
Saturday, August 31, 2019

August Monthly Mini--etc.

This monthly mini (with Wendy @ The Constant Quilter blog) is posted with not a minute to spare. I had thought I would quilt the indigo/cheddar quilt in my last post for my monthly mini, but I still can't decide how I want to quilt it. I was down to the wire time-wise. I rummaged through the sewing room looking for something that would be a quick finish. The black/red/gold quilt in the photo below is what happened.
It was probably 5 or 6 years ago that I assembled the 4-patch and gold blocks. When I noticed that one of the black 4-patch units was turned the wrong way I decided I needed to fix it. I set it aside, but every time I thought I would fix it I decided I didn't love it enough to put the time into it to either fix it or finish it. I was desperate enough this time that I felt I could finish it without fixing it. So I slapped a couple of borders on it, did simple diagonal lines through the blocks and straight lines around the red border, with some loops in the outer border that you can see if you click on the photo to the left. I think I even like it now.

This week I also sewed up the final two rows of my Pam Buda Circa 1880 Quilt. I am loving this quilt, and I have enjoyed slipping in a few "rogue blocks." In fact, I added another one to my very last row. If you have ever tried to draft a churn dash block to finish at 2", you know the challenges I faced. Blocks based on a 3x3 grid don't play well on a 4x4 grid--but I persevered and finally ended up with parts assembled for three blocks.
I stitched them up and proceeded to add one of them to my last row. After pinning it to the design wall along with all of its friends, I stepped back and wondered what had gone wrong.
Okay, I admit I was sewing late at night--again! In my sleep deprived state I just added this block to the row, without removing one of the other blocks to make room for it. I still haven't fixed it. But I need to do it soon, and start sewing the rows together.  I made mine with 27 rows. Every other row is made with blocks I swapped from another quilter. So I made 14 rows from my own blocks, and 13 rows with blocks from friends. I have really enjoyed the swapping.

Last, but definitely not least, Julie (My Threadbear Life blog) and I had agreed to do a little exchange. It ended up being a pincushion exchange--and so much more! Her package arrived today from New Zealand, and I am a little hesitant to send hers now. Look at the glorious contents I received.

The whole package smelled like lovely lavender, thanks to the soaps and the sachet. There are amazing flavors of chocolate, and a beautiful handmade card.

Get a closer look at this clever pincushion from an up-cycled old spinning wheel bobbin. Notice the little alphabet beads spell "quilt", and there are tiny hexies, and sewing related charms attached. I love it!

Up-cycling is Julie's specialty and her blog is a constant source of amazement for me. She is so creative.

I told Julie I hadn't sent her package yet because I wanted to include some of my herbal soap, and it isn't finished curing yet. I will probably send it next weekend, and when she has received it I will share with you what I sent. A huge thanks to Julie for the fun surprises, and for all of her inspiring blog posts!

If I don't hurry and post this it won't be August anymore, and my monthly minis are tired of always being late.

Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. wow loving the 1880 quilt! and a delightful batch of NZ prezzies! i am certain whatever you send will be equally wonderful!

  2. I never tire of looking at the rogue quilt;) In time you will get it together to fit.
    As for the mini of the month.....sweet and cute and a mis-turned block is just the cureall for a tired mind. I love it.
    You got quite a haul from your swap partner. I love that clever and unique pincushion. Going to check her blog.

  3. Your mini is so sweet. I really love the quilting. Wow...your 1880 quilt is coming along nicely. Hugs

  4. Your black, red, and gold mini is lovely. I'm glad it has a finish :-) Your 1880 is wonderful and inspiring. I love the rogue blocks especially.

  5. It's a terrific mini finish - and I think it's charming to have the one four patch going the other direction (though I wouldn't have noticed if you hadn't mentioned it!). What a lovely swap to do with a faraway friend.

  6. Your little mini quilt is so cute, and your quilting is beautiful, as always! Just keep plugging -- you will get the rogue quilt finished before you know it! It is looking good! ---"Love"

  7. Well, for something that you "slapped together" your mini turned out pretty cute. I'm in awe of your tiny churn dash blocks--so adorable. Circa will be spectacular!

  8. Ooooh.. I really like your August mini, Janet! Simple yet very eye-catching. Great fall colors! I had to hunt for the wrong-way block. I had to laugh at your late night sewing mistake, as I was sewing in the wee hours myself last night, and managed several royal screw-ups ~
    How fun is that pincushion! I'll have to check out her blog.

  9. A sweet mini for August, I love the simple old 4 and 9 patch designs, classic and country at the same time. Well, I would have never seen the creative design element of your midnight stitching if you hadn't mentioned it! I seem to have fallen off the mini haywagon this summer but hope to climb back on as soon as jamming and canning season ends, hopefully in another week if I'm lucky.

  10. I had to hunt to find the block turned the "wrong" way. It's perfect like it is! Thanks for sharing My Threadbare Life blog... oh my, I spent way too much time there this morning. I plan to go back for more soon! She sent you some pretty things!

  11. Your mini is very sweet, but the tiny churn dash blocks win cute block of the year!

  12. You are amazing how you come up with the cutest things without any effort or so it seems. This little mini turned out really charming and I love that one of the 4-patches is turned the wrong way.

  13. Things never slow down for you. Cute mini. Teeny Shoofly blocks. You amaze me.

  14. I'm in awe of your mini's! You have a real talent for them. What a fabulous fun adventure with Julie, isn't she clever! Someone I'm proud to call FRIEND. I warn you about the Whittakers chocolate though....once opened it is very hard to leave alone! Kiwi Hugs xox

  15. I have many rogue pieces in my quilts too. Your 1880's quilt is incredible. Adding those awesome pint size churn dashes is a great finale.

  16. I like that wood box with the tree branch piece for a handle. Unusual box and a very good place for your wonderful mini quilts.

  17. Mis turned block--I looked twice really carefully to find the mistuned block--it is beautiful. Maybe when the temperature turns cooler and it is not 95 degrees outside I will find my quilting mojo

  18. What a sweet little package! Full of very fun stuff, not to mention that very darling and clever pin cushion!! I like your mini and if you'd not said there was an "oops!" in it, I'd have never noticed!! You are one busy, busy lady!! Happy Labor (away on quilts) Day!! :)

  19. Your August mini came together so well...good choice on the black border fabric to frame up the rich reds and golds! The 1880’s quilt project just sings - love seeing this when you share your progress. I think every quilter has such a soft spot for unique pin cushions - love the tiny glass beads spelling out “quilt” on yours...a sweet touch!

  20. I love it! I am so glad you left the little 4-patch going the wrong way. Mine happen that way all the time, but I am sure it was hard for you to leave it and I love it! I have inked it into the post. I have not sewn one seem of my C1880 yet. Yours is so spectacular with those little rogue blocks. Cyndi is doing a few rogues also. I think my rogueness (I'm sure that is not a word) will be that I am contemplating a different background. We shall see!

  21. Your August mini is great and I'm SO proud of you for not fixing the errant block. I love it that way!
    And your 1880 quilt is amazing... one has to look really hard to find the rogue blocks... I can't believe did a churn dash that was 2". Actually I DO believe it; just wouldn't want to replicate your efforts!
    The swap with Julie is fabulous. I'm sure you'll be sending her something she'll cherish.
    Now I'm reluctant to do our pin cushion swap this year still--mine will be nothing like what Julie made... ;-))

  22. I just found your wonderful blog and have been "browsing" :-) I like your little sideways 4 patch. It will make people ask questions like "Did she do that on purpose? Why? If not, why didn't she fix it? Maybe there's some folklore behind it." Heehee, I'm ornery like that.
    Your work is outstanding!

  23. Oh Janet .... how did I miss this post??!!~ Now I remember .... we had to unplug our computer to move it out of one of our rooms for the carpet laying! I am So, SO pleased your swap parcel arrived okay & you loved it all. I hope I don't pass on my chocolate "addiction" to you my friend !! I never tire of looking at your stunning mini's & all the work you put into them. Your Pam Burda quilt is looking so amazing - I would not ever notice that "oops" in the quilt - it is breathtaking. Happy Week to you Janet xx

  24. Oh you little four patch is charming and I (of course) like the one turned block. Great little dolly quilt :)
    Your Pam blocks are incredible and kudos for making those sweet tiny rogue blocks work! I love them.
    That is a lovely pincushion and the upcycling is just wonderful. She'll be happy to get your wonderful soap even if it means waiting a bit.
    Congrats on getting your mini done in the nick of time, I didn't this month.

  25. What a sweet little quilt and I love the humble patch!!! Love, love love it!!
    So fun to get packages from friends. :)
    YOur Buda blocks are shaping up nicely!!! Wow!

  26. love your little quilt, sometimes I PURPOSLY put in one different just to add interest.

  27. Your Pam Buda quilt is amazing and sooooo much work!! And your swap looks like so much fun!! Much love!!

  28. Hi Janet wow what beautiful work you do ,you are very clever,well done.
    I am also your newest follower and I hope you will visit and follow me too.
    Wow what a wonderful parcel you have received from Julie ,what fun to do a swap,hope you have a lovely day xx

  29. Oh my goodness, your c. 1880 quilt is amazing! Love those little rogue blocks you're sneaking in! And, of course, your August mini is just the cutest. What a lovely gift from your blogging friend :)

  30. Wow your Circa 1880 is beautiful! And your idea of inserting a few different blocks was a real brainwave and works so well. Great swap with Julie - she really is a talented lady...I'm sure you have nothing to worry about in 'matching her' with what you have sent. Love your little mini too, warts and all... it has history now!

  31. Hello Janet. Your blog and work is delightful. I love the swap you had with Julie....beautiful work both ways. I am looking forward to reading future posts xx

  32. I never tire of seeing your mini quilts, and I'm so pleased you finished this one. It may not be your favourite but it's cute and happy to be a finished piece! I'm still picking my jaw up off the floor after seeing your Circa 1880 quilt. Oh my! So many tiny pretty pieces! I'm not going to attempt a 2" churn dash to confirm that's it's a bit of challenge :)


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