
Tuesday, November 24, 2015

All "Tuckered" out!

In trying to redeem my botched effort at Pam Buda's Tucker SAL, I made my first attempt at 1/4" hexies. Remind me to make it the last. 
Just those 7 little hexie pieces to go in the center had me ready to scream. DD#1 has made some incredible things with this size. I'll leave it to her. I probably could have gone with a 3/8" size and maintained a bit more of my sanity in the process, while still having something that would fit in that center.
While we are on the subject of hexies, Karen's finish of her Stars in the Garden top has inspired me to pull mine out. There has actually been some progress here, though it is difficult for the untrained eye to detect.
There are 5 of these finished stars in the pattern, along with multiple partial stars, lots of hexie flowers, partial flowers, and connecting paths. You can see I have a long way to go. 
DH and I took a quick birthday jaunt yesterday. Among other things we ended up at the little quilt shop over the mountains. I picked up some wool and Valdani floss, and then a couple of other fun finds--the mini quilt holder on the left, and the ruler boxes on the right. A sweet blog friend had sent me a Temecula box last year and I love it! 

So one of the ruler boxes, with a few other items (herbal soap, ornament, and mini charm pack), will go to one lucky blog reader. Tell me how you think you would use the little box in your comment, and I will choose a winner on Saturday. If you aren't the winner, check out Me and My Stitches. They have just started carrying their own ruler boxes and have some very clever designs!

Most of my sewing time lately has been taken up with this project. Not the most fun type of quilt to make, right?
But it does mean that child #4 has graduated from college, and that is a good thing. I have just begun to put the coping strips around the blocks to bring them to the same size. Then I will sash it with a blue plaid (fussy-cut, of course) and hopefully it will end up looking something like this...
This was the quilt I made when child #3 graduated a few years ago. I will actually be using the very same blue plaid on the second quilt. I couldn't find a blue plaid locally that looked good without being too distracting, and I wanted a plaid. I knew this was an old South Seas Import fabric, but that is all I knew. Thank goodness for the internet. Within minutes I had found it in an etsy shop and was able to order plenty.

To my US friends, have a happy Thanksgiving, and no matter where you live, take time to give thanks for the good things in your life. One of the things I am grateful for is the view from my sewing room window!
Until next time, 
Janet O.

Drawing now closed.


  1. Love your "Tuckered" out quilt!! I actually ended up making 2 of Pam's quilt...I loved it so much. I have several vintage sewing machines around the house. The ruler box would look great holding my sewing notions to travel from one machine to next depending on which machine I was using.

  2. Your view is awe-inspiring! I love your Tucker project and can only imagine 1/4" hexies. Not in this girl's lifetime! I'm sure that little ruler box would hold thread very nicely on the old butternut table next to my quilting chair. Happy thanksgiving!

  3. I would put the box in my bathroom right off the stitch den to hold my watch and earrings

  4. ACK! I was just about to order one of those cute mini quilt holders from Temecula - but now you say they have them at Village Dry Goods? I'm gonna have to make a trip, for sure! So cute!!!! I'm glad you survived your experience with 1/4" hexies - I don't think I could ever go that small either - I think you rescued your Tucker quilt just fine - it's 'Tucker Transformed'. Did you use a fusible to stabilize your tees before cutting? I'm going to have to do a similar project someday - hubby has designed the t-shirts for the Antelope by Moonlight bike ride for the last 20+ years, and he has saved every single one of them so I can do this for him. Unfortunately, there will be no single color to unify them and I worry about what it will actually look like - but it won't be happening for a few years still.....

  5. P.S. Happy Birthday!!! (a day late)

  6. Love your "Tucker" project. I have yet to make mine. I love those little boxes, although I don't own one. I would keep it next to my sewing area on my "Martha Washington stand" to hold my thread and scissors.

  7. What a spectacular view from your sewing room. Glad you were able to find more of that plaid for the T- shirt quilt. What a great gift. That was a wee little hexie you put in the middle of Tuckered Out. Looks like you had some fun shopping. Those ruler boxes are great. I'd probably corral my threads or other things that I would be using at night while I stitched (vegged) in front of the tv.

  8. Your Tuckered Out Quilt is adorable! As much as I love EPPing hexies, I also stopped at one using the 1/4" size. Saving the tiny flower for somewhere, someday:-) Hmmm...that dear little ruler box.. Maybe add my own Primitive Gatherings charm pack like yours and then it would hide a little stash of chocolate...

  9. Let me go backwards ;-) Wowza! That is one gorgeous view! The mountains with that sky must keep you enjoying it. Then on to the quilt show...yes, t-shirt quilts take a bit of love to get done. Yours look great and the blue plaid is perfect. In my book, plaid is always the right touch :-)
    Now to those cute ruler boxes. I love those....and then, I read there's a giveaway! Well, how cool is that!
    If I were to have one of those would sit right by my sewing machine for notions, etc so that I could see it all the time. So nice of you to share after your hexie nightmare ;-) Yes, leave those to the brave and young!

  10. Those boxes are wonderful. I would keep it next to my sewing machine to corral all of those little notions that tend to roll away and hide from me.

  11. Hello Janet !
    First I would like to tell you that your little quilt is soooo cute ! II really love it !
    And second, making a quilt, I would use this box to put my blocks done in it !! No block lost !! :)
    Thank you so much for this giveaway !!
    I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving with your family !!
    Hugs !

  12. My goodness, I was thinking of my comments as I read your post, and then I saw the photo at the end. Is that really your view? It's amazing. Those little hexies are fiddly but so cute. Lovely purchases too. Thanks for your generous giveaway, I'd probably use it for precious, tiny scraps (for 1/4" hexies), super bobs or little prepped hexies.......or just to look at and adore! The college quilts look great, and the plaid sashing finishes it perfectly.

  13. 1/4" really???? wow! looks fabulous though, that must make it semi OK? i love those little ruler boxes have seen them many times, I wish someone was making them here in New Zealand. If I was the super, extremely lucky winner of your yummy giveaway, I think I would like to keep mine by my sewing machine to store 2" squares for piecing.........would look cute don't you think? You have the fabulous view. We had a great one this morning, mist the sun shining through the trees and gaps in the mist. Thanks Janet, your a gem!

  14. I love your version of Tucker. The little hexi flower is just perfect. I'm still plugging along on my 'stars in the garden' but I only work on it when we travel and we haven't been doing much of that lately. You"re 3 stars closer than you were before. That's something to be proud of. . .

  15. Love that beautiful sky/mountains seen from your window! We've had some lovely skies lately, too......must be the time of year....even tho we are on opposite side of the USA! Also love those little Temecula boxes....always on the lookout for neat containers to keep me "organized" and able to find things when I want to locate them!!! Your SAL is gorgeous.........thanks for reminding me that I needn't make 1/4" hexies!!

  16. Being on the plains, we don't get those mountain sights here. Have family out west and a son in SLC. Love to see the mountains but I don't like to drive in them! Love your blog. Thanks for the giveaway.

  17. What a wonderful view. I would use the box to hold my sewing supplies next to my sewing chair. Thanks for the giveaway.

  18. Love your quilts! I collect antique wooden boxes and have many of them in my sewing room holding threads and notions. They are great for my 2", and 2.5" scraps as well. I also have a bunch of antique yard sticks and have been wondering what to do with them. Maybe I should make some ruler boxes!

  19. ooh lovely little tucker! and i like your tshirt quilts as well....a labor of love for sure....gotta check out those ruler boxes!

  20. Wow those are teeny tiny hexies! They look great with your Tucker quilt. Your view is incredible!! Wow! What a darling little box - I would use it for my applique threads for my evening stitching. The little stocking is beautiful :0)

  21. Your quiltalong quilt is so beautiful. I definitely need to add it to the list of quilts I am going to make. Those hexies are so tiny! That's way above my skill level. What would I put in that box? My work in progress blocks. Right now, I am making a circle a day, and I need a box to put them in. If it wasn't for the circles, I would put a leader/ender project in there to keep everything neat and organized.

  22. Your Tuckered Out mini is a dear rendition and I love your fabric choices! As for the pretty ruler box, I would organize all my sizes of sewing machine needle packages in it. Thank you for the opportunity!

  23. What a great giveaway! I would use the ruler box by my sewing machine to hold the notions that I like to keep handy. Your view from your window is incredible.
    valekort at yahoo dot com

  24. What a stunning view you have! Hmm definitely need that gorgeous box next to my arm chair to corral all the sewing bits and pieces together. Thanks for the chance to win the goodies, plus the link to the site, I will check it out. I have never made a tshirt quilt, but I think its a great way to celebrate graduation and keep the memories of all those fun student times!

  25. A nice view, indeed! I live at the top of a hill in PA and I have a view now that the leaves have fallen. Cute ruler boxes! So clever...what quilter wouldn't want a ruler box? I have two T shirt quilts to start after the holidays. I've never made a tshirt quilt so I'm a bit apprehensive about the process. Love your plaid sashing and I like the width of the sashing as it doesn't overpower the blocks. Very nice! It looks like you may have pieced some "parts/logos" into one or more blocks....I'm gathering ideas.....can you tell! Any advice would be appreciated!

  26. I know you are thankful for your view!!! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, Janet! I have some sweet tiny buttons that would be right at home in the little ruler Bo's

  27. Thank my iPad for the Bo's instead of box!!!!

  28. I would use the little box near my sewing machine and perhaps keep all my scissors together. Thank you for the beautiful views, even the milkweed is beautiful. Around here people are starting to grow more milkweed to get the monarch butterflies back. I now have a view since the combined the corn, and look for the sunrise every morning.

  29. Love your Tucker quilt! I'm also working on Stars in the Garden. I would put hexies in my box!
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  30. What else could you possible use the box for but hexies? Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. Thank YOU for the chance to win.


  31. I love your view - just beautiful.
    I think I would use the ruler box to hold some of my most used spools of thread - right next to my sewing machine.

    Thanks for the give away and the chance to win.


  32. I don't know how you concentrate (on the minis, no less) with that view out your window!! Absolutely stunning!
    Yes, we have so much to be thankful for. Thank you for reminding me! Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Janet. I'll send you the view out my window tomorrow, if the snow will have stopped by then!!

  33. I look out my sewing room and see a hay barn and cattle. Your view is much more inspiring!
    Congratulations on getting the fourth one through college. The quilt is going to be great.
    If I was fortunate enough to have one of those cute boxes I would try to corral my seam rippers that seem to want to wander all over my sewing room.

  34. 1/4" hexies are definitely loony bin size!
    Love your birthday finds, glad we share a birthday month! The ruler boxes are darn cute. I'd display treasured sewing notions of my Grandma's that have no current home. A wonderful thanksgiving day to you and yours.

  35. I'm so Thankful I can count you a friend. Sorry I didn't get anything in the mail for your Birthday this year. You are to be admired for making more than one T-shirt quilt. All I see out my window is white stuff so I hid in my Quilt Zone most of the day. As for the Box, I would fill it with my clips to keep them in a visible place. I keep forgetting which zippered bag they are in.

  36. Love those little ruler boxes. Judging by the size, I think I'd use mine beside me when sewing to hold extra bobbins, my trusty seam ripper and little pin cushion. But then again, maybe I'll design a pincushion to sit snugly into it. Yes, that's what I'd do...pincushion for sure! Send me two and I'll make one for you at the same time!

  37. Such a cute box! It would be great for keeping essential and most used tools near by the sewing machine. I just love it!!!

  38. What a wonderful beautiful and inspiring. Your tucker project is so are brave with those tiny pieces. The hexies are on going I see....very nice. And the t-shirt quilt is just great....such a labor of love and the blue plaid is perfect. But the most outstanding thing is that mini quilt hanger! It is so perfect for your collection. Have a full and blessed Thanksgiving.

  39. That little box would be perfect beside me as I do handwork in my comfy chair. Happy thanksgiving to you and yours!

  40. What a fantastic view. The daughter of our good friends is working in Perth and we get her AU travel pictures and other fun notes about the area. I would use the little ruler box to keep all my hexi project 'stuff' together by my favorite relaxing chair. Love your blog by the way. I'm an armchair traveler. :-)

  41. Wow -- you do have an amazing view! I would find it hard to stay focused on my sewing--lol! I think the little ruler box would be perfect to keep basted hexies contained (not quarter inch ones though). I love your version of Tucker--so cute and the tiny hexie troubles were worth it--adorable!

  42. Your view is gorgeous! I would love to see those mountains everyday. I love how your T-shirt quilt turned out and can't wait to see the final of the next one. I have wanted to tackle one of those for awhile. It's nice that you have similar color values in the shirts.

    Your little box would work well next to my sewing machine as I have lots of doodads floating around there. Pin caddy, seam ripper, scraps of fabric, machine feet, thread snips, etc.

  43. Yes, I can see that the tiny flower in the middle is made of teeny tiny hexes! Wow! I think that is just too small. The little quilt is darling, though. Love the fabrics! And, I love that little quilt holder! I've never seen one like that. The box could be used for quilting pins, or note papers or to carry threads, etc. to the living room for hand sewing. I would love a view like that from my sewing room, but am thankful that I have a window and can watch the birds. Happy Thanksgiving!

  44. I'm sure you can guess what my #1 option would be if I won a ruler box - hexies!!!!
    And geesh Janet - even *I* don't do 1/4" hexies! I've not tried the 3/8" but 1/2" is about the smallest I want to go for anything of size (I do have a book of 1/4" projects that leave the papers in). Love that small quilt hangar - need to add that to my Christmas wish list.

  45. I would love to use the ruler box next to my sewing machine, with the small pieces that I'm working on. I've admired these boxes last year when someone else showed them on their blog. I think I'm going to have to go and get some of my own. They're so darn cute!

  46. I can see many uses for this lovely box. I would probably want to see it all the time so it would find a place by my sewing machine with my current leader/ender pieces in it. Thanks for the chance to win one.

  47. Look at you with your new postcard! Lol!! I feel for you on that T-shirt quilt - those are not fun to make at all. My mom has wanted me to make one for her forever, and I really need to do it, but keep pushing it to the back burner. I like your quilt shop finds - funny about the little boxes - we sold tons of them this week. Hubby will be busy replenishing this weekend! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

  48. Would you mind sending me the link to the Etsy shop where you got the plaid? That looks like it will be perfect for a T-shirt quilt that I'm making. Thank you

  49. Oh, you are the best, dear friend!! That sewing box is so cute and the fact that it is local is even more fun!! Hope your Birthday was special - we'll talk!! :-)) Happy, Happy Thanksgiving to you and all your family!! Hope you have lots of family with you this year!!

  50. Your little quilts are all so beautiful! I'd use the box to make myself a new pincushion. Happy Thanksgiving! :0)

  51. I love to do applique with wool. Its my best way to end a really busy stressful day at work. I work with cancer patients and I need a way to completely turn the day off to be able to sleep. I always have the colors of thread and my scissors that I am using laying on my end table, and they sometimes fall on the floor or get lost in my chair. That box looks like it would be great to contain those threads on my end table by my chair. Help me to stay organized.

  52. I have a featherweight on a little stand in my living room. My husband likes me to be near him at night so I would use it on my FW table with extra bobbins and my seam ripper.

  53. Love your little tumbler quilt display :) And what a darling find that little box was!! I'd fill it with the accouterments of my current hand-stitching project . . . so I could leave it sitting in the living room and it would look like it belonged there . . . instead of looking like I've left my stitching stuff laying around! Ha!! Your sunset is gorgeous . . . !!! :)

  54. I went to the knitting and stitching show here locally and my friend and I admired those boxes (although they only had larger ones). I would never expect you to post here so I am only commenting to say I like your insane-making little project and as usual you seem so busy. I have been a bad blogger :( I just wish I had more time xx

  55. I'm arriving late to the party! Love the quilt, had to laugh about the hexies! LOL
    The yard stick boxes are adorable!! I usually have my pin cushion, glasses and scissors setting on the coffee table. I'd put them in the little yardstick box:)

  56. Well pretty sure I would use it in my kitchen window sill to hold my watch and favorite turquoise earrings. So cute. No 1/4" hexies in my future for sure.

  57. I think your Tucker turned out great. I always love seeing patterns altered to become the quilter's own version of the original. I know already that those hexies would drive me batty and I'd never attempt them -- but yours look perfect.

    The boxes are adorable. I know I'm too late for the giveaway but I know one of those boxes would be perfect sitting beside my hand-quilting spot to hold spools of thread, pin box, pin cushion, etc.

  58. Again, your post didn't show up in my reader!!!! Tucker is fabulous!!! I'm with you - let DD#1 do the hexies!!! Of course I would LOVE to win your cute little giveaway - I'm sure I'd put sewing notions in mine!

    I'm very thankful about many things - one of my favorite is your friendship!!!



  59. I'm such a sucker for a beautiful sky view, and that one is magnificent!!! I'd never get any sewing done if that was my window :-) What joy to find the fabric you needed online!!! There is definitely something to be said for shopping online. Especially if you already know the color and feel of the fabric beforehand. Thanks so much for the reminder to never try hexies that small!!! Yours are adorable, though, I have to admit! Love the new mini-hanger - it's perfect for that sweet little quilt! And I'm bummed that I didn't get a chance to check in earlier and have a shot at the box & goodies giveaway :( I had seen Julie's a few days ago and made a mental note to go back and check them out. How like you to think of getting an extra to share with your readers!!!!

  60. OH my, I thought my hexagons were tiny! I love that little quilt so far. And I admire you for doing the t-shit quilt. I said "never again" on my last one. WE'll see. I do love those little yardstick boxes.

  61. I love what you did with your Tucker top! 1/4" hexies! Too tiny! Those tee shirt quilts are great, such wonderful memory quilts for your children.

  62. Golly, a shame I missed the draw and what a lovely gift :-) Tiny hexies - I know you like things small, but whew! The hexie is a nice touch to Tucker, though. Good on you with the t-shirt quilt - and well done to #child 4 on graduating from college! Beautiful sunset and view. I hope you had a lovely thanksgiving.

  63. So happy you liked your ruler box. Looks as if you might have a new collection going. Hexies, no matter the size, not for me! Take care my friend, Sandi


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