
Thursday, March 31, 2016

Finishes Number 18, 19, 20, and 21, and other stuff.

Number 18 received very simple clamshell quilting with cables in the border.
This quilt began as a quiltsbycheri blog SAL, but I fell behind. Then I discovered some orphan blocks the same size as the ones in this sampler and combined them with what I had made and called it done. It has been in the closet for some time.

Number 19 was made when Kindred Quilts blog hosted an every-other-month-"Simply Charming Book" little quilt SAL some time ago. I made six little quilts that year from Tara Lyn Darr's book.
 This is the only one I hadn't yet quilted. And now I have. : )

 You can click the photos if you want a closer view of the quilting designs.

These two (20 and 21) are not my usual style, I know, but I do love playing with batiks. The quilt on the right was another creation from the wealth of batik scraps I received in a swap years ago from Sandi (kwiltnkats blog). It was one of the first things I made from her scraps and is one of the last to get quilted.
I'm trying to think of a "K" name for this, in honor of Sandi, who names ALL of her many quilts (she is prolific and very talented) with names that start with "K".
The basket quilt on the left was one of the four quilts I made when Temecula had their Blessing Baskets SAL. I call this one Mystic Baskets.  I did a different fill design around each basket.
There are pebbles, meander, paisley, hooked swirls, and feathers. The baskets finish at 4", so some of that fill work is pretty small.

I have decided to hand quilt this one, so it won't get finished quickly. This was a SAL by Lori (humblequilts blog) named Harmony.

Did you notice that four of the five quilts here were from SALs? Further proof that I have had no resistance in the past. I have been so proud of myself this year, I have made it 3 months without joining a SAL, and that has to be a record!

My ornaments were completed in time for Easter and will remain hanging through Spring. 

Made a little progress on one of my two little long term projects. This is Pinwheel Garden from Primitive Gatherings, as I have said before. The pattern calls for 12 of these blocks, so I am halfway there. But I can't decide if I want it square or rectangle. When I get 9 blocks finished I will decide if I am done.
There are two pieced borders, as well, and I have been cutting pieces for those as I go along. The pinwheels here finish at 1", and the blocks will finish at 4".

Have had the good fortune to receive zippered pouches from a couple of good friends in the blogging world. I love these, but have never ventured to make any myself because zippers are not my favorite thing to do. These bags are the handiwork of Teresa and Betty. Quality workmanship here on both bags. I love them! Thank you so much, ladies!

Until next time, 
Janet O.


  1. I love Pinwheel gardens, and lucky you. I don't much like zippers either. I got gived a zipper piece too, and I LOVE it.

  2. 2016 will be probably the year of the quilting at Janet's home !! Ah ! Ah !
    Lovely finishes as lovely presents too !

  3. I think it will be way harder to resist those little SAL's once you have all these little charmers finished and your top cupboard is bare! They are so addicting, and definitely are your specialty. I especially love the Number 19 finish.

  4. Another batch of great progress here. Way to go! I think Kings
    bridge or Knights bridge would be a good name for that batik quilt. The diagonal line with the beautiful blue underneath looks like a bridge to me.

  5. Please send me some of your mojo finishing juice. Beautiful quilts and quilting. I have taken a break from smalls and am trying to finish a larger older wip quilt. I totally understand SAL with me it is Girl's Clubs.

  6. The quilting in Mystic Baskets is beautiful. You should get a full size quilting machine and go into the custom quilting business. You would do well.

  7. Lots of pretty quilting. Your FMQ has come a long way. Congrats on the resisting. I have resisted a few... All my long term BOW's could keep me in stitches. I don't mind zippers. Once you find a good pattern it's not so hard.

  8. Gorgeous quilts and beautifully quilted!! How about 'Kaleidoscope' or 'Kindred Spirits'?

  9. You are on such a roll Mom! I know you've already gotten some great ideas for the naming of the K quilt...I looked at it and saw "Kandy Wrappers" :)

  10. I love the cables you use in your quilting designs. Do you have an idea of where I can learn to make them fit so well? I would be so grateful!

  11. I continue to be awed by your accomplishments!! Funny thing is I've been doing that same pinwheel quilt, although I'm sure my blocks are larger. Mine is in pink and brown and has been ongoing for about 10 yrs already!! ;-))

  12. I remember when you made the baskets block. It seems like you made two at the same time. The quilting on this little gem is wonderful.

  13. SHWEET! I did that QAL with Cheri too, then added some blocks from the Moda QAL and I think some from Temecula (6") They're all bagged up waiting to be sewn together - I think I'm leaning to a Judi Rothermel version I saw once with alternate blocks to unite them. We'll see..... I'm so impressed that you keep track of you quilts so well. Do you keep a journal with dates etc....? That seems like it would be a good idea. Love all these little treasures Janet. WooHoo on some great finishes!

  14. more beautiful little quilts janet and what is the size on #19? that one is whispering to me....

  15. Beautiful work on the mini's but your pinwheel quilt partly finished is my favorite. The pattern is lovely, but too small for me, I think I will need to try it out with at least 5" pinwheels!

  16. Looks like you are getting alot done.
    Are you going to the HMQS Show this year?

  17. Beautiful work! I so enjoy this journey with you.

    1. Thank you, Elaine. You are set as a no-reply blogger so I cannot answer you personally. Sorry.

  18. You are going great guns, Janet! On the first quilt photo, I love how you sewed an inner border of the same fabric you used for sashing. It looks great. And your quilting is exquisite on the 4-patch.
    --Nancy. (ndmessier @,

  19. I marvel at the miniaturization of Pinwheel Garden, but I confess that the #19 from the closet is my personal favorite with its red borders. Good work all around!

  20. I continue to be super impressed by your selection of quilting designs. Each new quilt is truly brought to life with by your machine quilting skills. I especially like how you extended the cable into the blocks in #19. Very inventive. Also love your new header. You live in a beautiful area.

  21. I'm with Kyle - super impressed by the variety of the quilting you are doing. Just wonderful collection of finishes.
    Hand quilting is always nice on small quilts too makes them so soft.
    nice gifts! cute zipper pouch

  22. I love your Pinwheel Garden blocks so much--could it be because they are blue and brown??? I am going to have to dig out my pattern and start a few blocks the first chance I get. Congrats on all those finishes--awesome! And I applaud your resistance to this year's SAL's--wish I had the backbone to do the same!

  23. Kranky Klouds is the project that provided the scraps. I must say that I'm more impressed with what you did with the scraps! The black print is so whimsical I just couldn't resist it as a main fabric. Certainly you've done the same. Aimee has a good suggestion. I'll have to ponder awhile. Love the results of all your projects! Working now with the Union Blues line of fabrics, the chocolate browns are so rich. As always you have an awesome talent. Sandi

  24. Great finishes! I like to use batiks every now and then as well, but of course, CW repros are my favorite! Years ago a friend made something in the Pinwheel Garden block design and I loved it then and still do. However, I haven't ever made it. My days are too short! Are you doing Lori's doll exchange? I couldn't resist that, but I never participated in the Harmony SAL. Don't remember it at all. I've done a lot of Lori's SALs - one reason is that they are mostly small and don't take too long.

  25. What can I say? Your quilting is Awesome and so lovely to look at. I would love to be in the room with you watching you get into all those SMALL nokes and crannies, corners and borders with your machine. It is unbelievable the amount of quilting you can get on those minis. Your regular size bed quilts must be just as awesome. Glad that you are pleased with your pouch.

  26. I love seeing all your little quilts! 3 months holding out on SAL! Congrats!!

  27. More beautiful quilting! :-) You are really cruising along on these finishes! Wish I could help with a "k" name... but haven't had enough coffee yet this morning... lol! Love that pinwheel garden piece and looking forward to seeing the hand quilting on the humblequilts SAL! Have a great weekend!

  28. gorgeous as always! I have rarely joined a SAL but would not consider myself immune :) Congratulations on more beautiful little quilts to love.

  29. I can't keep up - my heart is flipping seeing all the new additions to your quilting world. Fabric choices, designs and machine quilting - you put it all together so well!!

  30. So many sweet projects! Your machine quilting compliments your quilts so nicely.

  31. So many beautiful finishes! You have really been making wonderful progress. Absolutely love your quilting! Beautiful fabrics in your Pinwheel Garden.

  32. Congratulations on getting so many of your little quilts finished. I love the quilting on the Tara Lynn Darr quilt. You are doing an amazing job. Thanks for sharing and motivating the rest of us.


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