
Thursday, April 28, 2016

Not as bad as I thought it would be.

Things never do seem to be as hard to quilt as I expect them to be--once I can finally decide what to quilt. So why do I not learn that lesson once and for all?
Mini Warm Winter Blessings is completed and I am so happy to have it finished.
Had to hang it in my sewing room for a photo, even though it is rather out of season.

I bought the kit at a workshop with Lisa Bongean in January of 2013.  The top did not get made until January 2015. If I had never seen Linda Hrcka's quilting on Lisa's original I may not have been so hesitant to begin the quilting. I pinned Linda's work and pondered it multiple times. What I did here  is not an exact copy, but it is definitely inspired by her work.

Each snowman background is a little different. Here is a peek at a few of them. You can click for a closer view.

Of course, I feathered the border.

This shows you a comparison between the large size quilt block (which I made into a pillow) and the mini quilt.

I will end with my new favorite thing in my sewing room--my new Ott-Lite over my cutting table. I LOVE it!!
The bright LED ring of light shines over the whole table area, and the hinged neck allows me to raise, lower and angle it as needed.
While the Ott-lites are 50% at Jo~Ann next week I am taking DH in on Wednesday when they have a senior discount day with another 20% off your purchase. I'm going to have him purchase another one for my quilting table (I don't quite qualify as a senior). Doesn't that sound like a fun date? : )

Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. You do great work! I love the quilting choices you made on this one. A trip to JoAnn's for the Senior Discount....Hmmm I don't know about that.

  2. Congratulations for the finish quilt ! It's just awesome and the quilting as usual per-fect !
    I love the idea of the pillow too ! Very funny Janet !

  3. looks mighty fine to me and it is finished and hung up. Well done. Think I need one of those lights.

  4. OH pretty! I love the backgrounds that just are perfect for each block...and yep! That sounds like a fun date!

  5. I love how you've quilted little swirls around the snowflakes on some of the blocks, your snowmen look so jolly and happy to be the center of attention on your wall. That looks like a great lamp. I have a small portable led light on my cutting table and use it all the time. They're a blessing for aging eyes! I think we're going to take advantage of seniors discount day and try to find some upholstery fabric for my MIL's old chair that sits in our bedroom with a big split in the 40+ year fabric. We have the most fun dates, don't we?!

  6. Well done - it is beautiful Janet and deserves to be hung, even if it is out of season! Love all your quilting :-) I love Ott-lights too, I have one by my evening stitching chair - fabulous!

  7. I love that light too! I have one over my sewing machine. The older I get the more light i need!
    Your santa quilt is wonderful. The details are lovely and the quilting looks great. I love your feathers and the pumpkin seed (or tea cup) too.

  8. The snow man wall hanging is CUTE, really cute. I would have it hanging year round too. It brings a smile every time.

  9. woo hoo! take advantage of those senior discounts!! The snowman quilt is gorgeous... the quilting designs are perfect for the little guys!

  10. Out of season, who cares? Love it personally and year round snowmen sound fun. Quilting is so gave a little personality to each man :) those feathers are spectacular and the border detail is a perfect match. Great date idea....spending money on quilting needs!

  11. LOVE this quilt and your quilting is out of this world! I, too, have this kit...I need to dust if off one of these days! I also LOVE the quilt hanging above your cutting table! That light is incredible! O... to have Joann come live in Canada!!

  12. I love your snowman quilt. Your quilting is just fantastic.
    Wow, I wish I didn’t qualify as a senior but alas I really really do.

  13. Outstanding quilting!! I am so impressed it makes me consider machine quilting. That's if I can send it to you, of course. ;) Can't machine quilt worth a darn, myself.

  14. Looks great Mom! I bet it feels nice to have it completed.
    How does Dad feel about you "using" him as a senior? :)

  15. Oh Oh, super cute snowmen! Yes, I do the same thing. Not sure why we dread it so bad and then when it's over we breath a sigh of relief and say to ourselves "now why on earth did I put this off?!"

  16. Absolutely beautiful! Great purchase with the new lighting

  17. Beautiful job quilting. Your little quilts always turn out so nice.

  18. Fabulous Finish! Love these snowmen and you chose the perfect quilting designs. You certainly have been getting a lot done lately, what's your secret? Love my Ott lights. Sounds like a fun date to me!

  19. Oh, how I love snowmen, and yours are so very extra-special! Well done, fabulous finish. Your quilting is completely wonderful and sets off the appique to perfection. Senior or not (lucky you!) we can't ever have too much light! ;)

  20. Your quilting is awesome on your snowman quilt. You shouldn't doubt yourself. You're very skillful at machine quilting and your designs always enhances the quilt. It's nice to have a date with an older guy! Especially, when you'll get another new light!

  21. such a cute little of my faves...and I would hang it up too...who cares the season? and congrats on the ott-lite...they are mother had a floor lamp that died, but they now have bulbs you can use in regular lamps, so I got her one...they are wonderful

  22. Your snowmen are too fun. I noticed that some of the quilting makes me think of snow swirling around those little guys. Brrrr.
    --Nancy. (ndmessier @,

  23. Looks absolutely gorgeous Janet!!!! You did an amazing job!!! Happy to maybe have provided a tiny bit of inspiration. :-)

  24. Love! Linda's quilting is very inspirational for sure, you did a beautiful job. I love the cushion and quilt together.

  25. caught up on your last two posts!!! Stunning, the quilts the photos and most of all, you my friend!!!

    Blessings and hugs!!

  26. Winter Blessings is wonderful! Thank you for the close up shots that let us appreciate the details of the quilting and the hand embroidery, too. The pillow is huge by comparison, LOL!

  27. Janet - you are just getting more and more gifted at the quilting machine! I'm in awe of the lovely stitching on MWWB, and of course the feathers are simply perfect... Wow! You have definitely done those sweet little snow folk proud :*). And by the way - those are the exact same Ott lights I have over my cutting table and my ironing board - and I LOVE them!!! I know exactly what you mean about the area of nice bright light. My studio does not have the best lighting, even in the daytime, and these lights made a huge difference for me. Once again - sisters separated at birth LOL!!!

  28. I love all of your little quilts, and just seeing your snowmen finished makes me want to get the pattern!

    1. Thank you, Paula. Sorry I couldn't reply personally, but your profile setting is "no-reply".
      I may be giving away the pattern in the near future. Keep watching!

  29. Once again, your quilting is out of this world. One project after another is so awesome. You sure do know how to make that machine do wonders. The snowman quilt is darling and the right color combinations make it a perfect "10". Glad that you are pleased with your light, and yes they do light up the area. I purchased a floor lamp, had it for two years, and it died. I wrote to the company, but they made a comment that it was past its warranty. Guess I will have to bite the dust and purchase another one, they are so great. How is the grand baby doing? I bet she is growing up too fast, been to see her lately? I will be going to San Diego mid May for three weeks. Yah !!!!!!

  30. OH Janet... the quilting is amazing! I love all the close up photos so we can pretend we are seeing it in real life! Great job!

  31. Unbelievable! Your quilting is just beautiful. Yes...that sounds like a perfect date - we have to have good light! I bought a great small light in Paducah - will have to post about it.

  32. I did the full size version of the snowman quilt. I think the smaller size would have made me happy. Easier to display. Not exactly the season for snowmen quilts but a nice display for the photo.

  33. I *adore* your little snowman piece! And please, I hope you're not worried about having it up 'out of season'! Is there a wrong season? Let me tell you a secret. Due to the urging from a husband, a daughter, and a granddaughter, we still have Christmas up and going strong. Every time I mention taking it all down, everyone cries! LOL! So we're in good company with each other! ;)

  34. This quilt is wonderful and to have seen it in the "flesh" so to speak was a real treat!! Good job, you youngster you!!

  35. SUPER great job on the quilting and finishing of this sweet quilt Janet - I can only imagine the amount of time invested in the hand stitching and machine quilting - a real heirloom now! Does your OTT light clamp onto the table? Or is it free standing?

  36. I'm in awe again! Absolutely beautiful work! Thanks for sharing your work. It looks so nice hanging on your wall even if it is spring. :-)

  37. I could see my breath this morning so your snow men aren't quite out of season just yet! Boo!
    Of course you feathered the borders - your feathers are fantastic and you should put them on everything!!!!
    Great deal on the LED lights. When I bought my house my favorite electrician brother installed fluorescent lights in my quilt lab. The first time we turned them on we called them airport lighting! I don't have (or need?) task lighting in the lab but I do love my old Ott light that I use on the couch for hexies. It's gotta be years old now, still with the original bulb, I hope it lasts another 20!

  38. Your quilting is just amazing!! Funny story is when we were in Nantes, there was a booth with the handiquilters set up. I tried both out and was very impressed. My dh suggested I consider getting one, either the one where you sit at the table (what you have, I think) or the smallish long-arm... very tempting! Love the new light! Can't believe you're not a senior yet... such a young thing!! ;-))

  39. Enjoy your date! Your quilting is lovely. Wonderful each snow person has a unique background.

  40. Wow - your quilting is beautiful!!! LOVE your header photo - wish I was there. 8-))) Elaine Adair

  41. We had frost ladt night so your dear little snowmen would have been very comfortable. The textures you have created by quilting are wonderful and add even more delight to this adorable wall hanging. Magical alpenglow on the mountains...

  42. That's a cute snowman quilt, and your quilting is beautiful! ---"Love"

  43. One has to love those deals from Joann's. With the savings you and DH should have a fabulous meal along with something left for a movie... The Ott-lites are awesome. Janet, you out did yourself once again with the fabulous quilting on Mini Warm Winter Blessings. Be sure to share with Lisa and Linda. Sandi


I love to have your comments and feedback.