
Friday, March 16, 2018

No resistence!

This is not one of the two projects that has a looming deadline, but it would not stop calling to me, and it is pretty apparent that I had no ability to resist.  Hopefully now it will leave me in peace and let me accomplish what needs to be done!
Since that is a mini orchid I realized that it didn't give a very good perspective on the finished size.
This should help.

The 9-patches finish at 3/4". And talk about not making a dent in the scraps--this little thing seems to create more scraps than it uses!
Here it is by my Fairy Garden Party (that still needs quilting), made by shrinking down Bonnie Hunter's "Garden Party" design.

Aside from this distraction, I have been working on getting the rows of the Legendary: Sasquatch quilt sewn together. But when I stepped back from the design wall and skimmed over the block arrangement, I realized something wasn't right.

Sasquatch is walking on air! I know there are many legends about Sasquatch, but there is not one that I have heard involving air travel. I had to get his feet firmly on the ground. So I ripped off the little strips of background fabric from the top and bottom of the Sasquatch block and attached one wider strip to the top. Mission accomplished.
One more row of trees to sew together, and then I can do the sashing between rows. I am debating with myself about adding borders or not.
And for your amusement, when I mentioned on a previous post that I had found upside down raindrops and I was leaving them that way, this is what I had found.
Look between Sasquatch's thumbs and fingers. I was not about to disassemble his hands to correct them.
I have been admiring lots of log cabin quilts online, and decided it was time to dig out these strips for half log cabin blocks. 
This was a project Karen Beigh passed along to me when she decided she didn't want to finish it. She had already assembled a few of the blocks. I have only added one to the pile, but I am anxious to make many more! I may even cut more "logs".

My thoughts and prayers have been with those that are facing severe weather. Hoping you are all safe and warm!
Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. Oh my Goodness! You, not Resisting?? I can't see the raindrops between Sasquaches fingers. I should be sleeping!! Road trip in the early morning coming up. Kodak excited...

  2. Ohh, que bonitos trabajos, pero mi preferido es el small quilt de nine patch. Un saludo

  3. A cute quilt. Honestly, no one is going to spot those upside down raindrops, but if some critical eyed person does, at least you made his or her day.

  4. Oh la la la...I adore your doll quilt but the nine-patch are sooo tiny ! I love a lot too the colors ! So Spring !
    Congratulations Janet !
    I didn't see for the raindrops... I certainly need some glasses ! :)

  5. LOL on the raindrops! I had to really really study to find them! And Sasquatch would have had to walk on air if he was mine. You are amazing! When I looked at your little quilt by the orchid, I thought 'wow that's little'... but when I saw it by the cutter, I almost squealed. It is so tiny and so perfect and so beautiful! You and your mini's.... do you collect other mini's... like doll furniture, etc?

  6. The mini-est of minis is so tiny......such self-expression revealed in fabric!
    And the Sasquatch looks wonderful now that his feet are firmly planted:)
    Yes, for the log cabin! Just an all time favorite.

  7. The tiniest of doll quilts! It made me think of the little "princess" dolls my sister and I had when we were young, they would have felt elegant indeed with a gorgeous quilt like yours! It would have fit them perfectly. Sasquatch is looking great now that he's ready to run and not having to leap snowbanks! I don't think anyone else will even notice the slight difference in the direction of the raindrops, it's really difficult to spot with that overall pattern of various size drops. It's just going to be a fun loving quilt that folks will love wrapping up in.

  8. The 9-patch is absolutely adorable. You know I do little things with applique but I'd have to give you the tedious award for working with the tiniest pieces ever. It looks just amazing!!! What we do to express out art. . .

  9. Your minis are so sweet. I love Sasquatch. I am in the mood for a log cabin quilt. Maybe you have inspired Hugs

  10. I forgot all about the log cabin blocks.
    The mini on the left in the picture is my favorite. I am assuming that is the minature of Bonnie's design.

  11. such intricate and precise and beautiful little quilts truly are a mini quilt maven!

  12. Um--no. I couldn't even find the wrong way rain until you said where it was and I don't think anyone else would notice either. It's such a fun quilt! Your little fairy sized quilts are adorable!

  13. I had to look three times to see the raindrops you are worrying about. Forget it, Girl! I love your tiny 9-patches, though my fingers would never be able to get them together. You have been amazing me ever since I discovered your blog. ---"Love"

  14. You never cease to amaze me. Those 9-patches are beyond my comprehension. I wish you would come to Maine and teach a miniature class. I am happy to see that you planted Sasquatch's feet firmly on the ground, however I would not have noticed the raindrop direction between his hands. wink! Looking forward to seeing more log cabins! Karen must be cleaning out. She is sending me some orphan blocks for my next "potluck" quilt.

  15. Oh I just love your mini quilts! I have wanted to try going miniature, but I was wondering if you have any suggestions for a good book or tutorial on the subject.
    Also, count me in as someone who did not spot the upsidedown raindrops until you showed me where to look.

  16. Me again. After posting my comment above, I went back and looked at your past posts and found the one with tips about making minis. Great information. Thank you!

  17. I'm impressed with your orchid - I've never been good at them. And you're right - it doesn't help with scale at all. LOL. Both of your tiny quilts are fascinating but I'll stick with my hexies, just as you'll stick with the minis :)

    I vote for no borders on Sasquatch. Your different-height-trees really add a lot of movement = great idea.

  18. Those small ones seem to take more time than large ones! And good eye on Mr Big Foot. I just thought he was walking on snow!!! Enjoy the weekend.

  19. Beautiful, amazing! How do you sew so tiny? How do you hold those pieces?

  20. Good GRIEF!! I would've pulled my hair out on the first 9 patch! No can do the tiny stuff..hard enough for me to do bigger stuff the right way. Yours is so pretty.

  21. Your work is always amazing and so pretty.

  22. You are simply amazing!! I am just not sure how you do it!! But I love everything you do!! I am still wondering how you did those fun 9-patches from the last post!! Inquiring minds, ya know!! And I am so happy Sasquatch quit messing around up there in the air where he was not supposed to be!! Brother!!

  23. The precise cutting and sewing of pieces that small is beyond my abilities, without any doubt! It looks so cute. Great catch on making Mr Sasquatch avoid levitation;)
    I like your new-to-you log cabin too. Nice to sew with huge pieces, lol!

  24. The 9 patch is adorable and you did an awesome job on it considering the size! Congratulations!

  25. Gosh Janet ... I think my eyesight is failing fast as I would not have noticed those raindrops upside down until you pointed it out. Funny how we always look at the fault first ourselves while others do not notice it. I definately think he needed to be walking on the ground though! I am loving following your progress through this quilt. Love your other teeny tiny ones too! Well they ARE teeny tiny to me over here!

  26. wow wow wow such a tiny wee little microscopically small quilt!! Very cute and I can just imagine it making more scraps than it used! Your Sasquatch gets better every time I see it, with those small improvements, amd I do think you are well within your rights too leave those raindrops as is! Have fun with your logs!

  27. Your stuff is brilliant. Pattern are so adorable when they are shrunken down.

  28. I LOVE that purple border on the nine gives it such a unique and pretty feel!
    And I'm glad Mr Sasquatch got his feet on the ground :)

  29. Your minis are so preciously perfect!! I'm awed by your talent and especially the patience I know it must take!! The upside down raindrops are hilarious!! They add character!!! :)

  30. Oh my goodness, Janet, that nine-patch is adorable. And perfect! Who but you could work with such tiny pieces and have them be so perfect? It is a sweet, tiny quilt.
    I looked and looked at the spaces between Susquatch's fingers and thumbs but couldn't see the problem -- until you pointed it out. I suspect not many others will notice, either. I agree he looks better "grounded."
    Best wishes that no other projects draw you away from your deadline projects!

  31. Janet, those 9-patches are just so cute... But SOOOO tiny!!
    I couldn't imagine that you could use the scraps from that project, but if anyone could, that'd be YOU...

    And the trees with the upside down raindrops?? Fantastic!!

  32. Sweet tiny nine patches, you do use every last scrap dont you! Love the yeti in the forest quilt, really dont think that upside down raindrops are an issue, had to look really hard to see them.

  33. Loving Sasquatch! He's so handsome :-) I am thinking if you make bigger quilts your scraps may just start to disappear! :-) Kiwi Hugs xx

  34. So sweet! Love those teeny nine patches! The Fairy Garden one is awesome too! Thanks for sharing!

  35. Squeal! that tiny nine patch. so so sweet. I have a bag of tiny ones somewhere up there...ha ha
    Love seeing to your fairy garden mini too with that sweet orchid.
    Your Legendary quilt is just too good. you are such a thoughtful quilter.
    Have fun with the LC UFO.

  36. Oh my, yes! I didn't get the scale of the nine patch until the Olfa cutter.
    I always enjoy the variety of projects you post.

  37. That little quilt is darling and I love the mourning purple!!
    Your big foot quilt is so fun!!

  38. Your miniature quilts never fail to amaze me with their tiny pieces. They are so perfect. Your Bigfoot with the upside down raindrops wasn't even noticable to me until you pointed it out, so don't sweat the small stuff.

  39. Adorable mini quilts. Both are so pretty. Legendary Sasquatch quilt is awesome. I have seen the pattern but never got around to purchasing and making one myself. Yours is too cute.

  40. Omg that is insane..... I love it so tiny.....

  41. I have followed you for sometime. I love to do Bonnie's mystery quilts but am thinking ahead to doing them scaled down. How do you determine the size of the clues when they come out. Is there a method to the madness?? :)


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