
Friday, August 19, 2011

The Lost is Found

The source for the "Granny Squares" quilt from my last post was located and identified by a few of you--thanks for the help! And best of all, Charity, who was the maker of the quilt I photographed, (and is shown  here again with it in my blurry photo)  found the link to the pattern for us. If you have the Oct. 2010 issue of American Patchwork and Quilting, then you already have the pattern, just go find it. If not, click on "pattern" above and download it.
This link takes you to the free, downloadable Granny Squares pattern on the American Patchwork and Quilting website. If you are already a member you can go ahead and download. If you aren't, it just takes a minute to sign up and then you are good to go. They give you the pattern for a table topper in a different colorway, but you can just keep making more of the squares to create the full-size quilt as Charity made and as they featured on the cover of their Oct. 2010 issue, shown here (in the colorway Charity used).
By the way, Charity has started her own blog. She is a talented quilter and I think there will be much to like as she gets rolling. In the post linked here she is sitting with her Grandma and the quilt each of them made from this pattern. Check it out.
Speaking of patterns, there was a 25% off coupon in the latest email from the new LQS. I wasn't going to go in, but there is this pattern that has been catching my eye every time I am there. And 25% off! And I was going to be in that neighborhood anyway--and there was parking right by the door! How many more excuses do I need to give? Though who knows when I will ever attempt it. There are way too many WIP stacking up as it is and I have already told several of you I am on a "new project" diet. I brought the pattern home and put it away (after the photo to post here). See how strong I am?  I know, if I was really strong I would never have purchased it.
So, until next time, from the little mountain valley where the tree frogs and crickets are currently chirping away,
Janet O.


  1. Thanks for sharing this pattern link... I've downloaded it b/c I know this is a "must make" quilt!

  2. I do love this quilt and like I said it is on my to-do list since I bought that magazine. Maybe we could get several of us quilters to do a little quilt-a-long. Sometimes that keeps us all going. Anyway....I do love it!

    Love that new pattern that you picked up. Are you planning on starting it soon?

  3. I would not have noticed that quilt being the same one I don't! Amazing how colors change the look of something isn't it. I really like it. I would like to make that.

  4. I love that quilt too. That is one of the magazines I saved.

  5. Don't let the pattern intimidate you, it's alot easier than it looks. I did things a little different that saved alot of time. When you get ready to make it, just let me know and I can share my tips with you.

  6. hahaha, a new project diet? that never stops me from playing and buying new magazines either. Gotta keep the MOJO going. So sweet that Charity made the quilt along with her g-ma!

  7. You crack me up!!! Strength - ha ha. But I can hardly wait until you make it so I can see it!!! lol

    Love the granny squares quilt. I've been needing another pattern for one of the Grampy's shirts quilts and it might just work for that!! I like the brown and I have other wool scrap fabrics that will help make each of the blocks.


  8. What a beautiful quilt. I remember that quilt from the magazine. Thanks for sharing the link. Hugs

  9. How funny! Just a month ago I purchased "Sallie's Quilt" pattern at the same new LQS as you! I fell in love with this quilt when I seen it hanging on wall in the Yellow Farmhouse blog post of Oct. 3, 2010.

    I'm excited to follow Charity's new blog.

  10. I can see why you couldn't pass up that pattern. I was on a new project "diet" but broke it yesterday. Oh, well. As long as projects are also getting finished!

  11. Found the magazine and the pattern, you're wonderful! Now... to find the TIME to stitch it!! Arrgghh.

  12. That quilt pattern is a hum-dinger! Have fun.

    Carolyn :)

  13. New project diet, love it. I have the Granny Square Quilt on my diet plan.

  14. Ohh!!! I can't wait to see your Sally's Quilt. I love that pattern. I may have to find it and make it sometime too!

  15. Carolyn @ Lee Prairie Designs, I don't know if you will see this but your comment about the Sally's Quilt pattern has me nervous about attempting one. Do you have any advice for us? Thanks!


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