
Saturday, August 6, 2016

Home again, home again, jiggety jig!

Last word you had was that we had been stranded after setting off for Oregon and had ended up coming back home in a tow truck.
The next day we learned it would be a long repair job on our van (still isn't done), so we rented a vehicle and headed to Oregon again that afternoon.
Spent lots of time in the car working on this.
Stars in the Garden

One of our first stops was in Bend, where I had the great pleasure of meeting up with Randy (Barrister's Block blog) for lunch. We talked and laughed and felt like we had always been friends.

Randy is a very caring, kind woman--and lots of fun!

Three Sisters in the background

The Dee Wright Observatory

We couldn't resist stopping to climb this.

Our objective was to get to Eugene to spend time with this little gal--and her parents, of course.

We also took a couple of hikes to LOTS of these.
Upper Proxy Falls

On the Sweet Creek Trail--one of many Falls

At the beach below the Heceta Lighthouse

We spent a few hours at the coast...

Heceta Head Lighthouse

...and visited this.

Bob's Red Mill Whole Grain Store, Restaurant and Bakery

On the way home we stopped off here to stock up on gluten free grains and have lunch in the restaurant.

Mt. Hood in the background

And we stretched our legs here.

When opportunities presented themselves, I stopped in at quilt shops and accumulated this.
Four shops in all--Quiltworks in Bend, The Stitchin' Post in Sisters, Piece by Piece in Eugene, and The Gathering Place in Rupert, ID.

We arrived home Friday afternoon, and after unpacking and settling in, I finished the quilting on the little corner basket blocks and got the binding stitched on while watching the Olympic opening ceremonies .
Now it is ready for some hand stitching to get the back of the binding sewn down. This will be small quilt finish #41 for this year!!

Had a wonderful time in Oregon--looking forward to future visits. But it is also "good to be back home again" (I feel like launching into a John Denver song here).
Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. Lovely photos of familiar places, so happy you were able to resume your trip and enjoy some beautiful summer days in Oregon. It's so much fun to visit all the quilt shops there, seems like there is one in every town, especially along the coast and the Bend-Sisters-Redmond area.

  2. Looks like a wonderful trip!!! How long was your drive? Your hexies are beautiful.

  3. Sounds like a good trip....friends, family and fabric! With some adventure and sight seeing thrown in. Love your new finish :)

  4. I'm glad you had wonderful vacations with your family ! And you've met Randy !
    Your hexies are very cute and another doll quilt is done with a stunning quilting !
    And I agree with you : nothing is better than our home sweet home !

  5. it's always a good trip with quilty retail therapy...LOL...but of course little maggie was the star and she is sooo cute and growing fast...glad you got to visit in spite of car troubles....

  6. Glad that you got to go on your trip after the bad start. I think that you have recharged yourself with visits with Friends, Grand Babies, beautiful scenery and of course quilt shops.

  7. Sounds like quite a nice trip minus the car trouble. You hit some great quilt shops too! Wonderful memories! I love the baskets! What's next?


  8. Oh my GOSH!! I have been trying to obtain the row kits from Bend and Sisters. If only I'd known, I would've BEGGED!! LOL Looks like a wonderful trip!

  9. Looks like you had a fabulous trip! I'm glad it worked out in spite of the car trouble. I love that little quilt you're finishing up.

  10. What a fun trip--and that quilt shop booty looks awesome! I'm amazed that you are up to 41 finishes--that is so great and they have all been totally cute!

  11. So glad you had such a good time on your trip! I visited Sisters once a week AFTER the quilt show and it was still a fun place to visit since every store in town caters to quilters - great shopping!

  12. Lovely photos of a beautiful part of the country. You were so fortunate to be able to still go. Glad you're back safe and got stocked up for some quilt fun.

  13. Looks like you had a nice trip despite mechanical problems. Nice to go quilt supply shopping at places other then home, but even nicer to visit family. Love this little quilt the basket within a basket block intrigues me, I have never seen it before.

  14. So glad to hear the trip was so wonderful, even if it did start out a little challenging! Nice to hear about your adventures, see pictures of the little munchkin, and that quilt is gorgeous!

  15. I'm so happy to hear/read that you had a fabulous time away. It looks like you did plenty and had some special grandma times. It's always nice to be home though and good to see you launching back into your sewing and quilting :-) The baskets quilt is gorgeous!!

  16. Glad you had a good time on your trip, and then got home safely. Looking forward to seeing what you show us next. ---"Love"

  17. I'm sorry about your van troubles. It's always disappointing when there are car problems. (When my daughter and I were driving from Ohio to Idaho one early fall her car died in Wyoming. Ugh!) Aside from the early problem it looks like your vacation was fabulous. Such a cute little granddaughter!

    It looks like you made some great purchases. And your baskets look wonderful.

    --Nancy. (ndmessier @,

  18. My goodness - you were up and down quite a few times! Lots of walking involved in that trip, and it looks as though it was all quite worth it! I love waterfalls, I could sit all day and watch them and listen to their music. And those mountains - wow! Of course, you are accustomed to seeing such grandness outside your own window every day :*). So happy you were able to spend time with the little one - and her parents of course :*). I'm not even going to mention how envious I am over your 41st finish for the year! If they give out gold medals for the most finishes this year, I'm betting you'll take the Gold!!!

  19. Wow some the hiking places look fabulous! I hope you didn't do all that stitching while driving.........!! :-)

  20. Wow! So many fun places to visit and hike in Oregon.

  21. I feel lucky that we were able to meet for lunch in Bend. Thanks to your husband and son for giving us that time together. And, yes, it feels like we've been friends forever!! So glad you had a great trip and a nice visit with the darling baby girl. Looks like you were really busy!! Welcome back home!

  22. Welcome home. The chance to meet up with Randy-priceless! I got to Row my way to Wyoming on Friday. Great Sunday to watch our son be ordained ans set apart in his Bishopric. Many trips to Oregon should be expected with that cutie!

  23. Despite a slow beginning your trip looked like so much fun especially getting some play time and snuggle time with someone special. Visiting new places and favorite places makes traveling an interesting adventure. Glad your home and settled back in.

  24. So glad you still took your trip and had a lovely time (shopping, sewing, hiking, beach and FAMILY!!!!). Hopefully you can go back soon!

  25. Glad that you are safely home and hope your poor van gets better soon. The baskets are delightful and I especially like the choice of binding fabric. It looks rather teal to me on my monitor, is that right? Good work on those pretty hexies!

  26. I'm so glad your trip was on after the hiccup! Loved see all the fun stops you made along the way.
    Pretty hiking spots.
    Love your hexie car project - looks wonderful

  27. Well, it sounds like you had loads of fun despite the snafu! So glad you got to meet up with Randy. Your granddaughter is getting so big! How time flies!

  28. Well it looks like a super fun trip, once you got past that initial bump in the road! Love the quilty treasures that you picked up along the way!

  29. After a false start, glad you had a wonderful trip.

  30. Looks like you had a wonderful time. Lots of beautiful sights to see and the opportunity to hike some of them. I'm noticing there are three bundles rather than a single fabric from you shopping splurge =^.^= Anxious to see how you use these fabrics. Coming home is the best! Sandi

  31. Sounds like you had a wonderful trip after all! Nothing could keep you away from your precious granddaughter (and her parents too!) WOW!!! 41 quilt finishes! VERY IMPRESSIVE!!!

  32. Great trip, eh? We probably passed each other on the Coast Highway when you were visiting the Lighthouse at Hecata Beach!! And I stopped at a couple of quilt shops on the coast to get their Row By Row patterns for you!! And your Hexie Flowers are looking fabulous, darling!!

  33. I'm so glad that you were able to continue on your way safely and enjoy your trip despite your uncooperative vehicle. You saw some beautiful country, spent time with precious family, and stitched the miles away...always a good combination. It IS always nice to be back home and to be serenaded with a John Denver tune. I LOVE his music!


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