
Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Coming up for air (Don't know if that means me or this project)

Remember this project?  This has been a leader/ender project at one of my machines for five years now. It was inspired by Kathie Holland, formerly of "Inspired by Antique Quilts" blog. Each windmill is around 4". I've enjoyed throwing in some "make do" blocks, and I recently came across one block I had made from some accidentally backwards cut pieces. I think I want to throw that reverse windmill in the mix somewhere, for a fun little quirk.
This photo is from two years ago, and I have added many more blocks since it was taken, but my design wall is kind of full right now, and I had no desire to lay these out on the floor, and then have to keep bending over, or crawl around on the floor to pick them up again.

I recently got all of the blocks out and stacked them by color to see how evenly divided the colors are.  Then I figured out how many of each color I had cut and ready to sew, and how many more neutrals I need to cut to go with them.

Then I clipped the finished blocks in groups of by ten, by color. I think I am going to be making about 90 more blocks and then see what size quilt it will all create.

I've also been trying to assemble the "June" small quilt for the Circa 1880 club.
I can't seem to get the cheddar/indigo color palette out of my blood. In this photo the borders are just laying on the design board around the completed center. Since taking this photo I have been able to attach two rounds of the borders.

Though my sewing room is currently a mess (and may be for some time), it is still my happy place. Even when I am so lacking in focus that I can't simply run my leader/ender blocks under my needle, I may still choose to come into this disaster area and read in my chair. Notice the aforementioned full design wall?

You can see a partial shot of the hexie flowers on a design board to the right in the photo above. I am now on block #12. Hubby and I are heading to Sun Valley, Idaho. He belongs to a choir that is going to perform at an outdoor venue there. It takes several hours on the road from here to there, so I may get another one or two hexie flowers stitched to the background if the light is good.

Anybody recommend a good quilt shop in the Sun Valley area? I am going to have time on my hands while hubby is in rehearsals. :) 

Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. lovely windmills janet...we all have at least one of those long-term projects no travel and happy sewing!

  2. Windmills...I had forgotten how fun they can be to make, and such a good leader ender! You are so organized about it too. At least you are planning and arranging, which is a good thing. Enjoy your trip and may you discover a hidden gem in the travels.

  3. I love the windmills. It will be a beautiful quilt. So much inspiration in your sewing room. Hugs

  4. I love your windmills too!! Such a lovely sewing room..hope you have a fun trip!

  5. Oh my! I love these blocks! And, your sewing room is so neat and organized! I guess I would expect anything less, but it is an inspiration. I'm almost done with my August mini, but other than that I have done very little this month. Too busy and it is too hot. Have a wonderful time in Sun Valley! Hope you find a great quilt shop.

  6. That sounds like a fun destination!!
    I haven't been sewing much either, but it is fun to putter around in my sewing room. :)
    Your windmills look amazing!!

  7. Where does one learn about the Circa 1880 Club? Your quilts are spectacular!

  8. I guess I do know about the Circa 1880 Club. It is the cheddar indigo quilt I have fallen in love with. Is there a pattern?

  9. Have a lovely, relaxing get-away...and thank you for sharing some glimpses of your sewing room - looks like a slice of heaven on earth! Having a chair to sit in away from the machine sounds like a great idea. Love all your windmills and the colors you are using.

  10. Your windmills are amazing, that will be a stunning quilt! The little mini is such a cutie, a great fall quilt. Love your sewing room, it is so inviting! Enjoy yourself!

  11. I am crazy for your leader/ender blocks--so cute! Have a safe and wonderful trip--hope you get some stitching in!

  12. I also followed Kathie Holland's blog and thought about making Windmill blocks, too! Yours look fantastic! Do you have any idea why she stopped blogging? Your June Circa 1880 piece is so sweet--love that cheddar/indigo combo. Your sewing room looks so inviting and not messy at all :) Enjoy your trip!

  13. All those windmills!!! My goodness, and 90 more - wow! I do like the way they look all together, I have to admit. The mini quilt is so pretty. Hope you have fun in Sun Valley. I've never been there but I'm sure there's a shop that just waiting for you.

  14. Love the windmills! I can't imagine making a quilt that big! But I just adore all of your teeny tiny quilts in your sewing room! Where is this room Janet? Is it a spare room in your house? It is jam packed full of wonderful things. Jan in MA

  15. I loved having a peek into your sewing room. All those windmills. I believe Kathy has shown up on Instagram. Check out her blog title there.

  16. Your windmills are fabulous, what a glorious quilt it will be
    And I LOVE your Happy place ~ WOW!!
    Love from Australia
    Linda xx

  17. So glad you are getting to spend a little time in your "happy place"! Enjoy your trip and hope you find a special treasure in one of the quilt shops.

  18. Your windmills look stunning Janet. Oh what I wouldn't give to get in your sewing room & have a good old rummage around - it looks wonderful. Have a super trip away with your hubby. xx

  19. I think Kathie Holland is on Instagram now.

  20. you are very organized in your sewing. Thank you for sharing your sewing space, it's lovely!

  21. I love your windmills! You are making several big quilts these days! They are all a labor of love aren't they? In my world a happy place is a perpetual messy sewing room - it makes it seem like there's progress being made, even when there isn't, lol! Enjoy your time away, so nice that you're having the opportunity for a little vacation.

  22. You are so organized!! Your June mini is really striking. I can see why the indigo/cheddar combination calls you ... it's really gorgeous. I adore cheddar anyway; I think when I found cheddar was when I fell in love with Civil War fabrics. Your sewing room is so pretty and cozy! You've got a sweet space for your craft. I love your hexie ironing board cover!! :)

  23. Oh, and DO put in the backwards cut windmill, it will certainly add character to the quilt!

  24. Delighted to 'hear from you'...via your blog--and glad you came up for air. I love seeing your sewing room and projects. As for the 'odd' block DO use it. I often wonder if is 'cheating' to make some wrong ones on purpose because so many vintage quilts do have them and I love them. If I make it wrong all by myself (not trying to do it) I am even more excited to see that's how it happened for them, too. Also in old quilts they are not so planned. I doubt anyone at the turn of the 20th century had a design wall....maybe that's why a bunch of blues will be grouped together etc. Not sure if you'd be open to that idea because we all scrutinize placement so much today...and it depends on if you are trying to make it 'old' in feel. Anyway, carry on. You inspire me.

  25. Hope you and your dh have a wonderful little sojourn out of town. It'll be great for you to get away... enjoy yourselves.
    Love your quilt room... looks so homey.

  26. Yea!! A project came out to play, if only to be counted. I love your happy place. Have you checked the Row by Row of Idaho shops to see if any are near where you'll be?? The hexies flowers will work up quick.

  27. As always, I love all of your projects! And your sewing room looks like the perfect place to spend every spare minute that you can find. Love it!

  28. I actually don't remember this quilt, but I love it Janet! I love block based quilts like this.
    Your 1880 is wonderful and I say making a cheddar indigo quilt series is a winner.
    Your sewing room looks like such a happy and inspiring space. I spy some familiar little quilts on the ways :)
    Hope you have a good choir trip and get some nice quiet down time to work on the hexies.

  29. You are a very busy lady and your sewing room looks great to me. I am enjoying spotting those hexie flowers... you are moving along!

  30. Wow, you have a lot of quilts in progress, Janet! Seeing the small blocks all together is just so impressive. I wish I could make a commitment to some small leader/ender blocks and stick with them long enough to make a large quilt, but I get bored and then stop, or get tired of cutting pieces to stitch. Your photos are encouragement for me, though. I hope you enjoy your quiet stitching time while your husband practices.

  31. I miss Kathie Holland's blog! Your pinwheel mini blocks look great--I like the idea of throwing an "I Spy" different block in the mix. Love your cheddar and indigo--I always seem to mix my cheddar with red rather than blue. Have a wonderful trip--sorry I don't have a quilt shop to recommend.


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