
Friday, August 18, 2017

Love Thy Neighbor

In her latest post, Maureen (pursuit of quilts blog) suggested that in light of recent events, she felt compelled to make a quilt using some house blocks that were under construction at her place to create a quilt with the theme "Love Thy Neighbor".  She invited any and all to join her.
Just so happens that I had some little house blocks awaiting placement in a mini quilt I had planned. Well, plans change. This is what I am doing with them.
The blocks finish at 2 3/4", so this won't be terribly big, but I think it gets the point across. I will border it with something, and I think that will take it a little beyond 12" square.
But can you see that I ran out of sashing fabric? That soft green is a Paula Barnes fabric. I was working from what I thought was a generous scrap that would do the job, but the last bits just were not large enough. Even if I piece them I will only make about half the sashings I still need. No other green blends with the greens in this quilt well enough, and I do want the green all the way around the outer edge. An internet search came up empty.

Anyone have any of this fabric I can buy? I really only need 1" WOF, or 2" from the longer edge of a FQ, but I'd love to buy yardage if anyone has some they are willing to sell. I do love this soft green.

I used the heart block that was in the Temecula "Box of Chocolates" mini, shown here. But I had to redraft the block so that it finished at 2 3/4", and I wanted the hearts to float just a bit. I think it will work when I have it all sewn together. 

And speaking of Temecula, they didn't post a finish for their Marvelous Mini Monday SAL this week, as many of you know. Just another block. And now I am more curious than ever about how the blocks will fit together. How do 19 blocks play well together? And 10 of them are sampler blocks--the newest rests in my hand.

I had several tell me they couldn't find the error in my Midnight Flight block, so here you go. See the black triangles in the red circle? See how they point away from the purple, and all the other ones point toward it?

Here is the corrected version.

Much better! 
It is a tricky block to lay out.  I am glad I am only doing a throw size. :)

You often see mountain views on my blog, but lately I haven't really been posting them. So here is one for you. 
This was the view over the weekend when a fire erupted on the other side of the mountain. As we sat out on our deck with a grandson Sunday evening there was a light ash falling from the sky. Not the view I prefer, but interesting, nonetheless.

Almost forgot--in trying to come up with another snip of that green Paula Barnes fabric, I sorted through my scrap basket. My scrap basket is small, as scrap baskets go, but I have decided it is time to replenish it with new stock. From time to time, when kind bloggers share their scraps with me, I set them aside until I decide to purge my basket. It is time. So if you are interested in a pouch full of this, let me know. Keep in mind that I have mostly been making mini quilts, so the scraps are not large--and these are all CW repros in this basket.

Finally--are you chasing the eclipse, or do you live in its path? We are set for a wild adventure trying to brave traffic jams and crowds to see it in its totality. I'll let you know if we even make it. :)

Don't forget--do you have the green fabric, and are you interested in the scraps? Thanks!
Janet O.


  1. I don't think I would have found the error in your one block. Even when you pointed it out, it was hard to notice a difference from the other blocks.
    I like the idea of the Love Thy Neighbor theme. It is so fitting for the situations the world is in. I will have to admire others as I am so pressed for time right now.

  2. I love the Be My neighbor quilt! Hearts...perfect, and I wish everyone's heart was just as full of love as yours is. Your marvelous mini blocks are so pretty, and I wish I had joined in!

  3. I wish I had some of that fabric for you but don't recall seeing it, even in our ministry scraps and yardage. Of course I'd love those scraps! Love Thy Neighbor, seems next to be a forgotten concept among society at large, but still thrives among country folk around here. Your newest mini makes a powerful statement, and will be totally charming too.

  4. Wish I had some of that fabric for you. My "I Love Home" BOM works to make a house quilt.

  5. What a splendid idea to make a quilt to comfort with all the challenges we are facing right now. I wish I had some of that green to offer you but I know it is not one that Cyndi carried so I don't have it. No eclipse here for us this time. I remember when it happened in Maine in the 1960's. I was too young to appreciate it. I hope you get to see it in its totality.

  6. Don't have the green fabric; love the scraps (but don't you need them for the Temecula finish?);
    adore the Temecula blocks; and wow to that great view that you enjoy!

  7. Adorable houses and hearts--kindness is so needed in this world, always!
    Love that green too but don't have any, hope someone comes through with it.
    I'm sure your scraps will go to a good home--I'm overwhelmed with all of mine currently!
    The eclipse will just brush us here in SoCal, but the crowds will flock to Griffith Observatory. I'll be at work so likely will only see the dimming from the office!

  8. no on both counts i'm afraid...would gladly share if i did...we are not that far from SC (compared to maine) so i'm thinking we'll see 40-ish percent or maybe a bit horrified at the news and events, heartbreaking all around...if only quilting could fix it all....

  9. Love your little house blocks. This is one of my favorite blocks, but the one I have the most trouble with perfecting :( Now I have started using the finer thread for piecing I might have to give it another a mini! Unfortunately I dont have any of the soft green by PB, I do have a fat quarter in that shade, it is a Judi Rothermel, but a bigger floral print. I can take a photo if you wish. I have really started to appreciate how much better the smaller prints look in mini's. I have not started looking at the size of the print first then the colour second....sure does slow down buying urges! Madly playing catch up with MMM blocks yesterday and will do same again today (I am doing two versions!) just have to make the log cabin on each (i think), but proving tricky, keeps going out of shape. I have re made a few of the blocks with the finer thread to get my points perfect. Worked on most, except the flying geese?! Thank you, but my floor is covered in scraps now, so should restrain myself from adding to the collection! Good luck with the eclipse.

  10. I don't have any of that green fabric but I have a suggestion. There is a site on Instagram called #thegreatfabricdestash where people usually sell fabric, but sometimes when they need something, they ask for help. If anybody out there has any, they will let you know almost immediately, and you can either buy it or trade something for it. As for the scraps, I could really use them even if they are small. I make mini quilts too and there is no place anywhere near that carries Civil War repros. I always need to buy them online and usually in larger quantities than I would like. Good luck.

  11. I could not find the error in the block....would never have noticed but when it bothers the maker, it should be corrected. I vow I won't take something apart but then I do!! I don't have any of the green that you are looking for. I would like to have scraps, CW repros are my favorite fabrics. Thank you, Gloria

  12. I would LOVE to have your scraps! Great for my Lifetime quilt.

  13. I found a very small piece of your heart's desire and a Judie Rothermel that is similar. I've sent you photos in an email.

    1. It went in the mail to you this morning--hope you receive it quickly.

  14. Wish I had some green fabric for you but not this one! The houses and hearts is really sweet! nice job!


  15. Always love what you're working on. It's a big statement from your little quilt! Have fun chasing the eclipse. It will be fun to hear people's experiences.

  16. Combining the houses and hearts are perfect for Love Thy Neighbor. I appreciate you joining in when I know you have so many other projects you could be playing with! Hope you get a great view of the eclipse and have fun doing it!

  17. Your graphics for the Love Thy Neighbor quilt are spot on for a win! So sorry that I do not have that Paula Barnes green fabric. But I'd love some of your small scraps for my 2½" tumblers collection. Thanks so very much!

  18. Hoping you can locate that special green - we all know that feeling of the anxious search! I too was totally taken with Maureen's Love Thy Neighbor houses and knew my old UFO project from 2012 - Scrappy Houses will be renamed with renewed dedication to complete. If ever there was a time to love our neighbors, it is now!

  19. Oh, you are so dang cute!! where are you trying to get to for the total eclipse? Here in Bandon we will be about 95% - that's good enough for me. I think I would freak out if it gets 100% dark in the daytime!!

  20. I didn't have any of that green fabric, so glad to read that Barbara did--yay! Beautiful tiny (!) house quilt and an important message of love and acceptance. Ummm, yes of course I'd love your scraps! :)

  21. I wish I had some of that green fabric for you, Janet, but it's not one I've seen before. Your houses and hearts quilt will be beautiful when finished. What a great thought to make a "love thy neighbor" quilt. Maybe there will be more Temacula blocks than you expected? I am interested in those small scraps, please, though I know others are, too. We waited too long to buy eclipse glasses so I suspect we'll enjoy it but not view it (except maybe on television).

  22. One day you will freak me out and make a quilt measuring 120" square!..........made from 2" blocks! lol............lovely plaid quilt in the making. Kiwi hugs from your 'neighbor' in NZ :-)

  23. Well, I see the error now that you pointed it out, but I probably never would have otherwise. I love your tiny blocks; it will be fun seeing how they go together! ---"Love"

  24. Love the statement in your little house much going on and so many are missing the solution and letting the dark forces feed them.
    Don't have the green hope you find some.
    Eclipse hunters have arrived here...bad traffic, low food stocks in stores, and the heat is awful! I will use a pinhole viewer and enjoy the dark in the afternoon from the porch.

  25. Excellent idea for a mini love thy neighbor quilt - wish I could help you with the green. It would be cute to make house mug rugs and actually gift them to neighbors.

    Here in my neck of the woods we are expecting ~75% eclipse and I've already told my boss I'll be outside at 2:35. Please let the weather be nice!!!

  26. Great eye candy post. I too would love some of your scraps. More is better right?

  27. What a nice little house quilt. I love the sentiment! We need much more of it in the world right now.
    I wish I had that green for you - but is sounds like you have some leads.
    i sure hope you make to a totality zone. I'm so looking forward to getting a first hand account of it.
    I was sad to see the smoke over your beautiful mountains.
    That really is a complicated quilt! the plaids are just great. Always love to see your tiny block progress.

  28. The Love thy Neighbor quilt is a great thought for our troubled world, for sure. It seems to be getting crazier and crazier! That's funny that you are still waiting on the mystery layout of your blocks. You have some very beautiful blocks there. I was one of the ones who couldn't see the mistake in your block. Now that you have fixed it, I can tell, but I would have never noticed otherwise. ha ha Your smokey view of the mountain is interesting, but eerie at the same time. My dad has eclipse glasses and I plan to go to his house to see what we see... I'm thinking of just holding my phone up to the sky and taking a pic. I don't need any scraps, but I wish I had the green that you needed to finish your little quilt.

  29. It would be great to add your scraps to mine. Always good to add to the mix. Your mini blocks are wonderful. I look forward to seeing how they are set together.

  30. I could not find the error in your quilt top. I looked and looked. You are much closer to the project than we are. I know lots of quilters that find the "enhancement" after the quilt has been quilted. I love seeing your minute projects. I do not have any fabric to offer you. I noticed that many people have spoken for fabric. If you have any later, I'd love to have some. If not, that's fine, too. My favorite LQS went out of business due to people coming in and browsing and then buying on the Internet. When I'm out and about, I think I need to stop in and then I realize that they are no longer there. It broke my heart. I want to make a house quilt and have had the fabric for a long time. I'm in a funk and hope to get back to crafting soon. For now, I love seeing others' creations. The news is very depressing. I live in a suburb of Tulsa and there is a move in Tulsa to rename four elementary schools that are name for Southern war generals or participants in the South's army. I find it sad to remove our history. I was born and raised in WV where we have the history of both the north and the south. Most of the state is south of the Mason-Dixon line yet sided with the north. It is the heritage of all of us. At least the demonstrations here are peaceful thus far. I love not only your home quilt but also the meaning behind it. Lots of people don't have a clue about their neighbors any more. Blessings.

  31. You're right, that soft green is lovely. Unfortunately, I don't have any to give you. Wish I did. I see the mistake in your plaid block. I was so intent on finding something I could see in the area you mentioned that I didn't even check the rest of the block. Your Temecula blocks are adorable. Anxious to see what you do with them. So glad the fire didn't come your way!!!

  32. I have some let me know if you still need some

    1. Thank you for the offer, Eileen. Your profile settings do not have an email address attached, so I cannot reply directly to you. I don't know if you will see this, but if you will click on my profile link in the upper left corner under "About Me", you will see a hyperlink to my email. If you email me through that link I should be able to respond to you.
      Thank you!

    2. I couldnt get your email. I don't have outlook.

    3. I don't use Outlook, either, so I'm not sure what the problem is.
      My email is jkiddo22(at)gmail(dot)com

  33. SCRAPS??? OF course! You know what I would do with them! I can't take the time to read through all of the comments, but let me know if you don't find that green and I will take a look in my tiny little stash. BAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

  34. Hope you get to the "viewing" ok. And I really hope you are not having to pay exorbitant prices for somewhere to stay! I guess it's too late to offer you a guest room. Our son was takinh his son to the SLC airport and saw the fire from the other side. Scary video he sent! Hopefully it was put out quickly!

  35. I don't have the fabric you're looking for - sorry. I love all of your little quilts. I enjoy making minis. Would love to have some scraps....


I love to have your comments and feedback.