
Friday, June 24, 2016

More of the same... know, those same three colors.

After my last post I realized that this weekend is our big family reunion on my Dad's side. They have a fund raising auction each year to cover the cost of meals and park rental. Traditionally I have taken a small patriotic quilt to the auction and I hadn't begun to make anything for it yet.
Little finish #31 for the year.
This is my adaptation of a pattern by Diane Hansen in BH&G recent Make It Mini magazine--I believe it is called Patriotic Star. The original has flying geese around the edge, and no border, but I wasn't sure if I had time to do the flying geese. Silly me--I underestimate the power of oral steroids to keep me awake all night long!

Not only did that get finished, but these as well.
Aside from the feathers in the border on the one immediately below, the rest of these were all stitched with straight lines.




Now all of these little quilts are nestled in their home, as intended.
There is still one empty slot in the letter holder. But never fear, there are more little R/W/B quilts awaiting a finish. No surprise there, right? : )

The question that remains is, which one will get finished first, or in other words, which will be little finish number 36 for 2016? Will it be one of these two?
The little row of flags on the right is an adaptation of "Freedom Flag", a recent pattern offering from Temecula Quilt Co.

Or will this be crowned #36 of 2016?
Have begun to sew the rows of the TATW on the grid. Hoping for the best. The other little quilt on the grid does not seem as bulky now that it is quilted.

For the answer to this and other burning questions, don't hold your breath! : )
Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. I think the 3 flags with the cheddar sashing should be next. It just looks a little different to me and would add a lot of pizazz to your display on the piano. And how can flying geese take any longer than a ton of tiny HST??!!

  2. Wow, I hadn't realised you were up into the 30s with your finished minis for this year!! I love the effect of your RWBs in the letter holder and the mini for auction is gorgeous-I hope it does well :-) Interesting post about the Quiltsmart grid (sorry, somehow I missed your last post!) - by the time you did all the little snips etc etc was it a timesaver, and more accurate than standard piecing? Even though you have got heaps done recently, I hope you're healing well and able to get off those steroids soon... your poor sewing machine needs a break :-)

    1. PS Yes, fun and frustrating how one quilt begats another!! I've just put together a scrappy quilt top and I'm sure the box of scraps I worked from is just as full (and even fuller??!!) than the one I started with??!!

  3. Oh my....all these beautiful little quilts can open a quilt shop ! Ah ah !
    I wish you a lovely weekend with your family !

  4. The new minis are definitely cute. I'm doing the new one from Temecula just haven't started it. I wonder if I could make as many minis as you lol. Love them!

  5. You could write a book on making minis, this latest batch is wonderful, and I'm guessing that little threeflag cheddar number will come under the needle very soon. Happy Reunion!

  6. I've been on steroids too for a lovely case of bronchitis I picked up somewhere. I love your mini quilts. I've been working on table runners in my steroid induced insomnia. Take care!

    1. I wanted to commiserate with you personally, but yours is a "no reply" comment with no email attached, so I can't respond directly to you. Hope you feel better soon!

  7. Oh my...I think I need some oral steroids. LOL! You have made a beautiful bunch of mini quilts. They are just lovely.

  8. Lack of sleep seems to be your productive friend! Beautiful work as usual. Especially love the feathers on the nine patch mini.

  9. ahhh i think you can back off the oral steroids a bit...but i could use some...LOL...gorgeous little quilts!

  10. Such lovely mini-quilts! Wonderfully executed. We are moving, quilting projects are being organized and packed, along with everything else. We are moving to Murrietta/Temecula area, so I will do some hunting for quilting com. from there!

  11. Please tell us what size your little quilts are - they all fit so perfectly in your new letter holder! Busy, busy, busy! I've assembled a small amount of hand sewing - we're leaving in the morning for Couer d'Alene - have you ever been there?

    1. P.S. Be sure to tell us how much your mini raises at the auction!

  12. So many many beautiful mini's so far this year!! I like the letter holder for the mini's.Take care xxxx

  13. I love your little quilt with the gold star and also your adaption of the flag quilt. I suspect that your contributions to the family auction are in high demand. You are so very prolific, Janet!
    --Nancy. (ndmessier @,

  14. All of your patriotic minis are beautiful! I wish I could do feathers as lovely as yours. I think I'll start looking for a letter holder; such a cute holder for all those minis. ---"Love"

  15. Good to donate a mini to the Family Auction. My DD #1 makes a Denim Picnic quilt for her Husband's side reunion. I admire all your finishes. The feathers look better and better!

  16. These are great! Makes me want to stop everything and make one before July 4 !

  17. Such fabulous patriotic selections! Your feather borders always make me smile; they are so beautifully quilted. Have fun at the family reunion.

  18. Your collection gets better and better with each new addition. They're all perfect little patriotic gems.

  19. Your little letter-holder is so perfect for your mini quilts, I'm just in love with it!!! And I suppose those steroids have some positives huh? I may need to call my doc for a few doses so I can stack up some finishes LOL!!! I love the pop of cheddar in the flag quilt, but not sure it would play as nicely with your other RWB quilts in the letter-holder as the other one would. Your finish for the auction is really wonderful! I think the straight-line quilting was the right choice on those minis - anything more fancy may have taken away from their sweet simplicity. Hoping the steroids are about at an end, for your sanity's sake LOL!!!!

  20. Very sweet tiny quilts. You have a wonderful collection growing!

  21. Oh Janet. I can't believe you are up to number 36 and it's only June!!!
    They are all wonderful. The one for the auction is fabulous and I"ll bet it'll bring in beaucoup bucks!!
    I'm going to the post office tomorrow.... just sayin!!

  22. You are sooo cute!!! I LOVE your rendition of Diane's pattern and the Freedom Flag!! #36??? Yikes!! The year is not even half over!! May I borrow some of your energy?? :-))

  23. These are all beautiful, Janet! And, they look awesome all tucked into the letter carrier! A gal can never have too much RWB!:-) Happy Summertime!

  24. I had a sleepless night last week thanks to steroids ... it made for a productive evening, but I was so tired the next day that I didn't accomplish a thing!

    I'm still working on my little mini, and it's turning out to be a real learning experience. Sewing up all those little bitty pieces isn't quite like sewing up the same pieces in larger sizes. ;-)

  25. Wonderful finishes, Janet! I love all of them. Your display of red, white and blue little quilts is awesome.

  26. Hi Janet, my oh my, You hit me right where my heart is. I too love RWB. I think my favorite is #31, that gold star really makes a bright appearance. The letter holder is so darn quaint. it is a beautiful sight seeing all the mini's together. I also like #32, #33, #34, #35 and the Freedom Flag, lol, love them all.

  27. Love, love, love all your little patriotic quilts. You must be the most popular person at the reunion. Hope your little quilt is a bit hit. Enjoy your family time.

  28. I love those last two! Always a sucker for pinwheels and the flags are just too sweet :)


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