
Saturday, April 23, 2016


Did you see the little doll quilt Lori D. received in her swap? It was made by Karen Dever. You can check it out here.
It called to me like a siren and I found myself powerless to resist. That is pretty sad. So here is my little version--not an exact copy, but "inspired by."

I have no idea the size of the original, but mine finished at 10 1/2". I was working from a little bag of these scraps that a friend had given me, so my pinwheel size was based on what these bits and pieces could do. They also dictated my color scheme.
I see there will be another mini pinwheel quilt in my future.

The patchwork border gave me some grief--with my pieces so small, I would have been cutting something to a 16th of an inch. Not this time, thank you. So I cut and recut to try and see what I liked. That left me with a lot of odd squares and rectangles and that inspired me to make these.
I found a small piece of a pretty stripe that was just enough to create the rows between the patchwork strips. They measure 6 x 9 1/2, and 9 1/2 x 12. Why do I keep adding to my pile of little quilts to be quilted, when I was almost finished with them?

And while we are on that subject, my Primitive Gatherings Pinwheel Garden is now a flimsy, though at 14 1/2" square, and with all of those seams, it isn't extremely flimsy.
It is supposed to be comprised of 12 blocks, but when I had 9 made, it told me it was done. There is also supposed to be another row of the tiny HSTs around the outside, but it told me an emphatic, "NO!" (Or maybe I was the one telling it--my memory is a bit fuzzy on that point.) Since I made my blocks smaller than the pattern (any surprise there?), the outer HSTs would finish at 1/2". I have done that before on another one of Lisa's designs and I foundation pieced those. I didn't want to foundation piece anything on this quilt, although the pattern recommends it, so I stopped. Besides, as small as this is, it is looking very busy.

On this photo you can see a quarter to gauge the size better, and you can see the pattern to know what I am not doing to mine.

It isn't all little quilt finishes around here. Recently I improvised a couple of pillows. The one on the left was from a retreat with Stacy West (of Buttermilk Basin fame) back in January of 2015. It is designed to be a picnic hamper cover, but I don't own one of those.

The snowman pillow is one of the blocks from Lisa Bongean's Warm Winter Blessings quilt. Back in January of 2013 I attended a retreat where Lisa taught us her wool applique methods, using blocks from this quilt. I made three of the quilt blocks before I decided I needed to make the mini version instead.

And just for fun, before I gave away a couple more of the little quilts I have finished this year, I spread them out on the dining room table, stood on a chair, and took this photo. Twenty of the twenty-three I had finished at this point are in this photo. Since this was taken I have gifted a couple more and finished a couple more.

I promised a shorter post this time, so I'd better stop. But I'll leave you with this view after a recent rain.

 Until next time, 
Janet O.


  1. Hi Janet, I love all the quilts you show us. I understand why you coud'nt resist and made your version of Lori's quilt . And your two mini row quilts made with your leftovers are just somptuous, a proof that we must never throw out little pieces of fabric even the tiny ones.
    Have a nice day

  2. Your pinwheel garden is beautiful! Yes I have conversations with my quilts also--they are usually saying "you just messed up." Love the photo you took of the quilts on the table.

  3. It's always so much fun to see your photos and just imagine all those tiny pieces you work with. That lacy stripe fabric in the two quilts made of the border leftover pieces just ties everything together in those little tops. Its easy to see them covering an antique porcelain doll in her 4-poster bed. Thanks for our weekly treat for the eyes!

  4. Love, love, love that table full of quilts!!!!

  5. Janet, I love your posts! They are such a feast for the eyes! I especially love how you used those leftover rectangles with the striped fabric. Inspiration begets inspiration! I will not resist!

  6. WOW!!! I love your quilts Janet, all sooo tiny and just gorgeous!! 1/2 " finished HST does not sound relaxing, your quilt looks perfect stopping there! I love your cushions too. And am totally gobsmacked by the array of minis on your table!

  7. Love all of your little quilts! I am in awe of those tiny pieces! Beautiful work.

  8. Wow this is just this year's quilts? It's only April! So many gorgeous quilts. You are quite amazing and all of these quilts are magnificent. My favorite is the one at the top of the post but the blue pinwheels come a close second.

  9. what an amazing rainbow! wow
    Your new flimsey is so so sweet and I love the colors. The photo of your table with all the little quilts is wonderful - good that you go the shot before you give them away.
    Karen's quilt great I can see why you were tempted.
    I really really like the little coin quilts :)

  10. Janet you never fail to amaze me. I am such a fan. Love the photo of all the quilts on the table. Hugs, Cathy

  11. I was also tempted by Karen's quilt. It is so cheery. I love all your little quilts and I can't believe you've already finished over 20 THIS YEAR. Do you realize it is only April? I have two ready for binding. I was going to do it today and then I decided to put it off. Then i saw this post. Let's say I'm a bit embarrassed by my procrastinating and will be back in the stash looking for suitable binding as soon as I finish typing this.

  12. So many beautiful quilts! Love them all!

  13. You sure whipped out the new mini fast. And all done with it too. And your strippy quilts from leftovers while playing are very nice. I like the strippy one best where the fussy cut strips go from top to bottom

  14. These minis are so inspiring. They look beautiful!

  15. Oh my! Love, love, love your mini quilts. I stop by most days to see your work. Thank you!

  16. Oh, I'm just in love with your minis ... and that table full of minis is fabulous! Never apologize for longer posts ... that means more eye candy and reading about your quilts. I can't get enough!

  17. Hi Janet, I haven't met you, all though it seems like we have. You must be a petite young lady, with tiny fingers and a lot of patience. Your mini quilts are all so awesome. I throw away scraps that are larger than your blocks (shame on me). I like how you used up some of your blocks with the stripe fabric, looks great. Also, the pinwheels is so cute.
    I can almost smell the rain from the photo you took of the rainbow.....

  18. Adorable! My favorite is the one with the blue stripe fabric! it makes a perfect little strippy quilt!

  19. wow....awesome work there janet...i love the pinwheel too...and oh i see mine on the table! i have an antique book table (v-shaped shelf for books), just small but ideal for your little quilt! such beautiful lovely to see them all together....

  20. Your work is absolutely amazing! I am in awe of what you do with little scraps!

  21. I got completely distracted making a new big quilt, then I see all your mini quilts and I am distracted again! Just cannot make up my mind what I want to do, but I have today off, so sewing is definitely on the agenda!

  22. Your posts never disappoint! Just so many wonderful little quilts! Nothing goes to waste around your sewing room does it, you just turn those little scraps into beautiful little quilts! Love, love, love your pinwheel quilt!

  23. Sounds like some tense sewing time, just the tiny size alone would have me tense! really lovely though...........I love the vignette of them all lined up on the table. Did you find that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?

  24. The things we do for the Blog! Positioning quilts just so for a big overhead photo op. Amazing how many you've made and finished.You should have done the Swap! Just saying...

  25. Oh my....that's fabulous ! You can open a doll quilts store with all these quilts !! :))
    The pinwheel garden is awesome with tiny pieces....Bravo Janet !! Congratulations !

  26. All those sweet little quilts. So pretty. Love the pinwheels!


  27. Of course you couldn't resist!! You are a mini-addict!! Admit it!! ;-)
    Love the dining room table fixings!!! The the Primitive Gatherings blue/brown top with the pinwheels is still one of my favorite patterns. Never tire of your view!!

  28. Couldn't resist? That's what happens when you snoop around blogland…lol….Every time I scroll through the blogs I am tempted by EVERYTHING I see. Through the years I have gotten better at
    resisting and trying to just finish up what I've already started……that being said, I soooo LOVE your little rendition of Karen's little cutie!
    How can you part with any of those on your table? The photo is fantastic and all those minis would make a great table covering/placemats!

  29. So fun Mom! I love the minis that you made from the leftover rectangles!
    Do you know how you're going to quilt the little blue/brown pinwheels?

  30. Amazing, simply amazing!! Need I say more?? Oh, yeah, love, love, love your quilts!!

  31. Wow! So many gorgeous little beauties on that table! Love them all! Your Pinwheel Garden is wonderful, too. I think it is perfect just the way it is. Your version of Lori's doll quilt turned out so cute. Just so much pretty in this post!

  32. I just love the picture of all of your minis on the table - fun! And another great postcard, how do you find so many? Lol!!!

  33. Rain? What's that?
    Love the border print you used in your newest "Had To" quilts--I used that same navy print in the quilt I made for one of Lori's Quiltalongs. Mine was a patriotic version of her Strawberry Fields.
    Great scott, you do like tiny pinwheels! I'll look forward to what you do next with the not so flimsy flimsy.
    Wonderful gathering at your table!

  34. Wow. So if I found a quilt I wanted to adapt and make, it would take me a few days to decide on fabrics, then a day to decide on size, then days and days to cut and stitch. I'm impressed with your speed in moving ahead, Janet.

    One thing I hadn't thought of about little quilts is how non-flimsy they are because of all the stitching and seams. I suppose they are more mat-like than cuddly when finished.

    I love the pillow cover with the house. And the quilts on the table. Gorgeous.

    --Nancy. (ndmessier @,

  35. Love your little strippy quilt with the left over bits! I especially like the different fabrics for the border. I am currently finishing a doll quilt and thinking of only adding top and bottom borders to get it to the size I "need". I'll see how I like it after I get those 2 borders on.
    Did I tell you Primitive Quilts will be at the AQS Syracuse show this summer? I'll finally get to see what all the fuss is about! I'll be stopping at the show on the way up to camp in the ADK Mts. Isn't that convenient?! 2 trips in 1!

  36. The little doll quilt is adorable! And of course, I love the pinwheel garden. I saw one similar to it at show & tell years ago and have always liked it, but never made one. Oh, and you are asking why? Why? You just can't help yourself, that's why! Many of us are that way. We don't even think about it and before we know it, we are staring another quilt - or other sewing project! Maybe it's a gift???


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