
Friday, November 7, 2014

Scavenging, scrounging, and accepting hand-outs.

These lovely star blocks were passed to me a while back by Karen (Log Cabin Quilter blog). There are more stars than will fit on my design wall. 
They were half stars when I got them, because the pattern she had used to make them had you assemble the rows with half stars and the stars were completed when you sewed the rows together. I am not following the pattern, so I sewed the stars into full blocks. Apparently I wasn't careful enough, because now that I am squaring them up, I can't get them all the same size. I am probably going to need coping strips, so this is going to take time. I want to create  small cheddar stars around the cornerstones. This will be one big quilt! And there will be enough blocks left to make a lap quilt. Thanks so much for these lovely stars, Karen!

After making my miniature Kim Diehl quilt last month (which, BTW, I am naming "No Big Diehl"), I had lots of scraps that I set aside.  I scavenged more at Kim's class. After seeing what tiny pieces I use, people were handing me what they had planned on throwing away and asking, "Do you want any of these?" I did. : )

I used those scraps to make some Halloween and Christmas ornaments, and then some non-holiday colored ones. I finally got them to the point that now they just need to be stuffed and sewn up.

Of course, there were scraps left from the ornaments, and I couldn't just sweep them into the garbage, so I started making little 4-patches. I haven't sewn the blocks together yet. Can you guess how big these blocks are or how large this will be when they are sewn together? If you have some of these fabrics you have a clue. ; )

At the Carmen Geddes class last month, where we made the leaf hot pad afterward using the fusible product she was demonstrating, there was a point in our instructions where Kris (shop owner) said we could throw away the triangles we had just cut off. I think I gasped, or groaned (maybe both), and she added, "Or you can give them to Janet."
I collected a nice little bag of Fall colored batik bonus triangles that day. Using batiks from my stash, I am making them into small leaves. Still toying with layout ideas.

My 84-year-old mother is working on what she says will be her last quilt. She's not planning on going anywhere, she just thinks she has other things to do before her time here is up. As usual, I got her scraps once she had the quilt sandwiched in the frame to start hand quilting. There were a few units that she had assembled that she didn't use. I am trying to use those units actually sewn by her to make a few blocks.
There were a few HSTs, 3 complete and 1 partial hexie flower, and lots of trimmings from the piano key border of Mom's quilt. I'll be able to make 4 blocks like this if I complete the partial hexie flower. Just need to stitch down the hexie flowers on these two blocks. I seldom work with colors like this. Kind of fun, for a change.

All the wool on my Christmas "Lamb For All Seasons" has been stitched down. (This is based on the Old Glory Gatherings pattern from Primitive Gatherings.)

Until next time, enjoy the moonrise. : )
Janet O.


  1. You have been a busy lass! Love the "no big diehl"......cute name!

  2. Funny how when you collect something people give you bags of it. I still get Selvages at Guild from a few ladies. The Big Star Quilt is going to be very nice. Not bad for a free quilt. You are funny naming your Kim Diehl quilt after her. She'll get a laugh out of it.

  3. Doesn't it seem like we have the most fun "making something of nothing"! As I've been stitching my string blocks this week, I'm thinking about what will become of the trimmings. The star quilt layout is going to make one gorgeous quilt.

  4. You have made so many beautiful little blocks out of the scraps of others! Love seeing how you create. Especially love the way you are incorporating your mom's work into a quilty project.

  5. It was probably my sewing that makes the star blocks need squaring up. I tend to drift a bit anymore. Regardless, the star blocks look good on the wall.
    You have sure been collecting scraps. I have a feeling you will get more now that you have written about it.

  6. WOW....those stars are great! Like your term coping strip....much better than a sashing! I am interested to see how this one works out. Love all your bits and pieces----and what you create with them. I think what patience when I see your minis. But I love, love, love you blocks made from your Mom's scraps. They are a treasure.

  7. Do you ever rest? :) Love them all but I think the one with your mom's scraps will be very precious. I love it.

    Have a wonderful and Blessed day

  8. It is great to use the tiny pieces! I don't go below 1" strips or pieces. But now we have a chance to use some of those 1 1/2" pieces with Lori's QAL!

  9. How cute is your "lamb" carrying a gingerbread boy??? I love it that you are using your mom's units to create yourself a special memento even though not your colors. Lovely moonrise. It's been very bright here on our wooded mountain.

  10. wow! what a loaded great post. I hope you have a porch to watch all the beautiful moon rise and sun rises you have - that view is spectacular.
    Your mom's quilt is very pretty and so unique with the FG blocks. So what is she taking up next?
    so how big are those 4-patches? I'm going to guess 1" finished.
    your wooly sheep is adorable with that gingerbread man!
    Looking forward to seeing how you resolve the star issue. I'm having a little trouble with my double nine patch blocks turning out the same size (swap blocks will do that).
    ha ha good for you rescuing those triangles!

  11. The stars are yummy! Love all your littles and the sweet blocks from your mom's leftovers. The moon had a great month for pics!

  12. Amazing, nuts, but amazing!! Your work is always so fabulous!! Wait, isn't the moon supposed to be up at night??

  13. You have been SUCH a busy bee and I am dazzled by your accomplishments!

  14. Love all your projects. Kind of looks like my house. Lots of items in progress. Wait till you see my OMG.

  15. OF course you know I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the stars!! what a treasure and you've made them just superbly!!

    Okay, okay, so now I'M saving even littler scraps than I used to!! Just be cause of you!! But I'm planning on small log cabin blocks and maybe a few star blocks too!!

    You truly are an inspiration - as is your mom! Blessings to you both!!

  16. You always come up with the best names for your quilts - Kim will be honored, I'm sure! LOL I'm guessing those little 4-patches finish at 1/2" square? The batik leaves have such rich beautiful colors in them - that will be a lovely quilt when they're all put together...... Nice eye candy today!

  17. How fun to rework the stars. All of your ornaments are adorable. I took a class where we instructed to bring our ugliest fabrics. The student next to me brought reproduction fabrics circa 19C. Needles to say I begged her trimmings and scraps. One stitchers trash is another's treasure :-)

  18. Your amazing Janet, I love seeing your minis.
    If you were here, my patchwork group would keep you well supplied with HST's and scraps.
    Love the star quilt blocks, it will be a beautiful quilt.

  19. I always enjoy seeing your projects! Thanks for another fun post.

  20. Really like the batik leaves, very rich looking and lovely. I think I will start saving my scraps for you.... I throw away larger pieces that you could use. If they are not big pieces I don't use them. Sure would be enough for your mini quilts blocks. good to see that your mom is quilting again, and her health will allow her to do so. My best to you and family.

  21. You really know how to make a good blog post! Always such pretty pictures! Love them all!

  22. Always a delight to visit your blog! I really like your "use it up" style! I try to implement that myself with some success. Those stars from Karen are really neat! What a great quilt you have going!

  23. Here I thought I'd see the free pattern already made up. LOL!

  24. So much to talk about! I love the gingerbread man in the lamb's mouth.
    That's fun that you're doing that with Grandma's leftovers :)
    I can't wait to see you little leaves in person...I know they'll be smaller than I expect :)
    Such fun ornaments adn I love those stars!

  25. Great projects Janet. I especially love the little lamb.
    It always amazes me to see what you do with leftovers.

  26. Wow! I really admire your ability to make beautiful things out of others scraps. The Christmas lamb is super sweet with the gingerbread.

  27. I always love seeing what you are working on. Your mom's comment is too funny! What craft does she plan on taking up next?

  28. Cheddar stars will look fabulous with those stars. So nice of Karen to share.
    Love the little gingerbread man in the sheep's mouth.
    You always have so many projects you've touched in a weeks time. When is your favorite time to stitch?

  29. What a great book title... no big Diehl!
    Love those star blocks, especially the scrappy backgrounds!

  30. I always enjoy your posts Janet and love seeing what you are up to. You really are making a name for yourself as The Scrap Lady - and it's good to see you actually use them and they don't just mount up at your place! Those stars are going to be stunning! Do the little 4-patches finish at an inch? They look tiny! Nice to see what you are doing with your Mum's bits too, that will be a special project.

  31. So many beautiful projects! I especially love the blocks from your mom. The colors are so cheery and the sentimental value makes them extra special. Looking forward to seeing the finished quilts.

  32. Visiting your blog is always a treat; it's like strolling through a wonderful workshop full of glorious projects in-the-works, you inspire me (and many others) and encourage me to look at my own unfinished projects with renewed enthusiasm! I love all your projects, and embrace your thrifty sense of recycling scraps... but, I have to say, that lamb w/ the gingerbread man is the cutest little quilt EVER! :)

  33. Wow - lots of gorgeous eye candy in this post Janet!!! Those Lemoyne Stars are going to be beautiful - especially with cheddar in there to make them sparkle! Isn't it fun to get those hand-me-downs from others? I have a bag of gray scraps a girl gave me from Red Rooster and I am lovingly gazing at them, trying to decide how they want to be sewn up :)
    I absolutely LOVE your name for the Kim Diehl quilt! Perfect!!! And the ornaments from the scraps - what treasures!
    Your mom sounds like fun! And also a woman who knows her own mind :) How blessed you are to have those blocks and scraps made by her own hand to fashion a quilt from!

  34. You've been quite busy!! Knowing you, I'm going to guess that the little 4-patches will finish at an inch. Glad to hear you saved the HSTs after you class. Someday I'll make some maple leaves... When the girls saw me going thru the trash cans after the last retreat they dug thru their cans for me. LOL! Woohoo, a hexie quilt. 4 blocks will make a nice wall hanging.

  35. oohh i love the lamb festive! and it IS amazing what little scraps can morph into. and the little leaf blocks are sooo cute. i too am working on using up my batik scraps...(still)....

  36. ok this little lamb Christmas quilt is my favorite you have done so far! It is just adorable. I Love decorating our home with Christmas little quilts. The Star quilt is going to be amazing but my heart is taken with those little 4 patches I am going to say the block will be 1" finished! a 4 patch = 1" amazing, you never cease to amaze me, always look forward to seeing what your working on and of course what you have finished.
    Have a great day

  37. I'm amazed at everything you make! Being the happy owner of two of your mini quilt block ornaments, I have to say, the ones you are working on are as equally lovely! You are the queen of working with small scraps! The Christmas lamb quilt is so cute!!!

  38. "No Big Diehl" - hahahaha! Excellent name with a sense of humor!

    How sweet to make a quiltlet from your mother's little leftovers of her "last" quilt. Do you think she'll stick with that and not make another?

  39. Oh my, those stars are gorgeous! Lucky you! And your small scrap haul - you're putting all of those to such wonderful use.

  40. Those stars look complicated! What a great gift. I printed a picture of that Kim Diehl design and calculated what sizes the pieces and units should be for various sizes....and that's as far as I've gotten.


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