
Saturday, November 22, 2014

I know what you must be thinking...

...hasn't she finished that yet?
This is a miniature version of Lisa Bongean's quilt shown here.
Obviously not (and these blocks obviously need trimming). Each of these 3 3/4" blocks (finished)  has 97 pieces and it is no small task (pun not intended) to put them together. After having not touched my sewing machine for 10 days, I finally got a couple more of these assembled. Eight down, four to go.

My little leaves (the larger ones finish at 3") are made and waiting to be put to use. They are looking pretty hairy, too. I must be neglecting the trimming lately.
I finally have a setting idea in mind, but don't know when I will make it happen--next Fall maybe?

The 4-patch is now a completed top. Gayle (The Middle Sister blog) was the only blog comment with the correct guess that the 4-patches finish at 1/2". She wins the prize--didn't know there was a prize, did you? I'll be sending Gayle a mini charm pack and a gift bag of my herbal soap. Congrats, Gayle!
I put a quarter on the flimsy in the photo so you could see how tiny the blocks are.
I threw this one together rather haphazardly, without much trimming (seems to be the theme here) or pinning. Turned out better than I thought it would, but there are some  pretty wonky spots.

This cupboard full of trays of soap is one of the reasons I haven't been sewing much. Fifteen batches of soap made and curing for holiday gift giving. Such a relief to have that done!! It is the only thing I have done for the holidays. I don't want to hear about how you have your shopping done and gifts all made.

Today DH and I took a little outing to celebrate an upcoming event. He took me to my favorite not-so-local quilt shop to the south of us (I have a favorite to the south and a favorite to the north). A 90 minute drive to get there, but we stop at a favorite ice cream shop on the way home and get the best coconut almond ice cream cones, so he is happy to go. 

Okay folks, that is all for today.
Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. Oh my goodness...look at all your soap! That cupboard must smell heavenly...your little Burgoyne's just make me drool...they are amazing! And those little 4 patches...WOWSER!

  2. That Burgoyne is still calling my name ... and as much as I love miniatures, I'm just not sure that I could handle pieces that tiny. ;-)

    I'm glad that I'm not the only one who gets hairy blocks. ;-)

  3. I love seeing your little blocks grow in number! You are also a soap maker...anawesome, and so many done and waiting!

  4. Wow that is a lot soap! I bet it smells wonderful. Did you have that cabinet custom made to cure them? I've always wanted to try making soap. Maybe I can come to your house for soap camp.
    Your BS mini blocks are so perfect. I had trouble making those full sized. Amazing.
    Love your "big" leaf blocks. lol
    Lucky Gayle :)

  5. Those trays of soap look delightful and I'll bet they smell heavenly. Would love to learn soap-making someday. I'm always in awe of your patience making those teeny tiny blocks!

  6. Wow...your energy impresses me.....15 batches! As always your minis are wonderful, but I think you developed a new class of mini. Shall we call it micro? 1/2" is quite a feat!

  7. I am amazed at how anyone could sew a four patch that finishes at 1/2”. All your minis are just too cute.
    The picture of the trays of soap look like something from a bakery, beautiful.

  8. Oooo, love your blocks and that tiny little flimsy! Nice color combos! Just saw on Alaskan Frontier TV show that handmade soap needs to cure. I like your curing spot! I bet it smells wonderful!

  9. Wow! I love all that soap! I have done some shopping and sewing for Christmas, but I'm not really very organized about it. My excuse is that I'm still getting settled after moving! :-) The quilt blocks are looking great!

  10. You sure won't hear from me about having shopping & preparations done - but boy would I like to come visit and shop at your house! That array of soaps is really impressive - do you give lessons in how to organize ones time?? Your First set of blocks is fabulous - 97 pieces in each!! Simmering on the back burner far too long is Lisa's Settler's Crossing project. My sewing machine has been so neglected in favor of hand work. Just love Lisa's patterns. Her shop is only 1 1/2 to 2 hours away and I hardly ever get there.

  11. That soap looks good enough to eat!
    It's hard for me to wrap my mind around how small those blocks are and I love to make tiny blocks!!
    Christmas shopping? Haven't done a thing!

  12. Yikes, those are tiny blocks! They look great. We have a new doctor whose name is Burgoyne so I always think of the quilt block when I type his name :). Your soap cupboard is impressive! I haven't done any shopping so no comments from me. DD#1 is pleading for ideas though :). Have a great quilt shop trip!

  13. I had so much to say about this sweet post until I saw that those 4-patches finished out at 1/2" and then I was so incredulous that everything else flew out of my mind! LOL! Your leaves are fun!! And wow at the curing racks -- that is some system!! :)

  14. What very pretty colors you have chosen for your Burgoyne!! I love your tiny patchwork too. I have made soap in the past, for gifts, but dear husband just loved it and used it almost all up. Time to order some more supplies! Have a great weekend!

  15. When I look at your photos it always takes me a moment to remember exactly how small everything actually is. I want to make a Burgeogn S.quilt to, but much larger. I actually thought your trays of soap were rounds of cheese at first. Gosh, My eyes have been playing tricks all over.

  16. Oh my darling, nutty friend!! What favorite quilt shop is south of here?? And look at all that soap!! Your quilt and blocks are fabulous as always!! Congratulations to Gayle - you will LOVE the soap!!

  17. I wondered when you were going to post again. That tiny quilt is such a charmer! Glad you finished your soap project - it probably feels good to have it done. We had our last day at the office yesterday. I am cleaning out cupboards, refrigerator, and closets today. I've got to deep clean the bathroom. The young missionaries get to just board a plane and be gone. We need to prepare for the next couple to live here. They are absolutely wonderful!!! We leave Monday or Tuesday. Looking forward to posting something quilty soon.

  18. Oh the Burgoyne Surrounded blocks look wonderful and I love the tiny four-patches, too! Your soap cabinet is filled with awesome gifts, you worked so hard on all those soaps. Actually, I am jealous that you have a hubby that is willing to drive you to a quilt shop and stop for ice cream, yeay!!! My hubby just threatens a fabric intervention.

  19. Woot woot! I didn't know there was a prize involved with your tiny 4-patch! Lucky me! Did you have that cupboard built especially for your soaps? Impressive! I'm guessing your drive south took you to Elaine's - right? I haven't been there for quite awhile myself. I need to stop at a shop called Three Sisters - I bought a Groupon for there so need to go use it - but it's clear out by IKEA and that's quite a hike! I have a few things bought for Christmas but a friend shared a photo on Facebook the other day showing ALL of her gifts purchased and wrapped - UGH!

  20. More little beauty's! So many soaps, I bet they smell divine!

  21. I love to see what you are up to Janet and you never fail to amaze me!! Your mini blocks are incredible - 97 pieces whew! Both your 4-patches and leaf blocks are looking good too :-) Don't worry you won't hear anything from me about getting Christmas preparation underway! I'd love to smell your soap cupboard - bet it's yummy :-)

  22. Your soap making is serious business. I'm glad to see you had a bit of sew time, too. Happy Birthday!

  23. Always gret to read your posts and see what your up to Jane.
    That's a lot of soap, your place must smell amazing.
    Oh my, yes what were you thinking to even go that small and piece 97 into a tiny weeny block.....looks great.
    I haven't even started to think about buying for Christmas usual, it will be last minute thing.

  24. Janet.
    My apologies for my last comment post spelling, this tablet has amind of it's own.

  25. Janet, you have the best homemade soap that I have ever used. We loved it. Love all of your sewing goodies. I just don't know which is my favorite.

  26. The only quilt I have that my mother made is quilt that is getting well worn. It is a larger than yours - Maple Leaf out of scraps and I adore it. I'm glad you got a trip to the not so LQS. I'm going to another state next month with four other ladies from my guild to three LQS. I'm excited to visit other shops and socialize with other ladies. Thanks for sharing your wonderful projects.

  27. Um, actually, nope, I wasn't thinking that at all - I was thinking, "Oh my - those blocks are SO gorgeous!!!!" And of course even more so because of their size - simply perfect! I don't know how youdo it all - quilting and miniatures and soaps and blogging and family ..... you're amazing girlfriend!!!

  28. I love the little 4 patch Mom and nice work on all the soap!

  29. I can't imagine working with pieces so small, Janet. I just finished two minis but no where near the size of yours. You are very talented, my friend.

    And your soap? What a huge undertaking and wonderful Christmas gifts!

  30. you amaze me with how small your pieces are that your working with! that quilt is going to be amazing when its done. so nice that you make home made gifts of soap. I love receiving home made gifts.
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  31. Hard for me to fathom 97 pieces in a block that small! Janet, I have too many of my own UFOs to think someone else should have completed something! Those leaf blocks could use a good curing before being made into something. The little four-patch is adorable. Congrats to Gayle on the win. I finally broke out the soap you gave me last year to use in my new bathroom. Love it! You are smart to have a cabinet to cure your soap in. I can imagine all those trays in the way sitting on counters and tabletops. Did you bring home any goodies from the quilt shop?

  32. Can't see much of the soap but what little I see looks beautiful. What scents do you have there? Those tiny quilt pieces would drive me bonkers!

  33. I watched a soap making process on tv last week. Seems like a lot of work when you start from scratch with fat from a cow. Your soap making surely must be easier.

  34. You have got to be kidding???? lol, 97 pieces in a 3 3/4 inch square, Oh Janet, you are too much. lol It will be stunning. Congrats to Gayle for the win, I know she will love the soap. It is always nice to visit your favorite quilt store, hope you filled up your basket, that is a long way back to get something you forgot. I have to drive 40 minutes and that is a lot of miles as well. Wishing you a Blessed Thanksgiving, and God Bless you and your family.

  35. You are far ahead of me on the gift making spectrum. As I posted today, I am working on a quilt this week. I also hope to get another done but I'm not holding my breath...

  36. oh janet, i love those little burgoyne blocks....pretty autumn leaves too....and i put another cake of your soap in my soapdish the other smells so heavenly and feels so soft....what wonderful gifts!

  37. Those blocks are just wonderful. Your little quilts are so cute. I'm thinking about starting one as yours are always so inspiring.


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