
Saturday, August 13, 2011

A Giveaway, Cobblestones, and Recipes

I love this little quilt. It is on display, finished and framed, at the LQS. The pattern for this is from one of the two sets I just got in the mail on Monday. I haven't had much sewing time but I have managed to get everything cut for this quilt and ready to sew. I don't plan on framing mine--just quilting and binding.

So now for the giveaway. You are maybe thinking, "What, again already?" I know that went through my head. After all, since I had missed the 50 follower giveaway opportunity, and went with 75--it wasn't so long ago. In fact, the soap for those winners is still curing. Well, when I got home from a long day at the fairgrounds and a visit to my grandchildren Tuesday night, this is what I found when I did my blog check.
Woo-Hoo! The big 100 follower mark! I needed to celebrate that somehow. I have really enjoyed the exchanges I have had with so many of you. Thanks for taking the time to read and comment on my blog. I have met so many gracious, kind, creative, inspiring, funny and giving quilters. This is how I want to say "Thanks!" Part one of the giveaway is the Lori Smith pattern set shown here. It includes the little quilt featured at the beginning of this post.
The other part of the giveaway is thanks to a link on Kathie Holland's blog "Inspired By Antique Quilts." She posted the link to a new line of fabric from the Collection For a Cause, named Comfort. I fell for it. Take a look at these fabrics!

So along with the pattern set, there goes a  charm pack of this fabric collection. Show how good a "follower" you are by following these directions to have a chance to win--just leave a comment on this post by midnight Monday and on Tuesday I will post a winner and runner-up. The runner-up will also receive a charm pack (but no pattern).

Can you just feel the cobblestones underfoot? No, huh?
Though, as I said earlier, it has been a busy week and I haven't been able to do very much sewing, I have put together a few of the cobblestone blocks for the Tree of Life quilt.

I'm not sure if these will surround the whole quilt, or just the sides and bottom, or if they will end up in the corners with something else filling the spaces between. I'm still trying to figure out how to keep this quilt from being square. I did decide that there needed to be another blue border between the Ocean Waves and the Cobblestones. Who knows where it will go from here?

By the way, at the county fair my pear pie won a blue ribbon. Let me know if you'd like the recipe and I will email it to you. I received it in a class taught by the executive pastry chef at the Deer Valley ski resort near Park City, Utah. It quickly became my new favorite pie. I had another entry in the baking department--Smurtles. This is a scrumptious bar cookie developed by Christine Boren of Provo, Utah. The link takes you to the recipe on the Nestle website. This cookie has an oatmeal crust on top and bottom with a layer of caramel and a layer of chocolate in between. Easy to make and sooooo good!  The Smurtles got a blue ribbon, too--and several recipe requests. Also, my Mom's quilt got a blue ribbon! I had planned on photographing some of the quilts, but they are all displayed in glass cases and I'd forgotten how hard it is to get good photos. Just know that the sweepstakes winning quilt was a beautifully made, machine quilted Dear Jane quilt in the traditional style. Very deserving.

So, don't forget to leave your comment, and until next time, from the little mountain valley where the county fair is in full swing,
Janet Olsen


  1. I would like to go to the Texas State fair to look at the quilt entries. I never have. Maybe this year :O) will get the DH to take me!

    I would love the Pear Pie recipe. I am allergic to apples so I always use pears where a apple would have been :O). Congrats on winning a ribbon on that pie!

    The cobble stone quilt is looking super!

    I would like to enter your drawing too :O).

  2. Someday I want to go to the fair! Would love to win your giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity.

  3. I want to enter your give-away. But even more than that, I want the pear pie recipe! Have never HAD pear pie. Yet.

  4. Congrats on the ribbon! I have never had pear pie, but it sounds yummy. Thanks for the chance to win!

  5. Congrats, Janet, on getting to 100 followers! Woohoo!

    And OF COURSE, I would love that pie recipe.....sounds great, and looks so beautiful with that lattice top....and a blue ribbon winner, to boot! Yay!

    Do you still have an opportunity to take pics of your mother's quilt? We would love to see a Dear Jane! And your cobblestones are looking great!

    Thanks for having another giveaway....we love that! lol

  6. Love the little quilt. And the new Comfort fabric is so tempting.
    Congratulations on reaching 100 followers. Count me in on your giveaway.

    The Tree of life quilt is really looking good. Glad that there is another person who doesn't like square quilts and designs as she :)

    Congratulations on winning ribbons at the fair! I would love to have the Pear Pie recipe, it sounds delicious. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Congratulations on that blue ribbon!

    I just love those little framed quilts, I hope to get one made someday too.

  8. I'd love to be in your giveaway. It looks like lovely prizes.

    Congrats on the blue ribbons. It is a beautiful pie.

  9. Yeah Mom! Congratulations on your blue ribbons...but then I wouldn't expect anything less. So does this mean we get pear pie for Sunday night dessert?
    I'm loving the cobblestones.

  10. I am a follower, really enjoy reading your blog.
    Congrats on the blue ribbons! I would love to have the pear pie recipe, sounds yummy, so do the cookies.

    Love watching the quilt progress.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  11. Quilts in glass cases at the Fair sounds interesting. Must be extra dusty there. Way to go on getting Blue ribbons! I liked that fabric too when I saw it on Kathy's Blog. Thanks for sharing...

  12. Of course I'm in on the drawing!!!! And by the way CONGRATS!!!! It has been fun watching your followers grow!! And yes, I want the pear pie recipe! Yes, I've been quilting, but this week has been dogs, dogs, puppies and cleaning house. I do steal a few minutes a day to hand quilt on the Frugal quilt. It is my therapy! Cobblestones are great. Talk to you soon!


  13. Congrats on the blue ribbons. Fairs are terrific! I'd love the recipe for the pear pie. I just asked my co-worker if her mom could make us a pear pie, my tree is loaded this year! Everyone laughed at me, saying "pear pie?" never heard of that!

  14. congrats on winning that blue ribbon. I would love a copy of the recipe. I have never eaten or baked a pear pie. Today I am planning on making yellow squash chocolate muffins.
    Thanks for the chance to win your giveaway.

  15. Congrats on your winning pie! Seems that everyone wants your recipe....and so do I! LOL! Love your cobblestone blocks, great idea for adding the blue border between those blocks. You have such generous giveaways! Love those little patterns, I think sometimes we need to finish something small to get us ready to work on a larger project. I have been cutting a few pieces for my "eye fooler" quilt as I cut my scraps...just a few so far.

  16. Only 100followers? I can't believe it. Thanks for a giveaway without strings. I hate having to post a link here or there for a giveaway. Love the blocks!

  17. I'm #105 and could have sworn I was already a follower. Please don't include me in the draw for the pattern...however...those charms look delightful! (I own the pattern)
    Wishing you many more followers and many more visits to my blog as well...I enjoy the company.

  18. Thanks for the recipes and congratulations on the blue ribbons! That pie sure does look yummy!
    Would love to win your giveway. Thanks for the chance. You acquired 100 followers very quickly and I can see why. Love your blog!
    I wasn't sure about it, but now that I see those cobblestone blocks with the oceanwaves I think it will work. I know you are going more for the meaning of the blocks, but I think you are making a very attractive quilt as well.

  19. Hi Janet - Please enter me in your giveaway. If I'm selected as one of your winners, I could drive up to Cache Valley to claim my prize and we could meet up in person!That would be FUN! Congrats on your award winning pie!

  20. Congratulations on 100 followers! I am very interested in your pie recipe--it looks delicious! (I have to admit that my husband is the pie baker at my house--I am just the eater, but would love to try a pear pie) Like the way your cobblestones are looking!

  21. Congrats on your blue ribbons and 100 followers! I am an official follower now, before I just had you in my Google Reader list. :) I love Lori Smith patterns and would be thrilled to win. Thanks!

  22. Every time I see that tree of life quilt, and what you are doing to it, I like it more. It is going to be stunning when it is done. I love those cobblestones!

  23. Hi. I would love to have your pear pie recipe. Don't you just love pears? I do, and I've never had pear pie. I'd love to make it for my quilting pals at one of our gatherings. Thank you for the opportunity to win the pattern and charm pack. I was working on the laMoyne stars from last year's quilt for a cause kit (or is it 2 or 3 years old now!). I've been afraid of the set in corners, but I'm going to give it another try after about 10 years of quilting and avoiding them. I think my skills have improved enough that it should be easy peasy. Let's hope. Thank you , Michele Gailey

  24. What a talented family you are. Congratulations on your blue ribbon wins and also your mother's blue ribbon win. Thanks for a great giveaway. I've had my eye on that Comfort fabric, and Lori Smith's patterns are always delightful.

  25. I love fair time!! Fingers crossed for the giveaway :)

  26. Congrats on 100 followers! Also, congrats on the blue ribbons -- just love fairs! You must be floating off the ground right about now!

  27. oh that pear pie looks yummy!
    wish I could come over for a piece and a cup of coffee and an after noon of chatting about quilts!
    congrats on 100 followers and of course would love to win either!
    isn't this fabric line amazing! oh I am so glad you like it too! I am going to make a quilt just for ME from this line!

  28. Congratulations to you all!!! Lots of blue ribbons!
    I sure would love to have that recipe of your pear pie; it looks so tasty!
    And also great that you are having a Giveaway to celebrate the 100th follower!
    Ofcourse I'll join in the fun!!!!! ;))
    Enjoy your sunday! Hope it doesn't rain as much as it does overhere.......

  29. I really like the pattern you are using for your new little quilt, it is so pretty! Congratulations on 100+ followers and your blue ribbon pie. I've never tried pear pie, I would love to try your recipe! I just signed on as a new follower and added you to my blog list so I can keep up with what you are working on. I love the quilt in your header, it is gorgeous. I'm off to read more of your blog entries.


  30. The cobblestones do look like something you could walk on. What a good design. Love the colors.

  31. Congratulations on winning a blue ribbon for the pie, and on reaching the 100 follower mark.

    I'd love to join the fun on the giveaway...

  32. I'm not surprised that you're up to 100 followers. You visit so many blogs here and there; you leave positive, encouraging, observant comments; and you're always busy doing something on your own blog. That equals followers.
    Thanks for offering such a sweet giveaway. Love the Lori Smith patterns and those fabrics. All fingers and toes crossed for this one, Janet.

  33. I love Lori Smith's patterns and using charm packs to make these little gems is a great idea. I printed off the Smurtles recipe; now I need to visit the grocery store to get some caramels. I plan to make these asap.

  34. Congratulations on lots of milestones... ribbons and 100 followers.

  35. 100 followers! That is wonderful. Just found your blog today and you can be sure I will be following you. Isn't it just the neatest feeling to win a Blue Ribbon!

  36. Congrats on your ribbons! I love that fabric for the Cause! Won't it make the most beautiful little quilt!!!

  37. Gratz on your ribbons, that is awesome! I am a fairly new follower. I found your site about a week or so ago while I was looking for pictures of the Eye Fooler Quilt. I liked your blog so much I wanted to make sure I got updated on all your future posts. :)

  38. Congrats on your ribbons and blog milestones! The little quilts are beautiful and the fabric collection is lovely. I'm going to check out the Smurtles recipe, anything with chocolate and caramel sounds like a winner to me!

  39. Congratulations on over 100 followers and thanks for the opportunity at the great giveaway. I love Lori Smith's patterns and the "Comfort" fabric is beautiful. I was also very busy last week with the fair here in Bear Lake. Our Guild takes care of the check-in and display of the entered quilts. We had a great show for our small fair with over 60 entries. The recipes look yummy! I love your blog!

  40. I came back to see what you are up to and now I'm drooling over the thought of a pear pie! I'll be emailing to get that recipe for sure. Thanks for sharing.

  41. Janet, thank you for taking the time to chat with me when I picked up my quilts from the fair on Monday. I love your blog, very inspiring. The pear pie sounds yummy, I will send you an email for the recipe. thanks again and I look forward to keeping in touch.

  42. I would love the pear pie recipe. I have never made a pear pie, but this sounds just too irresistible. Thanks for making it available and for sharing all of your beautiful quilts. Carline


I love to have your comments and feedback.