
Thursday, March 24, 2016

They just keep comin'!

Three more finishes! I can hardly believe it! (Yes, the sewing has been a bit frenetic around here lately.)
Summer Stars is bound, and I realized I had never shared a good photo of the log cabin mini when it was bound. (It had been in a group "finished" shot earlier, but it was pretty covered by other little quilts.) Plus, the 9-patch leader/ender demanded completion.
Finish #15:  I have wanted to have this one finished for a long time now, but had been at a loss as to how to quilt it. I think my best solution for situations like that is to start the ditch stitching and let the inspiration flow as I handle the quilt.

Finish #14: (I know, it is out of order) Love the little log cabins. This is now at home on the mini ladder in my living room.
Finish #16: This little 9-patch was made from the leftover logs, chopped into squares. The photo on the right gives you a size perspective.

Of the quilts in my recently basted batch, I have only ditch stitched this quilt and marked most of it for FMQing.
I didn't plan to get this bunch done as quickly as the previous ones--too much else going on. Besides, I'm getting tired of figuring out how to quilt everything. There is only one more I'm sure of, and then I may stall a while.

After all of this "dark & dirty" stuff, I had an urge to do something Spring-ish, so I grabbed a bag I keep stuffed with some of the more pastel repros, and I went to work with the scraps, making 2" baskets. This was the result.  Oh, I just realized that this makes Finish #17!! (I'm a little slow on the uptake.)
Didn't turn out quite how I had hoped--I think I should have used narrower sashing. This sashing finishes at 1/2" and the quilt is just over 8" square. That is too much sashing for such a small quilt. Those are pretty small feathers, too, but not the smallest I have ever stitched.

Love those grandkids!
But even if I am not enamored with it, I think it still looks sweet in its new home for Spring. I am calling it "Easter Baskets". Real original, huh? : )

And while the pastel scraps were handy, I made a few more ornaments to hang on my Shaker peg rack for the season. All of the pastel ones I have made before have been gifted away. These still need their stuffing and fluffing, but that won't take long.

With all of the finishes I've had this year I've been hanging little quilts in new places and tucking them in previously empty corners. Maybe one of these days I will do a post of where all of these quilts are ending up.
But first I need to convince my friend Gayle to share her little quilts and rugs all over her home--it is so much cooler than mine! (Are you getting the message, Gayle?)
And now I think it is time I woke up "the beast"! : )
Until next time,
Janet O.

P.S. Thanks, Mary, for this lovely batik that surprised me in the mail! One of these days you will learn to love batiks and you will be sorry you sent them to me. *LOL*


  1. Gorgeous quilting on your minis as per usual, but love the Easter baskets the best, nothing beats a good basket block! The bunnies amongst your family photos are sweet, so simple but effective - would make a great gift if you filled them with lavender and they could live in a draw for the rest of the year! Is this a free pattern online or did you buy it?

  2. Wow so many finishes. Maybe I can get some done this weekend. Yours are all beautiful. Love the log cabin, my all time block. Hugs.

  3. Your Easter Baskets turned out so sweetly and you are far too harsh a critic on those pretty sashings! Thanks for the delightful photo views of the log cabin, stars and mini 9-patches, too. Do you use a white chalk pencil for marking, or a sliver of soap? The marking looks very well done and it is so precisely positioned. Happy Easter!

  4. Lovely tiny treasures. The nine patch is adorable.

  5. Janet, I am just in awe of your machine quilting! I wish I could sit down a take a lesson from you. Love all your creations, especially the Log Cabin!

  6. Oh, I love seeing all these little quilts! Each one is so beautiful and your quilting is exquisite.

  7. You are really on a roll. How satisfying to have so much accomplished. The little Easter basket quilt is terrific!

  8. Wow they sure do keep coming. I was expecting three quilts and there are so many more! All are terrific.

  9. Your mini treasures just keep appearing. wOw! I'm glad you showed your Easter Basket in its display area. I kept thinking it was much bigger. The free motion quilting you're adding makes these adorable quilts come to life.

  10. First I fell over seeing the log cabin quilt, then the tiny, tiny 9 patch - then the baskets....back to the log cabin again...oh my:-)

  11. I love Easter Baskets.....if you ever need a place to show it, I think I have room...giggle, grin, wink!! It is so pretty, and I like the wider sashing, and love, love love the feathers. They just fill the space so nicely. While each is perfect, so tiny, it is the log cabin that is over the top.
    The quilting on the stars is is classic. Great work on all of these.

  12. Every one is lovelier than the one before, tiny bits of perfection! I love that simple stencil you've marked on the just-ditched quilt. So classic and perfect for that quilt (and it looks like it might be easy to FMQ!)

  13. You have magic fingers or a magic sewing machine. Which is it? Just one after another.

  14. Your quilting is beautiful! Those feathers....WOW!

  15. Ok perhaps you can come work for me!

  16. What a beautiful display of quilts. So glad you showed your hand with the little quilt...I had no idea it was so teeny tiny. Your work is exquisite!

  17. OH my goodness, I love them all! But my favorite, favorite, favorite is the first quilt, first picture on the right...the star sampler. Gorgeous! You are on a roll!!

  18. Oh my God...tell me, how many doll quilts do you have in your sewing room yet, waiting for quilting ? ah ! ah !
    Lovely finishes Janet ! You're an artist !!
    Happy Easter !

  19. Absolutely amazing! All are beautiful....and love those tiny pastel ornaments too! :-)

  20. They just keep coming - and we just keep drooling over them! I'm in love with your log cabin mini, even if it is "dark and dirty" LOL!!! And I'm just amazed at the size of your leftovers mini - wow!!! The Easter baskets look perfect in their new home, so springy and happy :*) And new pastel ornaments, what can I say? I recently showed the tiny pineapple ornaments you made for me at my last lecture on scrappy quilting - they couldn't ooh and aah enough!!!

  21. Your machine is on fire! I really love the Log Cabin. Those tiny minis are so so cute!!

  22. Wow - you really are on a roll! As always, they are all just adorable, and your quilting is really beautiful!

  23. Great show and tell, thanks for sharing. These are amazing.

  24. I love them all, but especially the tiny 9-patch and the log cabin! Maybe one of these days I'll try a 9-patch that small - too cute!

  25. SHEESH! I'm reading you loud and clear Janet - just need to work up my courage and do some tidying up - then I may just surprise you! Love all your little finishes - you've been busy! I don't think I ever told you, but the Glide thread you gave me is working wonderfully on my machine - thanks SO much for gifting it to me! BTW - how many different colors of quilting thread do you have? I'm trying to decide how many more I need to buy - can't find it locally.....

  26. You are a machine! I love them all esp the log cabin. Happy Easter!

  27. Yikes--you are going to need a long rest after all this!! Your tiny little baskets are adorable and perfect for the clip stand. I finally broke down and bought two--now I am going to have to come up with tiny quilts too, but I doubt I will be able to whip one out as fast as you have--you are awesome!

  28. More great little quilts, thanks for the show . Aren’t grandkids the best thing ever.

  29. Your finishes are all beautiful! Now, I'm off to admire your Tumbler Flag. Happy Easter!

  30. Again, again, all I can say is that your quilting (feathers) take the blue ribbon. They sure fill in and make your blocks pop. I could just stare at the quilting, just awesome. Never seen the basket pattern done it pastels, I really like the mini, so soft and beautiful. Looks like you are completing all your mini's you have in your unfinished stack. Good Job Janet.

  31. Whoo hoo, more mini eye candy! My god, just how small are the finished squares in that L/E 9-patch?!?! The pastel baskets quilt is just lovely especially the quilting. Also like the stitch pattern you've chosen for the strippy sashing of the basted one. As always, so much good stuff!

  32. Such wonderful eye candy and inspiration!!! I so enjoy seeing all your little quilts and ornaments!!

  33. I love all your little quilts but especially your little spring baskets. Personally, I like the size of the sashing. Your feathers are perfect.

  34. I was thinking as I was reading that I should ask you to share how you display all the little beauties but you must have read my mind. Looking forward to your photos. Your Easter Basket mini looks perfectly at home in your display. I had meant to make some bunny bags to fill with gifts this year but time got away from me. maybe I should start now for next year...oh wait I need to work on my new hexie project first. LOL.
    BTW - I bought a ruler foot for my machine during our travels yesterday - I'm one step closer to ruler work - I just need rulers :)

  35. Your little quilts are beautiful -- perfect, really. I especially like the little 9-patch. And I'm wondering what you used to mark the strip quilt with green and gold 4-patches with orange and brown stripes. The marks for quilting look so perfect!
    --Nancy. (ndmessier @,

  36. Janet your work is just lovely =^.^= Your grandchildren spring table is awesome right down to the chicks on the window sill. I'd say you are making up for lost sewing that 17 finishes since January? The pattern you've marked for your next quilting project looks great. I'll be anxious to see what thread color you choose. Tell Mary that I also like Batiks... Enjoy, Sandi


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