
Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Mug Rug Swap and a fabric find

Signed up to participate in Randy's Mug Rug swap, and I received a mug rug from Dotti (no blog).
I have known Dotti via email for quite a while now. It was fun to received a little package from her.

Along with the very lovely log cabin mug rug, Dotti included a pack of Primitive Gatherings shirtings in 2 1/2 squares, and three lovely cards designed by her talented DIL. Thank you, Dotti! A delightful bundle of pretty things! The mug rug has been in use since the day it arrived.

Anne (no blog) was the recipient of my mug rug, and Randy told me she likes bright colors. My mind immediately went to batiks. This is what I sent her (well, the rug--not the mug).

I realized that I took this shot before I pressed out the white chalk guide lines I used for part of the machine quilting. I did press them out before sending it, but forgot to get a good photo after that.
I threw in a couple of bars of my herbal soap, and a few bags of some favorite flavors of Stash herbal tea.

I am working on one more mug rug for a swap arranged months ago with Denise. We both love Fall, so a Fall themed mug rug seemed an appropriate swap for us. I am behind due to circumstances beyond my control, but hope to have it sent off to her in a day or two. It is all pieced, but needs quilting and binding.

Last Friday I stopped in at a local discount quilt shop, and bought the last of the bolt of this wonderful French General Paisley. 
Their fabric is $7.99 a yard, but for the anniversary sale that was in progress, finishing the bolt meant I got it for half that price! It was just over 2 yards. What a deal!

My Mom was just getting back on her feet from injuries sustained in a fall just over a week ago, when Monday morning she started to exhibit symptoms of a heart attack. She is in the hospital, where I spent the better part of Monday with her. Heading back there today. Would appreciate your prayers. 

Until next time,
Janet O.

p.s. The random number generator did its job and of those interested in the Red Truck Christmas mat, Sarah's name was drawn. I'll be getting that off to you as soon as I can, Sarah.


  1. Prayers for your Mother and you. Hopefully she is improving. The mug rugs are beautiful. Great find on the French General fabric.

  2. Wishing your Mom a speedy recovery. We start round two chemo today. Hubs hair has started to fall out.

  3. Great treats for the swaps. And the Paisley fabric is wonderful!
    Big hug and prayers lifted for your Mom and healing and for strength for you.

  4. Deseo que tu madre se recupereha. Los mug rugs, son preciosos. El logcabin es un acierto para cualquiera proyecto.

  5. Oh dear! I do pray your mom is doing ok! I just love the log cabin mug rug you received and the one you made is darling, too. Her daughter's greeting cards are wonderful!! Happy for your great deal on the pretty paisley fabric. Enjoy! Praying for you and your mom!

  6. My prayers are with your mother Janet. And I'm sending hugs to you. Your mug rugs are delightful. I love the one you received and the one you sent. And anyone would be delighted with some of your soap! Great job finding that fabric at such a great price. Take care of yourself this week. Many of us will be thinking of you.

  7. So sorry to hear your Mom’s health issues continue...she is blessed to have you near by. Know your first thoughts are with her - don’t forget to take care of yourself too. Sweet mug rugs for when you do have time to stitch...

  8. Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry about your mom! Praying for a quick recovery. The mug rug exchange looks like a great success!
    Love that paisley fabric.

  9. I'm sorry to hear that your mother has had so many health issues. Hoping her health improves and soon!! And don't forget to take care of yourself.
    Such lovely mugrugs given and received. I don't think one can ever have too many mugrugs! They are such fun to make and share using scraps and orphans.
    I can't believe I won your mat - my first wool piece - I'm honored! Now to keep Zorro off it...

  10. Such fun little packages!
    Love that French General piece...which quilt shop?

  11. Janet, I do hope your mom is doing better. As if she didn't have enough problems (or you, for that matter!).
    You know I love that French General did good. What a deal. And with your propensity to make things nothing larger than 1-2", that should last for decades!
    Love the mug rug you sent Anne (I don't think I told you that she loves soaps... you must have just known intuitively!). I'm sure she'll be thrilled.
    And the one you got (oh, those PG shirtings are my favorite!) with the goodies is equally amazing!
    Take care, my friend!

  12. What a pretty Fabric Bargain! I love paisley. Congrats to Sarah. Praying for your sweet mom! Nice to see the mug rug swap results. Denice P, I presume is getting the fall mug rug...

  13. So sorry to hear about your mom. She's has had a rough time with the loss of your father and now her heath has turned. I hope she can get back to feeling good soon. Life is so precious.

  14. I'm so sorry to hear your mom's health woes are continuing. We had prayer for her and others who are suffering from accidents or health issues at quilt group today. Your mug rugs given and received are real treasures, so many I've seen just seem too sweet to be used for coffee mugs, but I suppose that is akin to never using a gifted quilt because "it's too good." Love paisley and your French General find is wonderful at an equally wonderful price. Take care ofyourself, and our best to your mom.

  15. Both little mug rugs are delightful Janet! My group exchanged some hooked mug rugs a couple years ago at Christmastime and it was a lot of fun - the rug was designed to coordinate with the mug that was included in the swap, so I guess there are lots of ways to organize an event like this. Glad to hear your mom is doing better!

  16. Thinking of you and your mother.

  17. Loving the mug mats both given & received Janet - gorgeous swap goodies. Prayers & thoughts for your dear Mum .. hope she is soon on the mend. Xx

  18. Thinking of your Mom and praying she will be OK.

  19. Oh I'm sorry I missed the part about your Mum, must have been when I was away on Granny duty......I hope she's Ok. I LOVE the mug rug you made, I love the zing of colour with the dark background. Take care. Kiwi Hugs xx

  20. Praying for your mon and your family. It's tough on the whole family when a member is ill. You rest, Janet, as you don't need to be down right now. Loved the mug rugs. You surprised me with the batiks.....a wonderful surprise!!!

  21. Prayers for your Mom and the rest of your family. Great job on finishing that bolt of French General, and a cute mug rug. Take care.

  22. All the mug rugs are lovely and that was a great fabric buy. Keeping your family and especially, your dear mother in my prayers.

  23. Both mug rugs are wonderful!! Prayers for your Mom!! And please, Janet, take care of yourself during this stressful time!! Wish I was there to give you a hug!!

  24. Wonderful gifts! I would love to see all of those cards. Does she perhaps sell them? Thank you.

  25. There's been some beautiful mug rugs showing up in different blogs. Both mug rugs are wonderful and your fabric purchase is a good one. Thinking of both you and your mom.

  26. Praying for your mom and you dear friend! What a roller coaster time you have had recently... Praying for life to settle down for you for a bit so that you may simply enjoy. Love the colors in your mug rug :)

  27. Janet, prayers are going out to your mother from sunny St. Louis. Your mug rug and gifts to Anne are wonderful. She will love your colorful mug rug and special pampering treats. Those are all things that would make me feel better for whatever ails you. I sure hope you get some needed rest and things get back to normal soon.

  28. Oh I'm so sorry for your Mom and I hope she feels better now...
    This mug rug exchange is a success and I love both of yours ! The Paisley fabric is !

  29. Praying for your mom, and for you as you take care of her. The mug rugs are so cute, and I, too, love that red paisley fabric. ---"Love"

  30. What a fun swap-it's even better with those little extras! Love that bargain fabric--beautiful.

  31. All your swaps -- in and out -- are so pretty! And I kinda liked that mug. A LOT! Love that French General Paisley, too!! Yay for Sarah!!! :)

  32. I hope your mom is doing better, Janet. How hard to be faced with two health problems in such a short time.

    Such nice gifts and quilts with your saw. Love your bright batik mug rug.

    Wow for your great fabric purchase! The fabric is beautiful, the price is fabulous. Lucky you.

  33. Beautiful rug exchange! I hope your mom gets better soon. Kisses!

  34. I'm so behind on my blog reading so I hope you're mom is doing better by now.
    Love the swap goodies. I email a Dotti here in CT.
    That paisley is absolutely gorgeous!


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