
Saturday, October 21, 2017

One more down, one more to go...

...swaps, that is. My Fall themed swap with Denise (count it all joy blog) is completed. We each received our packages Friday. This is what arrived in my mailbox.
Isn't it wonderful?  Denise added some extra treasures, too. There is a fabric star ornament, a magnetic needle keeper, a decorative magnet, and some beaded wool head pins. So much to love! This was supposed to be a mug rug swap, but this is almost big enough to be a placemat. And I don't want to hide it under anything, so here is its home for the Fall season.

This little Shaker peg rack that hangs in my kitchen turned out to be the perfect spot to display Denise's handiwork. Love it!

So what did I send to Denise? You need to know that Denise has an October birthday, and my original intention had been to get her package to her in time for that. I had gathered some little birthday surprises--but with Mom's fall and subsequent issues, I couldn't seem to get the mug rug made.

 I finally spent a couple of late nights surfing the web, sketching, and stitching until my eyes wouldn't stay open. I even ended up sewing down the binding while playing my weekly Scrabble game with my Mom and two of my siblings--and I won the game while multi-tasking. :)

After the Scrabble game I was leaving Mom's house to head to the nearby post office, when I noticed  the red bushes at the church across the street where I had parked. I had to get a glamour shot.

This finished just over 6" square, which is still a bit big for a mug. Perhaps a Mug-&-A-Muffin rug would be a more accurate name.

I had found a Pumpkin cookbook for Denise, who is a lover of all things pumpkin, and a little set of Fall measuring spoons, that are probably more decorative than anything. But they have perfect wording on each one--Happy Fall, Y'all!
I added some soaps and favorite herbal teas, and a jolly jack-o-lantern notepad. Happy birthday, Denise (almost 2 weeks late), and Happy Fall.

The "one more to go" mentioned in the post title is a little quilt swap with Julie of Me and My Stitches blog, set for next month. If you know Julie's blog, you know about her amazingly tiny quilt block jewelry. She designs beautiful quilt patterns, as well. Why did I think this was a good idea, Julie? The pressure is setting in! :)

I want to share something with you that I found funny. Recently Pinterest has been sending emails with "18 ________Pins we thought you might like", or something similar (fill in the blank with any category you happen to pin with any frequency). Just over a week ago I received one where the subject line read "18 Mini Quilt pins to check out." I clicked on it and couldn't help laughing when I saw this.
The first five pins are from my own blog--and two more that you can't see in this screen shot were, as well. Ha Ha!

One last thing I want to share--with Ann's permission--there is a giveaway going on at her blog to celebrate her 250th blog post. I recently started following Ann's blog. She has made 3 sweet patchwork zippered bags that will go to some lucky people that leave a comment.

 I love zippered bags, but parted ways from installing zippers when I quit making clothing years ago. So I am always happy to have someone else do that dirty work for me. Take a minute to hop over to Ann's blog, Prairie Primrose Stitches, for a chance to win.

It is almost midnight on Saturday, and I am hoping to catch a glimpse of the Orionid Meteor shower, if the clouds have parted. Think I will grab a quilt or two and go out on the deck to check it out.
Until next time,
Janet O.

p.s. Thanks to all who added their thoughts and prayers in my Mom's behalf. She is doing much better, though the hip she landed on in her fall 2 weeks ago is still very painful.


  1. some exciting visits to your mailbox where scrumptious goodies await you!

  2. Love the recent swap wonderful. LOL....we do tend to pin a lot of your items it seems. Of course, you should be pinning them too just in case you miss them.

  3. I'm glad your mom is doing better. She will probably be sore for awhile. I love that you sewed binding while you played scrabble! The swaps were wonderful and I love how you hung the hanging from Denise. Your mug rug is pretty and I love that you took the pic in the red bushes. We planted some of those recently to help hide an area by my husband's garage. I look forward to them getting big and having such a pretty color each year. Were you surprised for your pics to pop up on Pinterest? NOT ME.... your work is amazing and I love keeping up with what you are working on!

  4. I checked for comets at 4am Saturday but no luck despite clear starry skies - and yes,i had a quilt on. Such fantastic swaps you've been in lately. Congrats on being Pinterest Famous!!

  5. Lucky you--Denise is a friend and member of my guild. Lucky Denise, great gifts in both directions.

  6. What a great fall swap. Love what you received and what you sent. How funny to be sent your own quilts from Pinterest. Hugs, Cathy

  7. I don't remember ever visiting you swap friend's blog and just did so. Her hexie pumpkin she made for you is very creative. I like the term of mug-a-muffin that you are calling your pumpkin piece. I think I would use it for pumpkin pie instead of a muffin.

  8. That hexie pumpkin is just adorable, as is the little mug rug you made for the swap. Glad your mom is doing better--falls are so scary!

  9. So nice to swap with Denise. She does love her Pumpkin season. Great minis by both of you. Hug your mom gently. Hope her pain subsides.

  10. Sweet little quilts and pressies. Glad to hear your mother is improving. I think that is hilarious that your mini quilt work is being pinned back to you! You will be in Wikipedia next!

  11. Beautiful swap gifts both given AND received Janet. I think your shot of the mug rug amongst the red leaves is stunning - would make a great postcard. That is funny that pinterest sent you all your own pins!!!!

  12. A lovely exchange between wonderfully talented quilters!

  13. I thought that hexie pumpkin was so cute when I first saw it and then I spotted your mug rug - equally as cute and you did a great job photographing it in the red bushes.

  14. What an adorable hexie pumpkin. It looks lovely hanging in your home and your mug and a muffin mat is beautiful nestled in those red leaves. I just smile with your pin alert. What a wonderful compliment to you and your fantastic minis. I'm glad your mom is getting better. What a relief for you and a blessing for her.

  15. Both yours and Denise's mug rugs are beautiful. You both did such a good job and Denise does love her pumpkin influence.

  16. All things fall and pumpkin these days. Both mug rugs are such fun. Didn't you know you're famous on pinterest for your miniature quilts, Janet? Were you able to see any of the Orionid meteors? It's good to hear that your mom's doing better.

  17. Those are very nice gift exchanges, both ways! I'm not surprised at all that so much of your work has been pinned. All of your pieces are always perfect and beautiful! ---"Love"

  18. WOW! I love the idea of a mug rug with a muffin!! And, of course, I love what you made.
    What a great combination to add the red bushes!!
    You both did very well! I love what you received, as well!
    ps: how cute that you found yourself on Pinterest!

  19. A hexie pumpkin is so cute and your fall mat is lovely. Always love seeing your quilting and yes, how funny to have your own pins sent to you...I love it.

  20. What a great swap - you both gave and received beautiful little quilts and gifts. xx

  21. How fun to see all your "pins",if I were on pinterest I would have pinned a lot of those minis myself! Beautiful mug rugs both given and received. Those fall leaves as a setting for your leaf and pumpkin mat are perfect. So good to hear the encouraging news about your mom.

  22. Very fun swap! I love both of your "rugs" :)

  23. Mug and a muffin is perfect! Like the orange hexie mug rug and your pieced pumpkins and leaves mug rug is adorable - looks great amongst the red leaves too. No surprise that Pinterest would have gathered your terrific examples of minis - well deserved!!

  24. I want to thank you for the new photo on your blog header!! It is soooo lovely, showing those mountains with the red foliage at the foot, and the animals in the field in front! It conveys such a peaceful view. I drop in now and then, and always watch to see which photo is showing. It's a great way to follow the seasons with you.

  25. Glad to hear about your mom's improvement. Hope the hip eases too.
    What fabulous Fall exchanges. Super fun and your glamour shot is beautiful.
    I also received one of my own pins to consider pinning. Some of the suggestions are great, but I'm not sure how I feel about the data mining and them "knowing me". ha ha
    did you see any falling stars? hope so

  26. This was a great swap (ones again !) and I love all the presents you've sent to Denise !
    I laughed a lot for Pinterest ! :)))
    I'm glad your dear Mom feels better....fingers crossed for her !

  27. I have tried 3 times to leave a comment and it keeps disappearing. Maybe a Halloween trick? Anyway, oh how I love these little treasures. I would NOT use either of those little guys under my mug. Too beautiful! Funny, I had Denise as a swap partner and I used a vintage pumpkin fabric on one side of the mug rug. I'm happy to hear that Oct. is her birthday month! Have a great day and thanks for sharing.

  28. Awesome swap goodies for BOTH of you! It was cloudy in Moab during the meteor shower so we didn't see it, although that would have been the perfect place to watch, right? Glad to hear that your mom is doing better.

  29. What gorgeous little quilts you made for each other! And such a creative way you hung yours! Sorry to hear about your mum but glad she is on the mend. I don't seem to be getting your posts anymore, even though I gave followed you for years. Will try to re-follow you as I love to see what you are up to!

  30. I so enjoy reading your blog and looking at your beautiful works of art. I knew by the mountain picture that you had to be in Utah but where? I too am in Utah. I hope that your Mother is doing better. Thanks for sharing all the eye candy!

    1. Jayne, you are set at "no reply" on your Google profile, so I cannot respond to your query directly. If you go to my profile page and email me through the link there, we can compare notes. :)

  31. How FUNNY that your sweet little minis was what came up in Pinterest!!! Though I'm not surprised in the least! I adore my darling little mug run ... along with all the wonderful goodies you sent along!!! :)

  32. What a great mug rug swap. Such fun!

  33. That's so fun that all your pins popped up :)
    I love both of those pumpkin rugs. Gorgeous Work!

  34. Gosh Janet I have some catching up to do...I see the date you posted this is the day of Mum's party and that seems such a long time ago now!! I love your swap both did yourselves proud and then I note the finished size of your 'mugrug' - wow tiny!! Such a pretty photo in the red bush. Funny pinterest!


I love to have your comments and feedback.