
Saturday, November 30, 2019

November Monthly Mini and Thanksgiving

Another "just under the wire" monthly mini. Here it sits among the Thanksgiving decor on the dining room hutch. Linking with Wendy at The Constant Quilter blog.

You may recognize this from back in June or July. When I got it pin basted and ready to machine quilt I finally realized how wonky the inner triple sashing was.

So I unpicked the cheddar and the triple sashing. I tried reattaching the sashing and 9-patch corners, but they were still not as straight as I would have liked. I tried one more time, with a bit more success, but was not satisfied.

I got the piece damp and "blocked" it onto my wool pressing mat, hoping I could stretch the wonkiness out of it a bit and have it dry straighter.

It helped, but it was still not up to standard. At that point I was so done with this, I decided it was good enough. I also decided I didn't want to reattach the cheddar borders. I pin basted it and machine quilted the whole thing with stitch-in-the-ditch.

Now for the binding.There were already so many stars and dots in this little quilt, I wanted something different. I finally chose a blue with a subtle stripe and I cut it on the bias. Sewed the binding onto the back with the machine. When I wrapped the binding around to the front, I could see I had a new set of problems. The triple sashing and 9-patch corners had become very narrow on the outer edges, thanks to the binding--even though I cut my binding 1" and sewed it on with a very scant 1/4" seam. I unpicked the binding and tried one more time--this time shooting for a 3/16" seam allowance. Wouldn't you know it--the 9-patches are too big on most of the outside edges. So be it. I was finished! 
I think the past six months of barely setting foot in my sewing room has resulted in me forgetting how to quilt. This seemed so much harder than it should have been. But it is finished and maybe by next summer I can pull it out and it won't be full of bad memories. :)

We woke up Thanksgiving morning to this view from our front door. It was still coming down, and continued to pile up.
I like the shot on the right of the marshmallow hats our mailbox and paper box were wearing.  

We were hosting 20 for dinner, and our roads are not top on the list for getting plowed.  Sometimes it feels like they don't even make the list. Thanks to good people in our community who have large plows on their trucks and tractors, our road was passable. And thanks to hubby who used a shovel and the plow on the farm 4-wheeler, there were places to park. And to our youngest son who was here for the weekend, who joined in the shoveling party, everyone was able to make it up our stairs and across the deck to our door.
All 20 of us
Mom and her 4 kids
     Mom used to come to our house for Sunday dinner every week, but this is the first time she has been here since Mother's Day. She just can't do stairs anymore, and you have to go up a full flight to get in our house. She was carried in for this gathering. I think it is time for a chair lift on our interior stairs!

There was a big sale at the quilt shop over the mountain (Village Dry Goods) today. Had to get out after such a busy week. Didn't go with anything in mind this time--just bought what I liked. Found some lovely pieces.

Also got all of the soap out of the "curing cupboard" today. It is time to start packaging it up for holiday gifting.
All 15 batches out on the kitchen island to make sure it passes inspection.

Last week was my birthday and I often do a little "thank you" drawing at that time, but had nothing to share and no time to blog. So let's catch up now.
As a thank you to my blogging (and blog reading) friends, I offer this little quilt I finished recently, a set of Temecula notecards/patterns, a little zippered pouch, a magnetic notepad, some bars of my soap, and a 5"x5" Quilters Select ruler for you to try. Since my friend, Annie M., gifted me one, I am hooked. I bought two small ones right away online, and then I shared them with the quilt shop over the mountain (Village Dry Goods--again). They got them in and I bought two larger ones with my birthday month coupon a couple of weeks ago, and another today at their 25% off 5th Saturday sale. If you are interested, leave a comment--and thanks for following along and being a part of this great online quilting community!

With any luck, I will get another mini finished and post it before December wraps up. :)

Until next time, 
Janet O.

Drawing now closed



  1. I so enjoy your blog and mini-quilts.
    Stay warm & safe in all that snow.

  2. thank you for a chance to win one of the new rulers and some of your homemade soap. Hope I win, I would love them both. So enjoy watching your mini-quilts each month.

  3. Cute mini, Janet! And I’m sure it musters much better than you think!!😄😄

    Such a beautiful family!! Glad your mom could share!


  4. janet we are all our own worst critic...putting it away for a while is a good idea...and so happy you had lots of family and esp your mum with you...that is what it's all about....and happy belated birthday AND fantastic giveaway! count me in!

  5. Lucky you, a local quilt shop. I’m quite jealous! I purchased a Quilters Select ruler at a quilt show a year or ago or so ago- they are amazing! I love them too!
    I think your little quilt looks great. Honestly, we are our own worst critics. I have given up and out projects in time- out. Later, I could not see what the issue had been.

    Happy holidays!

  6. Love the mini - can't see anything wrong with it! Thanks for the chance to win your generous offering!

  7. Hope you had a happy birthday. Glad the snow didn’t keep you’ll from enjoying Thanksgiving together. Love to see what you are stitching. dorthac at aol. Goggle would not cooperate.

  8. Now THAT is a Thanksgiving to remember! I'm thinking we would have rescheduled with all that snow....wowie! But, look at those awesome family photos you have now! :-) Love that patriotic mini you stitched up! All those dots and stars make it sparkle! At first glance I thought those trays of soap were trays of cookies...what an interesting mix-up that would have made! lol! Quilter Select rulers are new to me...would appreciate a chance to give them a try! :-) Hope your Birthday was a happy one! :-)

  9. Belated happy birthday,really enjoy your blog and seeing the lovely treasures you create. Thank-you for the chance to win these lovely gifts.

  10. Happy happy birthday! I am delighted to see your mom...glad she was carried in across the deck and up the stairs to celebrate!

  11. Happy Birthday dear friend! Your mom looks so pretty in the pics. The snow is beautiful. And as always, I think your mini’s are perfect. Of course I want to win one!! 💕

  12. Happy Birthday! I so enjoy reading your blog and your mini's are absolutely adorable. Thanks for an opportunity to win. Dolores

  13. Wow, that’s a lot of snow! So glad you had help so all your people could join the fun. I would LOVE to win your giveaway, what a special treat!

  14. Happy Birthday! It is always fun to do a little birthday shopping for ourselves. You get just what you want! Thanks for the chance at your lovely giveaway.

  15. Happy Birthday! You picked up some nice fabrics for a treat! Your agony over that mini is really understandable.....but in the end done is good. I find my skills slipping and seams not perfect and a few wobbles the end it is my enjoyment that matters the most.

    But I have to say your Thanksgiving story was precious. To see your Mom enjoying it all after being carried was so priceless I am sure you were in a state with the weather, and all the shoveling and arranging, but peeping into your world was like seeing a Hallmark movie unfold. Thank you for sharing it.

  16. Happy belated Birthday! So glad you were able to have a great family get=together despite the snow.

  17. Your mini looks lovely! I like it without the cheddar border. I can only imagine the challenge of working with the smaller cuts for minis...I have enough trouble with the bigger ones! ;-)
    We have a chair lift in our home for my hubby and my sister had one installed in her new home. She can still get up and down the stairs ok at this point but lugging the cat food cases and the groceries etc was quite a challenge. Hers actually curves around for two sets of stairs. You had a strong group of people to help your mom up and be able to join in. The family picture shows how very worth it that was! Your trip to Village Dry Goods looks like a fun way to celebrate the start of a new year :-) Happpy Birthday!

  18. Wow! So much lovely snow! I'm sorry the little mini gave you so much trouble. But, I am glad you stuck with it - so cute. I like it better without the cheddar, didn't think it would make a difference but I like it better. I feel like I know your sister standing behind your mother. She just looks so familiar. Glad your mother felt good enough to come for Thanksgiving and that (with everybody's help) your family was able to get to your house. We went to Lehi for Thanksgiving where they didn't get much snow at all. Glad you were ablle to go shopping for you birthday. Such great fabrics at Village Dry Goods, I especially like the blacks (gotta get me some blacks). I know what you mean about forgetting how to sew. I used to make all my clothes (and my daughters). I've lost the knack because I don't do much garment sewing any more.

  19. First of all, Happy Happy Birthday and secondly, what a very thankful Thanksgiving you had, despite the snow, to have your Mom be able to join you and all the rest.
    I love how your mini turned out. I actually like it better without the cheddar border although adding the binding to it probably would have been easier. I have purchased a few of the Quilters Select Rulers as well. They're great. Its almost hard to use the other ones now.

  20. Happy Birthday. What a wonderful family celebration. Your flag mini is so beautiful. I am always so impressed with your tiny piecing. Love the fabrics you picked up. Thank you for the wonderful giveaway. Hugs

  21. Happy birthday! You need to take off those magnifying glasses; any of the rest of us would be so proud of what you've accomplished. Please enter me in your drawing; what lovely gifts. Thank you so much for the opportunity! sharon310 at juno dot com

  22. I love reading your blog. I have been a fan of smaller quilts since my G-ma started making them many years ago. Thanks for the chance to win.

  23. Your mini quilt looks beautiful! I also admire your homemade soaps. Love seeing what’s new on your blog each week.

  24. You are a perfectionist! That quilt looks square and true to me. Glad you could put it aside.
    Twenty for dinner is fun. Glad all could reach you.

  25. I think your little mini looks pretty good from here--so cute! You found some nice pieces to add to your stash too. There were only three of us for our dinner on Thursday--it must have been a fun day with that size group (once everyone could make it to your house--you have great neighbors)! I know you will be back in the swing of things once you are able to spend a little more time in your sewing room. Take care!

  26. So much to comment on! First of all, your Mom looks great! I'm hoping that's a reflection of her improving health. I remember my sister's b'friend carrying our mom up two flights to their house .. several times. How I miss her.
    Second, your mini looks perfect to me, but then I do not have your "eye" plus we are always our own worse critics, right? I like that you are a perfectionist, as so many of us (talking about me) let the imperfections slide and call it "folk art" - ha ha.
    What a lovely family gathering, more special no doubt due to the effort on everyone's part to make it happen. Your soaps look good enough to eat! I can practically smell them from here. I'm glad you got a little shopping therapy in, and were rewarded with some very cool selections. Lastly, Happy Birthday, my friend! Here's to many blessings coming your way.


  27. I really enjoy your blog and seeing all the lovely mini's you make. So inspiring! Even with it's unique challenges, this mini is adorable. Love it for what it is. Glad you Mom got to spend Thanksgiving with you, your family is so lucky to all get together. Enjoy. Thanks for a chance in your giveaway. I love reading your blog.

  28. Your mini looks great to me - made me smile - a 4th of July quilt finished with all that snow outside. My family is very small, so I love seeing everyone's large family gatherings. Hope you had a wonderful birthday.

  29. So glad you were able to still have your Thanksgiving gathering with your momma!! That little quilt sounds like a real pain in a keester!! But I love it!
    I've won your giveaways before, so if my name happens to be drawn again, please pass to another. Thank you. You are so generous. I continue to pray for you and your family. XOXO

  30. I am so glad that "a little bit" (ha ha) of snow didn't keep your mom and family from your Thanksgiving celebration. That is a whole lot of snow! We dodged a bullet and only got a dusting. I really like how your patriotic mini turned out - taking the cheddar off really changed the look of it. Belated birthday greetings to you and thank you for being so generous with your give away. HUGS... and stitches

  31. That is a lot of snow! So glad your family could make it in doors and especially your Mom.
    Happy belated birthday and how nice of you to give us a chance at a gift.

  32. Looks like you had the perfect Thanksgiving and I'm so glad your mom could be with you :) It was fun to see your flag mini in November. It's just the sweetest! Love seeing all those little soaps you made! Have fun with your new fabric finds and thank you for the opportunity to win your drawing :)

  33. Happy Birthday! I have enjoyed your blog for years and I enjoy reading about your quilts and family. It was good to see your mother for Thanksgiving. I'm glad she could come to your home. I especially like seeing your mini quilts as your skills are so impressive. I am in awe of all the snow you had; I live in Georgia, so we don't see snow like that! When we get snow, we get ice too and all of Atlanta just shuts down!

  34. Love seeing your beautiful family! Hope your upcoming Christmas season is filled with Peace and Joy! Barb S.

  35. Six months without sewing is such a long time, no wonder you had a few hiccups. I do like the little quilt so much better without the cheddar though, makes it look more patriotic in this colour scheme. Lovely big bunch of soap you have made, I guess curing it makes it harder and therefore last longer? Pity about all the stairs at your place stopping your Mum visiting, we put ramps in for my grandmother, but the house was not up that high.

  36. Happy Birthday, Janet! Looks like you guys enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving. In spite of all the snow!!

  37. Happy Birthday - Glad your family could make it for Thanksgiving in spite of the snow- nothing like holidays and Family !!!
    Hope you continue to have a great holiday season and wishing you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

  38. Happy Birthday! Such a Cute mini quilt and I am glad you got the snow and not us in Nebraska although we had ice late Thursday and Friday.

  39. What an eventful holiday! Happy Birthday! I love your fabric selections, I am a repro lover so those are perfect.

  40. I'm new to your blog this year and I have really enjoyed it! Happy Birthday!

  41. Happy Birthday!! What a surprise, you giving somebody a present for your birthday. Would love to have it. Thanks.


  42. Janet, your mother looks delighted to be in the midst of her loving family. Such a cute little quilt to have caused so much trouble!! I like it without the cheddar border, too. Happy belated birthday and your fabric gift to yourself is a great one! Your snowfall is gorgeous, but can cause difficulties navigating. We've been sloshing through rain water. Happy December and praying for continued good days for your mom!!

  43. Your mini quilt is so cute! I'm glad everyone was able to make it for Thanksgiving, especially Mom.

  44. My, I haven't seen that much snow in years. Glad the family was able to make it. What a great give away.

  45. Like Caryn above I am new to your blog this year and have enjoyed reading it. Love your fabric selection that you purchased! Very pretty colors and fabrics. Happy Birthday! So nice to offer a gift to a reader! Would love to have some of your lovely soaps. Jan in MA

  46. Happy belated birthday and it looks like a winter wonderland. Thanks for the great giveaway and I'm sure your homemade soaps will be well received this holiday.

  47. Woman, you blow my mind! Do you sleep at all? I love your blog...such an inspiring and well written account of what you are so diligently working on.
    Happy holidays and best wishes in 2020. Thanks for sharing.

  48. What a wonderful giveaway!! Your soap looks interesting...I’ve only made soap once crafting with my granddaughter. Maybe you’ll share more about it sometime. Your snow looks cold...we’re expecting snow overnight. As a recent subscriber I’m enjoying your blog!!

  49. I am so delighted that your mom was able to join your Thanksgiving festivities. She looks great!!
    I love the view out the back, from the inside! That's a lot of snow!! YIKES!!
    Your November mini is fabulous; I think it's very impressive that you stuck with it, ven with the difficulties!
    I'm still working on mine!!
    Take care

  50. You had me with the soap! At first I thought it was cookies, then realised it was really soap. It is amazing, the soap looked that realistic. That snow came our way today, it turned into freezing rain with ice pellets. Snow is much easier to shovel. Glad you had a beautiful thanks giving surrounded by loved ones.

  51. Recently found your blog and your wonderful mini quilts! I also like to make small pieces, but most would be larger pieces than what I normally see here on your blog. Your littles are stellar!

  52. Love your little quilt, it looks a lot nicer without the cheddar border. I would never have thought of using my wool mat for blocking anything, thanks for the idea. We're due to get the snow tonight and tomorrow.

  53. Happy Birthday wishes to you! How wonderful to have so many of your family join you for Thanksgiving dinner and even more wonderful so many were able to help in making your dinner possible! We are just now starting with our first winter storm here in NH. They are predicting 10-18 inches of that lovely white stuff! Looks like you got a huge amount too! I really like the little patriotic quilt you made, it's perfect, love the pattern!
    Also, what a wonderful birthday giveaway you are offering. So many goodies, another cute little quilt and your wonderful soap, they look good enough to eat! Thanks for a chance to win!! Carmen

  54. Oh, wow, Janet, I LOVE your November mini!! Good idea to take off the cheddar and the stripped binding is perfect!! What wonderful shot of your whole family!! And Mom and kids!!! What a blessing for her to have everyone together!! So glad you had a nice Thanksgiving!! We did too!! It was spent with strangers but very nice strangers and we were stuffed when we went home!! Happy, happy birthday, a bit belated!! I think I am going to be late to my own funeral!!

  55. You have sparked my interest in the Quilters Select Rulers. I did a google search but didn't find any place to buy them. Perhaps you could help since you purchased some online. Thanks.

  56. Happy Birthday! And look at all that pretty snow! Thanks for the chance to win some lovely goodies!:0)

  57. I love the little flag quilt, it is wonderful! I don t see the flaws you are seeing, I just see its energy and charm.

    Snow on Thanksgiving, how beautiful. I m glad your dinner was not cancelled.

    Happy birthday! I never win anything,lol, but I love to try. Thanks for a fun giveaway..

    lizzy at gone to the beach

  58. Happy Birthday, you are so sweet to share with someone. I love all the soap shapes.

  59. I do LOVE your minis....they leave me agog! How wonderful your Mum was able to join you and your family for Thanksgiving. We have stairs too and it is a difficulty with aging parents. How wonderful all your soaps look....a lovely gift! I do like your fabric treasures. Happy birthday and thank you for your generosity xx

  60. Janet - Thank you for the chance to win. I love your mini quilts that you make and can not thank you enough for the inspiration. Thank you again.

  61. Wow, look at your snow! And your soap making looks very interesting!! Thanks for this chance.

  62. Oh Janet your mini is absolutely gorgeous as always! I have linked it into the mini post. I just adore it! How wonderful that your Mom was able to get there. My mother has mobility issues too and we are lucky to have strong children to help! I love seeing all your soaps lined up, I can almost smell them from here! Thanks for participating once again and especially in such a busy month! Happy winter! We are enjoying our first big snow today.

  63. Happy belated birthday my friend! I love your little mini just the way you finished it, leaving the cheddar border off makes the center more definitive, and it looks perfect to me. Your mom must have been delighted to be able to spend Thanksgiving at your home again, enjoying the love and laughter, not to mention the feast. Snowstorm here today after yesterday's ice storm, it's a great day to spend inside with a needle and thread!

  64. Just LOVE your mini's! I'm new to the mini world but absolutely love yours! They're a great inspiration for me!

  65. Your mini quilt turned out beautifully! Too bad you had to do so much unsewing - that is not fun. Happily, your Thanksgiving guests all arrived safely. Love your new fabrics - the best gift!

  66. Happy birthday and thanks for sharing. I was at your quilt shop in nice. Love your mini quilts.

  67. Hi Janet. I love your blog and all of your mini quilts. Happy belated birthday to you and many more.

  68. What a nice giveaway. Happy birthday.

  69. Wow. You have a lot of snow. I want to try the quilters select rulers but haven't found them locally yet.

  70. What a wonderful post. I loved seeing your family photos and I'm so glad that the snow was removed and everyone made it for Dinner. Love those snow photos :) We woke up to 3 inches here and its so pretty.
    Your new mini looks perfect to me. I had to study it several times to see what you meant, and I still didn't. I liked it with the cheddar and maybe even more now with the blue binding. I always say, the fewer the pieces the more important each piece is. Sorry it felt like such a struggle. That is frustrating and I hope it will fade. Great fussy cutting to Glory on the flag.
    The soap batches are so fun to see. Neat shapes.
    Happy Belated Birthday!

  71. I am in love with the fabrics you found at your friendly quilt shop. All that hand made soap, wow, you HAVE been busy. Love the little quilt and goodies at the end too. AND the leaning marshmallow hats out side!

  72. Moving to Utah next year and hope to be able to go to Village Dry Goods often! Been there and love it. It'll be a little far, but closer than I am now in Illinois. Happy Birthday!

  73. A belated happy birthday! Love reading your blog whenever you have time to post.

  74. Your November mini with the flag is absolutely charming. I like it much better without the gold sashing. But what a lot of work to have to get it up to standard!
    I must admit I'm just a little envious of your Thanksgiving snow! For the past few years it seems like there have been snowstorms all over the country except in central Ohio, where we get a dusting. Please enjoy your snow for me!
    How wonderful that someone carried your mom upstairs so she could come for the holiday with family.
    Looks like you found some great fabrics at Village Dry Goods! I've been looking for a purple for a Cheddarback block and looking at this photo reminded me that I did buy a purple or two, kept separate from the other fabrics because they didn't work for their intended purpose.
    I hope you had a Happy Birthday, Janet! I hope you were treated like royalty for the day.

  75. Oh Janet! I meant to send you Happy Birthday wishes and got caught up in the birth of my newest grand nephew! Same day as you -- your new birthday twin is Salvador Armando Luna! ♥ I hope you had a lovely, special day, filled with all of God's best for you, and surrounded by those who make you smile. Your soaps always looks so beautiful; such craftsmanship! And you had a spectacular crowd for Thanksgiving! How lovely! Man, I'm a little (a lot) jealous of your snow! I want it here so badly! And you latest mini is wonderful! You know I have a thing for patriotic! Anything red, white & blue (and cheddar!) is a certain pleaser! :)

  76. Happy Birthday! I always look forward to your blog posts and your awesome little quilts! You never disappoint.

  77. That's a big gathering of family. Glad your mom could get there. I missed sending you a birtday greeting! Lots of soap in 15 batches. Thanks for the Giveaway.

  78. The little quilt is great. I agree that our skills can get rusty. When I look back at mini stuff I did a long time ago it was perfect. Now, many years later after not doing it for a long time I have trouble getting it right sometimes. But I give myself grace because no one looks at it closely but me anyway.

  79. Wow, what wonderful soap. I need to take a class at John C. Campbell in that. Have been meaning to for years. So thoughtful of you to have a give-away. Please sign me up.

  80. Your flag mini piece may have given you fits making but I think it is wonderful!
    I did not know soap had to cure. Every year at Christmas time, I think of you and your soap making. You are the only one I know that does that. And you make such pretty ones.

  81. How wonderful that your Mom could attend the gathering!
    You did a great job on this mini quilt... I thought all the version were terrific and I'm sure you will love it by next July!

  82. I'm getting caught up on blogs and it was great to catch up with you. I am stitching a sawtooth star block and had to make 2 before I could get a proper size, so yes, our skills do get a bit rusty when neglected. Glad your mom came for dinner, and yes, those darn stairs....Merry Christmas!


I love to have your comments and feedback.