
Thursday, August 4, 2011

Before, During, and After

If you've been with me through the past month or so, you have seen the Tree of Life quilt. You may recall that I was not happy with the border around the center medallion.

It also didn't totally fill the gap between the Tree block and the Ocean Waves blocks. So it was dismissed.

I tried a few other things, among them, these leftover HSTs. It didn't cut it, but it stimulated some suggestions from some of you.
 I couldn't find a striped fabric that matched. I tried the solid dark blue and it seemed too overpowering, but I liked blue there. So I went with two shades of blue.
Initially I put in dark blue cornerstones, but then I pulled out a few of those leftover HSTs and thought it might work. What do you think? The Ocean Waves blocks aren't stitched on yet, so if it still needs changing, now is the time!
At least the Ocean Waves blocks are finished--Yay!! There is another round of blocks that I haven't started yet. This block comes from a Fons & Porter bonus pattern, "Celtic Cobblestones." 
I've mentioned that this quilt is a commemorative quilt for my youngest son's two years as a missionary in Brazil. He spent most of those two years traversing cobblestone streets. So I am taking the cobblestone block from the Fons & Porter pattern. It isn't sized to match my Ocean Waves blocks, so I'm not sure yet if I will sash them or adapt them or resize them, but somehow I am going to get those cobblestones on this quilt! Maybe I need another blue border between the Ocean Waves and Cobblestone blocks. I'm just thinking out loud here.
I picked up these batiks and textures today to make these blocks. I wanted to imply the look of stones without actually going the route of the stony print fabrics. And this will pull colors from the center of the quilt through the "waves"--I hope. Oh, when will I quit using the design-as-you-go technique?
Just in case there are thoughts running through your head like, "This isn't very pretty," or "This needs more color," remember that this is for a 22-year-old young man--his interest in pretty doesn't extend to quilts.
Until next time, from the little mountain valley where we are in the midst of a thunderstorm and the power has already gone out on me once as I tried to post this,

Janet O.


  1. I do like the blue and two blues make it more transitional to the Ocean waves. The browns and golds look good and like stones. Have fun making the quilt for your son!

  2. I like these colors together. You could use the same blue fabrics that are framing the tree medallion as borders around the ocean waves and put cobblestone blocks as cornerstones in the border. Just a thought.

  3. I think the two blues work great for the inner border. I would never have guessed the next round would be cobblestones! I look forward to seeing what you do. Nothing wrong with designing as you go - even if you planned it out you would probably make changes. Just enjoy the process!

  4. I like the 2 blues better. I design as I go too...sometimes it just works better that way!

  5. I like how you've surrounded the tree. It looks really good.
    I look forward to seeing how you incoorperate the cobblestones.

  6. Okay, Okay I agree with everyone else. The blues are really good. The cobblestone fabric is great. What other way is there to design an original quilt? On the go is the best!!!


  7. Those blues are perfect! I look forward to more, it has been fun watching this grow.

  8. So interesting... seeing your thought/design process... I like the borders around the tree... good choice!

    Looking forward to your cobblestone quilt progress... very different quilt!

  9. I think the colors look very much like a guy :O) and are pretty in general as well!

    I have a pattern very much like that tree of life. I love it, lots of little pieces :O). Someday.

    I have been cutting out Hexies the last several days lol thanks to you. In the evening I have been digging through my scrap bin cutting Hexies. I have even picked out the pattern I am going to do. Well a pic I found online of one. It will be scrappy! Which I guess is not surprising given that is my favorite look in a quilt it seems.

  10. Oh yes...the blues work wonderfully!

  11. I think the blues look great and frame the tree nicely. The batiks are gorgeous and will be just perfect for a young man.

  12. The double blue frame is great. Love your cobblestone fabrics, he's going to love this.

  13. LOVE the ocean waves. And I'm jealous that you're done with them!!!

  14. I also like the 2 blues around the tree. I'm really loving this quilt and I think those cobblestones will look great, love the fabrics that you chose for them. Can't wait to see more of it.

  15. That cobblestone pattern is fantastic, you have found the PERFECT fabrics too. I believe that you have hit upon a great solution in framing out that Tree of Life, too; it looks wonderful!

  16. Looks as though you will have a treasure when you are finished!

    Thanks for sharing :)


  17. The blues do seem to be the solution for the separation between the tree block and the Ocean Waves. You do such a good job on piecing.


I love to have your comments and feedback.