
Friday, July 29, 2016

A busy summer

...makes for very little stitching.
The quilting on my scrappy baskets (made from the leftover scraps from one of my Mom's quilts) is almost finished. Notice the tiny baskets in the corners. I still need to ditch stitch around the red in those blocks.
 I used a wash away marker to mark the orange peel design in the last border and I haven't washed it away yet.

This top was made back in 2011 or 2012--I'm too tired to look it up. But I recall that in 2012, not long after I began my FMQ career, I took a class from Karen McTavish on "What to Quilt Where". We were each to bring a quilt top that had us stumped, and she would talk about what she would recommend be quilted on it. This was the top I took, but to be honest, at that point in my quilting life EVERY top had me stumped. 

When the top was spread out on the table she pointed to the setting triangles and indicated that they would be great places for feathers. I remember that the voice in my head said something like, "Not in my lifetime."
 This shot gives you a better idea of the quilting designs used. It is still hard to tell it is an egg & dart design in the red border.

 I brought out my hexie project recently (Stars in the Garden). Don't faint, Sarah! I needed some handwork for our extended family camp out. I have made a little more progress on the star to the right. This might even get finished in my lifetime, if someone else stitches it.

Last Sunday was my sweet Dad's 93rd birthday. 
My older sister and I joined him for this photo. She is the one without the grey hair. : )
The quilt behind us is a Kim Diehl design made by my Mom years ago--hand quilted and needle-turned applique. 

Was supposed to be on a road trip in Oregon right now, but yesterday the transmission died in our van just two hours into our trip. Sat at the side of the freeway for almost 4 hours in 100 degree temps before we went home in a tow truck. Hope you had a better day than that.
Janet O.


  1. Your scrappy baskets are gorgeous. What beautiful quilting! Sorry to hear about your transmission, but thank goodness you weren't even further away when it happened!

  2. Sitting on the side of the road is no fun--sitting in that heat makes it even worse! Hope you had lots of fluids to drink. Seeing your hexie makes me want to get motivated on mine. Every time I look at one of my quilts I am stumped about the quilting.

  3. another beauty janet....i love the feathers in the triangles...sorry to hear about the van...glad all are safe...

  4. Oh Janet, how sad about your trip cut so cruelly short. I hope you'll be able to make the trip again when the transmission is fixed. Your mom's scraps have certainly been put to beautiful use. Your dad certainly looks happy and chipper on his 93rd birthday. How wonderful that he is still with you and enjoying life.

  5. Once again, you pleasantly surprised me with another doll quilt, with a wonderful quilting ! And the tiny baskets in the corners....Wow !
    Nice to see you on this lovely photo with your family and i'm late but I am sending an "happy birthday "to your dear dad !
    I'm so sorry for your road trip to Oregon...I hope you will drive there next days !

  6. Gorgeous feathers!! I am glad you are off that freeway in the heat and home safe...Happy birthday to your daddy!

  7. Your dad (and his daughters) looks great! Those tiny tiny baskets in the corners.... amazing!!!!! Love all your posts!

  8. Bummer about your trip. Last year we were all set to pull out of the driveway and hubs found out that we had no reservation. Oops.
    Your finishes are stunning as usual. I love feathers and yours. Enjoy your Dad. You are so lucky to have him!

  9. Beautiful quilts and beautiful family ! I wish you 'll be able to have your trip to Oregon further . Take care about you

  10. You just can't go wrong with a basket quilt, especially in those colors - my favorites! Stars in the Garden is looking good and I'm sure you will finish it some time. It's not a race! Sorry about the glitch in your plans - that had to be a very miserable 4 hours.

  11. Love the picture of you and your Dad. That is just perfect. Hope your trip improves fast. That is a nightmare story. Very pretty quilts. Have a nice time in Oregon. Little baskets are exactly what I am working on - 41 3 1/2 inchers. I am on the home stretch! WHew. I am studying your beautiful quilting on yours!

  12. Your little quilt is beautiful - great quilting choices! Lovely photo of you with your Dad and sister. What a shame about your holiday - does not sound like a happy day at all - will you get a chance to re-try doing it?

  13. Oh, no, what a start on your trip. Hope it's fixed and you can try again. What a wonderful photo of you, your dad and sister. What a blessing. So glad you didnt listen to the little voice in your head about machine quilting and feathers, and coming up with ideas. Your work is lovely and truly inspiring.

  14. Thanks again for more words of encouragment on feathers! I think I have that stencil for setting triangles; probably larger than yours, but I now how to reduce it! What a nice family picture with your dad! ---"Love"

  15. Beautiful quilting on your basket quilt Janet - after looking at the blocks closely I see that there is actually a basket inside a basket - very cool! Love that this has memories from using your mom's leftover fabrics. So - are you still going to make it to Oregon? Sure hope so - you need a break!

  16. What beautiful quilting on such a fabulous block! I love it!

    Happy birthday to your dad! He doesn't look like he's 93! Mine turned 93 in March and shows every bit of his age, and maybe even then some. :-(

    Yikes on sitting wishing for a tow truck. Ugh! Are you going to be able to get there when you get your van repaired?

  17. So disappointing about your trip. I'm sorry you had to sit through the heat. I hope you had water on hand. Good to see the "Stars in the Garden" project again. I've got a few more stars made but we haven't been traveling much this year and so the progress is slow.

  18. Oh Janet you are funny at times! Feathers................not on your life!! Now look at you. Nice family photo......I'm in the grey club too.

  19. Love those teensy tiny corner baskets. What size are the corner blocks?

  20. How sweet is that little quilt? I love your fancy frosting on these minis. Lovely photo of you two with your dad. So sorry your van broke down, yuck.

  21. Happy Birthday to your Dad! :-) Very sorry to hear about your van troubles... but relieved to know you survived that highway heat! Wow! Absolutely love your basket quilt! Again, the quilting is gorgeous... those little orange peels are perfect for a border and those tiny little baskets in the corners have me speechless! ;-)

  22. Almost done - isn't that just the best feeling? Those tiny baskets in the corners just take my breath away - so perfect! Our summer has been busy too - and not getting any quieter any time soon either. Handwork helps to keep the quilting moving. But my handwork projects tend to drag unless I'm actually traveling. They are definitely long-term projects. I'm loving your photo with your dad and sister! You are so photogenic - and I think your hair is beautiful!! Hope the van is fixed quickly and doesn't break the bank ... Few things are more frustrating, especially when there's somewhere you want to be traveling and can't!!!

  23. Oh No! Hope the car gets fixed fast! It was a scorcher Where did it break down? If I could I would come resue you. We could find an air conditioned quilt shop some where. Glad you didn't give up on Feathers! Happy Birthday to your father! Nice Picture.

  24. Yikes--I can't imagine how awful it was to be stranded in that heat! Your little quilt is adorable--the quilting is beautiful!

  25. Oh Janet / what a disappointment about your van...we know too well the obstacles that come up while on the road. On the much brighter side, your quilt has joined all the other fabulous pieces you have created. As for FMQ - I am still in the "not in my lifetime" mode...your work is super!

  26. Well, your little quilt is wonderful and those teenie tiny corners are beyond amazing!! I love how you are putting your hexies together and I finally get to see your darling, darling Dad!! Your sister's pretty cute too!! Happy birthday, Mr. Janet's Dad!!

  27. Yikes! 4 hours in 100°? OMG, that's awful!! But the baskets are turning out really prettily and you did great looking feathers in those setting triangles.

  28. Oh No! sorry to hear about your road trip! what a bummer.
    Your little quilt is wonderful. I love the orange peel in the border. did you do them continuously or individually? walking foot or FMQ?
    those tiny baskets in the corner are so so sweet and tiny!!
    Happy Birthday to your Dad - what a blessing. Loved the photo of your with your sister.

  29. That is a horrendous road trip :(
    Love the hexie project! Way to dive into the deep end!

  30. So sorry to hear about your auto troubles. I hope you were able to make the trip still. Maybe with a little less in your pockets for all the quilt shops along the way. Those corner stone baskets are the cutest. Funny how we feel we can't do something until we actually try! As I've mentioned before you do lovely work...and I can see from the Birthday photo with your Dad and Sister that you got some of your Mom's talent.

  31. So sorry to hear you trip was interrupted - I hope it's just been delayed and not totally cancelled. And don't worry, I only have a small goose egg from fainting over your hexie handwork making an appearance :)

  32. It's always so frustrating when plans get changed for you. We have had our share of transmission problems with our truck. Hopefully, you can make the trip soon. I love your hexie project!


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