
Tuesday, May 17, 2016

If my calculations are correct...

...this is little finish number 27 for this year. It has been over a week since my last post and this is about all I have to show for it. I went almost a whole week without touching my sewing machine.
 The quilting in the middle of this is just straight line, but I had fun in the borders.
Since the fabrics on the side borders differed from the top and bottom borders, I varied the stitching, too.
And I gave it a little more pizzazz with the deep red binding.
Anyone have a good idea for a name for this one?

Okay, I guess there was a little more stitching than this, but not much.
I found a few leftover bits that had escaped my notice previously, to make a couple more R/W/B bowl fillers.
And I used some leftover HSTs from the little quilt top in my last post to create a couple of baskets that may become bowl fillers or ornaments--I can't decide which. But all of these are ready to stuff and stitch closed. That is the sum total of my quilty content for this post.

I wanted to share my lilac obsession with you. The photo below shows the north side of my house with a row of 9 lilac bushes that have been blooming lately. When I have a window open on that side of the house the heavenly scent comes wafting in. I love it!

Yes, that is my dome home I am always mentioning. My sewing room faces those mountains in the background.

Sometimes I even think to go out and gather a bouquet to enjoy indoors. The darkest of the lilacs in this bouquet are from the row of five more bushes along our west fence line, which do not show in the photo.  That makes 14 lilac bushes--so far.

Beauty of Moscow Lilac
DD#2 and I are planning the purchase of a lovely pastel true pink lilac which I first saw when DD#1 lived in Moscow, ID. It was growing in the university botanical garden. I took this photo there. I think it has a soft, delicate look about it.

When my children were younger we loved the movie "Little Women" and my girls liked that the March family home had a name--Orchard House. So we named our dome Lilac House. I wonder if they remember that?

So if you stayed with me through the non-quilty content, there is something else I had calculated. Monday was the 5th anniversary of my blog, if I calculated correctly, and I wanted to celebrate all of the incredible friendships I have made through this curious place we call blogland. Pictured below is what I would like to share with someone as a token of my thanks to all of you.
I can't begin to express how much the friendships, comments, suggestions, teasing, inspiration, and whatever else have meant to me over these five years. You have enriched my life beyond measure!
Please don't publicize this. It is meant for those of you who are here with me on a regular basis, whether you comment or choose to lurk. But you lurkers will have to break out of your shell and comment this time if you want to be included. Come on, you can do it!

Leave a comment and MAKE SURE your email is attached to your profile or included in your comment, or you will not be included. (Google+ profiles seem to be especially prone NOT to have an email attached.) In your comment, tell me your favorite garden flower--or one of the top two or three, if you have a hard time narrowing it down. Lilacs, roses and iris probably make up my top three garden flowers.

I'm going to be lazy about this and say it will close when I choose to post again, which usually takes about a week. : )
Until then,
Janet O.

The giveaway is now closed.


  1. I love lilacs. They smell so wonderful. Here in the south they grow scraggly not pretty and bushy like yours. Congratulations on your blog anniversary. I love that little quilt you are giving away. Maybe luck will be with me. Either way I will continue to enjoy your blog.

  2. Your view is amazing! My favorite Flower is my Hydrangea. I have a them on the West side of our house. I love Roses on the East side too. Many colors to stop and smell when I get out of my Quilt Zone. I like the little projects in Patriotic colors and your strippy little mini. Yea for 5 years of Blogging. I think I met you soon after you started Blogging. So glad we got to meet up when Jennifer came to UTAH. Thanks for your friendship!

  3. Congratulations on your anniversary! When I was little, my mother grew lilacs and iris and peonies. I pretended that it was secret garden, when I ducked under those lilac branches...the fragrance was wonderful!

  4. Congrats. Love all the lilac bushes around your home. Hugs.

  5. OH Janet, I was so impressed with your adorable little quilt and then I saw your house! Breath taking. How on earth do you get anything done, I would be stuck looking at those mountains all day. Congratulations on your five years, our blogs are such a lifeline. All flowers are beautiful, but I do love roses, and those first little jonquils of Spring are divine.

  6. Congratulations on your five years it with your blog. I love reading all of your entries into seeing all of you beautiful quilts. I would say my favorite flower is the peony.

  7. We have a couple lilacs on our property that have most likely been here 20 or 30 years or more. Tall, gangly, gnarly branches and all, and of course the best blooms are wa-a-a-y up there where they can't be reached but we can at least see them from the house. I'd love to find a pale pink lilac similar to the one you pictured, wonder if it would grow in the east. Congratulations on your blog anniversary, these blogs are such a wonderful connection for us quilters who live in remote area with few other quilting friends nearby. Favorite flower? I'd be hard-pressed to answer, peonies were my childhood favorite, iris, tulips and daffodils, sunflowers them all.

  8. I guess I qualify as a lurker. Love your blog. Lilacs are some of my favorites, but alas I can't grow them because of the deer. They are beautiful, a sign of spring and smell amazing. Thanks for blogging and sharing your love of quilting.

  9. Guess I am one of your lurkers. I love this little quilt. I have enjoyed seeing how your quilting has evolved. Your lilacs are beautiful. Thanks so much for sharing your quilts with us!

  10. 27??? I'm totally impressed! I love your home and its view! what a beautiful place to create! Congrats! on five years!

  11. Oh my goodness! 27 finishes already this year?? You are amazing. And I already know that you are going to say that it is because they are small, but I know how much work goes into the planning and finishing of these little gems. I adore #27. Since it is a Chinese Coin variation and it is made up of scraps, how about "Spare Change" as a name? And, I must say I am with you on the lilac obsession. I have a pink one that my daughter gave me and it is gorgeous, although it does not smell as strong as my vintage lilacs. I will give you my top 3 favorites 1) Mayflower (Trailing Arbutus) 2) Lilac and 3) Lily of the Valley (with Lady slipper a close 4th). They all remind me of my Nana!

  12. 27 Finishes that’s a lot and the year isn’t even half over. I think this is one of my favorite. Not good with names or flowers but your lilacs are beautiful. You are blessed to live in such a beautiful location. I always enjoy seeing your blog header pictures. Isn’t it wonderful how we feel we come to know someone we have only met through blogging. I am thankful to list you among my blogging friends.

  13. Janet, Congratulations on your 5th blogging year anniversary. I've said it before that it is always a great pleasure to stop by for a visit. You are such an inspiration to all of us who love little quilts. Your lilacs are very beautiful as well as your amazing view. I am trying to collect different daylilies in my garden.

  14. I so enjoy your blog, your pictures, the mountains where you live, and all your little quilts. They are very much an inspiration! I have 2 top favorite flowers -- lilacs (I close my eyes when smelling them, and am transported back to my grandmother's yard in the spring), and roses. My first home had 88 pink Jackson Perkins roses lining both sides of the back yard. I loved how beautiful they were. Congratulations on 5 years of blogging--I so enjoy every post!

  15. These days my favorites are ones that the deer don't seem to eat-- Lilacs, Peonies, Iris especially.

  16. Love the lilacs. We don't have them in California but I grew up with them in Nebraska. They smell so heavenly. Your new quilt is really
    Pretty and your MQ is really getting good! Congratulations on your anniversary!

  17. Yep, I love lilacs too! Wonderful that you named your house after them! When we visited England we noticed that lots of homes were named and we always wanted to do the same for ours but could never think of the right one so it has remained nameless. I love the little quilt that you made - especially the fussy cut sashing - one of my favorite things to do with striped fabric! Congrats on your blogaversary - I wonder how long I've been at it? I agree with you about the fun friends we have met this way - including YOU!

  18. How can you keep your mind on sewing with that incredible view? And your lilacs are gorgeous. I have one bush I planted 30 years ago when we moved here, but here in Missouri the blooms have come and gone this year.
    Daylilies, coneflowers and hydrangeas are my favorites.
    I love seeing your machine quilting. I have picked several ideas for my own quilting, hope you don't mind!
    mcdurham at hotmail dot com

    1. Favorite flowers are Lily of the valley, lilac and morning glories. Growing up near Chicago we always had lilacs. NOW my friend and I passed a lilac bush on our morning walk and got a daily sniff fix as long as it lasted which was not very long. She bought one but I really don't have a. Spot for one.

  19. Your blog has enriched my life. I love flowers that are sentimental because of whom I think of when I see them. I would say my two favroites are lilac and hyacinths.

  20. I have three favorite garden flowers, especially when grouped together...echinacea, rudbeckia and monarda. Truly butterfly heaven!

  21. I love daffodils. They mean Spring to me.

  22. Hi Janet, well you succeeded in luring me out of lurk-dom, I've probably been following your blog for the last 5 years & have always loved all your small quilts! I'll have to admit my favourite flower of this season is my wisteria which is currently in full bloom & also smells heavenly in the evenings, You live in an amazing place which such a wonderful view, love your different views of the mountains :) Best wishes Gisele

  23. Janet, I am in awe of the view you have from your home. I adore lilacs. I don't have my own bushes because I was spoiled by a neighbor who had many and always let me cut as much as I wanted. They sold their house and the new residents cut everything down! I think it is time for me to plant my own.

  24. I am green with envy at your gorgeous view and of the lilacs too. I LOVE lilacs and purple coneflowers and the do not do well in my yard. Maybe it's my elevation but I DO have awesome clematis.
    Thanks for the chance at your amazing giveaway. I love minis too though you seem to be better at quilting them than me! Love your postings!

  25. Lovely little finish. I like that the border quilting isn't all the same. Lilacs are the best and to have a whole row. That's bliss!

  26. Congratulations on your blog anniversary! I simply love looking at your small quilts for inspiration. Lilacs are wonderful, but I can't cut any for the house since the strong scent sets off allergies. My favorite spring flowers are the Bleeding Hearts out in the garden.

  27. Happy blog anniversary! You have a Sensation Lilac, lucky girl. I had one and so recognize it in your bunch of picked blooms. Unfortunately, the deer used it to rub their antlers on. My favorite flower is probably whatever is blooming at the moment. Right now it's the lilacs but soon the roses will steal the show. Where will you get the new pink lilac from?

  28. How wonderful to celebrate 5 years! My choice for a name would be either "Line Dance," or Thin Blue Line." I love the lilacs, too, but when the rambling roses bloom, the air is filled with heady fragrance.

  29. Well that was sneaky! Love your lilacs and the heavenly scent of them. Adorable little finishes as always! Congrats on your blogiversary--and hope many more are celebrated. My favorite flower, hmm, I love lilies as they are easy to grow and cheerful, but gardenia scent is gorgeous! Thanks for the opportunity to win your precious work!

  30. --I already liked that you used 2 different border fabrics but to then use 2 different quilting patterns is just the icing on the cake!!
    --Rochester, NY is in the middle of their lilac festival. Due to the weird weather this year, the lilacs weren't open for the beginning of the festival but they are now starting to open.
    --My fav plant are peonies, which we jokingly pronounce pee-ohhhh-nies. I have tried for several years to establish a peony garden at my house and I'm pleased to say that one of my plants already has 7 buds - 4 more than last year. My second fav plant is clematis which I have in purples, white and yellow. My fav flower is the stargazer lily - funny cuz I don't like pink but I adore the scent. Same with peonies...most are pink but I love the scent.

  31. I so enjoy your blog! I have a shared interest with those miniature quilts! You are so kind to always respond to any comments or questions that I may have had. I still have T-Shirt quilts to put together and you have provided inspiration in your posts about the ones that you have completed. Our soil is pretty rocky....the area I live in is called "Rock Hills". So between the rocks and the deer my favorite flowers are balloon flowers and cone flowers. The deer don't bother the cone flowers too much but I really have to chase them away from the balloon flowers. Sometimes I'm too late.....and it takes weeks for the flowers to try to grow again....we do spray the flowers with liquid fence which works well as long as it doesn't rain too often. Happy Blog Anniversary!

  32. Happy Blogiversary! I do enjoy your posts and hope I have told you that at some point in the past. Thank you for not posting every day. I'd much rather get a few posts than something daily. When you post there's really something to see and read and i very much appreciate that. Your lilacs are so pretty. I live in southern CA and they don't grow here. I lived for many, many years in western NY just south of Buffalo and we'd have lilacs in the spring. I so appreciated any greenery or any colors other than the snow or dirty colors of winter. Now I like the whites, ivories, and colors flowing into the browns but my favorites are the bright colors. As for my favorite flowers, I like lilacs, peonies, poppies, forsythia, bleeding hearts, and daffodils. I really could keep listing more flowers as I do like them all. I don't know what the quilt bowls are - I wonder if I've missed reading an earlier post about them. I'll check. Your quilts are lovely - congratulations on making so many minis thus far in 2016. I'll look forward to seeing more later. Thanks again for the time and effort you expend in sharing with all of us!

    1. Mary, I appreciate your comment and would like to reply personally, but you have a "noreply" setting on your Google+ profile, so I cannot respond, or include you in the giveaway. If you see this, please send your email to me via the email link on my profile, or just in a reply to this comment. Thanks!

  33. I love lilacs from afar -----I have seasonal allergies and unfortunately lilacs fall into that category. I do think they are a beautiful flower and really do enjoy seeing them each spring! congratulations on your blog!

    1. Fran, you also have a "noreply" setting on your Google+ profile. If you would like to be included in the giveaway, please follow the instructions I left for Mary in the comment above.

  34. I'd have to say lilacs are my favorite flowers, too. Their scent is absolutely heady. I need to find a spot where I can put a lilac where I can smell it when it's in bloom. My existing lilac is in the backyard far enough away from our deck that I cannot smell it. I have to go down the stairs and walk across the yard to the opposite corner of the house to smell it. My sister had a lilac tree at a previous house, and I'm anxious to get one. ;-)

    Your new quilt projects are gorgeous as always. Just beautiful!

    And congratulations on 500 posts! Your giveaway is so generous, and whoever is chosen will be blessed for sure.

  35. I'm a recent "lurker". The first day I stumbled onto your blog I spent 3 hours going from post to post! I just picked a quilt to start from one of your "Show and tells". This is actually the first post sent to my email, and I was so excited. Your lilacs made me think of my Mom, and how she made lovely bouquets for our table back in the fifties. Sigh. Thanks.

    1. Janis, you have joined the ranks of the Google+ profiles with a "noreply" setting. If you see this (I hope you do), please send me your email address via my email link in my profile, or as a reply to this comment. Otherwise I cannot include you in the giveaway--sorry.

  36. Congratulations on your blog anniversary! I recently stumbled across your blog and have been checking in to see your really awesome little quilts. You certainly are talented.
    Lilacs are also my favorite flower. I've got three bushes in my backyard and am just now starting to enjoy their heavenly scent. I always treat myself to one giant bouquet to bring into the house.
    Thanks for the giveaway opportunity. You are very generous to share one of your little quilts!

    1. Marian, sorry to say that you are another Google+ profile with a "noreply" setting. Please see my response to Janis, above, and follow those same directions.

  37. My favourite garden flower is sweet peas but I like the peony as well...I have three and they are from my grandmother's plant which may have actually started from her great grandmother. I enjoy your blog and follow you on bloglovin. Sorry I am not very good at commenting...will try to do better in the future. :-)

  38. I agree with Wendy. Spare Change would be a great name for finish #27! You've inspired me to go pick a few roses before the deer get them. They're my favorite. I'm a huge fan of pretty much anything red, white and blue so had to pin your little bowl fillers. I look forward to reading your blog each time. Thank you!
    Tina from Oregon

    1. Tina, you are another Google+ profile with a "noreply" setting. If you see this and still want to be in the giveaway, please send your email address to me via the email link in my profile, or as a response to this comment.

  39. I can almost smell your beautiful lilacs. I had no idea there were so many colors. My personal favorite flowers have always been violets and roses. My rose collection is growing just like your lilacs are. I enjoy your blog very much and often alert friends to check it out. Your little quilt is exquisite...which could become its name..."Exquisite Bars" perhaps. Congratulations on five blogging years. from Ursula

    1. Sorry, Ursula, but the same can be said about your Google+ account. Please follow the instructions I gave Tina, above. : )

  40. I love that little quilt! I love lilacs too, we have two bushes. I just wish they would last longer! Congrats on your blogiversary!

  41. Lilac, Peonies, and Snapdragons. All have memories in my childhood and when I smell the fragrances of the lilacs and peonies, I think of my Father. I miss him so. He gaave me a little area in the flower beds that I could plant and I always grew Snapdragons. Happy memories. Michele Gailey

  42. Another beautiful finish. Using two different border quilting patterns is a delightful idea. I'm a lilac fan as well for spring flowers and bright red geraniums in the heat of the summer. Congratulations on you blog anniversary. It's been wonderful following your quilting journey over the years.

  43. "Beauty of Moscow" is ordered and should arrive within a week!
    It's funny, because I was just recently thinking about our name for the memory was that it was dubbed Lilac Manor...but I could be wrong :)
    My favorite three are probably tulips, lilacs and peonies and ...hydrangeas...I know, that's 4 :)

  44. Sorry, I rarely comment, but you have driven me to do it:). I am a follower of your blog, and have so enjoyed all the little quilts you have been making/ finishing up. Thanks and congratulations!
    My favorite flowers are my peach peonies, roses, and bleeding heart; I do also love the lilacs, and - oh yes, my oak leaf hydrangea!

    1. Mary, you are not a Google+, but you do not have an email address attached to your profile. If you see this, please send me your email address via the link in my profile, or as a reply to this comment, if you would like to still be included in the giveaway--and so I can reply to you personally.

  45. I've been reading your blog since you posted the open letter to Bonnie Hunter regarding her mystery quilt. I loved the wit in that blog post and have been a reader of your blog ever since! I'm a lurker (goes with my introverted nature, I guess) but couldn't resist the chance to win your treats! My favorite flowers are daffodils for their cheerfulness after a cold winter and roses because my sweetheart has always courted me with roses.

  46. Congratulations on your 5th anniversary. I always enjoy reading your blog. The view of the mountains from your home is breathtaking.
    I, too, love flowers and gardens. Narrowing my choice of flowers to 3 is a challenge. I will have to say daffodils, peonies and dahlias.

    1. Lorraine, your profile is like Mary's (two comments above). Please follow those directions to be included in the giveaway, and to receive a reply. Thanks.

  47. Hi Janet! Yup! We are back home after our year in Texas! I truly loved it and would return in a heartbeat! Highly recommended for retired empty nesters! My favorite flower is the fragrant violet. They are one of the first ones to come out in the Spring and are so sweet and shy. The fragrance always reminds me of my Mom.

  48. I'm a lurker and always enjoy your blog. I love lilacs and when I graduated from high school many years ago we decorated with lilacs. Every spring the lilac scent reminds me of graduation almost 50 years ago!

  49. I have enjoyed your blog so much, especially the little quilts and the VIEW you have. Favorite flower is a tough one as I have so many plants and love them all. My favorite plant right right now is the clematis, which volunteers everywhere. It's growing in the woods where the seeds have blown, it's climing the pasture fences and gates and it is tangling itself in my knock out roses. Happy blog anniversary and many more!!!

  50. Janet, your home is so sweet. I'd love to see more! I really like lilacs, too, and have 2 lilac bushes on our property. My favorite flowers are hydrangeas, of which we now have 11 bushes. 3 are well established and the others are still growing stronger. Congratulations on your blogiversary!

  51. Ahhhh... I can almost smell those lilacs! One of my favorites too! :-) Once again, you have accented your quilt with the perfect quilting! I think a name for it would be "Garden Path" because the center reminds me of brick pavers on a path and the quilting on the edges reminds me of hedges and hostas that sometimes line a path... :-) Yes... that's my second cup of coffee speaking! lol! Happy blogging anniversary and thank you for taking the time to share with us!

  52. I like the simplicity of #27.

  53. Oh Janet - your lilacs are incredible and you would love springtime in Wisconsin - lilacs abound in our state too - especially by old farmhouses and barns. I only have 7 - one of them a very pale pink called Beauty of Moscow - planted in memory of my Russian born Grandpa. Yours are really blooming - we have had such cold weather, everything is late. Your #27 mini is precious - love the quilting - most of all, love all your posts - inspiring, informative and always wishing we could sit down and visit over coffee!

  54. You continue to amaze me with all that you accomplish...such beautiful work! I love everything that you share❤️. Thank you for being such an inspiration...and have an awesome day❤️❤️❤️❤️,
    Mary Jo.

  55. Lilac House--such an appropriate name. I have an equal obsession with hydrangea's. Your quilts are beautiful. Are you going to the International Quilt Festival? Congratulations on five years of blogging and I love forward to five more because I love seeing your quilts.

  56. I love all the different lilacs you have! I'm going to miss mine when I move.

  57. I love whatever flower is blooming at the time. Right now my lilacs are beautiful. I try to bring cut flowers into my house all summer.

    1. Q. Cookie--If you see this, you need to know that your settings have you as "noreply". There is no email linked to your profile, so I cannot respond to your comment personally as I would like. If you still want to be included in the giveaway, please send me your email via the link in my profile, or as a reply to this comment.

  58. Love your little bowl fillers, they are so tempting. Sadly I too have not touched my machine, but it has been more than a week and I am having withdrawals! As we head into winter here in Oz, I have to say that my favorite flowers are camellias - we have about 9 bushes and my maternal grandparents had lots of them, which I loved as a child. My paternal grandmother grew beautiful hydrangeas which I also love and both grandparents grew freesias, which I also love and I am very proud that I finally have a garden with all three plants :) Happy anniversary! I do so love reading your blog and especially seeing your mini quilts, so thank you for sharing.

  59. Congratulations on the 5th anniversary of your blog. I admit I'm one of those lurkers. I enjoy reading your blog and seeing what awesome projects you are working on. My favourite flowers are gerber daisies. Thank you for sharing :)

  60. Love your little quilt And the bowl fillers! Had to check to be sure I still had some of that blue "Warmth" fabric bordering one of yours! My favorite flower is also the lilac....have one in my backyard that is just getting ready to bloom......can't wait for the fragrance! It was my Mom's favorite flower too. Your Giveaway is wonderful and I see you are including some of your homemade soap which I once mistook for candy until I opened the packaging!!

  61. I always enjoy your posts, photos and quilts (what lovely fabrics and perfect stitching!), though I apologize forseldom commenting. I continue to learn from quilters like yourself who blog, share ideas and explain techniques; thank you for adding so much to my quilting experience. And thank you for your sweet giveaway. villagequilteratgmaildotcom

  62. I am usually a lurker, but I come out for a wonderful giveaway. Enjoy your blog!

  63. Your little finish is so beautiful, Janet. I am amazed at how beautiful small pieces of fabric, put together by loving hands, can create such amazing quilts. Your house looks wonderful, especially with those gorgeous lilacs. They are among my favorite garden "flowers," but I also love honeysuckle for its fragrance (the vining kind, not the wild variety), and lavender. Congratulations on five years of blogging. Your blog is great place to visit!
    --Nancy. (ndmessier @,

  64. I am a big fan of lilacs too. I have azaleas at my house, but I was just visiting my daughter in Pittsburgh, where she has fragrant purple lilacs growing at the entrance to her house. Every time I went in or out of the door, I had to take the time to smell them! Heaven!
    Congratulations on your blogiversary. Beautiful blog!

  65. I love iris's and roses. In fresh flowers I love daisys but I can't seem to grow them. I love the smell of lilacs and they are a gorgeous flower. Oh and I love geranium (red or pink)

  66. Love your newest little quilt. And your beautiful view (or is it?? could be another pretty postcard!). And your gorgeous lilacs! They are in my top 3 as well. We had 5 big bushes, but they have slowly died off and we were down to one - and it didn't have hardly any blooms on it this year, so I'm worried. Hubby planted 4 more near the front of the house, so hopefully next year there will be many more blooms. I love the daffodils in the spring too - such a bright and cheery welcome to spring!

  67. love your new it "a little bit rogue" Heavenly lilacs are so beautiful. I can almost smell them here. Any blooming thing is a favorite at sometime for me with daylilies and lavendars high on the list.

  68. My favorite flower is whatever is blooming at the moment! Ha! Seriously love lilacs (and have two bushes), daffodils (hundreds in our yard), and peonies. Love your blog where I am mostly a lurker but a constant admirer!

  69. I look forward to your blog and loved this one. Because I live in the South now, we don't have lilacs here - it doesn't get cold enough. Growing up in New England, however, lilacs are everywhere. I miss them.

    1. Sorry, Paula, but your Google+ profile is set at "noreply". I cannot include you or respond personally to you unless you send me your email via the link on my profile page, or in a reply to this comment.

  70. Congratulations on 5 years!! Wow, that is amazing!! Oh, I love that little quilt!! Your lilacs are fabulous!! They are my very most favorite flower of all!! Oh, yeah and the Hydrangea!! :-)) And we have been friends for almost 4 years!! How the time flies when we are loving life!! Good luck to the lucky winner of your wonderful pile of goodies!!

  71. Hi from France Janet ! I don't read your blog since a long time but I can say that now I am addicted to it. Each time I see a quilt you have made , I can say that it is on my to do list. We have the same tastes and I should take the same decision as you : making only little quilts because my to do list always grows and rarely reduces. Thank you for all the wonderful pictures you show. Have a nice day.

  72. Fantastic views, I love the smell of lilacs. Congratulations on five years of blogging. I enjoy reading your posts. Your little quilt has a beautiful quilt pattern in the border.

  73. I guess this is a good post to resume commenting! How about Cadet for the name of your little beauty? I think that is cadet blue you've used, but not sure.
    I can smell your lilacs from here! How lovely! I have a couple of bushes that don't get enough sun and therefore don't have a lot of blooms. One of these days I'll transplant some of the shoots to a better spot.

  74. I love you little quilts! They are so inspiring! Congrats on 5 years of blogging. I really enjoy reading your posts.

    1. Jackie, you are a "noreply" profile, so I cannot reply to you personally, nor can I enter you in the giveaway without an email address. If you see this, please send me your email via the link on my profile or send it in a reply to this comment.

  75. What a beautiful post. First, your new finish is just lovely - especially your signature quilting. I love that you are have a "friends only" giveaway.
    I feel so lucky to have met you through blogging. Please keep my name aside, as I have been lucky to have one of beautiful ornaments. If I remember right - you also send me soap.
    I am such an admirer of your quilting accomplishments and I always love seeing your view.
    I absolutely LOVE lilacs too. I planted dwarf bushes at my NJ house shortly before moving. I stop and smell my neighbors when I walk coco.
    here is a link to images of Licia Park in Lombard, IL I used to go every year to see and smell them. They have hundreds of bushes - all colors.

  76. Another wonderful finish! I think you are setting a record! How about Strips of Bricks? You have a beautiful view and such beautiful Lilac bushes!

  77. LOL! There must be a LOT of lurkers!! Your lilacs are gorgeous -- I can almost smell them, they look so beautiful! And . . . I do love the very unique shape of your home. Every time I see it, I think about that. Twenty-seven finishes this year already? That's more than a finish per week for the year -- I think you're entitled to a week (or two) without getting to the sewing machine! Ha! Your little piece is very sweet -- I like the combination of the straight line quilting and the fanciful stitching in the borders. Happy five years! Here's to five more! :)

  78. Oh my Janet. I want to be like you when I grow up! LOL!
    I LOVE your quilting on the top photo, excellent! Of course I'm digging all the red/white/blue patriotic pieces too.
    And who wouldn't have MORE than their share of inspiration having a sewing view like you!
    Congrats on your blogging anniversary. My 8th is coming up….yikes!

  79. Oh well - a week late and a dollar short LOL!!! But I'm sure glad I found time to pull up your blog post this morning my friend. Love your newest R/W/B mini - and absolutely love the way you used two different quilting motifs on the border - wow!! And I can't say enough about your lilac bushes - I'm not sure which I'm more jealous of... Your gorgeous lilacs or your glorious view!!!!

  80. Happy blogiversary Janet!
    I love lilacs too... they are one of the special signs that spring is finally arrived!


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