
Friday, February 24, 2017

Small stuff keeps happening

I gathered my courage this week and quilted my version of Primitive Gatherings Pinwheel Garden.
Of course, I made my units smaller than the pattern called for, and I made mine square. 

It has been awaiting quilting for some time, but I couldn't make up my mind.

Linda Hrcka posted one on
Facebook a while back that she had quilted in an all-over pattern. I really liked it, but couldn't bring myself to do it here. Since my units are smaller, I was concerned that the all-over quilting pattern on such small units would overpower the piecing. I ended up doing mostly SITD and some curves.

I can't recall now what made me choose to do it in scrappy browns, and blues. The photo on the pattern shows a beautiful, totally scrappy little quilt, but I think I may have had some blue/brown HSTs leftover from something else, and I liked the combo. So there you have it!

I will continue to work on quilting up the small quilts, until I can get "the beast" basted. My shoulder is not looking forward to that quilting job!

This is what is under my needle now. It is shown here getting some SITD.

Some happy mail arrived recently. Kevin, the quilter, shared some lovely repro scraps with me, and it appeared the be the perfect bundle for making something I have long wished to make. Lisa Bongean's "Tiny Tears" is a very scrappy little thing, and I think this bundle will be great for this scrappy look.                                                      
Lisa designed this little quilt after she lost her son a few years ago. I thought it would be an appropriate quilt to make with these scraps, which were sent to me soon after the passing of my Father. Thank you, Kevin!
Betsy's fabric bundle

So maybe I have caved in for a SAL this year. I went ALL last year only doing Lori's doll quilt SAL, as had been my plan (and continued to be my plan this year). But the Moda Blockheads SAL called to me and I even ordered a bundle of Betsy Chutchian's fabrics. I have plenty of Jo Morton's and Lisa Bongean's lines. I was going to order Jan Patek's bundle, too, but I stopped the insanity at that point and figured I could get by with what I had.
I won't be making any applique blocks that may be a part of the SAL, and if I don't love a block, I won't make it. Very likely I will fall behind, but I am hoping I won't get discouraged and give up, like I usually do. A block a week may not seem like much, but it is often a block more than I accomplish in a given week. I'm hoping I don't regret this. : )

Found a duplicate pattern as I am slowly sorting through things in my sewing room. If you are interested in this, please say so in your comment and I will draw a name to receive it.

Thought I was going to keep this short. Didn't happen.

Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. I love your blue and brown little finish, so understated and elegant in its controlled scrappiness. Sometimes SITD is all a quilt really needs, anything else would become overwhelming. What I'm really loving about the photos in your post is that 'basket within a basket' quilt on your quilt rack! Don't think I've ever seen that particular block but it really is lovely and looks easy to make. I think your attitude toward the SAL is just right; we don't have to beat our heads against the wall making blocks that don't appeal to us, as Westering Women showed me last year.

  2. I like the blue and browns. In fact I like anything with blue!!! Your tiny tears quilt is going to be so sweet. You've got some great fabrics there. Have fun! PS I do like the little pattern. Count me in for the give away.

  3. your little quilt turned out beautifully as always. You always show great balance with the quilting.
    What nice repros from Kevin.
    YAY SALs are fun and why not join in. You are steadily working on your mini tops :)
    happy friday

  4. The blue and brown turned out so wonderful. It just in with your collection well.
    The scraps and Tiny Tears pattern should be a good one to keep you busy, and I love the sentiment. New fabric's okay to give in to a little fabric diet splurge! Keep to your plan of doing the ones you like/can fit in and let the rest go.

  5. That Pinwheel is beautiful! I too am tempted to start the Block Head sew-a-long. I think you have just convinced me to join in. As cute as it is, don't enter me in the give away. Leave it for those who will actually make something with it.

  6. Love your work! Great gift from Kevin. So far, I've resisted the Blockhead SAL but...

  7. Love your little finished quilt! Scraps are so much fun to work with and Betsy's fabric are lovely!!
    Don't put me in the drawing. Have a great weekend!

  8. Blue and brown go together so nicely. I love the quilting design you chose. Really adds a lot to the quilt. I enjoy reading your blog. Always great ideas and beautiful quilts.

  9. Sweet brown and blue quilt in miniature, it's lovely. I'm interested in that double Pattern you found, it sounds like me with loving the pattern so much you forgot you bought one already and acquired a second one, lol. Hate when I do that! I just found a second The Farmers Wife Sampler Quilt.

  10. Well done on the finish, Janet - the quilting you have described sounds just right - sometimes there's just now the room for too much else! Beautiful colour combination too. I've been wondering about joining in with the Blockheads too - it sounds sound right up my alley :-) Lovely scraps from Kevin, I've seen that pattern as a larger block - not the small one; what fun!

  11. Sweet quilt in blue and brown, its a great colour combo. I love your new fabrics. But I am not checking out the SAL. I repeat I will not check out the SAL. However I will enjoy seeing what you make.....and then perhaps I will be tempted! Happy quilting.

  12. Janet, I think your Primitive Gatherings little quilt is wonderful. I don't think I saw how tiny it is! But of course you made it smaller than originally designed!! And the scraps that Kevin sent you will no doubt make a wonderful little (and I do mean little!) quilt!

  13. What a lovely little quilt. The blues and browns sing well together. Just so pretty. I used to make quilts just because I liked the fabric or pattern design. I now put some memories into my quilts like you are doing with the Tiny Tears project. Not only will you think of your father and Kevin's generosity while you're making it. You'll think of them every time you see it. I'm going to participate in the Blockheads BOW too. I ordered a FQ bundle of Hope's Journey (such pretty cheddars and greens) and I've got plenty of Jan Patek fabric left over from various previous projects. It's going to be fun. How do you like the snow?

  14. another little beauty janet....and betsy's fabrics are sooo pretty, ideal for your SAL....can't wait to see how it "materializes"....(groan)...

  15. Oh how lovely your little quilts are. I haven't mustered the courage to try but you almost have me convinced I need to. The daisy quilt pattern is just darlin' . Our daughter just became engaged, daisies being her favorite flower, what a great bridal shower quilt it would make.

  16. Your small blue and brown quilt is lovely. It's a wonderful combination. The simple quilting seem like all was needed to bring this sweet quilt to life. Fun new fabrics to play with. Can't wait to see them come together.

  17. I love your blue & brown pinwheel quilt! What size pinwheels did you make? I'd love to have the primitive gatherings pattern you are giving away - daisies are my absolute favorite flower! I am also planning to do the moda block a week challenge - I plan to try and make two blocks each week using Jo Morton's fabric & Lisa Bonegan's primitive gatherings. I can't wait to see your posts!

    1. Sally, your settings are "noreply" so I cannot contact you directly.
      My pinwheels and HSTs each finish at 1". I believe the pattern called for 1 1/2". So my blocks of 4 finish at 4", where the pattern calls for 6".

  18. Your new little quilt is gorgeous! I would love to win the pattern since you don't need two. Thank you for the opportunity.

  19. More cuteness, lovely tiny projects, perfect for your table. All over quilting can take a leap of faith your first few times, especially when you are used to SID and custom quilting.

  20. Your pinwheels are beautiful, and those pieces are so tiny!

  21. Glad to know someone making that QAL. I have to resist... I know, SHOCKER!
    The BLUE & BROWN are perfect together.

  22. Love seeing all your miniature quilts!! I also love making miniatures as I can actually get them finished pretty quickly!!

    Thanks for the chance to win!!

  23. I love the blue/brown combo--it is set off so nicely with the bits of cream, too! I would be interested in the little pattern, too. The Tiny Tears looks amazing...hugs, Julierose P.S. still in "Hexagonia" on my blog...

  24. Looooooove that little pinwheel garden quilt! Perfection!

  25. Your little quilts always turn out lovely! The new projects look like fun and I know you'll have it:). Hope the beast taming eventually gets done so you can stop having to think about it!

  26. Well whatever made you chose blues and browns for this little quilt, it was certainly the right choice! Another wonderful quilt. So generous of Kevin to share those beautiful scraps! Yes, I am considering the Blocksheads SAL, I love all the designers that are involved in it.

  27. Love your blue and brown quilt... the quilting is perfect for it!
    So glad to see you are giving into temptation of a new project... I was starting to worry
    about your superhuman will power! LOL

  28. We will have to have a talk about the applique!

  29. Blue and Brown is my favourite combo and always works ! You have made a beautiful little quilt !
    You are a busy busy busy quilter ... Lots of amazing projects !

  30. I just love your brown and blue little quilt. Thanks for showing it to us.

  31. Hi Janet! It has been raining in San Diego since yesterday. I wonder if these recent storms hitting California have been going through your area turning into snow? Your Blue/Brown fabrics in your little quilt look to be Union Blues fabrics which were quite the hit when introduced. As a matter of fact one of my 2017 UFOs is made with them. How nice of Kevin to gift you with something so special. Love the pattern Tiny Tears. Speaking of which count me in for the drawing of Be the Good. Sandi

  32. You know, I hadn't thought about how you must have to consider proportion before quilting your tiny quilts -- stitch size, how much/little quilting, how to quilt, etc. It seems like you always make the perfect choice because your little quilts look great. You have two fun groups of fabric there. I'm going to see what the first block of Blockheads looks like before I commit, and then I'll probably commit block by block. I keep thinking one block a week - easy; one block a month - no problem. And then the week comes and goes and I didn't get it done. The month comes and nearly goes and I'm racing to finish. We'll see how I keep up with Cheri's baskets and if I can manage to keep up with Blockheads.

  33. Ok, I love the pinwheel garden!! And where can I find the Moda Blockheads SAL? Looked all over the net and nuttin!! :-))

  34. Your pinwheel garden in browns and blues is stunning! That's one of my favorite color combinations.
    I love how your Tiny Tears project is coming about with Kevin's generous scraps. Stitching is such a wonderful way to work through the loss of a loved one and begin healing. It looks as if you have chosen the perfect project to do so.
    And as for the Moda Blockheads SAL: no regrets allowed in quilting! Just stitch for the love of it!

  35. I ordered Betsy's bundle too! When we lived in Texas, she taught the Jo's Little Women Club that I belonged to. Like you, I'm not sure how many blocks I will actually do, but we'll see. I need to get busy on my Dear Jane project soon too. Your little brow and blue quilt is so pretty!

  36. Love your Pinwheel Garden. I did one in 2016 that I finished in January 2017 and gave to a single young mother. No, it isn't as small as yours. Yours is so cute, so small! WOW! Great job. ;^)


I love to have your comments and feedback.