
Sunday, August 24, 2014

Progress report of an easily distracted quilter.

Two little quilts are finished.
From a 9-patch SAL at quiltsbycheri blog. I think she called it "Gathering Patches." She made 3 different 9-patch quilts. I only made the first two. This one has been a flimsy for quite a while. I may tea-dye it. Haven't decided yet, for sure.

This was one of the many little quilts I made in my one-patch frenzy earlier this month. Just got it quilted and bound.

And speaking of the one-patch frenzy--the smaller quilt in this photo is the last of the little one-patch quilts that I had laid out on a design board. Very random scraps. I hadn't machine quilted for a while, so I used this as a warm-up piece before moving on to quilt "Market Day" (the larger quilt in the photo, from Pam Buda's SAL). Yes, Kris, I kept that border fabric on Market Day. After three quilt shops and nothing I liked better than this, it stayed!
Both of these just have the binding pinned down, waiting for hand stitching.

The back of Market Day is a repro of a great old patriotic print that I received from Barb Vedder (Fun with Barb blog), whom I consider queen of the cool backing fabrics!

I am working on getting caught up with Lisa Bongean's 10th Anniversary SAL. (Click the links on her sidebar for the patterns)
I chose to do the light border in one print, rather than a collection of scraps. The flying geese will go all around, eventually. I am just taking one side at a time, doing them by paper piecing. I have a hard time getting  lots of flying geese in a row to end up the size they are supposed to be, so I opted to take this route, and it is slow going. The corners will have little wool appliqued flowers.

And I got one more little block (finishes at 3 3/4") made in my mini version of Lisa Bongean's version of the APQ SAL. I have the strips cut for more. Hopefully I can add one or two blocks this week

Finally, the big quilt is progressing. (Yes, I do make big quilts, too.)
Three of the rows are made--two more to go. Then a couple of borders and the hardest part of all--how to quilt it? I'm open to suggestions. : )

Until next time,
Janet O.


  1. Oh my goodness, where do I begin? This is an amazing your little quilts...your tiny black blocks have my heart...they are amazing! I am in LOVE!❤️

  2. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!!! Everything is so perfect!! Of course I love the little one patches, and nine patch quilt! And what is there to say about the star quilt!!!! Quilting - let me see - something to make the stars pop - I'm sure you'll think of something perfect!!

    Have a blessed day!

  3. What do you use for your templates for your flying geese? I have learned the hard way that I just do better when I FPP my triangles.

    I just love, love, love your little quilts. Yum!

  4. Great always. Really love the applique one with the geese. All your stars are shining bright and beautiful! Do you want this one soft and cuddly or thread heavy? That would influence how I quilted it. Just make those stars pop.

  5. Such eye candy and inspiration! It is always a pleasure to open your blog posts.

  6. love that little nine patch scrappy quilt! of course i love the pink and brown one patch too. Your post is making me want to make some little quilts again!
    your BS blocks are really great. How many are you making?
    Hooray your big quilt is really coming along - wow you've been busy!!

  7. OMG lots of beautiful eye candy! Love the big quilt. I would quilt it using a panto since the patchwork is outstanding.

  8. I don't think there has been anything you've ever posted that I did not like. Those sweet tiny block blocks are awesome! Love it all...all of it...hear me! Hugs girl, have fun stitching!

  9. You need a secretary to keep track of all you have worked on or are in the process of! You are going to be surprised at what I have been working on the last three days.

  10. You have been busy, busy - as always! I really, really love the border fabrics in your 9 patch and in Market Day. I think Market Day may be my favorite in this post - but's hard to choose - they are all great. I'm hoping to make Lisa's SAL some day (add that to the "someday" list!) - yours is looking great - love those flying geese!

  11. These are all beautiful pieces! I'll be of no help with quilting the last one as I have a difficult time trying to decide that myself... I usually hand it off to a long arm quilter to decide (when I have extra funds)... or just quilt it on my domestic machine (either in the ditch or cross hatch)... stencils with hand quilting is great for Winter months... Have fun with it!

  12. So much eye candy.... so inspiring! You're definitely being successful luring me to the "mini" side! *lol* Don't know where to start commenting... I love all your work!


  13. Hi Janet. The border on that first one just makes it sparkle. I also like the striped border. I always enjoy looking at your quilts, but the stars and the ones with nine patches really make me want to head to the sewing machine.

  14. I simply adore your little quilts, Janet. :)

  15. Looks as though you could stay completely with SALs. I didn't realize there are so many happening in blog land

  16. Of course I love all your pretty quilts!! but I especially love your little nine patch you showed first. Perfect!!!

  17. So much quilty goodness in this post!! I loved everything you posted! You are such a talented quilter! As far as how to quilt your large quilt? I still have not started on my Hunter's Star quilt because I can not decide!

  18. Fun, fun, fun! I've been such a slacker in the quilting department this summer! But right now I'm trying to make a brightly colored little owl quilt to decorate my DIL's classroom - kinda fun for a change.....

  19. All I can say, is wow!!! 3 1/2 inches, ugh is too small for me to do. I will leave it up to you and your "nimble" fingers. I love you large quilt, those stars are talking to me.

  20. You must have tiny fingers to work with such tiny pieces of fabric!

  21. Once again your little quilts entrance me! So darn cute!!! I love the Anniversary SAL quilt :) And your "large" quilt is coming along beautifully! No idea how to quilt it, but I'm sure you will find the perfect motif(s) to complement it. I've got to get a few of mine quilted soon too!

  22. I have been so busy getting FAIR stuff done to set it all up, I haven't sewn a stitch since last Monday. I'm glad you got your Stitching in. Great Progress report. Wish I had some bindings to work on this week while I sit at the FAIR. I have two days to decide what I will stitch. Maybe a Disappearing Pinwheel Baby Quilt? I wonder how much I can get done in 40 hours this week?

  23. Each quilt your working on is super cute. I especially like the border on the nine patch. It just makes the quilt, and of course, I love pink and brown. So that's a perfect quilt and then the fabrics and colors of smaller version of the APQ SAL are so great together. Fantastic choices all around!

  24. Would be difficult to choose one over the other - each little quilt is so precious. Love the nine patch with the border! What an amazing amount of creativity and perseverence you have!!

  25. All I can say is WOW! I just love it all...especially those mini APQ'smight have to make a few of them myself!

  26. I always love to see what you have been up to. You are such an inspiration!

  27. Love it all Mom. That first little one sure is a beauty!

  28. Wow, you have been busy. Your productivity is amazing, and good on you for finishing up some of the older projects :-) The single block quilts are very effective. It's good to see your Market day finished as well - I thought I'd done well getting it to the top stage :-)

  29. You're a busy lady! They're all beautiful quilts, Janet, I do love Market Day and your nine patch too! You inspire me with all of your terrific finishes! I, too, love interesting backing fabrics... yours is perfect for "M.D."!

  30. Be still my heart ! I'm in love with the "Gathering Patches" and "Market Days" quilts. I really like the fabric combination that you used for the binding and outer border on the "GP" and the gold makes a perfect transition from the 9 patch blocks. I may just have to copy this one. Oh gee, how many times have you 'heard' me say that??? You keep making me want to get to the sewing machine as much as I am able.
    Thanks for the inspiration ... yet again.

  31. Cute little quilts, and the big one in progress! The Centennial print is a nice color way.
    Happy quilting!

  32. love that primitive gatherings have been a busy many lovely things to see...thanks for stopping by MY blog as well...had a busy week here with perfect storm of on fritz, medical problem, tv/phone out for a couple of days, plus the big birthday....again, beautiful quilts!

  33. Oh, Janet - I love the 9-patch SAL, although I love all your quilts!! You have been as productive as I have been un-productive!! One of these days . . .

  34. You go girl! I adore the blue stripe border on your market day. :)


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