
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Drum Roll, Please...

The winner is ... (suspenseful pause) ... Maureen, of "Pursuit of Quilts" who is having a great give away of her own to celebrate the 50 follower benchmark. Drop on over and sign up--you have until noon a week from today! Maureen will be receiving the Lori Smith pattern and the Comfort charm pack.
And the runner-up ... (more suspense) ... Kathie of INSPIRED BY ANTIQUE QUILTS. She will also receive a charm pack. I laughed when I saw who the random number generated had selected as runner-up. It seems like poetic justice since it is through her post about this fabric line that I learned of it.
Congrats to the winners. If you will email your snail mail addresses to me I will get your winnings mailed right out! And to those who won soap in the last giveaway--don't despair. The soap will be ready and mailed before the end of the month. Thank you for your patience (I feel like a recording you hear when you have been on hold on the phone for tooooo long).
Now for a visit to the county fair. I mentioned in my last post that the sweepstakes winning quilt was a "Dear Jane". I also said it was kind of hard to get good photos because the quilts were displayed in glass cases. Here is the best I could do for Jane while she was on display. These cases line the walls of the home arts building.
Dear Jane under glass.
So as the quilters came to pick up their quilts today I pounced on a few of them and asked permission to get a photo and post it on my blog with their name. You have to understand that my "post" at the home arts building has been the sewing/knitting/crocheting table for the past few years. This is not because I do those things, but because no one else will take that position. So I am across a large room from where the quilts are and I had to rely on peripheral vision to see when someone picked up a quilt that I wanted to photograph--it didn't always work, but I'll show you what I have. First I'll explain that our county fair gives three sweepstakes ribbons in the quilt department--one for the best machine-quilted piece, one for the best hand-quilted piece and one for the best wall hanging, whether machine or hand-quilted. This doesn't necessarily mean that the hand-quilted winner will have the best hand-quilting of those entries, but that of all the hand-quilted entries, it was the best overall, etc. Got it? I'm not sure I do.
So here is Dear Jane once she was released from her encasement.

That is Sue Baddley, the maker, smiling from behind the quilt. I would
be smiling, too, if this was my quilt.

Click to get a better view.
Look at this great documentation--on the front, for all to see! I like this. You can see that she pieced this a few years ago, but she just barely got it quilted in time for the fair. Just squeaked under the wire.
And this dedication.

The maker, Sue Baddley, has made more of this pattern than just this one. She told me specifically about one that is all red, white and blue. I'd like to see that. She did her own machine quilting and it is beautiful.

The quilting in the border.

The corner quilting.
She said the quilting in each block has a story behind it--but we didn't have time to go through them. : )

The sweepstakes winner in the hand-quilting category was picked up while I wasn't looking so I only have photos of it in the case, and I didn't get the makers permission to share her name. I want to give credit to the makers, so I will save her quilt for another post after I can talk to her. You will want to see it. It is an amazing quilt of appliqued Native American images. I believe it was a BOM quilt from a shop in Southern Utah, but I will try to have more info when I post it.

This is the sweepstakes winner in the wall hanging category. The maker okayed posting it, but I only got a photo while it was in the case. Very pretty little double wedding ring by Maylyn Knoppel. As I recall, it was hand-quilted. Hard  to be certain from the photo, but it looks like it.

I took these photos without flash (indoors--what was I thinking), so the pictures are a bit fuzzy. But I love this quilt. It was on a magazine cover a while back and it was one I was POSITIVE I had purchased, so I didn't bother getting the details from the maker. And do you think I can find it now? NO!

I'll have to call the maker, Charity Bates, and get the info from her. I can see the cover in my mind, but after an extensive internet search and search of my sewing stuff, I can't come up with it. I wish I had used a flash on the above photos. They would have been sharper images and not as yellow. I loved this scrappy "Many Trips Around the World" and the  border is even scrappier!

This last quilt is just cute and fun, using yo-yos as cherries--and yes, we have the quilt upside down in the photo. Cherries don't grow straight up--at least not the varieties I have picked. Why didn't I notice this while taking the photo?
The smiling maker shown above is LuAnn Rickson. She said this had been a kit offered at a now closed LQS. Love the pink and brown even when they aren't in a Civil War reproduction quilt!

It was fun to make some new quilting friends and share their creations with you. I have two more to share when I can contact the quilters. Stay tuned.

Congrats, again, to the winners. Hope you'll share what you do with the charm squares--even if it takes years. : )

Until next time, from the little mountain valley where the days are still hot, but the nights are starting to have that nip of fall.
Janet O.


  1. The Dear jane quilt is just beautiful....thanks for sharing the quilts from the show, I love seeing quilts from quilters all over the USA, nice to see what other areas of the country are working on.
    I am thrilled to win the charm pack and can't wait to make a little quilt or two with it! I love this fabric line

  2. Woohoo! Thanks Janet!
    Wish I could have visited that fair. That Dear Jane is a real stunner - even in the case. So beautiful!
    The trip around the world was on the cover of American Patchwork and Quilting October 2010 issue. I love it too. That was a good issue so maybe you have it tucked away with another project?
    Thanks for sharing these lovely quilts and their makers.

  3. The American Patchwork and Quilting Magazine from October 2010 has the Scrappy "Granny Squares" quilt in it. By Lissa Alexander. Guess I'll have to go buy that charm pack myself...Congrats to Kathie, she is a frequent winner of these random draws.

  4. What lovely quilts and how fun to enjoy them while working at the fair!

  5. WOW! I can never get enough of seeing Dear Jane's finished.

  6. do you have a picture of Grandma's quilt? I don't know if I ever saw it finished.

  7. Congratulations to the give-away winners! Thanks for sharing the photos of all these lovely quilts... so inspiring!

  8. Hi Janet....Well I know Sue. She comes to our Dear Jane retreat up in Shipshewana, IN, twice a year. I probably saw that top before she quilted it. She has a long arm and does a lot of quilting for our group. Congratulations to your winners.

  9. "Jane under glass"... that is one amazing quilt... and the quilting,OH, be still my heart! Thanks for sharing! I wish I could help you with the quilt pattern, I don't recall seeing that one before... I would have remembered, it's terrific!

  10. What fun at the fair!
    Thanks for sharing the pictures.
    Congrats to your winners.

  11. Just love that Dear Jane quilt, That one with the brown sashings is super too!, all the quilts were pretty!

  12. Wow! I can't even imagine the work and dedication involved in the Dear Jane quilt. Sue definitly earned the sweepstakes ribbon. The
    Scrappy Granny Squares quilt is my favorite, I might even attempt making one someday. Congrats to the fair and giveaway winners!

  13. I have never seen a version of Dear Jane that I didn't like. The way it looks in the picture is like you are outside a house looking in the window.

  14. Hey, I know Sue Baddley! She's been to some of our rug hooking events! There is a group of women making hooked rugs from the Dear Jane designs - they're awesome. Sure wish our county fair (starts Wed) had as many nice quilts displayed as you do!

  15. gorgeous photos; that Dear Jane is beautiful but that's the closest i'll ever get

  16. The Granny Square quilt I made did come from the American Patchwork Quilting October 2010 issue. You can go on line and download a copy of the project.

    It was pretty easy to make and I love it, my grandmother made one just like it and we call them twinner quilts. Thanks Janet for sharing with everyone. Perhaps I need to start my own blog, your's is very inspiring.

  17. Charity, Thanks for posting this link. So you all know, the pattern is free. If you aren't registered with AP&Q, you just complete that process and you can download the pattern. This download shows the pattern as a small quilt in different colors. The link below should show you a picture of the quilt as Charity did hers. It is the one that was on the cover of the magazine. You can enlarge it and save it to go with your download--I did! : )

  18. Janet, that is it...I looked all over trying to find the cover picture. I am glad you found it. Also because your blog is so inspiring and I have created my own.

    nothing special on there yet, but I have lots to share from my past and many new things for the future. Thanks again for the inspiration.

  19. Thanks, Janet, for the pics of the Dear Jane, and all the other quilts, as well. They are all gorgeous! The quilting on the dear jane is really awesome.....beautiful feathers filling those borders cone shapes..... perfect!

  20. So many beautiful quilts! Love the DJ, I have one started but only have about 30 blocks done.

    The granny square quilt is one that I have on my list to do. Love that pattern.

  21. Wow, you were soooo lucky to be able to get up close and personal with this fabulous quilt!!

    I have the Granny Square pattern also....thanks for reminding me about where did I put it?

  22. Oh what great quilts you had at the fair. That DJ is amazing!


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