
Monday, July 4, 2016

Happy Independence Day!

And happy Monday to all of my friends outside the U.S. of A.!

After donating the first little "Patriotic Star" I made from Diane Hansen's pattern, to our family reunion auction, I decided I wanted one--this time I made it from plaid shirts. I knew that would invite a lot of wonkiness, because it would be impossible to keep all of those plaids lined up perfectly on such a little quilt. I decided I could live with that.

I am pretty pleased with the end results. Maybe I will call it "Patriotism in Plaids". This had not been one of the little quilts in the running for #36 for 2016, but it is the winner.


Here we have little finish #37.
As I mentioned in my last post, this is my adaptation of a recent Temecula free pattern offering called Freedom Flag.

This is how they are currently displayed in my sewing room.
Back in 2014 I was gifted a little hand stitching project by my good friend Annie M. It was to keep my hands busy during  some air travel I was going to be doing. This is from the "Building Houses From Scraps" movement. I got the first six blocks finished and made the little quilt on the right I call "Annie's Neighborhood". I have used the other six blocks as my go-to handwork for car trips, but finally decided it was time to "getter done". There were only 1 1/2 houses left to go. (Don't look too closely--I am not the most precise hand stitcher.) I thought I knew just what I would do with these, but now I am debating breaking them up into 2 or 3 projects. I will play with them and see what happens. 

On a recent thrift store trip I scored on vintage men's pants hangers. I love these for hanging little quilts and I only had one. I had actually found myself tempted to abscond with one or two when I saw my Dad's pants were all hung from this type hanger--but I stepped back and took deep breaths and then walked away.
At half a dollar each. I was happy to walk away from the thrift store with the whole bundle.

Two of them now grace the stairwell that leads to our bedroom. To the left is the top view and to the right is what you see as you descend the stairs.

Last of all, are you doing any of the Row By Row shop hop? I just visit my local quilt shops, and these are their license plates this year. The "Fabric Cache" plate plays off of the fact that we live in  "Cache Valley", so named because it used to be a hunting and trapping ground for Native Americans and mountain men. They would bury their furs in caches to come back and collect later.
I have an extra "Mama Said Sew" plate, so if you are interested, say so in your comment. I will draw a name and ship it out. "No-reply" commenters need to include their email in their comment to be included. : )

Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. You know how much I love to SEW! I had a fun Beach Project that I blogged for DWM - check it out. Love your patriotic minis! The plaids did just fine in t #36. Hope you have a Happy 4th!

  2. SEW seams i am too late, ack! .....lovely little quilts and how spooky is this? i am just about to quilt MY little house wallhanging too! i made 12, opting out of the 365 of the original challenge...

  3. I just love that little plaid star quilt! Using those vintage pants hangers to display your minis is pure genius!

  4. Janet, I LOVE your little plaid quilt and I envy your shirt stash! I also love everything in your first picture - the America sign is really cool. Happy Independence Day - hope you have a good one!

  5. I love your patriotic quilts. Also, love how you display your mini's. When I make something, I'm usually like, 'now what will I do with it?" lol I do have a vintage wooden slacks hanger around here somewhere. thanks for the idea!

  6. SEW! Love the wooden hangers, I'll keep an eye open.

  7. I love all you little much eye candy this morning! Score on the hangers! They are perfect!

  8. Those clothes hangers are perfect hangers. Great idea. I love all your little patriotic quilts. Happy 4th of July!


  9. You have made many red, white, and blue mini quilts. Perfect for display during the summer.
    I would have bought all the pant hangers too. Good way to display your little quilts.

  10. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Patriotism in Plaid!! And your hangers!! What a great idea!! Hope your Independence Day is family-filled and safe!!

  11. Love your patriotics and good deal on the pants hangers, too. Thanks for the rainbow picture in your header!

  12. Love the little quilts as always--the star plaid one is special! I have a couple of antique/vintage hangers and one holds an art print in my grandson's room--his parents loved it. I have not done the row by row but there are 2 shops in town participating. Have a lovely 4th!

  13. Oh my, why did I give away so MANY vintage wood mens pants hangers before we left Oregon!? We still do have a few vintage hangers, but those are just perfect for your minis. Happy 4th! The folks at a neighboring summer home about half mile away on the hillside held a spectacular fireworks show last night, most of the weekenders are heading back to the city now to work tomorrow so it should be a quiet evening.

  14. I love the little quilt in plaid, just makes it shine. The little houses are adorable and I think work well in mini quilts rather then large quilts. Wooden pant hangers are a gem. I was interested to see you use the clear hooks - because I have been using fine dowel in the back of my quilts, but then they will not hang off a picture hook. So I am off to find some plastic hooks now! Thanks for sharing.

  15. Beautiful rainbow in your header photo. Love, love, love your Patriotic Star quilt! The plaids are perfect! And so is your 4th of July display with your photos. I will be keeping my eye out for wooden pant hangers now, such a great idea. You were very strong in resisting the temptation to take your Dad's!

  16. Love your work!! Love the little flags, and your idea of using men's pants hangers ---Genuis! (picture it being said in high pitched, sing-song voice jean-yus!!) Would love the Mama Said Sew!!!

  17. I'd love to win the plate. I love all your little quilts. I need to sew today so will do something red, white & blue in honor of all those who have served, are serving, or will serve the USA.

  18. Hi Janet, I was wondering if we would get another one of those beautiful rainbows, you always capture a lovely one. You are right on with the pant hangers, great idea for all those minis. LOL, I use mine to hold recipes and hang it on the kitchen cabinet knobs, stays clean and out of the way. I like the plaid shirt quilt with the yellow star, when I did my friends memory quilt, I couldn't believe how much fabric there was in a shirt. Sure will keep that in mind when I need plaids. Have a great week.

  19. Love My Girlfriends Quilt Shoppe! Would be so happy to win their shop plate. Your Red, White & Blue quilts are very charming. I must look fit see if a men's pant hanger some where. Excellent idea. Happy 4th! Carol

  20. More sweet little quilts. Smart to number them. I have no idea what number I would be on. I used to journal all,of my quilts. Now I just try to label all of them. Your projects are wonderful!

  21. Like you, I only visit my local shops, so it would be a little extra to have one from Utah! Love looking at all your mini quilts? 😊

  22. What a fun patriotic post. The three little flags are so cute! your plaid quilt turned out just great. the geese going around are so cheerful.
    your house must be a wonderful quilt museum of small wonderful quilts.
    Great find on those vintage hangers.
    Wee - love the new header photo!

  23. Maybe one of the things I love about plaids IS the wonkiness. It's rare the I cut a plaid and find it square to the weave in both directions, which doesn't make sense since it was woven square. Anyway.... Your patriotic plaid quilt is great. I love that gold star in the center! I had forgotten about those old pants hangers. I don't think I've seen many around for a long time, but now that you've pointed them out I'll keep an eye out.
    --Nancy. (ndmessier @,

  24. All your little patriotic quilts are so special, and your displays are too. I love the "America" in the window! ---"Love"

  25. Your newest plaid mini is super cute. I love the wonkiness of the plaids. Using those men's pant hangers is a terrific idea for hanging those little quilts, it makes a nice look and finish. No, I'm not involved with the row by rows, just too much else to do. Hope you had a nice 4th.

  26. I've gotta say I LOVE the license plate. I've been collecting them (I've yet to figure out how to set them) and I haven't seen one quite so clever!!
    Love all your new minis... SHEESH. I am not even going to try to keep up!!
    Hope you had a glorious Fourth!!!

  27. Patriotism in plaid is awesome! The Flags is a great quilt--have added this one to mt "to do" list.

  28. I love how the plaid one turned out!...and the mini flags are so sweet...the cheddar adds a fun flair on that one!
    Annie's neighborhood is the perfect name for the little houses and good job keeping your hands off of grandpa's pants hangers :)

  29. Janet, how delightful!! I love plaids and i love your patriotic star quilt, in fact i love all your RWB quilts!! Those sweet little house blocks, weren't they fun to make!!

  30. I have several of those pants hangars (mine are new tho) to hang groups of quilt blocks from my work table. I'll keep my eye out for the cooler vintage hangars now!


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