
Saturday, November 9, 2019

Mother's Flower Garden and my final swap of the year

I have told the story of this quilt before--most recently here. This is the halfway mark. I am now almost finished with the first block of row #4.
Since most of the fabrics I used came from my Mom's stash (I didn't have much of a stash in the 90s), and since my Mom and I started making the flowers at the same time, and since my Mom loved her flower gardens, I have decided to call this one "Mother's Flower Garden". Also, most of these blocks have been appliqued onto their backgrounds as I have sat with Mom following the many falls she has taken this year.

No action in the sewing room, other than the fact that I finally have lights back on the tree in the Christmas Corner. This tree has been bare most of this year, and there is a long story behind the lights on that tree and my iron. Suffice it to say that I am hoping my iron will play nicely with this new strand of low energy LED lights and they can have a long and happy life together.
Most of the ornaments on this little tree are handmade by myself, my daughters and a few blog friends. Pretty soon I am going to need a larger tree.
It stays up year round in my sewing room and gives a happy glow (when I actually have lights on it) to my happy place.

For the past few years I have enjoyed planning quarterly swaps with blog friends, but as my sewing time has continually decreased, I had decided that this would be my last year of regular swaps until I have a little more free time to spend sewing. So the final swap of this year was with my good blogging buddy Denise, at Count It All Joy blog. We did a little swap of mug rugs two years ago. We both have fall birthdays, and both love the season. It was really fun, so we decided to do it again this year. Denise likes making mug rugs, and I prefer making pincushions, so we decided to swap what we were most comfortable making.

This bundle of fun arrived at my house this week. Look at that beautiful mug rug! Denise is a master at embroidery and I feel honored to have a wonderful piece of her work. Her mug rugs are so pretty I prefer to hang them on my wall--the one she sent two years ago is on my kitchen wall right now.
There is also a little bag of the fun wool acorns she has been making. She recently posted a tutorial and you can find it here.
There are some bags of one of her favorite fall herbal teas (which is yummy), some fun fall stickers, a "tea" themed bookmark, and some notecards she made, some of them using photos from my blog. I love custom notecards.
I've put the acorns in with some fall bowl fillers. They are so cute!

This is what I sent to Denise--I went a bit astray from our agreement. I made the pincushion in another color scheme I know Denise likes, rather than the fall colors. I have had this idea playing in my mind and I thought it would be a good fit for her.
Thank you, Denise, for another happy swap. 

Every spare minute of the past three days has been spent making 15 batches of herbal soap for holiday gifting.
It seems like if I haven't been sitting with Mom, I have been making soap. But it feels so good to have that checked off the list!

Speaking of Mom, she has improved. She will have to get used to being inseparable from her walker now. But after another week in the skilled nursing facility where she is getting daily physical therapy, they think we should be able to bring her back to my brother's. We had to take her off hospice to get the MRI and have the sacroplasty and therapy. We will keep her off while she continues with therapy for a few weeks, and possibly has another CT scan or x-ray to see how rapidly her tumor is growing. But she is in good spirits and looking forward to being out of an institution--even though it is a very nice one.
Thanks again to everyone who has expressed their concern and/or included her in their prayers.

This is a wordy post. I'll close with a reference to my new header photo. It was taken from my daughter's home on Halloween evening. Those are the same mountains that I see from my sewing room window, but a little different perspective from her home. It was a glorious sunset for Halloween.

Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. Your header photo is beautiful !! WOW !
    Lovely and perfect name for your quilt Janet ! It's a beautiful tribute to your moma ! And I'm very happy she's going better !
    Swaps are always fun ! I adore them :) ... but you know that !

  2. Janet, how cool you and Denise are virtual friends. She is a member of my guild and a special woman. Not surprised the two of you relate to one another!

  3. I'm commenting in the wee hours, awake thinking of how many days I have left at home. Glad your mom is doing better. What fun to Swap with Denise! I have a few of your soaps packed to take on our Mission. How many batches??? Love the little tree.

  4. What a fun swap. I love the little acorns, I'll have to go see how to make them. 15 batches of soap!!! You said you were making soap but I had no idea you were making it on such a grand scale. Glad to hear you mother is improving and will soon be back home. The flower garden is coming along great - who knew you had all that applique in you.

  5. I love your "Mothers Flower Garden" and the story behind it. I hope you Mom is doing better. The Christmas tree is sweet. Hugs, Cathy

  6. Your flower garden project is a treasure house of memories. No matter how long it has taken, no matter how far you have gotten. I love the tree you have in the sewing room. A most welcome glow.
    What wonderful treasures in your get and give. Your new mug rug is such a beauty. I am sure your soap making is hard work, but I get a sense that it is also a stress relief for you.
    Your Mom has been a real warrior to get thru all of this last bout of medical issues. My heart and prayers go out to her and you and family for strength....lots of strength to get thru each step of her journey.

  7. Your Flower Garden Blocks look lovely. such a great traditional pattern.
    What a wonderful swap - on both ends. those wool acorns ares so cute and look perfect nestled in your bow.
    I loved see your soap making set up. Looks like quite the endeavor.
    I'm happy to hear that your Mom is still doing well.
    Stunning photo of the sunset behind the Mountain. Love it (but I miss the animals :)

  8. I gave away my flower garden quilt! So I love seeing yours; perfectly pretty! Your soap is so much fun. Praying and loving your mom from afar.

  9. What a wonderful swap of lovely treasures with your friend! I'm going to go check out the tutorial for those felty items. I love them :-)
    I'm glad you mentioned that new header. I was taken with it when your page opened. That is such stunning beauty! Our God is quite the artist!

  10. P.S. So glad you're mom is getting stronger and soon to be sprung :-) Using a walker or rollator is a hard change for many but can really protect against the falls. I'll keep praying she can feel okay with it and enjoy more time of being able to get around easily. Hugs for both of you!

  11. I enjoy seeing the flower garden blocks again. I loved that story before. 😜 your swaps were great; you both received beautiful treats. Your little tree is great; now you have me thinking about wanting one. Ha!! I’m glad your mom is feeling some better. I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving.

  12. Your new perspective mountain view is glorious - I see a sky filled with hope for smoother days ahead. My own Mom fought the use of her walker for a long time before understanding how it would help. It is all about that generations’ mindset to be independent! Love your Fall bowl filler arrangement and that you keep the friendship tree up all year. Your kitchen must have been heavenly to be in while the soap making was going on.

  13. Your swap looks like it was a fun one--both ways! Such cute little projects. I wouldn't want to put a mug on that sweet little rug either. I love your idea of a little memory tree--so meaningful--I hope the iron doesn't mess with the new lights. Hugs to you and your mom!

  14. I imagine your mom enjoys reminiscing about those vintage fabrics from her stash when she watches you stitching your flowers. So good to hear that she is making progress and especially that her spirits are good and positive. Your new header photo is beautiful, always so good to see mountains.

  15. You couldn't have chosen a better name for your beautiful quilt! You amaze me with all the little pretties you make and have shared with others; what fun that must be. Tell you mom not to be too proud to use her walker. Mine has saved me from a fall several times in the past few weeks! I'm even trying to get in the mood to use mine when I'm out in public, which is mostly the doctors' offices! (Yes, I meant those last two words to be plural.) ---"Love"

  16. Love your little acorns in the bowl, so sweet! So many lovely gifts and I am very impressed you make your own soap. Glad your mother is on the improve it is such a slow journey the older they get.

  17. Love the quilt, the name, the memories with your mom. (Good and bad) Glad she is feeling better.
    I have always loved the soaps I rec'd from you so I'm sure your recipients will be thrilled.

  18. Beautiful new Header Janet. How lovely to pop in & visit your gorgeous blog again. I too have returned from Mums again. She is home again with lots of help in place. I think of you & all that you are going through with your Mum lots Janet as we have similar situations. Your swap parcels are just beautiful - love the fall decor in the bowl!! Also love the christmas tree of handmade ornaments. Wishing you a lovely peaceful week my friend xx

  19. Oh Janet, your Mother's Flower Garden is really lovely! What a treasure that will be for you. I'm so glad you liked your mug rug (and the acorns)! I've really enjoyed swapping with you! Please tell me the yo-yo Christmas tree survived the shipping? (LOL! Please tell me that it made it into the envelope?!? Hahahaha!) Your soaps are so absolutely will forever be the master soap-maker in my mind!! Hugs! :)

  20. Blessings to you and your mom. What fun swap packages!

  21. I love your pretty quilt and named perfectly! You have enjoyed a lovely swap with Denise....beautiful gifts sent and received. Homemade soap....wonderful! Aging parents is so worrying....glad your Mum is doing better xx

  22. Your Mother's Flower Garden is lovely. I hope you'll be able to continue working on it while you sit and visit with your mom. Glad her health has improved . What a fun swap for both you and Denise. Your sweet tree is packed with memories. Hope the iron and lights get along.

  23. So happy to hear your Mom is doing well. I think she must be very proud of her special daughter for being there for her and for sticking to this special quilt no matter how long it takes! I love that you have named it "mother's Flower Garden". What a great swap you had. I am thankful you are taking a break when things are so busy. Swaps are fun unless you are so overwhelmed by daily happenings that it becomes stressful. Take it easy and enjoy the holiday season. Oh how wonderful your house must smell right now!! I cherish my "Janet" soaps!

  24. What a lovely swap you had with Denise! I like swaps too but they are time intensive--my hardest part is getting to the post office on time! Glad your mom is doing better, it is a hassle to have to use a walker but more reliable than a cane or holding onto someone. Happy Fall!

  25. It's good to read that your mom is doing better. It will be wonderful for her to be at home again. She will feel so much happier. Does her walker have wheels, tennis balls, or does she have to lift it with each step? Whichever, I hope it's not too tiring for her to use it.
    What a great exchange you and Denise had.
    Isn't it frustrating when irons and lights argue? I hope they cooperate now that you've changed the lights on the adorable little tree. (Though it doesn't look so little with so many ornaments, unless they are miniature ornaments....)

  26. I love the view out your daughter's window! Just gorgeous.
    What great news about your mom! Hope her spirits are improving as well. Having to use a walker is a small concession, at least from our perspective, right? Hope she is back at your brother's soon and you will be able to recover some of your free time.
    I never knew you had a tree up all year round... You might need another ornament or two!! ;-)
    I'll miss our swaps but when there's too much going on, they add only more stress so I completely agree with your decision.
    Your last swap was quite spectacular. Love the mug rug you received with the embroidery!

  27. That sunset is spectacular! I just love your swap goodies, what fun. Please know that your precious mother is in my prayers for health and healing,as well as prayers for peace and patience for her loving caregivers.

  28. First of all, I'm glad your Mom is doing better. So many details to handle, from your end. Your header photo is just stunning - you live in a beautiful part of the country for sure! And what a sweet idea to have the tree and lights in your sewing room. Lovely swap bundles. And..... quite a soap laboratory you have going there. Must smell heavenly! I think practical, handmade gifts are so special - and can be used and enjoyed, without adding to clutter.

  29. Oh, dear friend, your Mother's Flower Garden is coming along great!! Your swap with Denise is fun both ways!! Hope you are taking care of yourself these days and so happy to hear your Mom is improving!! Treasure these days with her!!

  30. So many good things in this post--your Mother's Flower Garden, Christmas tree with lights and hand-made decorations, swapping goodies with a friend, making soap, and best of all that your mom is improving :) That's wonderful news!

  31. I just recently saw similar fabric acorns somewhere. I remember thinking I had doubts I could make them look as good.
    Your little tree looks oh so good with all those pieced ornaments. Looks pretty full now.


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