
Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Coming to the end of the line.

In mid-January I decided to see what was left of my little flimsies. I have made major progress on these little quilts starting about Fall of 2015. Then I made 2016 the year of finishing the minis, and a whole lot more were completed. So this was all that awaited stitching from my mini pile (we aren't talking about the big quilts hanging around the house somewhere--just step away from the closet).

You have already seen three of these finished up in the past couple of months.

Here is a fourth.

Quilting was kept very simple and very free hand, except for the wavy line around the outer border. I did mark that.

Now I have two more basted and ready to go. The Buttermilk Basin pumpkin banner is leftover from a batch of basting last year. I just noticed that all three of these involve wool applique, and they represent 3 of my favorite designers--Kim Diehl, Lisa Bongean, and Stacy West.

The top quilt will be a mix of hand and machine quilting. I have made this before and I completely hand quilted the first one. Don't feel a need to do it to this one. I will machine quilt the other two.

And I also finished off the little Buttermilk Basin Noel pillow from a kit I picked up at the workshop with Miss Stacy last year.
You can see it there at the bottom of my little sewing room tree, which proudly displays ornaments all year, made by friends and family (including me).

So these are what I still need to get basted and ready to quilt. Once I get to that stage, they usually move along pretty well (with the exception of the pumpkin banner seen above).   

One of these days I have to gather my courage and actually decide how to finish those two bitty ones at the bottom.

Julierose, you will be receiving the Primitive Gatherings "Be the Good" pattern from my last post. Please send me your snail mail so I can get it on its way.

Until next time,
Janet O.

I wanted to share last night's reflection of the sunset in the West onto the snowy mountains in the East. Wish I had been able  to avoid the telephone lines in the photo. This was taken from my kitchen window, and by the time I could have run downstairs, outside, and down the road to see past the tree on the right, the moment of wonder would have passed.


  1. What a glorious sunset, I would not have even noticed the telephone line if you hadn't mentioned it, my eyes just focused on the distant mountains. With your minis nearly complete will you be focusing on finishing a few of the larger quilts or allow yourself to indulge in more minis? Either way, your quilting is beautiful and they are always such a treat to see.

  2. What a gorgeous sunset - Wonder is the right word for that kind of natural beauty.
    Your new finish looks great and I'm so impressed on how you have steadily worked through your tops.
    I have too many right now too!
    The NOEL pillow is very prim and sweet!

  3. Wonderful sunset shot......God sends us those priceless moments of beauty as a vision of heaven I think. So glad you caught it.
    I love your ornament tree....what a great idea to keep those treasures nearby all year.
    The fourth finish.....the quilting is great. I love your freehanded plumes, just perfect. You have sure gotten that stack down and made such progress. Great job.

  4. Oh, that sunset!! What a beautiful view you have! Your minis are amazing and so is your freehand quilting. I really like the Noel pillow and your little tree in the same pic!! Have a great day!

  5. What a fabulous sunset! Thanks for sharing the picture.

  6. My current favorites are the wool applique mini's that you have ready to machine quilt. You are on quite a roll in finishing up these small projects. And you have many creative displays of the ones you have made in the past.

  7. What a breathtaking view! Your quilts are wonderful too!

  8. You are truly amazing. I love every one of them. You have such a wonderful color sense. These little guys really sing. Maybe those teeny tiny ones just need to be framed "as is". Less stress! I like God's color sense too. What a sensational view. Thanks for sharing.

  9. All your little quilts are so pretty but the picture you took is just breathtaking! Thank you for sharing.


  10. That view of the mountains is breathtaking! I'm so impressed at how many little cuties you have been able to complete--I hope you don't run out of them!

  11. The doll quilts with wool are pretty ! Is it more difficult to quilt them ?
    The sunset from your kitchen is... WOW !!!! ;)

  12. I love the minis you make. Great job getting to the bottom of the stack. Good names to admire and follow. Kim, Lisa & Stacey. Great Sunset. O was happy to wake up to a NO SNOW DAY.

  13. wow....awesomeness of the Creator is evident everywhere...humans could not engineer such beauty.....brings to mind purple mountain majesties

  14. That beautiful sunset just reflects the beauty that surrounds us each and every day. It's keeping our eyes and minds focus so we can see it. Wow! You are down to the bottom of the stack of those wonderful mini's. That only mean it's time for you to get sewing.

  15. Wow, that is a pretty view! (the sunset and the quilts :)) It must feel good to see the bottom of the stack of minis.

  16. Your view is so amazing! What a great job you've done on all your little quilts! They are so sweet!

  17. I love your mini quilts and your fantastic quilting. I'm hoping to get some of my quilt tops finished. Hugs

  18. I'd say you are doing *quite* well to only have 6 mini tops left to quilt, even with adding in and finishing some new projects as well. Gorgeous sunset picture of the mountains. I imagine it's always beautiful but not quite that beautiful in my mind...

  19. Congratulations on all your beautiful finished and thank you for sharing that lovely sunset.

  20. The views from your windows are just magical, Janet. Thanks for sharing.
    And I just cannot get over your progress on your minis. Just very impressive. And they are gorgeous! Keep up the good work.

  21. You've been busy! Your sewing room tree is so delightful - I bet it makes you happy every time you look at it! Great little quilts! Hope you aren't affected by any of the flooding!

  22. Nice new postcard!! And of course, I love all of your little quilts.

  23. We do have gorgeous mountains and you really get a great look at them from out your way!! So glad you are getting so many of your little quilts done!! When ya startin' more, when ya startin' more?? :-))

  24. Beautiful sunset/mountain photo Janet - what a wonderful view from your kitchen window! It must make doing the dishes a very pleasant task! Well done on the progress of your minis... I do like how you are giving each one due consideration and not just finishing them factory-line style to get them done! I will be interested to see what you do with the tiny-ly pieced pieces (I know that's not a word but it feels right!).

  25. My Miraculous Mini Quilt Making friend! You are so talented! I just get blown away every time I see your works! It is my pleasure to share the tiny pieces with you......and it is so great knowing you have a project in mind for them already! Thanks for showing the beautiful sunset with us! GORGEOUS!

  26. Wow! You have made amazing progress on getting all your minis finished up! I was trying to remember how many there were when you started, I am thinking 30 or 40? And each one is just so beautiful and unique.

  27. Seeing your churn dash quilt gives me motivation to get mine finished

  28. I'm sorry I've been so negligent in commenting on your blog Mom :(
    I read all of the posts, I just don't always have a moment to comment at the time and then I forget etc...
    Anyway, the primitive gathering pinwheel garden from your last post is a favorite of mine!
    Not to be morbid but I had a vision of when you are gone (many, many years down the road) and all of us kids sitting around trying to divide up your myriad of minis :) You might need to have a destination determined for each of them before you go so we don't end up fighting over them :)

  29. Oh my gosh I always so enjoy your sunset photos! And you deserve a reward for doing such an amazing job of whittling down that flimsy stack! Wow - I'm impressed girlfriend!

  30. Lovely view. Love all your little quilts.


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