
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A Quilty Day--With No Quilting

First quilty thing--the quilt featured in my header found its home. My daughter and I joined forces to make this for her neighbor. This woman has been amazing in all of the help and support she has offered my daughter  ever since my daughter's family moved in next door to her a few years ago. We are so glad the quilt has a good home.

The next quilty thing happened without being planned. I was in town for a brief stop to get pears and cream (needed to make the pear pie I want to enter in the county fair tomorrow). The first store didn't have pears that were ripe enough, so I moved on. I found what I needed in the next store, but I also found that I was within 1/2 mile of the newest quilt shop in town. You have to understand that I was under time a constraint and should have gone straight home to get ready to help take entries at the county fair home arts building. But recently my blogging friend, Mary, had reminded me that this new LQS was having a trunk show and visit from pattern and fabric designer, Lori Holt, of Bee In My Bonnet Company.

Today was the day. As much as I am in awe of her work, I hadn't planned on going. #1--didn't have time, #2--her quilts are mostly applique and I am not on that page yet, #3--her fabrics are more bright and modern than I tend to lean toward. But there I was--so close--surely I could spare 10 minutes to drop in. (Yeah, right!) When I got near the shop and saw every available parking space within a couple of blocks was taken I decided to drive on by. As I did so I saw one parking space right by the shop's back door. Could it really be? Must be reserved or something. I backed up and pulled in--no reserved sign in sight. I was good to go. I caught the tail end of her presentation, got the pattern to make this cute little bottle apron for party favors, table decorations, etc. (along with the 2 10" squares of fabric to make  some), watched as 3 patterns and 6 fat quarter bundles went to other lucky people in a drawing, met Lori and took pictures of many of her quilts, buzzed past the cheesecake being served (only grabbing a glass of lemon water) and bought a few fat quarters on my way out the door.

Take a look at these quilts. She does needle-turned applique using a straw needle, which she replaces every 3 or 4 blocks. Her 11-year-old daughter embroiders the sayings, scriptures and poems on the blocks. I really did stare in wonder at her quilts. If my camera battery hadn't been dying and I hadn't been in such a hurry I would have taken some detail shots, but you can click to enlarge them and get a pretty good view. This is just a handful of the quilts lining every inch of wall space in the classroom that contained about 80 women. I realized I mostly got pictures of the warm-toned fabric quilts. There were plenty of other "bright & white" quilts--I guess I just wasn't drawn to those. : )

Lori is coming back, I believe in September, to teach and introduce a new pattern, if you are going to be in Northern Utah. : )

After seeing all the bright, fun fabrics she has designed and worked with, what went home with me? What do you think? This is just who I am.

Third quilty thing today--while helping take entries at the county fair I got to see some beautiful quilts. Didn't take any photos (even though I had my camera in my purse today thinking I might get photos of quilts at the fairgrounds) but there are many inspiring designs. It is always interesting to see what the judges decide. I don't always agree with their choices, but I wouldn't want to be in their shoes. My Mom has entered a quilt again. I'll let you know the outcome there.

Fourth quilty thing-- When I got home this evening there were two squishies in the mail. Fun times!
I have been so taken by the little quilts on Dawn and Kathie's blogs. Samples from these "Fit to Frame" patterns by Lori Smith were calling to me the last time I was in the new LQS (prior to today). They were out of stock, but I came home and ordered a couple of them online. She has so many great patterns, it was hard to decide. There is free shipping within the US--that was a nice surprise.
I'm looking forward to making some of these little gems, and to getting at least one more set of patterns.

The other package was the book I ordered from Bonnie's website. Yes, if you order it from Amazon along with anything else you can get free shipping, but I think the shipping charge is worth it to have Bonnie sign and personalize the book. There are several quilts in here that are going on my bucket list. They will make great leader/enders!
So it was quite a quilty day and I didn't even thread a needle!
Until next time, from the little mountain valley where the sagebrush grows,
Janet O.


  1. OOOOOOOOH Thanks so much for stopping by! I feel like I was almost there with you. You got some good mail this week. I still don't have any of Bonnie's Books. I'll have to put that on my Wish list for my Secret Pal next year or something. The patterns look interesting too. I'm up extra late finishing my main blocks for the Challenge. I should have it ready to submit once they put up the link. I check every day and it isn't up yet.

  2. Thank you for the feast for the eyes!! Yummy quilts.

  3. Wow!!! Busy weekend. How did the pear pie do? I do have to try it. It sounds yummy. Have you shared the recipe? The quilts are amazing. I'm like you, not really my style, but beautiful none the less. Love the FQ on top of your pile!!!What is it i.e. maker, pattern etc! I'll see if I can find it online if I know some specifics. I need some blues for a little quilt I'm building in my head. Best go and do some things outside before it gets hot. Blessings

  4. A great day! I love Lori Holt's quilts, but like you, I am not into applique very much - especially needle turn! I do LOVE her quilts though and have seen them on her blog. They are soooooooooooooo cute!

  5. Busy, busy, busy! I like the Lori Holt qwults you did take a photo of. Fun, whimsical and a little muted. Yep, I think you were meant to be there to see them in person.

    Enjoy Lori S little quilts. They sure are wonderful!

  6. Now that's a great day at a quilt shop!

  7. I believe a day can be very quilty without threading a needle... Just thinking about future quilts at work makes it a quilty day! *lol*

    Thanks for sharing all the photos... love seeing what all is out there.

  8. You have been busy! Sounds like you did have a wonderful time at the shop and I love you new fabrics. I am also drawn to those tones.

    As you know I am in love with that quilt in your header! Such a wonderful gift to give.

    I dont have any of Bonnie's books yet but I've heard they are really nice. I also like you new patterns. I think sometimes we need to work on small things, it sure feels nice to have a finish.

  9. It's so much fun to look at Lori Holt's quilts, but I love the quilts you make a lot better - they just speak to me in darker colors. I got to stop at My Girlfriend's Quilt Shoppe for the first time a couple weeks ago and really enjoyed it too. I'm glad she has a little bit of Civil War fabric.

  10. Wow, I sure wish I had been with you!! What a great day you had and you didn't even really plan it to be so!! Thanks for sharing the photos of Lori's quilts!!

    I'm crazy Ga Ga over your header quilt, what a nice gift to give!

  11. Your daughters neighbor is lucky to get that quilt. I love the criss crossing light and dark.
    Sounds like a very busy day. Look forward to hearing about the fair. Pear pie sounds yummy! Don't believe I've ever had it. Do you share recipes?
    That bottle apron is too cute! Thanks for sharing the work of this creative designer.
    Have fun with your new purchases!

  12. Thanks for stopping by to see me...
    it was a fun day:)

  13. What a wonderful side-trip, I love Lori Holt's work and designs.

  14. Sounds like the perfect day! Always good to see what others are doing - that's what is so great about quilting - something for everyone.

  15. Your daughter's neighbor is very fortunate! What a wonderful quilt you've given her. I love it!

  16. That open parking spot was an omen--you were meant to be in the Q shop on that day, at that time. What fun it must have been to see Lori Holt's fantastic quilts in person. They're like journaling made from fabric. Love em.

    How nice to see the quilt from your header in its entirety. It caught my attention some time ago. Great colors. How nice that it's a surprise gift. That's the best kind.

    I'm sure you'll enjoy Bonnie's book. I won a signed copy from a drawing on her blog back when it was first published. I'm nearly done with my first Q from it. It's great fun as a leader and ender.

  17. Oh - Fun Day!
    Get to the 'A' page - but warning it is just as addicting as piecing. You made some fabulous purchases!!
    Enjoy the fair, your pear pie w cream sounds like a winner!

  18. WOW! What fun your post was. Now I gotta return and view again.

    Thanks for sharing.

    Carolyn :)

  19. Oh wow! Would I have loved to see those!

  20. What a fun day! Your daughters neighbor will be thrilled I am sure! That is a lovely quilt!
    The applique quilts you took photos of are fun quilts :O) for sure. But the fat quarters you left with look like what I would have left with. :O).

  21. I have some of Lori Holt's patterns though I have not made any of the quilts as of yet. I enjoy visiting her blog. She has a wonderful collection of red vintage kitchen items.


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