get to SLC to see my granddaughter since August. Hope my trip comes to fruition soon. It has been one thing after another here. What is a road trip with out a run through a couple of quilt shops? (10 hours road trip) Can you tip me off to a couple of good quilt shops in the area? I know you don't live there but thought you might know a couple. Thanks,Karen

  16. I love your little mini quilt and all of the fabrics you've used. I met Lori Smith at Paducah. She had a great booth there with samples of lots of her quilts, and she was just as wonderful as her quilts are. Congratulations to your winners, too!

  17. Congrats to the winners!
    Love your little quilt - great fabric choices! I think that pattern is the one I won from you. I'll have to make a note on it about the inner pieced border.
    Those pins are precious!

  18. I love that scrappy little quilt - I think I've come to your blog about six times today to look at it again and again. Nicely done.

  19. LOVE your new little quilt, ah look at those beautiful fabrics :)
    congrats to the can never have enough scrap quilt ideas!
    those little pieces are precious...I would love to have a pin like that, what a conversation piece and a piece of art
    she is talented working that small.

  20. I love your little mini! Wonderful fabrics used in it.

    Those little pins are wonderful. I keep wanting to order some, she does great work!

  21. Your little quilt is delightful! The touches of lavender are perfect - Lori Smith just keeps offering the best patterns, doesn't she!!? The glass art is wonderful!!

  22. Just wanted to let you know that I put you on my blog roll. I so appreciate what you've done to spread the word about our Fallen Soldier Project!

  23. Your mini-quilt is lovely. I really like your choice of fabrics. What other quilt shops are in the area? I know of the Sisters Shoppe on 2nd E. and Red Rooster closed on Main st. Is there anything else?

  24. I love your little quilt. The colors are so eye catching. You did a great job on your border remake.

  25. Congrats to Nancy and Yvette! Janet, I love your little quilt, it's beautiful! You are such a perfectionist. I'm amazed at how you lined up the strips in the background fabric of your lavender star. The little pins are sooo cute! With John'aLee's extended deadline I might be able to send a few more blocks.

  26. Oh, goodie! I WON! Thanks. I did send my snail mail. I hate that 'no reply' thing, but since I don't have a blog, that is the only way I can post.

  27. What an adorable little quilt you made!
    You have been very busy!!


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