
Saturday, March 21, 2020

March Monthly Mini, Mom's Flower Garden, and a little fun for National Quilting Day

I know I haven't been spotted much in blogland this month, so I thought I should make up for it by posting my Monthly Mini earlier than usual--much earlier.

This is the Kim Diehl pattern "Prairie Stars". You may or may not recall that I purchased the kit a couple of years ago, only to get it home and discover it was applique--which, for the most part,  I don't do. But I figured out a way to make it with foundation piecing. I started making the blocks at my usual January Winter Retreat in 2019 and I finished making them and sewing the rows together at Winter Retreat this year. Finally quilted it Thursday and bound it on Friday. There are so many places where the points don't match up, and I don't care. I like it and am glad to have it finished. I'm linking with Wendy at The Constant Quilter blog for our monthly minis. Go see the links to all the other wonderful minis.


This blurry photo gives you an idea as to how I quilted it. As with so many of my mini quilts, I did SITD for the blocks, and free motion in the border. 


And this photo gives you a size perspective. It finished at about 10 1/2" square.

It feels SO good to have made so much progress on my "Mom's Flower Garden" quilt. It was just last June when I decided to take my multi-sized hexagon flowers made over the past 22 years (you can read about this saga here if you are new to this blog) and applique them to a muslin background. Having already mentioned above that I don't applique, you know this was a difficult decision. I thought it would take me forever. But it has been my take-along project whenever I have spent time with Mom, and on a couple of short road trips. Two weeks ago I was at this point. Everything was sewn together except for the bottom row and sashing.
I had mentioned that I was going against the grain (for me) with this quilt and sewing the rows as I went along, which I never do. It has come back to haunt me, as I see some blocks of the same color too close together, but I am letting it be. The blank spot in the bottom right corner was the block I was working on at the time the photo was taken, and the baggie hanging in the space beside it was the one block I had not already assembled. If you know how I feel about EPP, you will know I was not eager to make even 1 more flower! But I did it. I still need to applique it to the background, but for now, this is where this project stands.
Once that pink flower on the bottom row is appliqued I will assemble that row and get it attached. There will be one outer border to add and then this will probably have to marinate in the closet for a time while I decide how I want to quilt it.

My focus this year is really on my UFOs, but with all this "self-isolating", I had to try something fresh and different. I pulled out a Pam Buda kit for a mini that I had purchased last year and decided to give it a go.
I got it cut out earlier this week and have just worked on it here and there between other projects. I love red/brown quilts. This is the one on the bottom of the pattern cover. It is called Cinnamon Sticks and it finishes at 12x15 inches. So cute!

Okay, now for the National Quilting Day celebration. I would invite you all over for a party, but since there are more than 10 of you, that would be frowned upon. So I am offering some "Quilting Day" party favors. Some of these items were purchased specifically for this giveaway and others came from a feeble attempt to clean my sewing room.
One per person, names to be drawn before the end of March.
First up are some Kim Diehl "Simple Whatnot" patterns.

1. Prairie Stars--the pattern I used for my Monthly Mini featured above. Remember, it is applique. :)

2.  Honeycomb--much to my surprise, when I opened this pattern the other day I discovered that it is applique, too. Not going to mess with this one myself.

 3. Frugal Farm Wife


4. Next up is this great Judie Rothermel pencil conversation print. I have 4 FQs of it, so 4 of you could be receiving one of these.

5. Then we have a wool applique pattern from Primitive Gatherings

6. Next is a Jen Kingwell Postcard Project #4. When I bought mine, I also bought a set to give away. You can read about my experience with this pattern here. I struggled with some aspects of the templates because it is intended for hand piecing, which I didn't want to do. But I sure liked the finished quilt.

7. Finally we have a mini Tumbler Template with a couple of Jo Morton mini charm packs. The template is just the right size for the mini charms. Works like a charm. (Sorry about that.)
There you have it--10 chances to receive a National Quilting Day party favor. With all of this craziness going on, wouldn't it be great to get some fun mail? So if anything appeals to you, just note the numbered items that caught your eye in the comment section. You will only be selected once, but you can increase your odds by choosing multiple favor possibilities. Let's Party!!

Drawing is now closed as of March 30th

Janet O.

ETA: This is how I honored National Quilting Day.


  1. kudos to you for finishing the hexie will be glad you soldiered on and did it...and it will be a wonderful heirloom for the future....lovely little mini as always...

  2. Thank you so much for the gifts. If I win I wouldn't mine having 7, 5 or 4. Sew on

  3. Love your mini as always. Youve been doing wonderfully getting your larger tops to the ready to quilt stage, I know how good that must feel, long-term projects are always so difficult to get back to after a hiatus. So sweet of you to offer up some goodies, if my name were chosen I'd love either 4 or 7.

  4. I just discovered your blog. It's inspring me to quilt again. If you choose my name it would like number 1.

  5. I love minis and applique. It I win, I would love to have #1.

  6. I also love wool so #5, if I win.

  7. Just to say hello and I love that new mini you finished! But my main comment was for the Flower is fabulous. Forget about the close placement, most will never notice and it gives such a warm feeling to the quilt. Don't let this saga of life from the Garden marinate in the closet too long. It is a beauty!

  8. 7, 6, 4 are my choices. So exciting! Keeping my fingers crossed. sharon at sharonstroud dot com.

  9. Your Mom's Flower Garden quilt looks beautiful--I would not change a thing! True confession, I'm liking this social isolation thing--quiet time, project time, slowing down--it feels great!

  10. Your little mini is adorable--I never would have imagined it was so tiny without your hand in there for perspective. I'm surprised that it was an applique pattern too--seems like paper piecing was the way to go. I would love to receive any of your awesome gifts except for #5--I have way more wooly projects than I will ever have time to work on--lol! I'm also trying to finish up old stuff, but starting something new is too much fun so I totally understand starting that sweet Pam Buda quilt.

  11. How fun! You are early with your Mini finish. 4, 6, 7 would be my choise of a Goodie surprise in my mail. That Mailbox is so empty some days. Thanks for sharing.
    Happy Stitching. I have made those Hexies flowers before too. So smart the stitch onto a square. It's gonna be a treasure.

  12. # 7 would sure be fun to do!

  13. I'm easy, I would be happy with any of your goodies! I haven't done a mini-quilt yet so the thought of one in the near future intrigues me.

    Love your Mom's Flower Garden. I'm working on a throw size hexxie quilt using mostly sea glass colors and coral with white background. Coming down the homestretch on the flowers but joining them with hexxies rather than applique.

  14. Your March Mini is beautiful, Janet. Good job figuring out the piecing, and excellent execution! I think I'll pass on the kit. Kudos for soldiering through applique od the garden blocks. That's going to be such a lovely quilt, and tribute to your mom? Go ahead and throw my hat in the ring for #7. I love those fabrics, and I'm actually likely to make a little quilt with them. Thanks!

  15. You always do such nice work. I would love to win any of the above. Thank you for being so generous. Hope you’ll stay healthy.

  16. Janet, I love your Prairie Stars quilt. I am about to machine quilt a mini. What kind/color thread do you use? I am doing one that has a lot of bulk where it is ironed over. I plan to SITD mostly. Any help would be appreciated. I’ll be using a walking foot for that. Is that what you do?


  17. Love your little quilts, as always! I'm finding I can either sew or do Facebook right now, so not getting much accomplished! I'd love to win 3, 4, or 7. Happy Quilting Day to all!

  18. I just love #1 but no appliqué for me. I would love either #6 or#7. Thanks for the chance and stay safe.

  19. I love Judie Rothermel fabrics!! Thank you for the chance to win.

  20. Happy National Quilting Day! Your Prairie Stars looks lovely :-) It's hard to think of that as an applique project. You did a nice job converting it. I do love Kim's designs.
    Thank you for the sweet treats! I'm not into applique too much either though I'm giving it a go on a table runner. #7 sparks my interest as I love Jo's fabrics and could use a tiny tumbler.
    My quilt mojo has been on the blink. Finally pressed my Straits rows but am slogging through getting them sewn together. If I can find some plastic twist ties and narrow elastic I might get busy making some face masks for my still working nurse friends. It's going to only get rougher out there for them. Praying for the health and recovery in our nation is certainly more than a hobby now! My prayers include your family and especially your mom. So we are praying and trying to focus also on gratitude and helping others. You are an inspiration, Janet. Take care.

  21. Your little quilt is wonderful! Too bad you haven't enjoyed the EPP quilt because it is beautiful. Happy National Quilting Day from locked down California. I would be pleased to win number 1, 6 or 7. Thank you!

  22. I so love the photo of the sky in your banner...soooo pretty! I would love the mini tumbler, #7 if I'm blessed enough to win! Thank you...happy International Quilting Day!!!

  23. ...or....#6, the Jen Kingwell Postcard Project would be a great second choice. I'll not be greedy and leave 10 from southeastern WV.

  24. First of all, all of your quilts quilts are fantastic. I can see that Prairie Stars is a challenging pattern. Well done and your hexies are lovely. The colors look beautiful together. Your newest project is great. Who doesn't love red and brown together. And what a fabulous quilt show. Too bad were all at home, it would be a fun time seeing all your quilts on display.

  25. You are so sweet!! I love the photo of you on your porch with your beautiful quilted art!! That's wonderful! I honored the day by cleaning up the Nook, which was in desperate need! LOL! I love you Mom's Flower Garden - it's so happy!! Either 6 or 7 would make me grin...any of them would make me happy! Hugs to you, sweet friend! :)

  26. What a generous offer! I'd be delighted to receive 4 or 6 or 7. Loved your mini--Happy National Quilting Day! Can't wait to see the finished "Mom's Flower Garden!

  27. Your Prairie Stars is gorgeous! I have always loved Kim Diehl's fabric, but I can't believe that it is applique! You did a wonderful job with it, and that Pam Buda mini is going to be adorable. I love red and brown together. The photo of you on the deck with all of your quilts is awesome! Are those all or just some of them? That must have taken awhile to hang them all. If my name is drawn, I would love Jen Kingwell's postcard project. That is so sweet of you to have this giveaway.

  28. Impressive production - especially given your lack of enthusiasm for applique. If my number is chosen, I'd love the tumbler template and charms. Happy National Quilting Day to you!

  29. Happy national quilting day. They all look like wonderful projects, but, i especially love #5. Thanks

  30. Love how you honored National Quilting Day. Congratulations on almost being done with your "Mom's Flower Garden" quilt. Lovely! Enjoyed catching up with what you are up to.

  31. Happy National Quilting Day to you too! I really love your Mom's Flower Garden, I have always wanted to make a hexie quilt, maybe someday! I am really into wool applique but I would love any of the giveaways, how fun it would be to open my mailbox and there would be a surprise!! Thanks for a chance to win! Carmen

  32. Such a lovely post Janet. Could I please be entered for photos 5 & 7. Thanks so much for this wonderful Giveaway - so kind of you. I love your newest mini - it is gorgeous! I think you should print off some photos of your last pic - you with all your beautiful quilts & make them up into cards. I think that is just such a stunning pic! Take care Janet & happy weekend to you xx

  33. happy national quilting day, your house with all those mini quilts looks lovely wish we could visit in person any prize would be lovely. stay safe and healthy

  34. Beautiful display of beautiful quilts. I don't do machine sewing, but love wool applique. So I'm going with 5 & 7, as I do EPP too. Thank you for sharing.

  35. Your tiny quilt is beautiful, as always. I am in awe of the tininess of the blocks! Your hexie quilt is coming along great. You'll be finished with the top soon and you'll probably enjoy the little break from it while you think about how to quilt it.
    I love the red and brown quilt you're starting. I love those two colors together, too.
    And I love your quilt show. I guess we already discussed it on Facebook.
    You don't need to put me in your drawing if someone else wants #7. (You've already been so generous to me! Thank you.)

  36. Love that pic of you with your quilts "on deck"! lol! Your monthly mini is pretty and kudos to you for "making it work". You have some generous offerings for your party favors....but, alas...I have too many projects already and would probably not get to any of these any time soon! ;-) Wishing the winners many happy (stress free) stitches!

  37. Your monthly mini is beautiful! I love all things by Kim and Jo. You are so generous! And I love the picture of you with your beautiful quilts!! I would love #2, 5 or 7!! I hope your family is doing well with this "social distancing." We returned from a trip to Hawaii on Thursday and are staying home and away from family due to the concern of being on the airplane. We are doing fine though. Hope this ends soon.

  38. Your mini is adorable and the colors are wonderful. that is a tough angle but the points look good to me. cute hanger!
    thank you for including your hand, now we can see just how small it really is!! wow so tiny
    Your mom's GMFG is just lovely. You are doing it and I applaud your stick to itness.:)
    Your next UFO is sweet - like chocolate covered cherries.
    I will toss my name in for the Pencil fabric. You are so generous to have a nice little giveaway.
    Your one woman Quilt Show is over the top Fabulous. I just love the spirit you have to display these beauties! so so fun

  39. I would like to try #7. That would be different for me. Thanks for the great giveaways. Nancy P.

  40. I love all your party favors! Since I already have the Kim Diehl projects I would choose 4, 6, or 7. Thank you so much, I really enjoy your blog and seeing your monthly minis!

  41. How sweet of you! I will say that #7 is my favorite, but I would be happy with any of your gifts!

  42. Congrats finishing your little mini ~ pretty clever of you to transform that pattern into paper piecing. Also the EPP flowers looks great. Thanks for the chance to win a prize. I would be happy with 3,4,6, and 7 (7 the most!).

  43. Hello Janet, I love your minis and that hexagon quilt is lovely. Thank you for the gifts, they are all lovely, I would like the handwork ones, the woolwork mini or the tumbler quilt. I hope you are keeping well and happy and getting lots of stitching during this hard time. Regards Mandy xx

  44. Wow!! I LOVE your March monthly mini!! And your flower garden is fabulous and ALMOST DONE!! YAY!! Hope all is well with you and all of yours!! Lots of love!!

  45. Love your quilt show on the deck, and so many more I'm sure! I really admire your enthusiasm and willpower to finish and share with us a new mini quilt every month. I would be "sew" happy to receive number 1, 5 or 6!

  46. Your mini quilt is fantastic and I think perfect for foundation/paper piecing so cannot understand why anyone would want to applique it, way harder to applique straight lines! I love #4 thank you for thinking of others and hosting a give away. IT is a challenging time and sadly things are going to get worse before they get better.

  47. Love your little quilts! I’ve been venturing into handpiecing little quilts and I’m really enjoying the results. I would love to win any of your prizes but 5, 6, or 7 are my picks!

  48. Oh your little (I mean, tiny!) mini is so pretty. And your beautiful porch railings really show off all those great quilts. The quilts are having their own little party and I'm sure a lot of us wish we could be there in person to join in;). Love your flower garden and you are almost to that finish line!! Nice of you to do a raffle. The pencil fabric sure is terrific!

  49. I love your impromptu quilt show! What a great back deck you have!

  50. 1 and 7, love them both, thanks for the chance. Keep smiling, friend.

  51. Thank you for the chance to win! My picks are 2,3 or 7 since I am a huge fan of Kim Diehl and also of Jo Morton. I have seen that template in #7 at Jo-Anns but never knew that it is ideal for mini charm packs!! Thank you for pointing that out! I also made #1 last year too-so fun!

  52. Your little quilt is soooo beautiful as always !!
    I don't know if this giveaway is for international too, but the numbers 4 and 7 caught my eyes.
    Thank you very much for it !! It's very generous !
    And I wrote it on FB but the picture of you with all your quilts is incredible !!

  53. Thank you for the opportunity to win one of these little gems. I would like to be in the drawing for the templates. I looked all over for these a couple of months ago and couldn't find one and finally gave up.

    I enjoy your blog and sneak in a peak when I can. I admire your decision to finish UFOs. It has gotten me off the dime to do the same. We will see how it goes.

  54. That is terrific you are getting some older projects done!
    Fun giveaway but I'll pass this time. Take care.

  55. I'm clearly late to the party. LOVE your idea for the quilting holiday. Your house is perfect. And the giveaway is a great idea!!
    LOVE your March mini! I have been remiss in not posting on my blog in FOREVER!!
    I love all your giveaways but honestly don't need anything. Thanks though...

  56. Hi Janet,
    Love all your projects, your are such an inspiration! Kudos regarding finishing your mom's quilt...beautiful and know the work that has gone into it!!
    Nice that you have this give away for your followers. I don't need anything but know you will make some very happy to receive your fun giveaways!❤

    Blessings to you and your family!

  57. Janet,

    I always enjoy checking your blog to see your beautiful quilts and minis! I am partial to #1 and #7. Stay safe! Glenda

  58. I love all your mini quilts on the deck railing! I'm starting to have a small collection of not-quite-mini quilts. I think they';re about as small as I will go, but I do love seeing yours. Your monthly mini is fabulous. I certainly was not looking for mismatched points. It's just too cute to fuss about those! I'm surprised the original pattern was applique. I don't need anything else to work on just now, but thanks for brightening several someones' days with your giveaway.

  59. First of all, Wow!! That mini is sensational and so small! You know how I love to applique, but I cannot imagine doing this one in applique. Good call! Your Flower Garden is so beautiful. I am so thankful that you didn't abandon it as we all have done with so many older projects. This one is a beauty! I will link you in next Tuesday. Enjoy your quilting time and stay safe and healthy my friend!

  60. Your Grandmother's Flower Garden is lovely, and the random color placement is true to its time. So many good memories in the piecing and applique of it too. It's a special top and will be a special quilt too. Your mini is adorable, and like you, I prefer piecing. Can't wait to see the Cinnamon Sticks finished. And I'm interested in 1, 4, 6 and 7. Stay safe and warm!

  61. Love seeing all the minis in the sunshine! What a fun way to celebrate the day. Your latest mini finish is yummy, love the colors. Keep on stitching!

  62. What a sweet March mini! Could not imagine doing that in applique. Your Flower Garden is so pretty. I've sewn rows together, too, before having the chance to see the overall layout and inevitably saw blocks that should have been shifted around. Sorry I missed your fabulous giveaway!

  63. And . . . I love the way you celebrated National Quilting Day!


I love to have your comments and feedback.